Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 948: Spring cool

All of this makes Chen Hao feel a little uncomfortable. He doesn't enjoy it. He feels that he is on the cusp of the wind. One thing is not as good as the other. There are always people who want to hack themselves, too lazy to ignore them.

As a result, the person in charge of the team told him: "This is a little bit bigger, but it's just a little bit bigger. On weekdays, those super big coffees are all a few people who have a few calls before and after. We are still The first time I saw you like this, I took three or four people out. "

Chen Hao heard this. First of all, he was not quite convinced. Are many big-name Hollywood actors not very professional and low-key? It was later learned that there was no conflict between professional low-keys and the occasional call-backs. The second thing that comes to my mind is not how the big celebrities hugged and hugged each other, but the many people who became unpopular and soon lost their money and wanted to make money again. How much money can you run out of money so quickly?

Now I know that they not only have to take over half of the commission from the brokers of the brokerage company, but also support a large group of people. For their own image, they must also be good and expensive in their daily lives. Most of them are thrown here.

Shaking his head, Chen Hao really felt that he was a stranger, faintly out of touch with the mainstream form of others, and secretly said that he had to be the boss himself, which was a fraction of this one. It was estimated that it would account for three points of his annual income. one.

A green meadow is the best place to host a grass wedding. You can also see green trees not far away. Under good weather, blue sky and white clouds make you want to lie down and enjoy unconsciously. This grass and hug this sky.

The theme of Spring is filmed here. W Magazine does not pursue new ideas. The choice of topics is easy to understand. The main thing is to show Chen Hao. The thing is that he shows four styles of men. Since women regard him as the most Attractive men, magazines are shown to women again, so keep more of him in this shoot.

Spring is cool, summer is warm, autumn is cool, winter is cold.

Four chapters and four themes, the magazine and Chen Hao communicate very clearly. If you have any need to speak, we will give you whatever you want, provided that it is helpful for shooting.

Parasols, comfortable chairs, folding coffee tables, fruits and coffee are all prepared before Chen Hao arrives. All he needs to do is sit down and let the makeup artist stylist take a look to see if there is anything that needs to be added , And then waiting for all preparations, he can shoot according to the requirements of the photographer.

Seems very simple, but for a good photographer, every shot is a battle. If you meet a very professional partner, it ’s okay to meet those big names who are not likely to pose POSS to the state. Is the worst.

Today's photographer is the chief of W Magazine. Several of the best photographers are here. This time shooting is the highlight of W Magazine this year. They not only have to abandon the competition and cooperate sincerely. They have been told before coming that MOUSE has You know how hot it is to serve this uncle.

In a sense, the photographers of the big cattle goods are not weaker than the big stars, but the latter is more well-known in the public. Many stars will even make good photographers. They do n’t want to be ugly. I didn't want to show the most beautiful side when shooting the subject.

W Magazine did n’t want to make any mistakes, so there was an important arrangement to elevate Chen Hao ’s status infinitely. Everyone must use him as the absolute core to shoot. If he is not satisfied, everyone will follow his arrangement. He said If you do n’t want to take a photo, take a break. He explained that the photo will be taken in the sky. Everyone is ready to take pictures tomorrow. In short, take the best shot.

Chen Hao wouldn't say that I do n’t need these. He has n’t been so innocent. People arranged for him to enjoy it safely. The RV for changing clothes was parked aside. After he came to the scene, someone came to tell him how to shoot today. And ask if he has a request.

"It's enough to shoot according to your magazine's arrangement. When do I need to change clothes, when do I need makeup, and when do I shoot? I do n’t have any requirements here. Well, so at noon, let people give us a few Prepare some Chinese food. "With reasonable requirements, Chen Hao will not intentionally appear to be easy-going without mentioning. He still doesn't like the American side's meals as a regular meal.

"no problem."

Yes, W Magazine has been very satisfied here. I am afraid that after I arrive at the scene, I will need this again and again, and my clothes will not work. I am afraid that I will take another time to shoot.

"Mr. Chen, the photographer is almost there. Let's change our clothes."

"it is good."

After changing clothes, the makeup artist looked at him. He felt that his work this time would be very easy. The makeup of male stars is relatively simple. If your skin condition is better, but it is not oily skin, you can use a little embellishment. Already.

"Troublesome for you." The person in charge introduced Chen Hao to today's photographer. Chen Hao greeted him kindly. The first time I met each other was still good. Such a basis for cooperation would also exist. Comfortable or unpleasant to look at, it will definitely affect the effect when shooting.

Tony. Pekovic.

Chen Hao remembered the names of the two photographers. The three of them had the most communication during the shooting.

A plain white shirt, a pair of jeans, bare feet.

This outfit was as simple as it could be. The test was Chen Hao's skill. As the main photographer, Tony motioned for Chen Hao to cover up, unbutton the three buttons on the shirt first, and then all the buttons.

"MOUSE, please warm up first."

Warm up, congest the muscles, and then smear something to make the muscles feel more visible.

"Tony, you can come and shoot directly." Since it was a photo of a woman showing a magazine, Chen Hao had already made psychological preparations. If this material figure was not exposed, he would be sorry for himself. He has no psychological obstacles.

Unbuttoning the shirt, the light bronze skin color, the muscle lines that can be displayed without congestion at all, his condition, saves the photographer a trouble, does not need to use the shadow of light to shoot, even when Tony When looking at Chen Hao in the camera, he felt that he didn't need any P picture in the later stage.

Regarding how to shoot a tall feeling, how to modify the long legs without fat, and how to lengthen some feelings, these are all things that Tony resists from his heart. He feels that it is an insult to his profession. There is no way. Now, the stars and models are all the same, and their own conditions are not enough. They know that P and P are distorted after they have passed, and they still have to decorate themselves crazy. Sometimes, it ’s not just the feeling of being shot, but P. It feels that many times photographers don't think about how to shoot people, but how to take a good background, so as not to distort the background when they are P.

"Okay, great, MOUSE, it gives me a cool feeling, like laughter, spring, all things are recovering, and the cool image will bloom for a goal you look at."

Tony entered the state for the first time, he found his own "dish", and went directly to work. This time, he felt that he could make good works.

The image is good, the shooting conditions are good, the planning is good, and the photographer is good. The rest is the sense of story in the photo, and these are based on the subject's eyes, expressions and limbs, and perform with the entire environment, For many models, this is the most difficult place. Sometimes photographers are required to teach them and let them shoot fixed themes. They will pose a lot of beautiful POSS, and let them perform a theme that shows people and stories. , If the performance is not enough, there will be a lot of trouble.


Tony took a few photos of one lens and stopped. He did n’t need Chen Hao on the opposite side to give himself a small range of transformations. That did n’t match the current feeling. The conventional shooting was not enough to match this. Theme once.

"MOUSE, you don't need to give me a few shapes deliberately, and you can put them at will, one at a time, or in the middle of this action, you want to have some subtle changes, then according to your own emotions, I want What you feel now is the kind of look you gave me just now, and the feeling that the corner of your mouth just raised a little bit ~ ~ It's great, we want to take a set of classic photos. "

Tony's whole person has changed, and he is extremely excited. He feels that he has dreams of everything. Before these four themes, he was not very confident. What four styles are nothing more than the changes in the environment of spring, summer, autumn and winter with the clothes of the four seasons. This kind of planning case has already gone bad. What is the warmth of spring and the warmth of summer? I think it's good. This time, it wasn't all the things that could only be photographed on the surface, how could the latter things be photographed.

"Tony, how about this."

Chen Hao lay on the grass, spread his arms and put a big character, he felt it was very comfortable, squinting slightly, still a cool expression, but the enjoyment and the corner of his mouth had already raised some smiles As the spring of life revived, the cool look also showed a tender side, and it gave the viewer the feeling that this cool man is untying himself-unbuttoning the shirt buttons, Spring blooms in the warmth of my heart.

"Okay, okay, hurry up, I'll go up, rise, rise, okay, drop a bit. MOUSE, hold on, I'll find the best distance."

There must be various lenses on the scene, and the lifting equipment is also prepared. After Tony went up, he did n’t need any protective measures. He wanted the best feeling at the moment. I took the camera and took the camera to record the documentary filmed on the spot, one holding the camera and one holding the camera. Because of the status of these three people, the whole scene will need to break in, and even skip it. Everyone was subconscious and did not bother these three people. The people who could cooperate with it silently followed the process and performed meticulously, for fear that something went wrong, which would break the very good shooting status now.

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