Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 946: The most attractive man?

On the tenth day of the release of "Smith and wife" in North America, the second weekend passed. North American box office has accumulated 350 million, and it is full of strength. Good word of mouth gives it good enough stamina, and it has made a leap in the predicted more than 200 million box office. improvement.

Many people think it ’s incredible. I ’m not very optimistic about this film. It will have a good reputation and a good box office. It just did it. The box office was more than three billion yuan. As a starter, the corresponding income will not be small. This film It can be said that it made a lot of money.

The word of mouth is also good, the commercials of the family family, as well as the good content, the overall creativity is also good, the acting skills of the actors are also online, at least two hours to watch it, at least the whole process without urine-point, watching very enjoyable.

In terms of Huaxia, due to the increase in the number of films, it got two billion box office in ten days, and it felt as if it was catching up with the North American box office. It also made the whole world see the vigorous and ferocious Huaxia market. As the world ’s largest consumer group, if one You can't make money in Huaxia, then you are losing the most profitable way.

Kristin was completely red in Huaxia, and various invitations to make money from Huaxia made Kristin's agent so busy that he did not have time for basic audits. He could only resort to the era of reunion and thought that Chen Hao was at Huaxia. Kristin's brokerage company and agent made the most correct choice, that is, to hand over all her trips in China and even Asia to the era of happy gathering to represent, although it will be taken away a lot of money Part of the reward, but others can maximize your benefits and reduce your troubles. Once and again, the commissions that are drawn away don't seem to be that much, and the money you earn is actually about the same.

In the summer, Hollywood movies can have a release period of more than ten days, which is not bad. The number of subsequent screens is steadily decreasing, and the daily revenue is insignificant. Therefore, this "Smith and wife" is at least one week away. In good time, everyone is watching if it can break through the 400 million box office.

Some people have started to explore what percentage of Chen Hao's share will be after the 200 million box office. How much will this Chinese star star in the North American market's first movie?

Fox fully satisfies everyone's curiosity. Let me discuss and speculate first, and finally give a number that is almost vague. Let this period of curiosity become a hot topic in the media.

The North American side counted at the box office, ignoring Chen Hao ’s story in The Wilderness Alone, saying that he had a new script.

Huaxia was not surprised at the box office of "Smith and wife". Hao Zi performed it. It would be strange if there were no two billion box office. This is not surprising. They were more curious about the new script recommended by him. What kind of movie he will shoot, who will be invited to play the main role in the film.

Who will be the heroine?

Everyone is very interested in this. Looking at the works since Chen Hao's debut, if he is the male lead, the female No. 1 will definitely have a big wave of fame. Whether it is a movie or a TV series, Zhao Liying runs to shoot "Xia Comedies like Lott's Trouble will eventually be able to grow a large number of fans for himself. This time, a script that he so admires, who will the heroine choose? Is it the unjust choice Xiaodi? Or choose actors based on the needs of the character?


Having entered the hottest August, Chen Hao entered the deserted island for almost twenty days. Here he has completed a process from scratch. On the twentieth day, he pressed the pager and called for rescue. .

Standing at the seaside, his rucksack was already backed up, and everything to be taken was already backed. When he saw the rescue boat approaching, he calmly said to the camera, "It's almost time, I should go out."

Facing the rescuers, he shouted a phrase that had no real value: "I quit."

When the show aired, Chen Hao had already returned to Hollywood. He had a good rest in the hotel for a day, had a full body examination, had a good night's sleep, had a good steaming massage, and the third day of the show aired. At that time, Chen Hao also appeared in a movie theater in Hollywood. He made a final round of propaganda for "Smith and Smith", and he faced the media, that is, propaganda.

The last scene of the "Loneness in the Wild" aired that day was that Chen Hao left the island. No one would think he was a loser. Standing in front of the rescue boat, holding the railing, he got a cigar from the boat and sailed forward. That gesture seems to be a tycoon who returns from triumph, not a weak man who can't keep going out of the game.

After the end of the show, everyone still felt a bit empty. Every other night, the expectations of the TV are gone. At this time, a news just appeared on the Internet. If there is entertainment news on the TV at night, , Also borrowed light.

The mouse came out of the desert island. Tens of thousands of films have been unable to stop him. What kind of film will he achieve in his next movie? What will be his next film? The eight major movie companies are now eager to try it. At present, except for the big movie stars of those series, there are not many well-known male actors whose images are not fixed. Chen Hao is undoubtedly the most up-and-coming star.

For those blockbusters with a script that lacks the male number one, hurry up and make an appointment. This young man is undoubtedly one of the best choices.

"I haven't watched the movie. I just watched a movie today, thank you all."

Chen Hao only briefly appeared in front of the media, briefly said a word, and walked into a screening room surrounded by the people around him.

Anyone with a good eye knows that watching a movie is just a guise. This guy who has lived alone on a deserted island for twenty days is now receiving much attention. His first public activity after he came out was to call the cinema to watch a movie. At the end of the "Smith and wife" box office, there will be an upward curve.

Chen Hao watched the movie in the past two hours and had to always be distracted. Today, there is always a restless talking voice in this screening room. Chen Hao is sitting in the back corner. The entire 120-minute movie is in front of him. All viewers look back from time to time.

Originally, there was only about 30% of the attendance in this scene. Within five minutes after Chen Hao came in, all the tickets for this scene were sold out. Many people came in not to watch the movie, but to watch him.

By the end of the film, everyone still gave him full enthusiasm. Your mouse was not able to participate in the premiere, which should have given you applause. Then I will give it to you today. The acting is really good, be cool and cool. If there is movement, there is no lack of 'sex-sense'. In this movie, Chen Hao has become the darling of the fashion circle. It will be something that did not fully explode on the secret of Victoria at this time. This time, Mr. Smith The body broke out completely.

The first is a fashion magazine. I hope to interview and shoot photo shoots.

After that, there are various clothing brands, constantly quoting to the era of jubilee, higher every time.

Chen Hao's name has been placed on the invitation list for all large-scale fashion events all over the world, and it is the main invitation.

On the Internet, some photos of Chen Hao in the past were all dug up, produced in various ways, arranged in various forms, what expression packs, what desktops, what wallpapers, what avatars ...

"Smith and Smith" has a good reputation and exceeded the expected box office, it was very successful, but in the eyes of many people, rather than the success of this movie, it is better to say that the success of the hero and heroine, Kristin is a big hit Chen Hao has become a phenomenal actor completely. Everyone is discussing his acting skills when he is a clown. In this play, what is completely charming is how charming and charming he is?

In the past, his female fans were relatively young, or some female fans who simply loved her songs. Now, at the age of 25 to 45, his lethality has reached a peak, in In the era when idol stars are no longer popular, he has become the most attractive and 'sex-sense' man in the eyes of a new generation of women.

The cultural differences between the East and the West, and the aesthetic differences between the East and the West, Chen Hao did not become an idol that made everyone think that I was simply fascinated by this man. I did not expect that in the international market, the image of Mr. Smith captured countless women for him. The heart of the fans. It is open in the West, and everyone dares to speak up. On the Internet, especially on social software, there are countless women ~ ~ Dress up in the image you think is the best, upload photos after selfies, and leave them alone. Chen Hao showed affection.

After watching the movie, Chen Hao walked through a special channel to leave, and gathered thousands of female fans in front of the cinema. In this place in the United States, I rarely see such avid fans. If it is not finished, it may even let Chen directly Hao leaves early.

When there is demand and there is a market, some people dare to operate.

At first, in order to get pictures of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie ’s children, some media paid a sky-high price. As long as the child ’s front photo was tens of millions of dollars, later it was a direct agent in an open way. Do n’t you want to see it? ? Come with the money, I will show it directly to you.

Today, Chen Hao also enjoyed this treatment. On the day when other people just arrived in the second season of the "Prison Break" crew report, several world-class magazines competed to quote with the era, and among these, they were magazines for women. The offer is the highest, and several major brands have fought a crazy price war.

If you want to make a special issue, it's not just the cover that covers you. This special issue is yours. You won't even quote it in the later period, and you will send a blank check.

Everyone is stupid, and even Chen Hao is stupid. This is too ridiculous. When he didn't return from the desert island, the film was also released. Why is there no such exaggerated effect? What's more, Chen Hao has self-knowledge. His appearance, among the actors, is barely middle and upper. This also includes the addition of healthy skin color and smooth and clean skin. How did he suddenly become the majority of women? -The dream lover?

From a very attractive man to the most attractive man, if you do n’t know that the company is just watching the excitement, Chen Hao will think that this is a company's propaganda made by spending a lot of money. Why? Without an answer, he would never dare to accept the blank check, the various quotes and even the various conditions.

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