Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 942: Handsome cool

"Smith and the Wife" made a strong landing in the summer season in North America. When many blockbusters gathered, they got a fairly good number of screens and schedules.

It was a double-edged sword for Chen Hao to participate in "Lone Living Alone" to reversely propagate. When it was released, they hoped that Chen Hao could pull it out. However, the program group of "Lone Living Alone" was not stupid, and it cost a lot of money. The show is so hot that I ca n’t wait to spend more money on Chen Hao to make him stay for a longer period of time, how could he get him out early.

In terms of Huaxia, it is a precedent. In the past, there were blockbusters of old plotters, blockbusters of Chen Kaige, and they also operated Hollywood mode films, and they were played on the most resource-rich schedule. This time, a film other than the leading actor The purely Hollywood productions outside the China Summer Program are definitely big news.

The number of films can only be limited, and some domestic films also need more space. This is also the movie starring Chen Hao. After fame, the first day of filming was less than 20% of the market share.

The world premiere at the same time, this film's promotion is very different, let many people know its existence, in North America, watching a movie is the most common thing, many domestic middle class, also began to go to the cinema Going to a movie has a different feel than watching a movie on a computer and TV.

The attendance of the premiere is not very large in the United States, and the screening hall of the large theater is still full of face. The same is true for Huaxia. Even if there is no outside audience, just a fan of Chen Hao, it can support at least 100 million box office.

In Hollywood, there is a very common box office law for commercial films, which only excludes very few films with word of mouth explosion. The rest are basically the same. The box office at the weekend of the first week will account for about 30%-40% of the total box office. There are 30 million box office on the weekend, so basically your box office in North America is about 100 million.

Any movie company pays special attention to the pre-screening publicity. By the first weekend of this film, it is the most important battlefield. Once you lie down on this battlefield, you will hope to get the award in the annual awards season before going to the theater. With the box office, there will be no second method.

In the screening room of a Hollywood movie theater, there are no crowds. In the movie theaters in this area, you can easily find here all the obvious ways to watch movies, the media, film critics and so on.

In the investigations of various media and film critics before the release, everyone did not show how excited they were. In their perception, this is just a very ordinary Hollywood-style commercial shootout movie. This kind of handsome beauty and cool special effects shots, to attract everyone to enjoy the lively audiovisual enjoyment for more than 100 minutes, there is no point in deep research, in Hollywood, there is no need to go deep commercial blockbusters.

The movie started. Everyone was like an old god. Seeing that, handsome guys and beautiful girls, chance encounters, and then all kinds of beautiful pictures, rolled together, and got married, this routine is really too ordinary.

Audiences who do n’t have so many ideas can see it with great interest. They took popcorn and cola and went to the cinema to watch a movie. It is just a very simple weekend entertainment project. Just relax and do n’t need to bring your brain. I do n’t want to go. Think about what the director wants to express, frame by frame.

MOUSE is handsome, Kristin has a good taste, the screen of the two feels great, and that's it.

The plot is advancing very quickly. After the marriage, the dullness in their lives is magnified infinitely in their respective identities. They long for the warmth of the family, but somehow resist the warm dullness at home.

"Wow, cool!"

Mr. Smith shot and he completed one of his missions.

Mrs. Smith also shot, and she accomplished her task equally well.

Then two people attended the party of the neighbor's house together, which made everyone very enjoyable. There was a sense of fantasy in ordinary family couples. Behind our ordinary life, will there be many secrets, my husband (wife) Will I also have a special identity? Will there be a weapon box hidden in the fireplace in my home? Will the storeroom on the grass of my home be filled with cash and weapons?

When Mrs. Smith clumsily and stiffly picked up the baby, a kind of warmth suddenly struck, such as a spring breeze, so that all audiences felt a little warmth in the business atmosphere. This was not only a sign of the lack of life of the couple, but also the Give the audience a clear feeling.

The big turn is wonderful, but the little warmth that flows into our lives is equally precious.


In Yanjing, a movie theater near Xidan, a VIP hall was contracted out.

The VIP hall of this home theater has its own separate public toilet and separate lounge area. In the lounge area, one exit connects to the interior of the cinema, and the other exit connects to the stairwell. You can walk directly from the second floor to the underground parking lot. You can also open the door of the staircase to reach the elevator area. At the beginning of the design, the celebrity charter and celebrity viewing were taken into consideration. This is the capital. This is the capital's prime area. The cinema is on the second floor of the mall. On one side, the first floor, the second floor, and the third floor are all big domestic and foreign brands. If you come across some stars here, don't be surprised.

Not only did Xiao Di pack a movie here, he also packed a movie in Modu, not only the star friends of the two, the crew of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography" filmed in Hengdian, but also a nearby movie theater, specializing in A hall, please go and see.

Hollywood commercials, handsome guys and beautiful women are to be displayed in all directions. In the past, Chen Hao rarely had the opportunity to show his body in the country. This time, from the beginning of the movie, he will show his body that can make Christine eclipsed. .

Actors and actresses have a congenital gap in showing their stature, and the latter is undoubtedly the most noticeable. The former is not surprisingly outstanding, and it is really hard to have any effect.

In the beginning scene of Chen Hao, the scene of the couple changing clothes at home, and even the scene of driving a car in the desert, all showed their bodies in varying degrees, some were looming, some were displayed on the upper body, and some were displayed across the clothes. of.

The most important point of commercial films is to continuously stimulate the audience's audiovisual experience. If you can make everyone forget to eat popcorn and drink Coke, then you are undoubtedly the most successful, creating an atmosphere of tension to suffocation and showing unparalleled vision. Special effects, "Smith and Smith" have done this in terms of rhythm, and there are constantly turning points in the story.

The two set their own tasks and went to a party together.

The duel between the two in the wilderness.

They searched for each other until they found the temptation.

As a result of the first tentative test at home, Chen Hao chased Christine's car while running.

Showdown at Mrs. Smith's office.

At home, the people-blood-vein-spray-zhang couple show off.

After the gun was dropped, the wild possessed each other and a breakfast that made people feel appetizing.

Faced with the enemy's self-defense battle, the home was destroyed to run on the highway.

The final battle on a fixed occasion.

This film brings together all the things that should be found in Hollywood commercial shootout movies. With the family as a link, the seemingly complete popcorn plot, there are also questions and discussions about family about love. When this film did not hype the hero and heroine, -Smell, its value is directly infiltrated into the viewer's feelings.

Wonderful, this is the answer in front of all the audience, like Xiao Di, they are sitting in the auditorium, there is almost no time for plot time, let everyone discuss two sentences, the whole film in one go, in the most wonderful family In the couple showdown, Chen Hao, a nameless but real action guide, fully expressed the atmosphere of Dougman's wonderful Hong Kong-style shootout, and added a lot of wonderful action scenes that interact with the environment. For this reason, Kristin did not suffer a lot when shooting, but as a professional actor, she overcomes many difficulties and completed these real pictures outside the special effects lens.

Foreign audiences saw a different feeling ~ ~ Huaxia audiences saw a picture that they once knew.

In the last big drama, he completely broke away from the script when filming. The setting of this drama Chen Hao felt frightened when filming. It was not as enjoyable as before. In a certain degree of attempt to modify, he let all in the crew People saw more wonderful ways of showing, including the prepared cooperation between the couple.

In the script, the two have lived together for several years. In the life, they are familiar with each other's accumulated tacit understanding. In fact, in the final battle, the performance is not obvious. The script only reflects the trust and sturdiness of each other. , Professional, but these have been shown in the previous car chase and the family was hunted down, except that there is no tacit understanding after frankness with each other about all the secrets, that is a tacit understanding that they did not find each other , Living together, seemingly do not know where, but the bits and pieces of life accumulate, the kind of tacit understanding of each other's habits, in the last battle, the most vividly displayed.

For this scene, the crew took a film that could have been completed a long time in advance. It stretched out ten days, and the splendor of the scene also let everyone see it, and integrated all the previous excitement. At the same time, in the various action scenes, the performance of the two people is still very eye-catching. For example, Chen Hao protected Christine and was shot. The pain at that moment was clearly shown, but he turned his head and turned The performance of Yun Danfeng Qingqing, unwilling to let his wife see himself injured, unwilling to distract her in the battle.

Regardless of whether it is Huaxia or an audience around the world, when watching it for two hours, when the last question and answer that seems to have no end appears, there is a feeling of relief and enjoyment. The pure audiovisual experience of this film is absolutely no better than those Hollywood's big success with action movies is worse.

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