Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 934: Happy ing

Change your comfortable clothes and sit in front of the game console. Can you imagine that fighting games are attracted to Xiaodi in this game console?

The fighting game has a duel, and there are also two players. The two of them will choose the latter most of the time. Chen Hao also likes it. From the first Dinosaur Kombat and the Three Sword Saints to the later Three Kingdoms and the Journey to the West, the two always They are very happy to play. They laugh, shout and tap the keys. They don't care how good they are, they just enjoy the fun of customs clearance.

This thing has a great lethal effect on the passing of time. When I come back to play in the afternoon and look up again, the sun is no longer cast outside the curtain. It is more than three hours to play, look at each other, and turn off the machine.

At the children's pool table, the two looked at each other and faced each other, which determined who led the next dinner.

Wash your hands.

Open an old record player at home, play a vinyl record, very old American band songs, Xiao Di went to the small bar counter, and drank a glass of wine in a way that they liked very much.

Both of them like this thing, and they have studied it systematically. As long as it is not completely mismatched with the wrong taste, both of them are willing to use the level of the semi-hanger to make some interesting experiments, and it is the main feeling to try out a new wine taste. of.

Chen Hao played the record here, and Xiaodi had already come out with two glasses of cocktails and handed him a glass. They both sat on the sofa and rested. They were tired after playing for an afternoon, closed their eyes and leaned on each other, listening Music and drinking.

Being able to find someone in life with the same habits as their own fun life, there is nothing in it, and 10,000 couples will always have disputes over their interests and hobbies, and can enjoy a seemingly ordinary home time together Instead of playing with each other while holding their mobile phones, the happiness of the young couple at that time, put down the mobile phone, you will find the other half exists.

"Eat western food at night."

After ten minutes, the wine was finished and the rest was almost the same. The two began to prepare dinner.

The ingredients are ready-made, and both of them like to eat steak. There are always many steaks prepared in the refrigerator, Chen Hao fried steak, a lamb stew with red wine, Xiao Di makes a fruit and vegetable salad, and some side dishes. Chen Hao wants Drink some red wine, and they awoke with a bottle of red wine.

Although there is not too much verbal communication, just listening to music, in the kitchen, occasionally raising your head and smiling at each other, or someone doing a wrong step in it, will cause the two to laugh more than just, just now, Xiaodi, who was washing the fruit, prepared a dozen of raisins, but after washing it, there was no trace of the raisins in the fruit bowl for fruit salad preparation.

Chen Hao brought his mobile phone. He just held his arm in front of him and placed the mobile phone under the console with the other hand. He just took a picture of Xiao Di washing and eating.

"Oh, this is delicious."

"It's so sweet. I'll have another one."

Watching the video, they both laughed. Chen Hao said frankly, "If you don't let go of this section, you are almost going to catch up with Chichi classmates, absolutely eating."

Xiaodi took a fork, and forked an apple into his mouth. "Dare you." After speaking, I was a little embarrassed, and took out some new grapes in the refrigerator.

Dinner was properly prepared, and Chen Hao took the wine out of the ice bucket and poured half a glass for the two.

"Can you get me some ice in the refrigerator again?"

Xiaodi made a sigh, took out the ice cube box in the refrigerator, opened it, and was ready to pinch out some, his eyes were flashed. In the ice cube box, the white box wall, the ice crystals, but Nothing can conceal the existence of a more glittering.

The light shining against the lights and the surrounding ice crystals instantly shattered Xiao Di's reserved hold as a girl, and the surprise came to her to cover her mouth subconsciously.

When the light was off, Chen Hao lit the candlestick placed on the dining table, and then lit the small spotlight on the TV. There was some light in the room. He stepped forward and took out the diamond ring in the ice cube box, kneeling on one knee.

"Beautiful girl, would you marry me?"

The scene, if Chen Hao wants the scene, the media around the world can flock to a grand proposal ceremony.

No, he chose such an environment where there are only two people, to share his own intentions and the strong emotional atmosphere between each other at this moment, only to share with each other.

There is no golden glory, no formal makeup and heavy makeup, and an affection that only two people can enjoy. There is no lens to record this moment, and there is no need to record this moment, let alone make this picture public. It is doomed to the future of the two. The wedding is a wedding without secrets, and at this time today, it is the best that is exclusive to two people.

A diamond ring of 13.14 grams specially made for Carter for Cartier in Cartier. At first he didn't think much about how much it cost, it was unique. Later, the company told him that Cartier had sent an invitation, hoping that he and Xiao Di could be invited as spokespersons, not Huaxia or Asia, but global spokespersons. This diamond ring symbolically charges Chen Hao a fee, It can also be regarded as Cartier's sincerity. As for the endorsement fee, it will be calculated separately.

Chen Hao didn't get too impressed that this is a wedding ring that has to be paid for by himself. The entire design is drawn by hand. Then he finds the most professional jewelry designer and enriches some details, which means the diamond weight of a lifetime. The unique feeling shown by the entire ring is not to show luxury in large size, but to use a subtle design to highlight the feeling of the whole ring. Of course, the position of the diamond in it is unshakable.

"Well." Xiaodi nodded frantically, choking, "I do."

Dreamlike is the expectation of every girl, but if there is a person who can make you feel that everything is not as good as he is standing in front of you, then you are right, he is the person you should choose in this life .

"Parents, he proposed to me."

After having eaten, Xiao Di video with her parents, the diamond ring on her hand and the emotion that she can't control choking as soon as she opens her mouth, all convey her happiness at this moment to the parents on the other side of the video.

Once a rock and roll comrade who missed the headlines and finally seized the headlines by an engagement proposal. It was a drone and what it was. Those who are here at Chen Hao are not a thing at all. For him, the headlines can only be considered There are too many, in a place where the two feel comfortable, as a marriage proposal location, Chen Hao thinks this is the best, and in the future wedding, he will give the girl around him a truly dreamy wedding. At that time, I just hope she doesn't take it too far.

At this time, we are us, it has nothing to do with our identity.

Chen Hao chose to be at home, and it was such a message. It was just Chen Hao and Xiao Di. They were just these two people, without any other external things.

Men, you need to give the girl something that both she and her family think are promises. They are all celebrities. Marriage may be a lot more busy. Engagement is just a warmth between the family members, which is the same promise as a wedding.



Not only was Xiaodi's parents, Xiaodi also exchanged videos with Qiao Xinmei. The diamond ring on his hand announced the dust of certain things. Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei were very happy. Chen Hao had long thought about it and would give it to both parties. The major relatives and friends bought a luxury trip to the Maldives, organized a group by themselves, arranged a professional guide to play with them, and then he and Xiaodi would fly over, and the two of them would sit down to eat together. Compared to the future wedding, it may not be as busy at all. The opportunity to exchange a completely commercial scene, such a trip is a trip belonging to two loved ones.

After these two videos, Xiao Di hid in Chen Hao's arms, and was unwilling to separate for a moment. First, for nearly an hour, no one spoke, watching the candles on the candlestick burn quietly.

After that, the two went to the Internet and started the things that they were most happy to do in the past. Shopping online does not have to pursue any big brand. Eyes are the first element, and like is the only reason to choose to buy.

In the past, the two were buying in a mess, and today the direction of purchase has changed. The choice of home furnishing is an unconscious change in the hearts of the two. In the future, the two will form a family that belongs to them. What will it look like? How about it?

"At that time, we will specially come up with a storage room ~ ~ to make you a whole snack storage room."

Chen Hao's proposal was recognized by Xiao Di with a smile on his face, and a fragrant kiss was received. The subsequent words made the other person's face instantly collapse.

"The premise is that you want to exercise with me."

Scratching the face, then shattering the thoughts. On Xiaodi's body, you will not think the picture is bad, but you will feel extra cute.


The next day, in the era of happy gatherings, dozens of media gathered once. The selfie of the two last night was tantamount to announcing something to everyone. A couple of high-profile lovers finally became lovers. Already.

On Weibo, Xiaodi and Chen Hao took selfies with faces, slightly funny. The diamond ring on their hands was not deliberately placed in the most prominent position, nor was it deliberately hidden.

Two people tweeted at the same time, the photos are the same, and the content is different.

Xiaodi: "Happy ing !!!!!!!!!!!!"

Chen Hao: "Is the highlight obvious?"

Vanity is the inevitable existence of everyone who can't deny it. When the media flocked to the interview, Xiaodi also answered the questions with happiness and acknowledged what everyone had guessed. The bright spot in the picture was found instantly on the Internet, so bright diamond ring.

"He proposed to me yesterday."

what! !!

The scene was full of regrets. Such a grand event has not been made public. It's a shame, otherwise it must be the super news of the entire entertainment industry.

On Weibo, during the night, Haomen fans and Xiaodi fans cleared the market strongly, and the screen was full of blessings. At this time, whoever dared to make trouble, that is, never stop talking with us, we want to give two Full screen of happiness.

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