Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 928: Really just traveling

The image of Chen Hao's total informality is really beyond some people's expectations.

Public figures pay special attention to their public image. Although this is an outdoor live-action program, one thing to pay attention to is the image.

Taking off your shoes barefoot, or having some dirty muddy water on your body, this is nothing. You can laugh at your feet for a whole day, and the smell of the feet is fascinating. In non-funny programs, few people have such a thing. behavior.

Take off your shoes, take off your socks, and put on the slippers that came with your backpack. A cool breeze will make you feel comfortable all over your body.

I did n’t bring things like a washbasin, a footbath, and so on. To wash my face, I use boiling water in a soup pot, soak my face with a towel, and to wash my feet is to pick up a pit. Relieving fatigue is the first goal. You cannot clean up the dirt completely, and you cannot pursue so many details.

Even so, covering your feet for a day and soaking them in warm water is extremely comfortable. The remaining three hot water are not used. Take off your shoes and take water not far away. The river, the cold water flushed to solve the problem, if not for this trip is relatively easy, all three can be a few days, without taking off their shoes.

The fire warms the body, and the clothes are also placed on the clothes poles set up by the branches next to the fire. By the heat of the fire, the clothes are dried to make them dry when they are worn tomorrow.

Chen Hao only wears a pair of pants, a t-shirt, and barefoot wearing slippers. According to the image of a big star, this is very shabby and casual; according to the status of a donkey living in the wild, he is still more comfortable. There are three people who can help, he can live broadcast the fun and beautiful scenery of the wild to everyone.

A strong Erguotou in a special kettle, delicious snakeheads, a few stir-fried picking of wild vegetables and air-dried bacon on the body, just after entering the mountain, there is rice on the body, and a pot of fragrant rice will be simple but not simple. This vocabulary fits perfectly on the dinner, and the tourists in the live broadcast room are also drooling, giving rise to the idea of ​​a good meal.

"Sleeping well at night, many friends will feel that camping in the wild, sleeping at night is purely to ensure sleep and go to sleep, there is a problem of mentality, there are problems of habits."

"Urban life and the development of high technology have made everyone accustomed to using the Internet as the first choice to pass the time before bedtime. Playing games, chatting, and watching videos, suddenly these things are missing, and you will feel that the night is particularly long and It's boring. I used to go camping outside, and I still drink a lot of wine at night, and I was faint. I closed my eyes in the sleeping bag until dawn, and never thought of looking for the fun on this night. "

Before eight o'clock, Chen Hao had already entered the tent without any recreational activities. He was half a day away. Being tired is one thing. Resting well can provide more physical reserves, and no large beasts have been found nearby. There are some early warning devices specially set up around the tracks. The three Chen Gangs do n’t need to watch vigils in batches. They can stay asleep normally. With their vigilance, they can react to the wind for the first time, and their sleep is very shallow.

In Chen Hao's tent, he lit a tent lamp to provide some light to the tent. Chen Hao sat there and talked with everyone for more than 20 minutes. Then, he lay down and adjusted the phone to the perspective of the sky. The skylight at the top of the tent opened, and across the screen, looked at the bright stars.

"For another ten minutes, I have an idea to feel the beautiful night friends with me. Let's look at the starry sky together, listen to the song of the insects around me, and feel the feeling of a gentle breeze blowing together. Tonight, I I hope someone deliberately abandons their mobile phone, tablet computer, and Internet, and quits playing games. Lie on the bed, close your eyes, and keep your brain from going into dreamland while playing these things in a hyper-excited state, take a deep breath, slowly exhale, and keep this Rhythm."

"Early to bed and early to get up, everyone forgot these four words, did you? Adjust the phone or tablet beside you to mute. When I close the broadcast, I hope that some of my friends can enter the state of sleep ... "

Many people say that they are night owls and ca n’t sleep. I have to stay up late to play games or chat on the Internet. I ca n’t sleep if I ca n’t keep my eyes open.

When you really do n’t think in your head, someone guides you to empty yourself as much as possible, lie flat on the bed, cover the quilt above the abdomen, put your hands on the lower abdomen, and close your eyes, unless you just get up, Otherwise, the normal time period of more than eight o'clock in the evening, ten minutes is enough to let you enter dreamland, and it is a comfortable state you can't imagine.


In the five five live broadcasts, a rare low number of people online. When Chen Hao was broadcasting, there were only more than half a million people; these half a million people were still at him at 12 o'clock in the night. At this time, more than three hours have passed since he closed the live broadcast.

Everyday, everyone will also have **** fans. From time to time, they go to five or five to hang up. One hang is a day. It is very common when there are more than one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand. Today, suddenly there are more than half a million people. After a small feature news, I talked about this, and some people who did n’t see the live broadcast, went to watch the playback video, and then they knew why there were more than half a million people. They stayed at five or five in the middle of the night. It was asleep directly. After Chen Hao closed the broadcast, they had already fallen asleep.

The same is true of Chen Hao. The comfortable night sky, listening to the sounds of nature, did not use a sleeping bag. Chen Gang got up once in the middle of the night, and Kang Yan got up again at two or three o'clock in the morning, adding fire separately. The temperature brought by the fire accompanied The blowing wind was sent into the tent. The warm ones just covered the sleeping bag or turned and rode. They felt extra comfortable. They fell asleep until five o'clock in the morning, and the sky was already bright in the mountains. The morning is the most comfortable, with a little dampness and fresh dew. I shook my nose and smelled the taste of nature. The remaining rice last night was cooked with porridge and fried with unfinished bacon. Mountain wild vegetables, and then take out the air-dried beef jerky from the backpack, it should be added.

More than 5 o'clock live broadcast, not too early, many young people will live on the Internet all night long. During this time, Chen Hao gathered them at five five, and he did not have the light to show everyone to eat breakfast and brush their teeth and wash their faces. But in this mountain forest, the visitors of the live studio showed pure natural parkour. This kind of truth cannot be overthrown by 10,000 kinds of speculations.

"Wow, look at the mountains over there, the sun is rising from there."

After taking everyone to watch the sunrise, Chen Hao shut down the live broadcast, saying goodbye like this: "You start to get up to work and start a day of struggle, I will start to hurry, let's cheer together."

To survive in the wild, there must always be a route goal. Chen Hao showed you a partial route on the first day. In these ten days, you have to cross a hundred kilometers of mountainous areas. It is inconvenient to expose specific coordinates to everyone. I am afraid there are some The crazy guys chased each other. They only showed daily how much distance they traveled on the day. During the live broadcast, they would show everyone the area conquered yesterday and confirm that their team is always moving forward instead of around the place. Make a show for the audience.

After the live broadcast was turned off, the four of them really started a journey in a state of leisurely walking.

At first Zhou Peng also felt that this was something that he worked hard for for the show. After really seeing Chen Hao's strength, he knew that if it was not for the live broadcast, there was no need for his own special load-bearing staff.

They are really just traveling, a special way of traveling without having to worry about the big stars being blocked by many fans.

In this old mountain forest, there is no pressure at all. On the way, there are some so-called dangers. For the three, it is like playing a game at home and going through the levels one after another, or the kind of cheating. -The gameplay of the device, you can pass the level casually.

A wild boar became their prey the next day ~ ~ and because of its existence, temporarily stopped the team to prepare for a noon break nearby.

"The prey just got ready to take away only a few delicious parts, and the rest can only be abandoned."

"Barbecue at noon, I advise you, it is best to order something for your lunch at noon today, otherwise please do n’t watch my live broadcast, absolutely high energy broadcast."

There was no live broadcast, and a video was sent to Lele. In less than 20 minutes, when they found a temporary rest place at noon, the video played 12 million times, and the number of replies was nine. One hundred thousand.

The most replies were Haomen fans' crusade against Chen Hao in a joke with their family members. The crusade against him at noon brought a slow 'negative energy' to everyone. At noon, many people only ate in the cafeteria. Believe him, I chose to go outside, causing the cost of meals at noon today to exceed the standard. In the future, you Haozi dare to do this, we are not welcome.

It will start broadcasting at noon. Expect the explosion of light. Having this video in advance is tantamount to preheating the live broadcast this time. There is also the promotion of the big challenge of survival in the wild yesterday. It will start broadcasting at noon today. The number of people will be directly within five or six minutes. It has reached more than 4 million, and this number is still increasing.

How to hunt wild boar?

This is a question that everyone is more curious than when grilling. Chen Hao started broadcasting in the morning. What happened in the morning? In the video, Kang Yan's craftsmanship, smashing the cattle, choosing the angle, and making the picture more cruel. The place is stubborn, leaving behind a lens showing Kang Yan's craftsmanship. This is enough to be shocking and beautiful. Many people watch it over and over again. Somehow it is not enough to look at it.

At the live broadcast, everyone was again caught by the picture of Chen Gang roasting wild pork, and the maggots came out, watching the live broadcast swallowing saliva one by one, and many of the meals turned into big meals.

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