Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 925: Please be proud of them

Regarding the identity of the firefighters this time, it was a very temporary decision. It happened that Chen Hao had finished shooting the "Smith and wife" over there, and a call from the program team made him temporarily change his schedule, delaying a day or two. Come here first, participate in the shooting of the show, and then return to Yanjing to get the equipment and fulfill the promise to the fans. For that promise, he rejected the schedule for the second season of "Prison Break".

With sports abilities, professional-level sports, and being a helmsman, there is no pressure on him. He drew a two-kilometre with everyone in the water, and he also fully adapted to the rhythm.

As soon as the experts took the shot, they knew if they were there. The coach was still on another follow-up shooter to see Chen Hao's performance, and he instructed or ordered to stop at any time.

She thought that Chen Hao had contacted this, and seeing that the figure also had strength, she instructed and guided herself, and practiced a little bit, maybe she could really play in the official game.

At this start, everyone took turns to drive straight ahead, but the seemingly simple and practical skills required a lot of time to learn. Chen Hao stood up and stood steadily. It ’s just a show. Dispelled the doubts in everyone's hearts.

At first, the coach was still staring at Chen Hao. A few minutes later, he focused his attention directly on the other members. They stood in the back position, controlled the ships, and were absolutely professional athletes. In the place, I simply issued a few instructions, and after seeing the level, we asked everyone to come for a real two kilometers. The coach personally went to the show and showed Wang Zulan how to beat the drums.

Very tired, extremely tired.

Baby and Xiaodi are in front of Chen Hao. The efforts of the two people can clearly see the strength of the two of them, even if the paddle is stopped or half-paddle is a huge test. In the drum, Chen Hao first shouted a slogan to cheer everyone on. He was full of energy and had four hours of free use of his throat. Initially, only after the use of the live broadcast with the anchoring ability was realized, in reality, if he was asked to cheer for a slogan, Even at the tear level, it is still easy to navigate.

After a lap, everyone was tired and collapsed. Back to the hotel, from meals to rest, all were arranged by professional people. Every sweat in front of the camera and every joyful shot were outside the camera. Running men's team members and guests all need to pay ten times harder.

After training, everyone will rest early. When the program is broadcast, the game links outside the training will be interspersed one by one into the training link, disrupting the timeline, and avoiding the visual fatigue of the concentrated picture when the audience is watching. The game segment outside is the funny part. During training, everyone tried their best to find the funny part.

The return of Chen Hao seems to have just taken over the position of the helmsman, but it has brought a different kind of motivation to everyone, as the coach said, this is a whole, our energy is used in one place, then It's a real team. He stood behind everyone and accompanied the slogan of drums, which can also stimulate everyone's emotions. Even when everyone is tired in the end, this slogan will become a belief of everyone.

The sense of rhythm is very important in this kind of sports, and why there is a drummer is the reason.

The next morning, everyone got up very late and was well prepared. The water came a few hundred meters and adapted to the scene.

"From now on, you have to listen to the rhythm of the drums, and at the same time, in some emergency situations, listen to Chen Hao's orders."

When the game is over, there is no coach to guide you. The little thing in everyone ’s mind is faint. After Chen Hao stood on the dragon boat, it dissipated. How did a group of novices cope with this alone? Confirm that Chen Hao's sports talent and professional ability, as a coach on the dragon boat, are rich and rich.

When everyone looked at Chen Hao, he gave everyone a confident smile. Compared to a gesture of victory, he didn't feel that he needed to give orders to everyone. When everyone needed it, he became an emotional mobilizer. Just fine, how to allocate physical strength and the like, there is no need to control that thing, everyone ’s emotions have arrived, there are a few untimely sprints, that is an outbreak of emotions, there must be someone in the back to give instructions to everyone, all people Zhong Longfeng, then there will be only one result, which will make everyone's high emotions break down and upset everyone. The game that was originally twisted into a rope may end up being awkward because of some unhappy heart.

Smart people understand that Chen Hao's cleverness is also an important reason to be able to get along well with him. He knows that the timely clumsiness is not the wise man, and when he is clumsy, he can highlight others to a certain extent, that is the true wise man.

The process of the competition was really hard. Everyone worked hard. Everyone knows that when the show is broadcast, the pictures will be very handsome and awesome. They will also highlight everyone's efforts. But the real two The kilometer race is boring and hard. Everyone makes a painful roar on the way.

Persistence became the theme of the game.

Everyone was anxious about a turn, and Dragon Boat almost turned over. Chen Hao played a role as a helmsman at this time, yelling and instructing everyone on how to do it. He also squatted down and tried to help control the Dragon Boat. After successfully turning, , All the way to the end.

Everyone is screaming hard to cheer themselves up. They know that after the program is broadcast, some people will say that they are deliberately sensational, and some people will say that they should desperately get a high salary, but the actual situation is only known to them. How hard they work is only known to them. A two-meter dragon boat race is a huge test for them. If they can persist, everyone has a proud capital and a way to get paid more easily. The effort and sweat here are worth everyone's thumbs up.

Chen Hao can see that the two girls in the front are really tired and almost in a state of unity. They are united and brave to move forward. The two are almost supported by a will. Everyone on the dragon boat is shouting. , The results are not important, to complete the game and complete it in a spirit of hard work is the real purpose of everyone.

After completing the game, everyone cheered the victory with an almost mournful state of excitement. When they reached the shore, baby and Xiaodi could not stand at all. When the dragon boat was not shaking, they were completely paralyzed. time.

Everyone helped them out, and Chen Hao motioned to the staff to help him. One side, he dragged the two up to the shoulders on both sides, carried them, and lifted one hand on each side to help them. fixed.

Cheers rang throughout the shore. Two such weak female stars even completed the two-kilometer dragon boat race. Their pale faces and sweat that couldn't help flowing down were the best evidence, and others would be very tired. But everyone is willing to give applause to the strong women.

Hui Ruoqi is a girl. She is a professional athlete. She doesn't lose men from height to volume. She knows the limits of women's strength. With baby and Xiaodi's star body, she can finish the game so hard. Don't say how many fans you have for yourself, how much praise you have won, at least those who criticize them on the Internet, you should reflect on your words and deeds. Such an artist, you are embarrassed to blame them And scolding?

In the rest area, everyone is paralyzed there. Before the camera starts shooting, physiotherapists and doctors come in to check each of them, especially professional physiotherapists, who check each person's muscles and body joints. In the camera, they are desperate. You must know that everyone, the show group has a huge insurance coverage, and they are really afraid of them being injured.

Really this breath was relieved, baby and Dilireba, the two were directly tired from fatigue, soreness and swelling, and could not help shed tears for the irritation, but this was a lot of tiredness and crying. Some of them don't feel their own. Maybe it has never been this hard for them.

Chen Hao did not hold Xiaodi alone in the past ~ ~ but with everyone, facing them both, gave the most sincere comfort and encouragement and praise.

"You guys are really awesome, you have accomplished tasks that are truly impossible."

"There are no oars, you are heroes, and I'm really proud of you." The coach held the two of them and gave the most sincere compliments. It's really amazing. In just a few days, they have to come from nothing Learning, more importantly, the body cannot be changed, they overcome the irreparable weakness in the body and complete the game.

The other people are the same. They are really tired. They feel that they are not their own from the arms to the waist and even the legs. The stimulation of massage gradually makes them feel sore. At this time, the feeling of soreness is good. Let them successfully shoot the next picture.

An award was presented to the running men's team, and Chen Hao stood on the stage, a breathless "hero".

"To the dragon boat players from all universities in the world, to all members of the men's team, especially to today's true heroes baby and Xiaodi. I am proud of being a member of the men's team. Heroes, they are all my heroes. Amazing !!! "

After the show was finished shooting, all the people who were still interacting with everyone on the stage just fell down, returned to the hotel and did n’t even want to take a shower. The body is not in a state of full deprivation. The feeling of severe motion sickness is even more uncomfortable.

Chen Hao, who rarely posts news on his official account, has posted a message on his Weibo and Lele: "If you watch this issue, please be proud of them."

Attached to the photos, everyone is either tired when the body is examined, and there are various problems, or the body has direct trauma, or it is blisters, frayed skin, epidermal bleeding ...

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