Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 922: Super high treatment

In the wasteland, Chen Hao drove a four-wheeled off-road motorcycle and performed various difficult driving actions. From time to time, there was a keen cry from Christine. & 1t; /

A duel between the Smiths and each other did not know who the other was. The shooting was smooth. The crew is currently setting up an explosion scene. At that time, the two need to cooperate with the shooting. During this time, I saw that Chen Hao was driving in the car. Very skilled, the two also played. In this area, they drove a quad bike and started a fancy chase with a few hard-working drivers. They were next to Christine. Assistant was holding a dv for shooting, and someone was holding a cell phone for taking pictures. & 1t; /

The entertainment at work can work with the good-tempered work partners. The mood is completely different. Anything you can get together to play, not after the movie is in full swing, after a 'card' , Each holding his mobile phone and returning to his assistant. There is no communication during the whole process. There is no progress in personal relationship between each other. The emotion of each scene must be exhausted in advance to brew. & 1t; /

It ’s not that a pure working relationship does n’t work, but it takes dozens of days for everyone to spend a lot of time together, a little more than three or five months. I really want to have a bad personal relationship. Many times it is really awkward, let alone Said that the two are the two people in the opponent's play, the relationship is good, enter the state quickly, and the atmosphere when shooting is relatively relaxed. & 1t; /

Doug Lieman looked at Chen Hao and Kristin who were still playing wildly in the distance. When the director met the male and female protagonists, this was a unique luck. You do n’t need to worry too much about filming drama. And in each scene, the eligibility standards that you set in your heart will gradually improve as the two people get better. In the end, the harshness you think has become the basic standard. & 1t; /

Huh! !! !! !! & 1t; /

Along with the sound of the explosion, Chen Hao reacted as a normal person. The filming of the entire scene was finished. To be more frustrated, it was the staff responsible for the use of some special effects weapons and aerobatic driving in the film. Ting is okay, guide her to use a sniper-gun. Here at Chen Hao, there is absolutely no use for it. Driving. People play better than themselves. They carry individual combat bazookas. There is no need to teach them. Even props are useless. The direct use is true. Of course, there is no bomb filling. The weight is very professional. Find a safe place. People really use it. & 1t; /

This guy used to be a soldier, at least he was the one who crawled over in the training program of professional soldiers. & 1t; /

Seeing Chen Hao's specialty, all military instructors and staff hired in the crew have similar cognition, but about Chen Hao's resume, it can be seen on the search engine of any country, clearly written After graduating from high school, he drifted north and west for three and a half years, accumulated a lot, and started to become popular on the Internet. & 1t; /

Some people, you can only use ‘demon” to explain. & 1t; /

From scene to scene, Chen Hao and Kristin performed very well. Kristen did what she wanted from the plot, and when she was in style-love-ten thousand-kind, she showed the woman's picture of the movie. Extra points. & 1t; /

Chen Hao, as the cool and cool actor, needs to fully release his personal charm. Compared with the powerful side that needs to be suppressed in "Prison Break", it can be fully displayed in "Smith and Smith". This is a commercial blockbuster. The heroes and heroines are the most powerful choices of force value and intelligence value. The plot of the couple's wisdom and bravery is a very exciting part of the play. Dougliman said that you two can show your characters the ultimate charm. & 1t; /

Before the final battle, the value of force is the highest, the other person sees through each other, the intelligence value is the highest, falling into the script is only one word, falling on the actor is the maximum display of personal charm, you need to use unintentional State, show as much personal charm as possible to add glory to this character. & 1t; /

The most straightforward, you must play to the extreme. & 1t; /

Throughout May, Chen Hao was completely immersed in the shooting of "Smith and wife". The confrontation in the two homes was first one-on-one, and then facing a group of enemies. The most exciting scene was filmed for seven days, and finally Watching the set scenery finally collapsed into ruins, after the filming, the crew set off to the characteristic Istanbul, and filmed the scene where the Smiths first met. & 1t; /

It was originally possible to shoot in the field, and it can also be filmed in the United States. In view of the acting skills of the two, the crew is very abundant in terms of time and funds. There is no need to set up a room with that style, go directly there, find A hotel that can see the real landmarks outside through the window, to shoot two strangers after one night, and to shoot two of them in the rain. & 1t; /

There was also a very hot x-play between the two. There was also a very hot x-play. The two were also dedicated. The fight directly in front was over and there was no adjustment. Mr. Smith put down his gun and said that he could not do it. Then shoot. & 1t; /

The benefits are many. The surrounding scenes do not need to be moved, and the makeup and shapes on the two do not need to be moved. However, when shooting, the crew of the crew confirmed several times that the two wanted a 'war' kitchen area. There were no really dangerous items. & 1t; /

For example, cracked bowls, some metal products, etc., are all props, all made of chocolate or corresponding candy, that is, when you are unlucky, you may be scratched by this thing. Or draw a hole, etc. This is completely stress-free for the two people who are crazy to shoot the showdown. & 1t; /

In that scene, the two shot sparks, and they didn't really want to come. They didn't need to clear the field, but even so, they let the people around them bleed. Of course, Chen Hao is not a saint, when the two have accumulated so much embrace-kiss. There was contact between the skin and the skin, and some actions were full of real feelings, and then there were some reactions. & 1t; /

During the shooting two times, Chen Hao apologized to Kristin for her reaction to the appearance. It was normal for the other party to take it seriously. It was a normal thing. If there was no response, it would offend her. . & 1t; /

After the filming of the scene, the relationship between the two is much closer, and it is normal to think about it, even if it is a good friend between men and women, a good friend who shares a drinking glass or can help you eat leftovers and smoke with you A cigarette friend, the ambiguous relationship is one aspect, which is also much more casual than ordinary good friends. & 1t; /

Fly to the beautiful city of Istanbul, the budget and time of the entire film were reduced because of the smooth shooting. Dougman has also been instructed by the producer, so that everyone can relax and play first. A great gift for everyone. & 1t; /

Because of this play, Chen Hao was also given headlines by the world media. It ’s normal for everyone to play together as a crew, but for entertainment media, you only need to take pictures of Chen Hao and Kristin hot chat or It ’s enough to have a happy smile. It does n’t matter whether there are three or five people or a dozen people next to them. They are also “invisible”. What they want is a variety of gossip-rumors. What happened to them because of the filming? Coming together, Christine changed herself for Chen Hao. & 1t; /

Previously, the crew failed to get their two propaganda, because Kristin was a publicly-produced female artist, and there was no way to hype that aspect, but this month's shooting, Chen Hao's comprehensive quality and The charm is also because the two are more and more in the state of filming, some movements seem very casual, in the eyes of others, this randomness is an intimate performance, and finally found in the photos captured from all walks of life that may make gossip Things, the media quickly used them, so that there is no quiet news about Chen Hao, there are new hot news to take over. & 1t; /

Needless to say in China, Chen Hao has always been the creator of popular news. Internationally, because of the popularity of the American drama "Prison Break", he will still become a regular guest of news from time to time. & 1t; /

"Fanghua" was released for a month, and the box office reached 4.2 billion yuan. It is already the second place in the history of Chinese cinema. At present, from Huayi to the happy era to small steel cannons, the interviews are very indifferent, and the actual situation is constantly The operation allows "Fanghua" to be released as much as possible for some time. There are three months of "Wolf Warrior 2" release time, "Fanghua" is now a trivial matter for thirty days. & 1t; /

As for the box office of "Fanghua", with the increase of the release time, word of mouth is the same as all hot movies. Unless you have a melody that is impeccable ~ ~, it is always accompanied by controversy . In the word-of-mouth of the whole film, there is only one thing that everyone has no dispute about, that is, Chen Hao's performance. The more he savors the taste, the more he feels that Liu Feng interpreted by him has a taste. & 1t; /

On the first look, Liu Feng is a tandem character, and there seems to be nothing outstanding. & 1t; /

The second time I saw, Liu Feng's role was the real core. & 1t; /

By the third time, when you began to observe Liu Feng in detail, the places where the acting skills exploded began to appear. Netizens' powerful observation and analysis capabilities have been shown for so many years, sometimes even the author or the performer. Things that the authors themselves did not think of are clearly shown in their analysis. & 1t; /

The state of Liu Feng taking out a cigarette in a bookstore, the state of the absolute bottom old smoker, that requires real observation to learn. & 1t; /

At the station, I smoked a close-up of the smoking hand. The hand was an absolute old smoker's hand. The forefinger and **** had eroded yellow stains, including the state of a little bite when smoking. Both are very vivid. & 1t; /

This film is a way for Chen Hao to feel the treatment of a well-known article in a textbook. & 1t; /

"Liu Feng's loneliness when he smokes expresses his helplessness and frustration with his current living conditions and social environment ..." & 1t; /

"Liu Feng's shout to the Lian-Dong-Team-Member is a roar from the bottom of his heart. He is expressing his anger at the corpse vegetarian meal in this way ..." & 1t; /

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