Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 912: We are not in a hurry

"The live broadcast now is to apologize to everyone. I do n’t want to explain myself to the reason for the cancellation of the event. The failure to meet everyone ’s wishes is my mistake. I do n’t shirk responsibility. I thought of a remedy. I don't know if it will satisfy everyone. Today's signing failed, and the responsibility is mine. "

"Everyone can see if this is okay. You should buy it or buy it. Just at this bookstore, I didn't get a signature today. I mailed the shopping receipt to Huanju Times, and we will send you a copy of my autographed photo. Some people say that I want to sign the book, that's fine, but it may take a while, I'm not necessarily in Yanjing, but as long as you mail it, I promise that someone will deal with it, I will return to Yanjing After that, please sign your name and mail to you. It is convenient in Yanjing, you can directly package a package and send it to the reception desk of Huanju Times Company. You can also send it by post or courier. No matter which one, we will bear it. Corresponding costs. "

"I'm sorry everyone today, the relevant departments are also for the safety of everyone, because we haven't thought about causing such a big mistake, and I hereby formally apologize to everyone."

During the live broadcast, Chen Hao gave his mobile phone to someone else. He took a few steps backwards, and photographed himself with a camera, giving a bow to the 200,000 people who came in the live broadcast room. Actually, only 10,000 of these people were present at the scene. people.

After the media just took a picture of Chen Haofa's scolding, just saw him leave, he left the scene as soon as possible, and filmed the reaction of the fans outside, they all thought it would be a topic news, such a big signing event Sudden cancellation, it should be a great blow to Chen Hao ’s reputation. Perhaps after this day, many fans will give up like it because of resentment.

After coming out, the chaos at the scene is foreseeable. During the dispersal process, everyone was not surrounded by the bookstore door. On both sides of the neighborhood, the fans did not disappear. They came over early in the morning to buy books, and then waited in line. Now when you say cancel, you cancel. They are certainly not satisfied.

Confusion, restlessness, and grievances, some media came to the street for interviews, some non-hardcore and bad-tempered book fans and fans, the restlessness was clearly visible on their faces, and grumbles and complaints could be heard from far away Voice, which is also mixed with some not so good words.

Xiaoyu, a reporter from Daily Entertainment, sorted out her hair, motioned the cameraman to follow her, and prepared to walk to a few emotionally excited young people to see how they looked and the accent they spoke, which is where they went to school College students have a rather accent.

"Excuse me ..."

As soon as Xiao Yu opened her mouth, she saw that these young people took out their mobile phones separately, and then the same frequency sound came out of the mobile phones. They all plugged in the headphones and ignored Xiao Yu and the cameraman. Then they were angry. His expression turned into a faint doubt at this moment, staring at the screen of the mobile phone.

Xiaoyu also squats five or five on weekdays. There will always be some news in that live broadcast room. Hao Zi's live broadcast is also really interesting. Squatting guards can work and entertain while working in that live broadcast room. They will not feel that they are working overtime A sense of resistance from the heart.

She quickly turned on her mobile phone and entered the five and five live rooms of Lele, just to see Chen Hao bow to everyone to apologize.

Xiao Yu feels that as a reporter, she may never forget the current scene. A few minutes ago, she was noisy and noisy, as if she had been enchanted, her restlessness calmed down. If there is a machine for aerial photography, Will record this most weird picture.

Noisy, confused, and resentful.

Quiet, whispered, calmed down.

Such a change is because Chen Hao's live broadcast was less than five minutes. The word "magic" was placed at the moment. This man is really in response to the situation. This man is magical. Such a solution is not unique, even Xiaoyu. Such entertainment reporters have seen more of what happened in the circle and never felt that such a picture would appear in front of themselves.

What kind of magic can make such a chaotic scene, as if magic was being performed, so quickly and quietly, everyone left, no longer scolding, no longer resentment, Xiao Yu from many people face and I saw something called understanding in my eyes.

In this scene, a lot of media took photos on the scene, and some media reporters interviewed the people who had dispersed and asked them how they felt at the moment. Xiao Yu didn't interview. She realized that she should do another thing to get together. Time went and waited there for the fans who will send the parcels to them today.

The interview at the scene answered almost the same thing: "Hao Zi said so, what else can we say, and it's not his fault. After I return, I will mail the book purchase ticket. He said he will return a signed photo. We believe he."

Those who did not answer were quick to respond, and went directly to Huanju Times Company. They wanted to send the book purchase ticket as soon as possible, and they would be the first people to get a return.


"Hello everyone, welcome to the noon show of" Daily Entertainment ". The first news comes from Hao Zi, who we are most familiar with. Today, he will not only attend the premiere of" Fanghua ", but also hold a signing event. The signing will be cancelled because of an accident. Let's listen to the live report brought to us by reporter Xiao Yu on the spot. "

"Hello everyone, my name is Xiaoyu. The organizer of the signing fair is obviously inadequate. More than 10,000 people arrived at the scene today. I got news that Hao Zi had prepared a few pens in advance. It is said that he planned to Put the time before the premiere of the movie on the signing party. "

"In the picture, you can see that Hao Zi was soaring on the spot when the signing sale was temporarily cancelled. Regardless of the presence of media at the scene, he lost his temper on the organizer and his team ..."

"I was planning to interview some fans and fans who were scattered on the street. The noise outside the scene was a lot of emotions for many book buyers. The first customer who came to the store was the first customer to open the bookstore. I bought a book and waited in line. Cancelled, we can feel their dissatisfaction through the lens, and some book fans are more emotional. "

"Hao Zi started broadcasting live at this time. He apologized to everyone and was provided with a solution. We can clearly see from the screen that the crowd who was full of resentment in the first few minutes is dissipating in an orderly manner, and the mood is not good. People have also calmed down. This is incredible, what we can understand is that this is derived from Hao Zi ’s strong personal charm, and it is also a trustworthy image that he has left for fans for a long time. Everyone is willing to accept his sincere apology and willingness to accept His solution is willing to believe he can do it. "

"The first time we arrived at the business building where Huanju Times is located, there were already fans. We went to the scene first, everyone was very orderly, and left after leaving the address. We can see that the company in Huanju Times was also very well-handled and open. I gave the reception room to everyone, and arranged more than a dozen staff members to receive, register, categorize, and store. A large part of the book fans at the bookstore today came to the era of the company, based on the nearest and fastest principle. They are very interested in getting the autographed photo and autograph book first. Let's interview one ... "

"Hello, may I ask, don't you find this troublesome? Do you have any thoughts on the cancellation of today's event?"

"What else? Cancellations have been cancelled. Hao Zi also apologized to all of us. That is not his responsibility. At least he does not need to bear the main responsibility, but we all saw it during the live broadcast. They shirk themselves. Responsibility, because of this, as fans who like him, there is no reason for us to make trouble again. Also, when we just registered, we used to buy book tickets. The company receptionist told us that it was Hao Zi who paid for his own money. A fan who sent me that day also provided us with a round trip fare of 50 yuan. "

"Okay, thank you. Let's interview a few more ..."


Such news abounds and is more abundant on the Internet. Some people say that Chen Hao took the opportunity to buy people ’s hearts. Some people say that this is a show. More people believe that this kind of processing is the best. Chen Hao has done what he has done. Everything you can do.


No no no

At 5.50 that night, the first topical post appeared on the Internet. It was a registered member of the Haomen Global Fan Club. UU Kanshu posted the same post on the fan official website and Lele official website post area.

First print, a book, a photo of Chen Hao, with signatures on it.

"I have to say that it is our pleasure to follow such a boss."

"The first batch of book tickets and books were sent to the company, leaving the address. I didn't expect that when I just ate, the employees of the company gathered together and drove the company to deliver the packages to me. It was the boss from the event site. After returning to the company for a whole afternoon, I checked out the first batch of books and they apologized to me. "

"Here I just want to say, boss, next time you find a partner, check their qualifications first. Don't let these incompetent partners ruin your reputation and let you suffer."

After this post came out, more than two hundred people replied or posted within an hour, and then they drew pictures and got signed books or autographed photos.

"I came here from a courier company. It is said that the boss suddenly hired dozens of their employees at a high price. He worked overtime at night to send us the book signed by the boss today. Thank you, boss, for your hard work, don't be too tired , We are not in a hurry. "

"Yes, we are not in a hurry."

"The boss pays attention to rest."

"There are no tickets for the premiere tonight and the second one. We were angry at three o'clock in the morning. Are there any friends from nearby who went to XX Studios to grill AA nearby, connect to the secret code, and hold the" Fanghua "novel. "

"Ha ha, you Yanjing relay, we are not bad, there are no premiere friends near XX Studios, I know there is a cafe, opened by the big fan, tonight ’s premiere live broadcast tonight , Watch a live broadcast with a cup of coffee. "

Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Zero point reading mobile version reading URL:

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