Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 906: long time no see

When Chen Hao left the crew, he felt the grieving eyes of the actors.

Because of him, the drama "Prison Break" will not invest too much in publicity. For these actors, it is a success or a failure, and a high degree of attention has been added to MOUSE, which has made many of them unknown. I felt the fun of fame before, also due to the busyness of Chen Hao and his high personal pay, which caused the promotion of discount arrangements. He left the team of "Prison Break" and kept joining the group of "Smith and Smith". Physical fitness assessment before filming.

The 1.5 million US dollar movie pays a little bit of unhappiness in the sorrowful eyes of the actors in "Prison Break". When they were shooting together, Chen Hao's aura was strong enough. Everyone filmed the movie. This suddenly It ’s going to be up, and as a result, the publisher did not arrange large-scale publicity. Did n’t the tastes that had been buried in the heart ran out? They all pointed at the peak of this show ’s performance.

Just like the media, Chen Hao's principle is this. You are not friendly to me, so do n’t expect me to be friendly to you. I do n’t know what I mean.

I have n’t seen it for a month. Kristen Stewart seems to be completely changed. He has a little bit more dynamism. After seeing Chen Hao, he was very familiar with showing his achievements for a month. Guns, all over the body really look like that, it has a taste of female soldiers.

"You wait."

Looking at the familiarity of Christine Xianbao, maybe the point of the opposite **** attracts each other, but it is easier and simpler to get along with each other. Instead of treating herself as a charming man, the way to get along is completely In a different way, in comparison, Nina's words and requests with implied hints are not as good as the one in front of her.

Ten minutes later, Chen Hao's eyes brightened, and the one who appeared in front of him was no longer the jealous Christine, but a very attractive woman, including the makeup, the look, and the shapely body. The normal state of Mrs. Smith has come out. In this film, the heroine itself must bear the sense of contrast. The role of Chen Hao in dress is not much different. It depends on the heroine's home, work, and killer. More picture color in the movie.

Chen Hao gave a thumbs up, and the script of the movie is well-known. This state of Mrs. Smith fully proves that Kristin is a really good actor. This month is not just for military training, to capture the essence of the role of Mrs. Smith. It was very successful.

The instructor Larry watched without speaking. He knew that his work was basically over. Chen Hao took the initiative and leaned on Kristin's waist, struck a finger, and Qiu Yu played a piece of music on his mobile phone. The two danced, and did not deliberately pursue the dance in the rain that they started to know, or the dance that later revealed the killing. Between the eyes, from the perspective of a good actor, they knew what the other party wanted.

What is needed is the tacit understanding of each other during the acting. What is needed is the feeling of 'calling each other'.

This feeling is not between men and women, but a feeling of existence between actors. It must be able to give everyone a tacit feeling in the performance. There must be something in the eyes, to be able to feel each other's existence, Allow the audience to see each other's presence in the eyes of one of them.

After a dance with no specific requirements, the two laughed at each other and said, "Call", which made Larry somewhat useless. Some of the required basic tactical actions, Christine can complete the standard, take the gun. At that time, it was also very handsome. People would also have a bonus for acting in that direction. When the tomboy showed his sturdy state, he did not need to learn at all.



In the evening, Chen Hao and Christine invited the instructor Larry. Christine also invited his girlfriend to accompany him. A few of them ate a hearty meal. Tomorrow, the crew officially started. Christine advanced group , She will shoot many of her plays before Chen Hao will enter the group.

"What, you can't do it to Nina, wouldn't you do it? So a big beauty, you are indifferent?" Christine, who had been drunk, put his hand on Chen Hao's shoulders and looked like a brother.

In the face of Christine in this state, Chen Hao smiled bitterly, but fortunately, the sturdy is also very good, it is more convenient to talk to each other. After the real shooting, the opponent's play will also be very comfortable.

"You drink too much."

"Cut, it's a waste of your skin, alas."

Kristin has identified Chen Hao's lack of confidence in men and made him speechless. Is it necessary to prove it?


In the splendid hall, laughter, men and women with smiles on their faces, dressed up to attend, holding wine glasses, celebrating the unprecedented success of "The Great Tang Shuanglong".

The broadcast so far has the highest viewing rate of 10.12%, the highest viewing share of 26%, Internet traffic exceeded 10 billion, and a new generation of theatrical drama was born. Jiucheng respected the success of the original work and officially announced an inevitable fact to everyone. That's the big story, Lele can continue to shoot. According to the current progress, there are 20 episodes in one season and ten seasons without pressure. Maintaining such quality, the income of the next ten seasons can be fully guaranteed.

Lele has been favored by a large number of advertisers. Every day, special departments and personnel go to negotiate and negotiate. The major guilds are also busy. Her anchor has passed the drama, and some have received other scripts. Some have received some commercial shows, and some have been favored by some film and television agency ...

They were all busy, and Lele's celebratory banquet was held for all the media as a matter of course, and just a few tables and tables were prepared for the media expenses and gifts for journalists.

Internet anchors have experience in attending offline events. This time they feel very different. The anchor who appeared in the previous dozen episodes and performed well is the protagonist of the celebration party. The actors who have not appeared in the role are anxious. Those anchors who simply did not have a role in the first season are anxious to start shooting in the second season.

The most peaceful mindset is the little-known old opera bones at the scene. They have already watched the flowers of this industry, and do a job well and act as an actor. What about red and purple? It is still a job for an actor, the only difference is that the income has increased, and by their age, the heart of victory is also weak.

There was chaos at the door, and then I saw all the media rushing to the door. The anchors from the Happy Age Guild and the anchors of His Majesty Chen Hao also rushed to the door as soon as possible, with a lot of respect on their faces. Before, The chatter and laughter is alive and well, and now it has converged a lot.

The rest of the anchors took out their mobile phones and shot in the direction of the doorway, making them feel that they are no longer public figures or even celebrities. With only one person relying on Lele's platform.

A casually dressed Chen Hao appeared at the gate, with the brightest smile on his face, took a few steps, bowed his head, and bowed slightly. The sounds of greetings rang out in the surroundings.

"Brother Hao."

"Brother Hao."

Over the crowded area of ​​the media, looking at these familiar faces, Chen Hao suddenly had an impulse. The next second, he turned this impulse into reality: "It's good to go home."

The Internet, if it is described in terms of a dynasty, is called a land of dragons. To Chen Hao was his birthplace. For a long time in the past, he spent envying them, contacting them, and getting to know them as one of them.

long time no see.

A circle that is completely different from the performing arts circle. Here you are held by the stars, there is no qualifications or the like, you can only be proved by the stars, you are the hottest.

Xiong Wazi, Meng Mengqi, Xiao Yuyu, and the six sons of the voice all came to Chen Hao's side, including some of their apprentices and even grandchildren on the far edge, all looking up to this side, eyes full of worship and worship.

The second son likes to live broadcast, but he does n’t like to appear in public. He still feels that what he enjoys most is his home on the Internet. He now earns more and has more choices. He stays at Meicheng with peace of mind. Stay in the studio and guard the home base of this five-five family.

Here ~ ~ The shots of media reporters are no longer the sharpest. The mobile phones in the hands of everyone are the sharpest artifacts. They are constantly taking pictures and recording videos around Chen Hao. They are surrounded by media reporters. It is slightly different. The former is just as good as you. If you eat, drink and chat, it is better. They only need to pass your screen to the fans on the Internet, and they will not bother you; media reporters need you. Cooperating with them requires interview questions. Although this is a celebration party, they also received gifts. The interview should be conducted during the interview, and the place should be filmed during the interview. Do not disturb the atmosphere of the celebration party during the rest of the time. .

Before Chen Hao came, they followed this rule, but when Chen Hao came, everyone couldn't bear it. As the most popular artist in China today, he has too much news material, and everyone ’s experience of him More and more interested, I can't wait to dig out every detail, even if it is only a small detail, there will be a large number of viewers to buy it.

How red is he? Need to say?

Last year, some people talked about Luhan fans tearing Haomen, but this year, does anyone mention it? Luhan's iron powder all detoured to avoid the problem here. Once the most red-faced bearer, they are now retreating, and they have never been recognized by fans as an idol level. They have been recognized in these two people. They are not a level, and there is no such thing as continued mutual confrontation. Resources are at different levels, naturally there is no **** of interest.

There is no role. In the currently aired episode, not even a back is revealed. At the celebration party successfully held for the episode, Li Yifeng's updates, including sunny days, can only be secondary.

Appeared from Chen Hao, five minutes.

For live broadcasts and video recordings, there were many people at the scene. For five minutes, the back-end database of Lele headquarters, real-time user traffic, increased by 10 million.

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