Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 900: Not all home advantages

Haven't felt the home atmosphere for a long time.

The awards season has taken a lap in the United States. Although it is only a little over a month, it gives Chen Hao a sense of time span and returns to the homeland. When the enthusiasm of the Golden Award came suddenly, he took time. , Feel that there is no happier moment in the world than now.

The entire Golden Award is like his own home. All the artists who appeared before this time are overshadowed. Jet Li, Andy Lau, Liang Jiahui, Gu Tianle and others stopped chatting on the scene. The mountains and tsunami outside broke through The walls of the stadium make the sound barriers between them useless.

The smile, only here can be the most brilliant bloom, countless shots recorded Chen Hao's smile at this moment, and made it the headline picture of all relevant media reports the next day.

The powerful aura caused the host of the red carpet to make mistakes and was so nervous that he couldn't speak twice. The uncontrollable scene emotion was always in the highest state until Chen Hao waved at everyone, bowed, and his fingers were at There was a gesture of silence in the lips, and the scene was rare to enter a short silence.

The personal charm and aura of the field are fully displayed in this scene. From the red carpet just broke out, the large screen on the field began to play the outside picture. The picture of Chen Hao's silence gesture to quiet the scene, many stars inside Saw it.

Andy Lau was chatting with Ren Dahua. The outside Shanhu tsunami temporarily interrupted the chat between the two, and looked at the big screen with a smile. The two were unable to continue chatting until the audience was quiet.

"Unexpectedly, the little guy grew up so fast, I feel like I'm about to retire." Ren Dahua was very emotional.

"We have to work harder, otherwise the young people will be too far away." Andy Lau's fighting spirit has always been a role model. Watching Chen Hao develop so well, as a good friend, don't be too jealous. , Will not lose the will to continue to work because of age.

Ren Dahua nodded, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Andy Lau remembered asking: "I heard that you picked up the script that Hao Zi handed over?"

Ren Dahua did not deny: "Some of the scripts in the second film, playing his father, are not many, and can be regarded as supporting actors."

Looking at Chen Hao who came in, Andy Lau smiled again: "This boy, it's getting worse now."

The achievements in the industry are visible to everyone, and at the moment Chen Hao was greeted by the enthusiastic enthusiasm, what Andy Lau said, and the deep background must have good enough connections, this world has never been a lonely In the world of heroes, a hero needs three gangs. Now in the domestic performing arts circle, Chen Hao can make great strides to expand outwards. Good interpersonal relationships in the rear are a very important guarantee.

"The two brothers are good."

Chen Hao took the initiative to open a hug, hugging Liu Dehua and Ren Dahua respectively, and then smiled to avoid the most lost but most actively participating player Jackie Chan in the history of the Golden Awards: "Shit boy, I ’ll show you a bunch of Characters, let ’s talk about it first. I ca n’t afford you. I ’m not paid. At most, the standard of boxed lunch is raised a little. ”

"Brother, can you get one more lunch every time?"

The joke made everyone laugh, and Jet Li also came over. Others may be affected by the level of this player or their closeness and closeness. However, he has been very happy to cooperate in the "Worth of Wings". Comrades are the first to speak out, haha, come together with a smile?

Although Chen Hao said that the amount of work in the circle is very small, his reputation for anxiety and justice has already spread. In the first year, he did not participate in various commercial shows and commercial activities. His own advertising endorsements and product endorsements were very few. Everyone said He had a good reputation for fishing, and persisted for two or three years, which became a label for him. After the anchor income and film investment income were exposed, people made enough money and there was no need to grumble themselves. The more he did not participate, the higher the appearance fee. .

He used the excuse of busyness, and everyone had to believe it, but when any friend in the circle sent an invitation, he never refused, even if there was really no time to participate, not only would he record a sincere video, but also Enough to represent the company's senior executives to the scene and apologize.

It gradually came out, as long as you talked to Hao Zi, even if it seemed to have some unreasonable requirements, he would definitely not hesitate to agree with you. There is only one premise, and your relationship is good. You can open this mouth with ease. And with this self-confidence, I can still afford this kind of humanity. Hao Zi does not use you or is on the one hand, and whether you have this preparation is on the other hand.

Jackie Chan is the elder brother, so no one will feel that invitation, but everyone standing here knows that if he speaks by himself, he will definitely not refuse.

According to Chen Hao's current fame, these two guest words have considerable lethality. If you really play a supporting role for you, you can use him to promote it when you are propaganda.

The network is getting wider and wider. This group of people stood there chatting for a while, and the laughter continued. It was the strongest lineup tonight. It cannot be said that tonight, it is the strongest lineup everywhere. Then, each one Introduce good friends to Chen Hao, who are also well-known figures in the circle.

After all, Chen Hao is still young. The guests who are invited to the Golden Awards every year are not the same, and the nominated stars are not the same. At this moment, his transcript cannot be said to be introduced by his big brothers to his friends. People are also a bit happy, and now Haozi can be described as a new generation of star-making helicopters. Xing Ye ’s works are becoming less and less, and the actors in the mainland are also rich in resources. The current film and television industry in Xiangjiang is very embarrassing and occasionally emerges. A good Hong Kong-made movie has to be hyped up by the media, and the actors have also gone to the Mainland to develop. Chen Hao can be regarded as the most popular big backer today. After he gets up, he may become the star of tomorrow. .

After several months, seemingly next to the Golden Horse Awards and Golden Statue Awards, nominations for the same work gave Chen Hao a feeling of being like another generation. It felt like the Golden Horse Awards were a long time ago, and there were less than four. In the light of the month, what happened was enough to make him need to sit down and remember well to remember every bit of the Golden Horse Awards.

"Congratulations," Certificate W, Chen Hao! "

There is no suspense, with the wonderful performance of "Three brothers and three youngest brothers Jiang Wuyang who voted for the title, Chen Hao once again dropped Zeng Zhiwei, who had a good performance in" Yi Ming Wu Ming ". When he stood up, the applause at the scene It was extremely warm, and everyone around him gave him the most enthusiastic hugs, congratulations on his continued success in the Golden Award.

On the stage, Asa, acting as the host, suddenly came up with a golden sentence. Although there is suspicion of grabbing words, the classics formed by this sentence have become the bright spot of this Golden Award forever remembered.

"Isn't our Hao Zi a good woman? What's wrong today? Brothers, don't **** our girls' chance to embrace him."

A non-professional host wants unconventional routines. Only unconventional ones can produce some unexpected good results.

The audience burst into laughter. Several friends who were sitting around around Chen Hao just got up and hugged. Some artists who were not familiar with or had a good relationship with them did not move forward, which also caused From his award to the stage, all male artists are hugging.

It was Zhang Aijia and Ren Dahua who presented the award to Chen Hao. Seeing the importance of the entire Golden Award for this award, Chen Hao has taken the trophy and turned back, facing Zhang Aijia's open arms, Zhang Aijia also smiled very brightly. Without rejecting such a hug, a big party always needs some highlights.

Best Actor, Jet Li.

Best Director, Chen Kexin.

The two consecutive awards missed Chen Hao and gave Chen Hao a few close-ups. This is all the honor Chen Hao received at the Golden Horse Awards. A film reflecting the true status of Xiangjiang ~ ~ Why in Are they recognized outside, but not recognized locally? The audience in the area behind the scene made a buzzing discussion. At this time, they would not give face Jet Li or Chen Kexin. When they like a person, they often dilute the existence of others. We just feel that Hao Zi has not won the prize. should.

The scene was a bit chaotic, which also showed that the scene was not all Haomen's iron powder, otherwise it would never be done. Isn't this embarrassing the boss? How can you let the boss face Jet Li and Chen Kexin? Everyone is a good friend. Besides, "The cast of the famous title w was shot together by everyone. At that time, your Haozi's reputation was not as great as it is now. You won the role and won it for you. With so many awards, why do we win prizes now, and your fans still want to make a noise?

Chen Hao can actually get up and stop it, maybe it will have an effect, if he did n’t do that, if he did, it would really make Jet Li and Chen Kexin not come out of the stage. Sit there, look around, and look right with the two. In the clean, there is no mood swing, which gives a sense of peace of mind. The live broadcast was used three minutes in advance. The live signal was temporarily suspended, and the audience was silenced by the security to signal everyone to keep quiet.

People are afraid of famous pigs.

What shouldn't appear, there will always be some trouble, without the jealousy and hostility of everyone, the big obstacles have climbed over, but this small ditch has caused some trouble, saying everything is wrong, Not saying the same is wrong.

After all, Chen Kexin and Jet Li have been mixing rivers and lakes for many years. In this industry, too many things have been seen. At this time, the camera stopped recording and smiled at Chen Hao. Everything was in silence. Neither of us should take this matter to heart.

A few minutes later, Jackie Chan and Zhang Ziyi took to the stage to present the best film award ...

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