Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 875: Live broadcast


This word doesn't sound good, but it also gives a fair evaluation of Chen Hao's status at the moment.

The price of 1.5 million episodes is not for nothing. Take him for crazy news reports, earn all kinds of attention and eyeballs, and squeeze his influence appeal to the maximum. There is nothing wrong with it. You have to pay for it. .

Who made you red?

In Hollywood, a few words have been opened in the past few years. Five or six years ago or even ten years ago, movie actors and entertainers are two different concepts. In English vocabulary, they are also two different English words.

The latter is the same as the stars in our cognition. They take advertisements to participate in activities and endorsements. The news media is their stage to show themselves. Compared with works, they pay more attention to their exposure and public attention.

The former is a kind of dignified existence. It is a real professional actor who can join the arts. They rarely participate in profitable public activities and performances, and rarely advertise products for endorsements. On weekdays, you report in the media. You can hardly see any news from them. In one and a half to two years, you can make at most two films in one movie. Given the high price, you are required to devote yourself to the filming. Do n’t disturb the shooting because of any foreign matter, so that there will be an optimal state when shooting, asking you not to hesitate to eat fat when you want to eat fat, and asking you to play a patient with advanced cancer, not just make-up but Want you to really lose weight.

To see them, you can only buy movie tickets and enter the cinema when their work comes out.

In recent years, the global entertainment and cultural industry has made great strides forward, and has also opened up some closed mouths in the past. Some big actors have begun to increase their exposure. Chen Hao is a kind of alien. He is not a real estate in Hollywood. Many things cannot be measured by this standard. Otherwise, his one-stop model of "production and sales" would not be in line with the Hollywood system.

Brokerage company, producer, and theater line are basically intertwined in Huaxia. They must be completely separated in Hollywood. Once they are one, there will be too many problems. Chen Hao originally edited Self-directed self-acting is the integration of the brokerage company and the producer. It seems that he has not been paid for the film. However, this has actually affected some real conditions of the work. For example, without his film, the overall investment number is not accurate. There are many more problems like this.

This time Fox completely took a different approach, first subverting the process of American drama, and then squeezing Chen Hao ’s influence in a non-Hollywood mode. It felt a bit like Nicholas Cage of the year, a big corner, to be honest The exposure was too high to ruin. First, I received too many films, and then there was continuous news. Slowly everyone didn't have the mysterious expectation of him, and the work didn't always surprise everyone. The series came down. In the end, the pay of Comrade Cage fell to three to four million, four-tier price.

Someone reminded Chen Hao that he really didn't care. He had this confidence. He didn't just take part in the show casually, and he wouldn't take part in the activities at will. It is true that when he was in Huaxia, he was more like a traditional Hollywood movie actor than an artist. Stars are really too many points that can be reported on themselves, and they have never been deliberately hyped to become the focus of everyone's attention. This is something to be proud of.

How much money you take and how many things you do, it ’s reasonable to pay for it yourself. There are many rumors from the outside world, there are a lot of rumors on the Internet, and there are such negative remarks in various circles. After he figured it out, I didn't bother to concentrate on preparing for the performance of the Super Bowl. This act was not visible to the outside world, visible to those around him, and visible to Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift as cooperative partners.

These two are young talents, and they are very popular at a very early age. They have experienced the ups and downs, the ups and downs in this circle, and saw that Chen Hao really did n’t care about sinking his heart to rehearse. I admire it from the bottom of my heart, especially Justin Bieber. This young man who was once taken to the sky by the world, although he ca n’t wash it all up, now he has a certain degree of stability after the sinking. Both sides are similar in age. Seeing the other side ’s state, he admired a little bit of comparison, and did not mean anything, nor was it hostile, that is, a pure man's competitive edge.

Where is the performance?


The most intuitive place, the most suitable stage, is the performance of the Super Bowl. The three are cooperative partners and competitors. When chorusing together, they must bring the atmosphere together, and use the gas field, singing voice, and material When the scene is lit, one person must also achieve the same purpose. Even if three people can't do it, there must be a comparison of the height. The mood of the audience is one aspect. Watch the midfield performance in billions. The audience is the true judge, good or bad, there is no room for bombardment, **** is good, good is good, no one is good, no one is good, you do n’t need to explain, let alone find some objective reasons such as I have a bad throat or are sick. On this biggest stage in the United States, how many singers may not even have a chance to board once in a lifetime. Those who go up are really not qualified to say that my state is bad.

Every afternoon, three people will come together to practice together and discuss some professional things with each other. If they can complement each other, try to learn from each other's strengths and get the best from the other person.

In the morning and evening, it belongs to individuals. You can practice in the professional place prepared for you. You can also practice alone. If you do n’t practice, no one will say anything about you. I really want to go to the Super Bowl to lose face. A singer does not need to be urged by others, and knows that hard work is the minimum requirement for participating in this performance.

In a few days, I signed the "Prison Break" contract. Based on Chen Hao's understanding of Fox, the movie wanted to wait for his Super Bowl performance or Oscar performance. Since it is a pure popcorn commercial blockbuster From this "jailbreak" stance, it will still satisfy its own pay, and will continue to squeeze its influence.

Chen Hao can't talk about this. He goes to Staples every morning to feel the atmosphere. If it is not a match day, he will feel the feeling of the sound and the response of the space. He will broadcast to the fans on Lele near noon. He didn't dare to forget that he still has such an identity, and he never thought that he could be separated from the anchor status. Even if he could be one of the world's top artists, there would still be system involvement.

With a hundred million anchor income, he did not deliberately complete it, but just used the live broadcast to earn normal income. For the purpose of the task alone, take time to pick up a few more Lele recommended business activities, and the task income will complete a large chunk.

He will go to the rehearsal place at noon. For his team and dancers, he did not particularly care about the feelings of those two people. He would be generous to entertain at noon. The two are not the lack of money. There are also companies to operate. This kind of thing will not be left behind. Spend some money for nothing else. When everyone cooperates, sell a little bit and can add points to their performance on the stage. The potential profit that can be earned is tens of thousands of guests. More than that.

In the evening, Chen Hao never practiced further. It might be a little serious for others to see it. He knew it by himself, and it was not necessary at all. The rehearsal every afternoon was a collaboration between three people. For himself, he only needs to show what he wants to perform. At the scene, he will not practice more to make up for self-confidence because he is afraid of performing badly or performing unexpectedly. As for proficiency, this has never been his consideration.


In the United States, film and television entertainment is a cycle of two large cycles.

Summer and Christmas months of blockbuster movies. In the spring and autumn, the two big American dramas will dominate TV entertainment. In between, January and February are the awards season, and when the entertainment is most concentrated, the NBA puts the All-Star weekend in this time period ~ ~ Is also entertainment. The Super Bowl finals are placed at this time, and the midfield performance has developed into the largest festival in the United States, and it is also entertainment.

Chen Hao has become the protagonist in this entertainment season, and the exposure rate has increased significantly. This has also made Fox's crush plan the best harvest, but at the same time has not too much lost Chen Hao's appeal by American standards. I will feel tired of seeing him every day, and invite him on so many occasions, we can expect him to perform well.

In the end, everything depends on himself.

In Grammy, a performance of "MYLOVE" was successful, and the performance after winning the award was also successful. In an interview, he did not hesitate to criticize Murray for his disgusting behavior and got some people's criticism. His personality has also given him more support among adolescents.

The Super Bowl is here. For Chen Hao, this year ’s entertainment season really has to fight, not only is it good, it ca n’t be repeated. Every occasion and every stage, you have to show your best.

Isn't this a live version of a live show?

In the five live broadcast rooms, I will show you live through the camera.

I have the best talents, and now I also have the best stage. Grammy I showed the best songs, then this Super Bowl, I will be close to the theme, show another me, one will make the audience Screaming at me.

This is the scene of American football, this is the scene of the highest level of the most popular sport in this country, then my performance, first pay tribute to this project, I am not against you want to be with you, I just tell you with my actual actions I also like this sport. It is not important to plan for things other than technology, speed and strength. It is not important whether the first half of the game is exciting. I will make you look forward to the expectations of the second half of the game.

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