Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 869: Give me a poke at him online

"Do you think I'm joking?" Murray sat down on the single-seat sofa beside Tang Feng, and there was a flash of anger in the corners of his eyebrows. He hadn't heard anyone dare to talk to himself like this for a long time.

Tang Feng didn't ask Chen Hao to say, "Mr. Seedorf, are you sure you are not kidding me? You should know what happened yesterday, and who is the third master, you should not be afraid, but you are willing to talk to a Is he desperate all of a sudden? "

Morey nodded and looked at Tang Feng. It took him a long time to nod his head slightly. It was not a sign of approval. It was just a physical reaction that you had already made. This nod also faintly threatened Tang Feng.

The scene, froze.

No one wants to be the one to shrink back, or the first to do it first. Tang Feng's words are a threat. Obviously, this threat has played a role.

People live a breath, now is the time to fight for that breath. When you die, I will kill the enemy a thousand times and damage 800. Instead, they will not necessarily stand still. In this case, each other has scruples and wants Only when you show your strength can you stand still.

"Hehe." Murray suddenly smiled, and he thought of one thing, and it was this idea that made him feel rigid and nothing, and he sat here for as long as possible.

When he smiled, Chen Hao and Tang Feng both wanted to understand in a flash, and they both scolded him ruthlessly. What kind of anger came, Mad, this boy is also smart. It seems that he is reporting on the whole world. He didn't care about it.

The longer the time is, the more people who stare here will have more material ideas, and capture some pictures. As long as you take a picture of Murray from the hotel where Chen Hao lives, this can be a standard entertainment news. It does n’t matter if you ’re in the same frame, there are too many people, and a little bit of wind and grass move everyone eager to know for the first time. Once this entertainment news is attached, Mr. Murray Seedorf lives in a hotel room in Chen Hao and stays for a long time. . In this sentence, authenticity is not important, time and this hotel are important for Chen Hao's residence.

Using the media of imagination will definitely let you know why Huaer is so red. They will write beautiful articles to attract the attention of the world. Does Murray care if it is hard to say? Seeing that Chen Hao certainly cannot let this stubble continue, he When I came to the hotel, I was found to be looking for myself by the media. This can be silent, but if he stays for a few hours before leaving, he will stay in this room and wait for a few hours outside, so Murray is not shameless. To this point.

Chen Hao also laughed, playing this set, when the uncle played this, you still wear open crotch pants, I am not a strong dragon, you are a ground snake, I will be accompanied by how to play.

After adjusting a hairstyle, she got up and entered the large bedroom inside. The computer equipment on the writing desk near the window was set up. Chen Hao changed a light-colored shirt, turned on the computer, logged in to the Lele account, and entered five five live broadcast rooms.

Tang Feng on the side gave a thumbs up, this trick is high, how do you write in the media?

Then I thought of another possibility: "What if he rushes in?"

Chen Hao's scorching is already the bottom line: "He can't rush in."

Kang Yan, moved a sofa chair and leaned on the door of the bedroom, and Chen Gang who returned when Xiao Di returned to China also missed yesterday ’s wonderful program. He watched Murray as if he was starving. A plate of delicious rice bowls, don't scent it, as long as you dare to scent it, even if you are puffer fish, I dare to swallow it all.

Chen Hao's meaning is very simple. If you dare to play hard, then go to work. Can I escape from the United States and see what you are capable of, but it's really that step. Before I leave, you who broke my Hollywood work environment, use your life. Arrive.

Looking at him, Tang Feng seemed to be playing around with his mobile phone, but he sent a message to Jiu Gudong. People came on the heels of your grandfather. It ’s one thing to have kindness. This is Think of you completely as an insole. If you really do, then your grandfather will lose everything from the inside to the outside.

He still hopes that everyone will be jealous of each other and step back with compromises that are acceptable to both sides. This is not the case in the world. If you are not compromised for a lifetime, you may be short-lived. You ca n’t wait for the summit to be compromised. died.

At this time, it was more than ten o'clock in the evening of Huaxia. As soon as Chen Hao started broadcasting, as soon as the pop-up window of the live broadcast went out, if Lele was a small pond, that deep-water bomb would fall into the pond from the air and explode.

300,000, 800,000, 1.5 million, 2.2 million ...

The beating speed of the number of people in the live broadcast room is back to a few years ago. In the era when the live broadcast platform was able to hang a robot agreement, even then, few dared to hang the number of robots over a million.

Fans of Haomen maintain the neatness of the public screen, while some people who are watching it still shout Haozi I love you, and open their personal information to show that they are all male. They are troubled with Murray. Although it is negative news, it also gives Chen Hao brought in a large number of new fans, and the influence of curiosity was unprecedented.

Since Tang Feng is on the live broadcast, Yu Gong is private and unreasonable, he will not let the top of the list fall, for nothing else, for his father, for his father's big brother, good brother 扈 古 东 扈 三 伯.

A group of 66 diamond rings with a value of RMB1314, 'Maple Leaf Red' has been shown more than once in a live broadcast room of Chen Hao and Jiang Meiyan, what is called lipstick diamond ring necklace perfume brushing, and even today there is no interest in clicking, also Without asking how many combos, directly set a group of 66 diamond rings. After clicking, select the maximum number of 99 groups. Each time he finishes, he clicks again and then comes back to 99 groups.

Generally, even if Shenhao has been playing for a long time, swiping gifts will follow the routine of this platform. For such a large amount of gifts, swipe to combo. The more combos, the more numbers in the back represent the number of gift groups. Do n’t you have more pictures?

Today's Tang Feng is absolutely willful, and Chen Hao shook his head and smiled bitterly in the live broadcast room, shouting directly at the outer area of ​​the camera: "Maple Leaf, just brush it. You have to be the rhythm of letting me invite you to dinner at night . "

Speaking, he turned the camera slightly, Tang Feng also beckoned to everyone. He and Hao Zhonghai have already shown their faces, and they have been X by powerful netizens. There is no need to hide.

Fans of Haomen all greeted Tang Feng with a unified caliber: "Welcome Maple Leaf home."

The picture of thousands of people is enough. Now there are millions of Haomen fans in five or five. At the same time, typing Maple leaf brother is welcome to go home. There is no other realistic factor. If the big brother is brushing a gift, the fans will give you In this wave, you have to improve your strength in brushing gifts.

Chen Hao laughed: "Don't provoke Brother Maple Leaf. I came up today. You were surprised. I didn't think it was a surprise, but I couldn't help it. Ah, that funny guy, came to my hotel. Or, if I show my status to everyone, no more than three hours, all entertainment news will be gossip news. "

This explanation is for those who want to hear your explanation, but do n’t want to listen. No matter how you explain, he will give you the right seat according to his own established cognition.

Ke Er is the first friend anchor who went to Maixue herself. In this stubble, she talked directly to Came. This privilege is in five or five and no more than ten people. The second child has a bad temper. Who wants to fight? Chaos his brother's live broadcast, the relationship is not in place, he dared to kick someone directly out of the live broadcast room, the yellow horse was directly picked up.

"It's okay, Brother Maple is there. Within three hours, all entertainment news will be gossip news. Friends of various media reporters crawling below, don't thank me, I didn't say what Hao Zi and Maple Ye have, everyone I do n’t need to buy gifts in my studio, because I ’m Lei Feng. "

After speaking, Ke'er closed the wheat directly, and people jumped from Mai Xu.

Superstar Chen Hao, international superstar MOUSE, to this day, in five five live broadcasts, you can also see such ridicule and mutual harm, not only fans of Haomen, but also Lele fans will feel very happy, real people. Why the show ’s variety show is so popular, the audience feels that they have seen the real side of the stars in private. Here Chen Hao does not need any show to set off. The five five live broadcast rooms are the best platform. No matter when it is, as long as He live broadcasts you come in here, you can feel different from him in the film and television concert.

"Second son, find me out, run away, brothers, brothers of Haomen, everyone now open Weibo ~ ~ find me Ker, go to her comments and leave me a wave Yan, ask her what she runs, and I have to reward her like Lei Feng today. Is n’t it my favorite noodles? I ’ll go down-noodle-to-her-eat in a while. "

"Who says I'm dirty, brother, I have to say something to you, you're right, you never need the image of me, it makes people look like black, it's not bad, black me Get up to speed, I will also throw a blockbuster news, press it down, rest assured, when did you boss, I have played repeated stalks, vigorously volleying the stone ball and so on, there will not be so much attention . "

But the child came back with a lot of scars. He took the initiative to go to Mai, and Came pretended to cry. Tang Feng couldn't help but said, "We will not do such things as pity and love for jade."

Just a few minutes ago, Chen Hao's voice, in this short period of time, there were hundreds of thousands of replies under Kerer's Weibo. This number is still increasing by more than five digits every 10 seconds.

Chen Hao was preparing to use Keer as a topic for live chat. I saw an English vest ID in the broadcast room, which was also a diamond ring gift. The English meaning was simple: "require a yellow horse."

There are many and many people who want gifts for the yellow horse between the five live broadcasts. It is a special management statistics from Meicheng. When a certain number is reached, the yellow horse is set, but this yellow horse is just a status symbol. There are no permission functions.

"Wait a while, manage the field control and bring me this ID. Everyone knows that I have a straight temper and offended many people, and now I am too much debt, not afraid of being sprayed, so what, Since our public screen is so neat, I have to make it untidy, and change the ID name as well as the public screen typing, you are welcome, spray me, preferably in English. "

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