Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 861: 3 points into the wood

The applause was very warm, both to Chen Hao's fame and to the role of a clown.

A performance that subverted the supporting role pattern.

In the professional field, I gave the clown a high-level evaluation. Indeed, the clown is not a bad person in the traditional sense of good and evil, and his behavior can not be called ambition. It is an instinct that makes the world feel that it should On the other hand, I have no personal hatred with you. What I have done is just to make another world manifest. The world of order you are used to, but your weak cowardly avoiding a more cruel and more competitive society. If we have to define a position for the clown, it can only be said that he is ‘anti’, since we know all the normal order at the moment, it can also be said to be the destroyer of the current order.

Standing on the stage, Chen Hao seemed very calm and calm. This self-confidence stems from the achievements and the recognition of the current achievements. I played such a role, and it is normal for me to win a prize at this moment. If it is really inexhaustible and incoherent, it is pretended to be fake.

"Thank you Charles (producer) and Christopher (director) for their tolerance. My role in this role has caused them a lot of annoyance. At this moment, I think the value of this trophy is the highest, and I will give it to you. A little bit reluctant, or else, let me leave you at home for a few days. "

An innocent little joke, with a smile on the spot, Chen Hao stepped down easily and announced the end of his award speech. He did not surprise those who expected him to continue to shine in the Golden Globe, nor did they meet their expectations. Expectations did not perform well on the stage and were quite satisfactory.

Those who know him should know that he feels out of fashion, and really want to wait until he is the protagonist of this scene, he will not mind being the atmosphere master on the stage again.

Here Chen Hao came to the backstage to conduct some photo interviews. A small middle-aged woman was seated beside Xiaodi in front.

"Hello, I'm Martin's assistant. This is my business card."

To the woman, Xiao Di was a little less vigilant, took the business card, smiled at the other person, leaned forward and nodded, and said hello, without speaking, the other party understood, and spoke fluently but not standard Chinese. communicate with.

"Beautiful girl, Martin is casting a new show, which is a global production. I think you will be interested. Call me."

Although the business card belongs to this woman named Susan, there is one more message shown above. She is the assistant of producer XXX. Martin. Of course, Xiaodi has heard of the industry's leading name and smiled. Respond to the other party: "OK, I will let the agent contact you."

"No no no, I'm talking about you, you call me, I'll take you to see Martin, understand?"

"Huh? Sorry, I didn't understand what you meant." Xiaodi felt something bad.

"Oh, don't be nervous. Maybe you can go with MOUSE. Martin also admires him very much." Susan's sentence loosened the tight string in Dee's heart. She didn't know what the other party meant. It's just that in the unknown event, you can relax with Chen Hao.

Seeing that Direzhba didn't speak anymore, Susan smiled. At this time, applause was given to the awarding guests on the stage. She also stood up to leave, and there were already some people around her, looking at her with Some special colors turned to Xiao Di, his eyes were interesting, and the old Martin's taste was different. It seems that this delicate oriental porcelain doll is fancy by him today. There will be her figure in the movie. Old Martin is still more reliable. You go to his red sofa and will not go empty. There will be a supporting role with at least lines and a certain role.

Chen Hao didn't stay behind for a long time. He didn't want Xiaodi to suffer loneliness there, and no one knew how to sit there. That felt more embarrassing than loneliness. He would be in a bad mood.

The trophy is placed on the table. This is a table worthy of being patronized by the lens. There are no people who are really full here. Everyone just tastes it, that is, drink some wine and create a pure entertainment atmosphere.

In the process of awarding, Xiaodi still paid attention to the stage very politely, applaud with everyone when it was time to applaud, and give the winners sufficient respect when giving the attention, you do n’t know when the camera will take a snapshot of you , No artist will want to see himself in the camera is not good enough.

After taking the time, she handed the business card to Chen Hao: "Susan, the producer's assistant, said that there was a role for me to audition, maybe I thought too much, and she didn't object to your accompanying me ..."

Chen Hao took her hand with a big hand and whispered in her ear, "Go back and talk."

Xiao Di bowed his head: "Yes."

In this scene, the camera just snapped a shot. The best supporting actor in dispute, the role of the clown in history, the most sought-after young actor in the world, and today he is bringing a beautiful girlfriend. Naturally, the sweetness between the two is undoubtedly the picture needed for the Golden Globe Awards. More than half of the awards are given today. These two models are undoubtedly the best on the red carpet. They can be called the best, and they must give a few more features. .

The term young actor is different in Hollywood and elsewhere.

There are young movie stars and young actors in Hollywood. In the past ten years, among the highest paid people in Hollywood, there are often very young and even young figures, such as "Transformers", "Harry Potter" and so on. The series of movies has won a lot of unusually young movie stars, they can get more than 10 million pay, even 20 million club members, this is their commercial value, does not mean that they are qualified and recognized Actors.

Good actors need time to polish. Actors who have been in their 40s in Hollywood are young. Chen Hao is only in his twenties and is only the first play. He has appeared in the world film industry with such amazing performance. At the beginning, as a singer, one song and two songs let people around the world know him. He is the darling of the media and is highly anticipated by everyone, but we must see what kind of achievements the actor can create in the future.

Today's protagonist is not Chen Hao. He can only be regarded as one of the important supporting roles. Just as the reputation he received is the same, some people look forward to his future, some look coldly at his future, so young and so explosive. In the future, who knows how you can do it? Today you stand on top with a clown, where will you be tomorrow? Will there still be such high quality praised today?

He himself, not thinking about these things, smiling at the camera, and Xiao Di boarded a business car from Kang Yan and returned to his hotel.

After the car drove a certain distance, a crack was opened in the window, a business card was thrown from it, dropped on the ground, crushed by countless wheels, blown to the street by the wind, swept into the trash, and finally reduced to trash A member.

"In Martin's home, there is a red sofa, and he himself, who is not afraid of it, has a big production with an investment of two billion yuan in his hand. Call you, call me. He still has a shameless ambition to meet him. I hit him in the face with a punch and became a deadly enemy. Why not give the face to the enemy who might take us cold? "


Xiaodi developed a feeling of nausea. She drank two sips of water before she pressed it down. She didn't want to think about it, which would make her even more sick. She knew there was such a thing, but she never thought she would be so close to herself. The woman named Susan almost didn't say directly, you make Martin happy, you will have a place in the 200 million investment blockbuster.

"In the future, there will be more and more of this kind of thing. There will be me outside. In the country, no one dares, and no one will really want to come with me for a while."

"Where is this? You just arrived here, and I just heard Asun say that someone invited me to the dinner, and I refused directly. It is said that the other person is still a very powerful person here." Xiaodi was a little worried. She is also a person who swims from the edge of darkness. This circle is not as dark as the outside world, but it also has a place to hide dirt and dirt. It has not been necessary to face those things for more than a year ~ www.NovelMTL. com ~ I did not expect to come to the United States to participate in a red carpet and encountered such a thing.

"I have money and strength. Here, I can have fun. I am not offending and I am not afraid of offending anyone. Both the company and Haige Tiange have paved the way for me. Now the power of the Chinese It ’s very big all over the world. As long as I do n’t say that I ’m going to deal with me publicly, martially, and pretending to be powerful, I ’m not afraid of anyone. Yan He and Chen Gang are no longer easy, and not everyone will necessarily use force. There is no doubt that force is indeed a relatively intuitive and effective way and has to be prevented.

The original conversation with the small steel cannon in the island is being displayed in some way. To be comfortable and not to be bound by the rules, you must have sufficient strength. In the minefield that Huaxia Chen Hao has not visited, In Hollywood, there is no longer a large group of people **** with his interests to support the day for him. Either learn to normal artists should compromise, and slowly rely on grades to mix qualifications, or it can only be rigid. It may be that he is here, it is difficult to walk, and he may encounter various troubles.

In the night, in the hotel room, the curtains were not closed, and the bright night view of the city can be seen in the distance. The sky is full of stars. Chen Hao was holding Xiaodi from behind, and they were lying sideways on the bed and looking out the window. .

"Worried for me?"

"I believe you."

"I can compromise, and I'm not stupid enough to think that I can overcome everything, but there is a bottom line to compromise. If you go over, you will have to fight for it, no big deal, and take you home to farm."

Chen Hao's hand was right in front of Xiaodi's eyes, and a finger slammed into the nightstand beside the bed.


No, wear wood.

PS: Thank you for your good suggestions, I will work hard and strive to do better!

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