Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 858: Great movie script

The power of role models is endless, and it is more able to give the comparator a strong forward driving force. If there is also a catfish effect in the crew, then the existence of Chen Hao is the best catfish effect in "Fanghua" crew.

Everyone is trying to make themselves perform better. No one wants to be a hindering existence in the eyes of others. The end of the drama of Liu Feng means that everyone's status is always in a climbing state. The drama of Liu Feng was finished, and some of the remaining non-group dramas were also interspersed with the shooting. The effect was very good. The performance of the main actor made Xiao Gang Cannon extremely satisfied. He is also a smart man. The last play was completed on the last day, to avoid some minor embarrassment affecting everyone's state.

Pool play.

There is a little embarrassment here, that is, the actors who star in vintage swimsuits are normal. They are all normal and have confidence in their own lines. They are mainly thin and the pictures will be beautiful. The key is the actors and the plot. A little awkwardness between them. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

As we all know, this old-fashioned swimwear is suppressive rather than prominent for some parts. Normally, some internal treatments are done. It is not a problem in the clothing props. It can highlight the majesty and magnificence that girls want. Being pulled into an airfield, but this plot is precisely that they are tangling the 'pad', joking that others add this thing in their swimsuits.

Although everyone is unwilling to make a public announcement, this will be a little awkward. They are bound to add support to highlight the effect and the impression of their own in the fans ’hearts. The plot must be attacked and joked about this kind of behavior. Before Xiaogang Cannon I was worried that everyone would not be able to talk and laugh with confidence, and that there would be little embarrassment that would make the actors feel bad, so despite the good weather one after another, he still put the scene at the end.

Chen Hao compared the script with the version in the brain. In fact, there was a large number of male soldiers and the fun between men and women in this play. It was the inner feelings of the small steel cannon. The kind that was still beautiful even in that era He wanted to show the picture. In the version in Chen Hao's mind, there was no such paragraph. No matter what the reason was, it was finally cut off. He just made a comparison. If he wanted to shoot it, he would do it himself. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

As a result, when the filming started, the small steel cannon adjusted the original design and erased the feelings. The reason he gave was simple: "Either there is no Liu Feng, and it is not meaningful to shoot without Liu Feng. With Liu Feng, after playing in the water, it is estimated that everyone's eyes will not be on others. Even if they are to be filmed, Liu Feng will be filmed to watch the lively side. "

In the play, including Xiaoping He went to Liu Feng ’s bedroom, including Liu Feng ’s summer dress and dance dress, the small steel cannons deliberately dealt with it, and he was not allowed to wear a small vest. The reason is simple. Hao Zi ’s figure is too good It must be covered up, otherwise the personal charm of this image of Liu Feng cannot be obliterated by the plot. When the audience enters the theater to watch, they will have a sense of resistance. Why can such a charming man not attract women's love.

In a nutshell, the ideal character image in Xiao Gang's mind is not like Chen Hao. He needs to wipe out as much as possible the highlights on Chen Hao and keep him in the "normal" state as much as possible. Any level of spike can reveal him. Where unparalleled advantages, small steel cannons need to be measured for the overall plot. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

With such advantages, Chen Hao can safely watch the filming of the pool scene from the wall. The filming of the movie may be more than ten or twenty seconds after the final editing. It may take dozens of people to shoot. The set shooting requires several hour.

Below, the atmosphere you want to create in the film has come out, cheers and laughs, and starts to launch some preparatory exercises for shooting.

Upstairs, Qiu Yu has already booked a flight ticket to 1a. Before the Golden Globe Awards, all the best supporting actors in the awards were taken by Chen Hao with an unshakable advantage. One of them did not attend, which has caused a lot of Large public opinion fluctuations. Before this year's American Golden Globe Awards, before the Chinese New Year, Chen Hao did not really pretend to give up the opportunity to give up. That is, the Oscar's premise is equal to the Oscar's weathervane. The gold content of its awards is already It is the runner-up position in the awards season. Of course, he can. Of course, he does not go because he has fewer scripts delivered to him recently. Everything, he hopes to be good, not to be forced to do things. And will not deliberately resist anything. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Hope, you can finish it?"

Chen Hao looked at the graceful figure below through the fence upstairs. This is not only the actor, the dancers of the dance company, but also the embellishment of this scene. The picture will no doubt stimulate the secretion of hormones in a straight line. This is not that it is difficult to find a beautiful figure in the seaside in reality, almost all of them are in good shape.

He hopes to finish, because when the attendance was confirmed, he also confirmed one thing with the Golden Globe Awards, that is, he will go with his girl companion, it does n’t matter if it ’s compliant or not, anyway, he agreed. It doesn't matter how you think about it, you really want to win the prize, you really want to win the Oscar, you really want to be a world superstar in the future, and all the so-called seemingly unreasonable requests will become a beautiful story that everyone will talk about. On the other hand, if the exhibition is not good, then this will become evidence of a big deal against you in the future.

It doesn't matter, Chen Hao has this confidence, because when he started the reality exhibition spree for the last daily task, there were originally two songs and three scripts, and he came up with a "Reappearance of Yesterday", and came out with a wonderful, There are two remaining scripts and a song. When he wanted to open the script some time ago to see if there is a script suitable for international image shooting, those two scripts were not started and the system gave him a hint. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Whether the merger is started, and the mainline and daily mission rewards are accumulated and added to the script reward to obtain the great movie script. At present, the integration of the two scripts is relatively low. Only sporadic information about the great movie script can be provided. ? "

For the "system thinks what I think", Chen Hao has been deeply touched for several years. He did not go through too many ideological struggles and chose to merge. He also got the basic information of the great movie script. Little, little pitiful. .

Take the level of "Fanghua" as an example. Two movie scripts that are almost at the same level as it are. As a necessary condition and part of starting a great movie script, the sporadic script information can only explain one problem. This script Will produce results that are completely imaginable.

In the past, there are songs as evidence. Several of the songs sung in the world, Chen Hao has no doubt about their greatness, but even they are only part of the reward, or they occupy some additional rewards, but this great movie script, But I saw that it is necessary to merge at least one or two main lines, and daily big rewards can be turned on. Then, what kind of magic charm will it have after shooting? How great will it be in the history of world cinema? & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This expectation value has completely reached its peak, directly out of the limit that Chen Hao can imagine. Maybe, with the current few films that have reached the highest position in the history of world cinema, maybe there is a fight? Perhaps it was a great breakthrough to shoot this play as a Chinese person.

It can be said that this script has made him full of fighting spirit, and he also deeply understands the degree of sirloin in the system, what big packages and other rewards become less attractive, and what anchor status earns 100 million yuan or dominates Datang. The success of "Double Dragons" successfully connected the real entertainment industry with Lele. At the same time that these appeals and difficulties are decreasing, a 'great movie script' was thrown out, full of great appeal, and also made Chen Hao confident in the future. It is also full of fighting spirit.

"This is a film about self-salvation. It was rebuilt after it was destroyed. It was destroyed during the reconstruction. There is no war, no stunts, no beauties, and no additional effects that can add points to the film." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

With such an expectation value, it also adds momentum to Chen Hao's recent performance ~ ~ Otherwise, he will not give up a little leeway for everyone to go for such a perfect performance.


The wet towel that was thrown from downstairs to the second floor interrupted Chen Hao's thoughts, and Xiaodi, who was wet around the head of the large bath towel, was standing downstairs, looking at him with a grim expression, eyes One pair knows that the other party is looking forward to it. The reason is not important.

Walking downstairs, I took a new towel and wiped the water stains on Diao for the little dog. "How's it going?"

"Fortunately, I just heard Xiao Qiu go to the Golden Globe?"

"Just say hello to there, you don't have to go if you want to go."

"I don't know, listen to you."

& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Being able to make an appearance on the international stage is an opportunity that Chinese artists, especially female artists want, without having to talk about the scene, but the red carpet is enough to attract a lot of people every year. Now there is an opportunity. Appearing as one of the protagonists on the scene of the Golden Globe Awards, Western media will say nothing, but at least in Asian media, Xiaodi will have a chance to become the focus in a short time.

Under her independence and strength, it is the heart of a little woman, of the type of strong woman, who will feel that I get this opportunity from my boyfriend is not what I want, I want to fight for it myself, but she can understand what Chen Hao does. These goals are also willing to enjoy the ray of sunlight that is exclusive to her in a safe haven, so she has only a little anxiety and unknown, but she has no real resistance.

Between the rejection of her boyfriend's kindness and some outside rumors, she is willing to accept the latter, and is not willing to do things that reject him.

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