Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 855: Good director

Entering the room, Chen Hao swept to the big banana fan at the door. He didn't wait for others to speak. First, he took the iced white fungus lotus seed pan and poured a bowl for everyone. He also said with a smile: "I just got a place, and after a while today ’s filming is finished, I will take you to the field to pick strawberries and mangoes and bananas, and then we go to the sea, I have people prepare some seafood, blowing the sea breeze at sea , Eating sashimi, everyone also relax and relax, there is still a little time to drink, relieve the heat, lie down and rest for a while, I will show you the time, yes, Xiao Qiu just got some ice crystals, I give You put it in the air cooler, it won't be too hot. At this time, you will have a sleep and beat the living fairy ... "

In fact, everyone is just making a noise, watching a superstar like Chen Hao willing to accompany him, but also deliberately making himself very low-profile, and also enjoyed it. The so-called punishment torture is not important. After drinking a bowl to relieve the heat I felt a lot of hot feeling. The two coolers were equipped with new ice crystals and water. They were placed in the corner of the far end of the bed and started to blow. When the coolness of Tremella lotus seeds and iced milk tea dissipated. The temperature and humidity in this house will also reach a state of rest.

Chen Hao also took a very comfortable polyester blanket, covered it coolly, covered everyone, everyone did not have to taboo whether it is appropriate to cover a blanket, all four girls closed their eyes and raised their feet The spirit dealt with the drama in the evening, and I had expectations for the night after the filming. When I went to the sea to blow my hair, I thought in my mind that the air around me was a lot cooler.

In the room, Chen Hao played an old record with an old-fashioned gramophone, and the gentle music drifted in the room. Chen Hao and Xu Fan exited the room and closed the door gently. The house from the previous heat to the paradise on earth at this moment, the state of mind The effect of change is far greater than changes in the environment.

Chen Hao rolled his eyes and took a sigh of relief. He turned around and saw Xu Fan pointing at him with a thumbs up.

"Their pressure is very high. The expectation of this film is too high. If this little melon is not playing He Xiaoping, the pressure may be less." Chen Hao handed a cup of iced milk tea to Xu Fan, at this time the nutritional content seemed not It's important, with a little mouthfeel and cold feeling, even if you drink less, just holding it in your hand is very comfortable.

Xu Fan took a sip of iced milk tea and nodded: "You are a good director. At this point, our family is not as good as you."

Chen Haogan laughed twice, old qualifications are old qualifications, and at a glance, he saw his dog legs status, not for girlfriends or pity, but just stood on the angle of shooting and said to each other unwillingly. "If conditions permit, install a few concealed air conditioners. The pressure is high and the heart is impetuous. This heat, all the impetuousness is pulled out."

In the other room, the small steel cannon was chatting with Zhao Lixin, while Jing Bairan was learning to play the trumpet with a professional in another room.

In order to finally preserve the original flavor of the era in the “Cultural Group”, the proposal of installing air conditioners in non-shooting areas was also rejected by small steel cannons. In fact, Haikou was not that hot. Extra resistance.

After chatting for a while, Chen Hao and Jing Bairan took a rest in a business car outside. The cold wind in the car diminished the feeling of the seats in the car as compared to real beds. In the dormitory of the hospital, temporary comfort was better than temperature. Jing Bairan Prefer temperature over pressure comfort.

Chen Hao himself does not agree with the practice of small steel cannons. His concept is to make the overall shooting conditions more comfortable, then he will definitely not make himself uncomfortable.

In the evening shooting, everyone was in a good state, especially the performance of marginal characters. They had lines and appearances, but they all appeared as a backdrop. The audience saw that the scene was lively, but the focus was on the protagonist. What the supporting actors did, when they appeared, and even what they said, the audience would have no concept.

A big play, everyone played with real wine, there is an atmosphere formed by the taste of the wine, really drink a bite, and the drunk feeling of the pretend can be more real.

This is a play without Liu Feng and He Xiaoping. The setting of the play itself is a huge irony. In "Fanghua", the name of the hero and the protagonist is absent. At the time of dissolution, all tears seemed to converge on those they had abandoned.

Feng Feng was abandoned, no matter what he did to Lin Dingding at that time, as a good and noble man who gave the opportunity to others and hurt his waist because of helping others, once suspected, ruined his life. In the script, No account was given to him, and this deliberate downplay was an answer in itself.

He Xiaoping was abandoned. She was mournful and heartbroken. A little bit of rekindled flame was sent by those soldiers who were comforted. But in the face of the role of the political-commission committee played by Zhao Lixin, she was once again destroyed by cold, including The members of the entire corps were indifferent to her leaving.

In the end, the literary troupe lost its survival value under the tide of the times. At this time, everyone was crying, everyone showed a very strong emotional release, the shooting idea of ​​the small steel cannon, the idea of ​​the script, and crying at this time. Didn't you think of Liu Feng and He Xiaoping? They left here earlier, and they did n’t even have the opportunity to cry and drink together. They seemed to be the people who abandoned the Cultural Group, but they were actually abandoned by the Cultural Group. In the end, the group did not give up. Soon after leaving, there was no shadow here. Some were washed out by the times. Those who went to sea to do business, published books, and went abroad. Being a lady, they were the ones who were the first to feel unsuitable to stay here. , Retain all the imprints of that era, He Xiaoping's solo dance, the end of the two.

So when filming this scene, Chen Hao and Zhou Dongyu both changed into costumes and stood next to the camera. They had to look at everyone and let everyone look at them. They both had to keep watching the scene. The emotions are stored in the memory and will be used later for shooting. Everyone wants to find the emotions that need to be hidden in the shooting of the two of them. The whole scene, not to mention Liu Feng and He Xiaoping, but Let some audiences who are willing to go in depth to watch the movie, see Liu Feng He Xiaoping in their eyes, and Liu Feng He Xiaoping in their hearts.

The shooting went smoothly. Nearly three hours of shooting, there were some N machines that wasted time and did not focus, and some of the plays were done in one go. Xu Fan and Zhao Lixin, as old seniors, performed very well in this play, and gave everyone an example. As an extra emotional line between Xiao Suizi and Hao Shuwen, Chen Can played by Jing Bairan also showed the value of his role. As for Lin Dingding, it is more in line with the current standards and values ​​of people's behavior.

The filming was completed, and the small steel cannon gave everyone a holiday, and also participated in a fun activity organized by Chen Hao. The filming of the previous period of time finally had a node that satisfied the director. Those who took time off to participate in some activities were finally embarrassed. Speak up.

After the cool sun went down, I picked fresh fruit and ate little. I enjoyed it between the heavens and the earth. I had the chance to conquer the taste buds until the night fell. Some people got on the yacht and failed to bring everyone. However, Chen Hao did not forget that at the seaside, a great feast for seafood taste buds was prepared for everyone.

When we arrived at the sea, everyone changed into cool clothes, the sea breeze was blowing slowly, and they were very comfortable to blow on their bodies. All the pressures in this period of time have been floating in the air under this environment, and they are greeted by the embrace of the sea.

"Haozi, how about. I will focus on filming your drama tomorrow. Everyone's opinion is to take time off for two or three days. The first thing to watch is your shooting. After a few days, you will start filming your group drama." The steel cannon also completely relaxed himself. Uncle Ge's famous Yanjing was paralyzed. He personally performed a nearly 100% restored version for everyone.

"Yes ~ ~ Raising the wine glass, Chen Hao is already eager to try it. Drinking is so, so is filming.


The first scene came up the next day. The small steel cannon gave everyone a dismissal. Jiang Shuying and Jing Bairan took time off to participate in an event. They missed the opening performance of Chen Hao. After returning, they watched the filming materials. It was a pity that they were not at the scene. I saw Chen Hao listening to the thundering Liu Feng in a silent place.

The first scene was about the movie being examined by Liu Feng. How did he touch Lin Dingding, what actions he did, and what ideological atmosphere he had at the time.

A good old man who is about to burst out without a disease, the general audience will feel that the explosion is not thorough enough, and they will feel that Liu Feng is still quite insane, even if he throws a punch?

But I do n’t know. This is not only the limit of the character Liu Feng, but also the limit of the background of the times. If you plan to wear this clothes, patience is just a standard configuration when you ca n’t explain the grievance. No one can escape it. Later on the battlefield, Liu Feng was fierce and brave and did not fear death. He also had life experience to promote his change. What remained unchanged was that he was still the good guy Liu Feng, but the change was only helpless under disappointment. It can also be seen from this point that Liu Feng is not an idealist. He is helpless and cruel in reality. He bears resistance but is irresistible. Only when he can make a choice will he reveal his helplessness. Kind of resistance.

Some people have watched Chen Hao filming live, but more people have not watched him filming live. How did this play happen? People who have seen the script have a scale in their hearts, and they also have a simulation scene. How should I perform? How can the acting effect be better, and how might Chen Hao perform?

All the guesses are wrong, and a unified perception is that they underestimate the men who can shape a classic role in Hollywood film history.

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