Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 850: New Generation Starcraft Helicopter

It's no exaggeration to talk about Aiwu and Wu. It's the same here at Yang Mi. The affair produced by a "Descendant of the Sun" is enough to override her personal relationship with Xiaodi. In the past, Chen Hao robbed the house while it was on fire. The resulting mustard was long gone.

Looking at the artist who is popular in one hand now has better exhibition prospects and personal belonging, little jealousy is still there, but more, still make good real ideas for a future win-win situation, Chen Hao alone In this circle, the value of it is recognized and elevated by most people. In any of his works, the value of investment in all aspects exists.

A character is likely to spur an artist. The movie does n’t say anything. The TV series "Descendants of the Sun" gave almost all the actors in the show a new peak in their personal acting career. At this moment, when Chen Hao appeared, he was next to him. Surrounded by a group of people, the next person felt another real message, not only the drama red, but over the years, not everyone thinks that Chen Hao is no longer a newcomer junior, he is already in the circle The helicopter began to have its own passengers.

At one time, the well-known conspiracy girl, the actor selected by the old conspiracy, was so popular that it was the first generation of star-making helicopters.

Later, there was the star girl of Zhou Xingchi, who also started a film. The heroine or supporting actress became the object of everyone's attention. One by one, even if it is only the face value, can definitely become a hot presence in the circle within a certain period of time.

The small steel cannon did not deliberately dig for new stars, but because his movie is very popular, the actress is no worse than a girl, Shuang Bing can be said to be really red from his film, Fan Bingbing on his mobile phone, Li Bingbing, the world's newest third-generation star-making helicopter, is now being chased by a new generation of helmsmen.

In Chen Hao ’s film and television dramas, they are also one after another. His line is similar to that of small steel cannons. The outside world also reports that the two are worthy of forgetting each other. The difference is that Chen Hao is better than small steel cannons. Good artists, go up two or three steps directly. "Why Sheng Xiao Mu", Tang Yan, Li Qin and other people became domestic first-line artists, "Descendants of the Sun" made Yang Mi and Wang Likun all over Asia, Gu Zhixin and Chen Xiang also became the most popular front-line niche in China, piled up on the two The script from the agent is like a mountain. The same is true of movies, but everyone who has collaborated now thinks that he has fewer works, and when there are more works, he will definitely allow more people and get more opportunities.

In the National Drama Festival, just the actors in the crew of "Descendants of the Sun" gathered around him, it is enough to form a very powerful team in this scene, standing together, is the most shining group.

Yang Mi was dressed up, Wang Likun hit the emerald pleated skirt, Gu Zhixin was a tough guy, Chen Xiang Han Fan Xiaosheng was handsome on the spot. The fact that "Descendants of the Sun" must be invincible big winners this year is undoubted. Multiple award nominations cover the crew These main actors have their own awards in national dramas, and there are many personal awards. It is an award that gives everyone a year's praise. As a TV show last year, it has been rated as the best TV show in the world. "Dream", in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia, how many countries are all viewing champions, and even this year, it has been repeatedly broadcast on various television stations. Their names are familiar to audiences in various countries, and even take their previous Some works have also been excavated.

It ’s rare to see it on weekdays, and we are all busy. Taking advantage of today ’s occasion, everyone got together. Yang Mi had n’t met the two by accident before. She was the actor with the crew and was waiting at the entrance. Same month, entered the infield.

The performing arts circle in any country is the same. The status of a movie actor is much higher than that of a television actor. The more a country has the film and television industry, the more serious it is. As Chen Hao, who has achieved extraordinary results in the film industry, brings The image of Captain Liu, a descendant of the sun, is definitely the deserved number one today, and it is no exaggeration to say that the light on his body is the brightest.

Through Hua Shao, through running men, and through the film and television dramas he has performed in recent years, Chen Hao has also accumulated a lot of connections. Standing here today, I don't feel anything jerky. He knows more than half of the actors on the scene. Get together and chat, time flies, and the time for the grand awards ceremony is up.

Since Chen Hao walked into the venue, he has been a well-deserved focus here. The national opera grand ceremony is the largest entertainment award ceremony for actor awards. As an actor, Chen Hao does not need to consider the so-called qualifications. Sitting in the most conspicuous position, the scene is the easiest to capture his position. On his side is Xiao Di, and on the side is the crew of "Descendants of the Sun". Today's most shining combination team, almost everyone is sure Will get the award, Di Lierba also won the award of a young and popular actress.

The National Drama Festival is not like other professional awards. Please ask the stars for the awards. The winners will tell you directly in advance, which will make it easier to invite. After all, they have to design for Anhui Satellite TV. It ’s fierce. I ’m not going to make a similar award. I do n’t get too many movie actors. I ’m a TV series. Compared with film actors, in the eyes of some audiences, the stars of the TV series are more familiar. During the ceremony, the stars not only won prizes, but also paid attention. At the same time, there were not too many but better than nothing. Audiences can also see the stars who are familiar with the TV series for one year and dress up for the national drama. The grand ceremony, show everyone their beauty, handsome side and their true side at the scene.

This plan is successful. The star's face also depends on the familiarity. The appearance rate of TV drama stars in various activities is not as good as that of movie stars and singers. Today, they are given a stage. The audience watched more professional awards and watched more. This is a unique New Year's concert, and it is getting bigger and bigger. Every year, the actors of popular TV series are very popular. Come to receive a prize, brush your sense of presence, and get a chance to make headlines.

Here, there is almost no phenomenon of seniority ranking. There are many awards and different names. People who come can share a piece of cake. The rest are not well-known. Come to this store of presence and make yourself a sight. Familiar presence. At this point, there were more than a hundred stars on the scene, and the media paid more attention to it. The coverage of the report was increased, the scope of publicity was also broadened, and more people were concerned. A benign-cycle resulted from this. At the beginning of each year, when talking to sponsors, the waist is also straight.

This year, it is said that the price of an advertising space is very high. Generally, Chen Hao leads the crew of "Descendants of the Sun" to support the national drama grand ceremony.

The big red envelope has already been delivered to Qiuyu's hands. This is a ritual. In fact, the funds have already been delivered through the formal way. This is a bit of a play. Chen Hao's hands will definitely not pass the money. No Pretending is a proper gesture. Even if there is nothing between us and the snake, we will not put money on the table to talk about each other. Why are there brokers and brokerage companies? They have to complete this kind of market job.

When he arrived at the scene, naturally, Chen Hao and the crew he brought with him, and even those who had a good relationship with him, were also the objects taken care of by the scene.

What is the charm star of the year, the drama star of the year, the role star of the year, the star of the year of influence, the light and the heavy let you not weigh the high and low. The model that started in the past few years is an unfavorable move. Almost restored the model with the best actor and actress four or five years ago. Thanks to Chen Hao, he is not an arrogant person. When the organizer finds the company to discuss the matter, he doesn't care to tell that any award can be used.

Star of the year.

Gu Zhixin, Wang Likun, Xiao Di and others all came to the stage to receive awards. The awards prepared for Chen Hao and Yang Mi were the annual talent stars.

The actors in the previous crew won the award and gave the warmest applause on the field ~ ~ When Xiao Di received the award, both Chen Hao and Yang Mi went up to present her the award, one was a boyfriend and the other was Former boss, the interaction at the scene is also the most lively. The entertainers on the stage applauded frequently and laughed unabashedly several times. Under Yang Mi's persecution, many of the things the two fell in love with were turned over. Out of the box, it added a lot of selling points to the National Drama Festival.

To this final award, everyone knows that if TV awards were to be selected last year, then this one is full of positive energy and wins glory for the country. The content of the play itself is very sunny and positive, praising two The great professional soldiers and doctors will be the reapers of all types of awards. In the finale of a national drama festival, they are actually wronged.

The warmest applause from the scene was given to these two people, and they went on stage to receive the award together. They gave up the individual and focused on the play.

"Thank Hao Zi around me, for handing me such a great actress. I learned a lot during the filming. I also followed the crew and witnessed firsthand what the world is still full of war. I have also seen what the doctors are doing to save people. Maybe Jiang Hanyan who filmed this movie is just a character I have filmed, but for this film, my understanding of the profession of doctor will accompany me throughout my life and pay tribute. , Soldiers who guard our frontiers and make peace, salute the angels in white who save lives. "

Yang Mi ’s award-winning speech was absolutely compelling, and she gave her the warmest applause on the scene. Everyone stood up and applauded.

The applause faded out, Yang Mi smiled and glanced at Chen Hao with a smirk, and reached to the microphone again: "Sorry, I did it on purpose, come on, our great talents, let's take the situation."

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