Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 847: Spike 1 group per person

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five ..."

"Three, two, one!"

"happy New Year!!"

Tens of thousands of people in the audience counted down together, the sound was shocking, and the picture was quite shocking, provided that Chen Hao's performance had not been counted before, this shouting in unison had already appeared more than once in the previous ten minutes, and many people voiced They are already dumb. The previous few hours of performance did not make them hoarse. Chen Hao took the stage for more than ten minutes. They had to rest a little by relying on the most lively New Year's Eve of the year. When the fireworks rose into the sky, Everyone's emotions are not attracted to it, but take advantage of this time to quickly rest their throats, drink some water, swallow the mouth and moisten their throats.

In a short time of fireworks, Chen Hao completed a simple dress-up, a casual shirt on his upper body, a white t-shirt inside, a lift on the table, and a piano. When everyone said Happy New Year, he played From the familiar rhythm of music.

"Heryiw," w reappeared yesterday, and sang two songs affectionately and intently. When the hosts went on stage, the remaining guests also came on stage. As a accompaniment, Chen Hao played the piano with the most at today's large-scale parties. A popular song "Tomorrow will be better w.

One person at a time, even the host has a chance to show his voice. There are no difficult songs that can satisfy people from all walks of life to control the song. In the end, everyone is behind the piano and Chen Hao plays in front of him. While playing the piano, until the end of a song, until the accompaniment resounded, the host came to the front to make a final summary of the New Year's Eve party and say goodbye to everyone.

It was equal to the time of six songs. Chen Hao timed out, but none of the leaders of Modu TV was dissatisfied. When they got the highest ratings in the same period of the day, they even felt like they were exulting.

This mango station, Jiangsu-Zhejiang station, and even Sujiang station have risen in recent years. As the most prosperous metropolis and the most fashionable frontier, Magic Metropolis has been crushed in similar activities for a long time. This time, he became the champion of this year's New Year's Eve with an unshakable advantage. Did Jun see the National Drama Festival be crowded into New Year's Day? After the Metropolis TV announced that it would be a New Year's Eve with everyone, several David TVs did not flinch to fight. Programs such as the National Opera Ceremony could only retreat, and put them on New Year's Day, and invited more celebrities to sacrifice the New Year's Day party. There should be no problem. At present, there is no market for orthodox variety shows among young people. At most, big-name stars have been invited. When they are playing, they are selected to watch them.

Chen Haowan rejected everyone's proposal for a supper. After the performance was over, he took the minibus prepared by the Metropolis TV for the first time and left the stadium. His entourage was seated inside the minibus and all the curtains were pulled. They are all blocked. There are tens of thousands of fans and fans who have not left. They are looking forward to meeting their favorite idols.

Back to the hotel, take a shower, ordered Thai food has been delivered, Chen Hao did not go to see any news comments, the push of various mobile news is also closed today, he knows that it must be overwhelming about New Year's Eve News, of which he will definitely be taken care of. His habit, after attending an event or a concert performance, will certainly isolate himself from the outside world and not read the comments. In the past, flowers applause and criticism sounded side by side. Now it is flowers. Applause occupies an overwhelming advantage, and he still maintains this habit.

I ’ve eaten a meal, I ’m lying on the bed with a mobile phone, and playing games like lyil and the Jedi survival. He ca n’t play it. It ’s boring to use the trumpet to crush the game. It is estimated that as long as you get on the number, you are guaranteed to be caught, and there will be follow-up reports from the media. Every detail you play in the game will be analyzed by the media to find any newsworthy material. Can be seen by everyone.

Playing such a card-type mobile game is very good. At first, everyone only focused on themselves as a child care. Later, they only focused on how much money they would charge. They played games and played a magical horror story on their mobile phones. He gradually fell asleep until the dawn rose the next day, and the sun shone on the curtains in the bedroom. He would get up and persist in daily exercise while his body allowed his mental state to struggle to stay in bed.

He insisted that he gave himself a reason, life was too good, and he wanted to find something unsatisfactory to overcome.

Every morning if you want to get out of bed to enjoy the laziness of the morning, then use it to operate, just enough time to complete a day of exercise, want to become superman, is it as simple as wearing shorts outside.

After getting up, washing, facing myself in the mirror, looking at the skin state without any flaws, looking at the crazy muscle lines, the corners of the mouth rising slightly, such a result, but giving up bed, what is not worth it .

Now it ’s not only some **** fans, but also a lot of media. Whenever Chen Hao has an event in a city, someone will go to a few high-end hotels and do everything he can to get the news that he did check in. Then the next morning, We went to the gymnasium and swimming pool to squat. We didn't bother our guests to rest. We just waited in the public area and didn't come up to disturb our guests to exercise here. The hotel opened one eye and closed one.

Chen Hao, Chen Gang, and Kang Yan began to exercise. Qiu Yu must now also get up early. He needs to communicate with the media personnel at the scene.

"Hao Zi will not evade everyone's shooting, but please do not step forward or interrupt Hao Zi's training, otherwise you will not be able to shoot him, he will not be trained, and all will suffer."

Now many media like to take pictures of him in the swimming pool. With just a few photos and simple text, the news will have a lot of traffic and attention. There is no way. This is an era of looking at faces. Chen Hao Attracts a large number of fans and girls with their bodies, is willing to watch such newsletters, and is willing to spend effort to download such pictures to their mobile phones or computers.

It is reasonable for Chen Hao to choose not to watch any news yesterday, so as not to affect his emotions. Today, the media of the magic city directly gave the news that angered him while also shaping him.

"Chen Hao alone, at the same time ratings, spike the sum of other viewers' share."

Although it is a fact, during the more than 20 minutes of Chen Hao's debut on stage, the New Year's Eve Party of the Magic TV was indeed the sum of the viewing shares of nearly ten New Year's Eve parties at the same time. It ’s all due to Chen Hao, who is more or less sought after, but I do n’t think so, but I think it is negating the fact. In those twenty minutes, he was indeed performing alone, with the cooperation of the host at best. Is it because of the host or the fireworks at 1:00 that everyone gave up other stations and switched to the Magic TV?

There is more news of this kind, and there are more people analyzing it. You will feel incredible when you read all kinds of remarks. Chen Hao is simply-do n’t watch, swim, and go to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Then I went back to the room to take a bath to change clothes. I took a newspaper and flipped around. It was almost time to set off and return to Beijing to participate in a rare live drama tonight.

Looking at Xiao Di who appeared in front of him, Chen Hao gave it a big hug regardless of whether the airport was a public place. He got up early in the morning and rushed over by car to fly back to Yanjing on the same flight as himself. After spending more than two hours, such a move, after embracing, Chen Hao immediately bowed his head and kissed. The surrounding air was frozen all of a sudden. Several media holding equipment were dumbfounded and almost missed it. Today is the big news. Although it is a recognized couple, Haozi is close to Xiao Di in public, but this is the first time. He does not dodge or hide. He generously shoots for the media. The media are crazy. They all know this news. It can bring many times of achievements to their own media.

The longer the time ~ ~ the less I care about showing the relationship between the two in front of everyone, Xiao Di has also adapted to what everyone calls the so-called love stage. She is not used to the show, but the relationship between the two. Ok, I used to think it was a matter of two people, but now I think it ’s all things that like me. Since we are sweet now, we should show it to everyone. We are also ordinary people. Is there anything wrong with some couple behavior?

On the plane, Chen Hao took the script and analyzed Xiao Di's "The role of the four girls in Fanghua w one by one. He thinks that the other party will have a higher probability of getting Lin Dingding and Xiao Suizi. If he chooses it, he will simply Judging from the face value, from the perspective of role positioning, it seems that Zhou Dongyu is more suitable for the role of He Xiaoping. To be honest, she is the best acting person among these people.

"which one do you like more?"

"In the beginning, I didn't like Hao Shuwen, but in the back she lifted up Liu Feng's scene. I also want to act. Her line will suppress the overall drama of Liu Feng. By then, the audience ’s state of mind will be certain. It was also depressing, and he released it all at once. ”Di Lierba was not entangled, but he wanted to try it all. In the slowly changing script, in the new feeling that the character slowly showed, four Each character has its own characteristics, and each has its own unique place. In private, the four of them have talked to each other and practiced together every day. Privately, there is the line of Chen Hao. Three of them are still a family. Although the company's four roles have primary and secondary, these four people will not fight for the primary and secondary.

The most suitable is the most important. Four people have their own think tank behind the scenes. You can feel the ambition of Chen Hao and Xiao Gang Cannon in this drama. Then how to play the most outstanding self in the most suitable role? The decisive factor is choosing the right one and acting the right one.

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