Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 837: Home with 1 drink and 1 drink

The return of the owner of the family made the whole family lively. The elder sister Chen Xue and the elder brother Ma Defu led the children over. The little boy ran all over the place, and it seemed to be a pistachio in the family. He also had some impressions of the uncle who was not always meeting. When Hao opened his arms, he was also willing to get into the arms of Hu and hold him for a while.

Grandpa and grandma's health is healthy, and a good life has made their whole body's energy and spirit have a good development. Both faces are glowing. The two old men are smoking cigarettes handed over by their grandson. They are smoking on the first floor of the new home. Two living rooms, one is a normal living room with mahogany furniture, and the other is a home living room with a large sofa and a comfortable sofa LCD TV. Although there is also a dining room at the back, the family prefers to place a table on the table. A folding table is placed next to the side, and two tables are placed next to each other, which can satisfy the whole family to eat together and let everyone choose their eating position.

Kang Yan has already been treated as a family, Chen Gang Chen Er was called away by his mother as soon as he returned. In the new home, there are also dishes and rooms belonging to them. The improvement of living standards and the increase in income also make this family rebuild and There is no contradiction. Chen Er will buy a lot of things for the family every once in a while, and occasionally fill in large items or something. Some time ago, he also gave his mother and stepfather money to walk around Sanya in the winter season. Money is used in the right place to avoid many unnecessary contradictions and communication. The two brothers didn't think how good they could be. They just asked the mother to always get a high look at people's homes, so spend some money for this. It's a small thing.

There has never been a sense of existence, that is, when you return to this home, you will have a reassuring smile on your face, and you will become more active in some things, such as pouring alcohol to everyone, giving cigarettes to elders, etc. In normal times, he is still the same for all the big people. The so-called drop of one thing is really the saying. Chen Yu also fancy Kang Yan and was willing to become a lot more stable for him; and Kang Yan also felt the taste of love from Chen Yu, and was willing to temporarily open his heart and enjoy life peacefully after returning here.

"Second sister, don't look at me. In a few years, I will definitely give Lao Kang to you."

A sudden sentence from Chen Hao was countered by Chen Yu's flushed face, and Kang Yan shook his head again and again: "I can still maintain my peak state for ten years."

This sentence made Chen Yu immediately shift the goal. Generally, girls will be unhappy when they hear this sentence. They will feel that the other party doesn't care about themselves. Why are you still ten years old, do you want me to wait for ten years?

The girl who can make Kang Yan open is bound to have her own uniqueness. Although in the country, 27 or 8 is a big girl, she living in the city feels that she is still very young, even if she is not young. Then, she is also willing to wait for this man for ten years, not to mention waiting, but just gathering less and leaving more, she always has a conviction in my heart, I choose this man, and I will be glad to face all the costs of choosing him.

The rest did not speak, not because they understood what Kang Yan was doing, but because they were accustomed to Chen Hao's backbone. He carried Kang Yan throughout the day, which proved that he had a reason to be inseparable from the other party and struggled. There is a family member who stands by and is also assured. For example, Chen Gang is assured. Chen Er is also assured at Meicheng.

"Don't drink too much tonight, you two will have a break after eating, go to a movie and have a supper."

Chen Yu kicked Chen Hao underneath and gave him a glance. Although it is normal for male and female friends to do a lot of things now, but in front of grandparents and fathers and mothers, you have no sense of speaking.

"I won't go tonight." Kang Yan still lacks reaction in terms of human intelligence. He only knows that the child is not there, and he can't leave Chen Hao too far, but he refuses to refuse, which may make Chen Yu and his family think wildly.

Sure enough, Chen Yu's complexion changed, and she was quickly put away, smiling slightly: "It's strange that you ran for so many days, you're exhausted, and you won't go out to rest at home."

Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei both sighed secretly. The child is a good child. Even if Xiao Yu follows him, the child will listen to everyone else.

"Get out of here, and the boy will be back in a while. You drop by and send two bottles of wine to Ermeng." Chen Hao would not explain otherwise. This is his family, so he was facing Kang Yan's chair. A kick was kicked to resolve the embarrassment just now in a euphemistic manner.

What's it like going home?

After eating, you can lean on the buns. The warm fire keeps the entire body in a comfortable state. Listening to Zhang Sanli Si of the family's parents, the feeling at this moment is that you don't want to do anything. Just lie down and be a little noisy. Experience the comfort of home in a TV and talking environment.

At this moment, Chen Hao was extremely pleased that he always insisted on the idea of ​​not letting himself be a machine. If so, how could he have this leisurely pleasure to enjoy this precious comfort. The old man took a sip of hot tea or a cup of hot milk, and he asked the elder sister to help him take a cold Coca-Cola from the refrigerator, pull open the ring, take a light sip, and feel the beating of bubbles in the mouth; big drink At a sip, the cold air hit the mouth, and I felt a blast of cold coming from the inside to the outside, forming a hedge with the warmth of my body lying on the fire, which was comfortable, and almost made Chen Haonan's uncontrollable sound.

I have no hobbies about cigarettes, and there is no addiction. Of course, with his constantly improving body, Dan ’s body is not afraid of the harm it brings, but only as a casual thing. At this moment, I feel that It's time to light a cigarette, so light a cigarette.

Qiao Xinmei just helped the eldest daughter to finish the bowl in the kitchen. After the new house was built, there was no need for a large iron wok to cook hot water in the stove pit. The hot water provided twenty-four hours made me accustomed to bending in the kitchen A family who brushes bowls in a basin can now use a long stream of hot water to clean the bowl in a clean pool, and the efficiency is fast.

When she walked into the living room, Qiao Xinmei saw her son lying on the corner of the fire. This ordinary scene made her feel very happy. She had no big goals and goals in her life, and she could even say that she had no goals. Others asked her She just wanted to say that she had enough money every year at home, she was healthy, and her life was okay. She could play mahjong on weekdays, and she would be satisfied.

At this moment, Qiao Xinmei felt that she was content with her life. The eldest daughter cleaned up the mess with herself in the kitchen. The second daughter and the subject Kang Yan were dressed to go to the city to watch a movie in the duo. The grandson was playing with toys on the puppet and his mother-in-law. Accompany him, the father-in-law and her husband are sitting on the sofa, watching TV and talking about their feet, the eldest son-in-law is making tea and drinking a cigarette and chatting, all are complete. The scene in this scene will not be forgotten until death. Printed in my mind, look back, if Xiao Di's girl is also there, and the three mothers are working and chatting in the kitchen, then it is really perfect.

At the prime time of each night's TV series, everyone gathered in the living room. According to the current living conditions, the fruits are fresh, and the dried fruits are all sorted in utensils. While watching the show, chatting and eating, this In the past, it may only appear on the New Year's Day. On weekdays, how can everyone have such a good mood and relaxation, thinking about what to do tomorrow to maintain the stability and material adequacy of this home.

Chen Gang and Chen returned at more than 8 o'clock. When they arrived, the Mahjong Board was up at night. A room was reserved behind the side garage, and there was a mahjong machine. It was for the hostess. of.

Chen Hao made a bunch of fruit scented tea, limped upstairs, and returned to the room left for him in this new house. A suite large enough to occupy half of the entire second floor area, and the remaining half was a small hall. And Chen Yu's room.

Live room, bedside, bedside, cloakroom, bathroom washroom ~ ~ At that time, it was proposed by Madfu that the little sister-in-law was willing to sleep when we came back. Our sister-in-law is an electric heater. If you want to go to bed, go to bed. How comfortable? Here, the live broadcast room is also specially sound-proofed from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom. This is what Qiao Xinmei strongly requested to do. The last time the son came back to live broadcast, he ran back to the studio in the city. She hoped to get up in the morning to do it herself After breakfast, go and get your son up to have your own breakfast.

Chen Hao just turned on the computer and Qiao Xinmei brought a freshly cut fruit plate. The son likes to eat fruit. As long as she is home, she must prepare fresh fruit for her son at all times.

"Mom, go and play with them. I will broadcast live for a while, it ’s rare to go home to rest, chat with you, I will go down after a while, and win them more today, come and send you some fortune." Every time he put 500 yuan in his wallet, he took it out and put it in his mother's palm.

"Okay, see how Mom packs them. By the way, everything in the refrigerator over there is put in the morning, and ice cream, your second sister went to the city to buy it for you in the morning, what is it, that The locket will cost four or fifty dollars. "


"Yes, that's it. Your dad, your grandfather and your milk are all eaten. How delicious is it before you eat it. If you want something to eat, just open the refrigerator and take it."

It seemed that he was afraid of his son's unfamiliar environment at home. Qiao Xinmei introduced it from the refrigerator to the bedroom to the bathroom many times inside and out, for fear that his son could not find anything, for fear that his son would feel a little uncomfortable.

Chen Hao can also see that the things prepared for herself were bought by the mother and the second sister, and they were all very expensive things. They were selected by the second sister, but they were bought by the mother. She was absolutely reluctant to buy them. Buy such expensive things for your son as you like.

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