Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 835: 10 feet

"Daoer, Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi, I think it ’s still for men. I can make the play clearer. I do n’t need to grab the boyfriend ’s bridge in my book, but I can erase and blur the positive and negative effects of this bridge on the character. Set it on the future husband who is in a household with Hao Shuwen, taking the fight between the two as a line, and when Xiao Suizi became the writer, the two met each other after many years. Hao Shuwen, who brought the child, had such a buffer of established facts. Bring, every bit of the past is nothing more than a smile on each other. At this moment, the memory of friendship is more cherished, and the past choice is right or wrong. It is not important. No choice is regret or pity. There is no more. Time is the best sleeping pill. It can help you sleep in those years that were once burning. "

"It's you who ranks first in the screenwriter." The small steel cannon concluded at the time.

He sent away Qi Ya, Jing Tianlin, Lu Zhonghai, and others, and Chen Hao did not stay in the film commune. The construction of the next group of "Cultural Workers" needed a process. At least a year ago, the drama It can't be filmed.

I left Xiao Gang Cannon with some real thoughts in his heart. Chen Hao got on the plane to go home. He also knew that Director Feng could not stay in the film commune for a long time. He had to return to the southwest border to check the selection before Location, to see if he has reached his standard, and then return to Beijing for the final casting, finalize all the characters, and officially start publicity, there are Chen Hao's film and television dramas, even if you do not want to promote, At the beginning, the result of the "closed shoot" was not completely blocked because the fans were too enthusiastic about Chen Hao. His itinerary fans will give the highest level of attention and will do everything possible to get news about him. .

Chen Hao is famous in the circle in the world. Even if everyone does not catch a cold, he has a bit of awe at the big cake he formed. This is a group of people-hey, if anyone is close, you must face the well first. The fangs of this group of people.

In the performing arts circle, the wind is gradually coming out. Hao Zi can't mess with it. He is the private-born-child of a big brother, and some people deliberately insinuate Jing Tianlin's father, but this is fine, always Sounds more comfortable than another.

There are others who report that there is a problem with Jing Tianlin's orientation, and Chen Hao is his 'girl' friend, so he will protect him desperately, and he will not hesitate to fight with Sun Lingqun and use all The resources even got my own son into battle, just to build absolute awe to make people dare not do something to Chen Hao.

And Chen Hao, the orientation is two-sided, otherwise why Jing Tianlin worked so hard for him, is it really just a matter of money?

The person who stands on your opposite side and hacks you will always seize any opportunity to spare you to discredit you. Whether it can have an effect is on the one hand. There is always a need to do it. If you do n’t, you wo n’t have a chance. It played a role in pulling Chen Hao into the valley at once.

In the entertainment industry, I do n’t know how many people are waiting for him to fall into disappointment. It is a mediocrity without being jealous. Too good is not only jealous, but it may turn into hatred. You Haozi has received too much praise now. The light of the circle is shrouded in you alone, and we all look very upset. Now someone is black, so black and so stylish. Although we will not help the flames, we will be happy to follow the joy in private. In case, what if your Haozi's reputation is so bad this time?

Man, say you sell the back, that is the biggest insult in this society at the moment, and the act of an artist has its own aura of hatred. In the past, it was the Western performing arts circle. These years, in the domestic performing arts circle, Some things are common. After such words came out, some people really became suspicious and felt that there was a possibility that something really happened.

"C, n, m." This time it was not Jing Tianlin who spoke, but Zhuang Xueqing, who publicly responded to the incident on a certain occasion. At that time, she was directly facing her girlfriends and friends around her. Three words were said to those who made the rumor.

For a while, the wind and the storm surged, and Zhuang Xueqing, who was always a ladylike image, stood up this time? Was she annoyed or angry, or did she feel that her privacy had been peeped, or did she run out of rumors specifically?

The scope of this story is very wide. Many people know about it, and there are news at all levels. To the following, it is not Zhuang Xueqing's name, but it has become like this: "No one said that Hao Zi and a certain Is that the relationship within Dalai? The fiancée in the Dalai came out to rumor and began to scold others, and directly named a few of the media who had been catching the story. "

The small steel cannon also heard the news and looked down at the script in the hand. At the south, Hao Shuwen lifted up Liu Feng who was overthrown and bit his teeth and said, "I c, n, m, you dare to fight the disabled-military-people, You dare fight fighting heroes. "

He used to think that he had to have this paragraph when he was filming, and that he had to keep this paragraph when he was reviewing. If he cursed someone in the right place, it would be called dispel hate. People will feel depressed and depressed about Liu Feng ’s experience, and feel that this film is too abusive. A group of people who enjoy life in all environments live the tide of the times and live smartly ~ ~ how If the hero and the protagonist are so sad, should they endure so much suffering, and also accept such an insult?

Hao Shuwen ’s line was to deflate all the audience. I did n’t expect that the movie was not used, and it was used by the young lady. Play.

Turning your head around and thinking about the small steel cannon is also relieved. This is tantamount to giving publicity in advance. At that time, it doesn't matter who is plagiarizing. This sentence is outrageous.


Chen Hao didn't explain it, and he didn't bother to explain it. In this circle, you have to bear the harassment of catching wind and catching news, otherwise why do you just bear the flowers and applause under the spotlight.

What kind of person I am, I know myself, my fans like it clearly, that's all right, since the skill has made the anchor's special halo reach intermediate level, with five, there are two problems. "

When he said this, the second son scratched his head and he was spotted in the parking lot. He didn't know that this vigilance was getting worse and worse.

The car was slowly driving in the underground parking lot. The two reporters took a look at each other. The reporter holding the microphone took a deep breath. The brain runs quickly and the opportunity is rare. This is equivalent to a brief interview. Two problems may make you Your career has a chance to change dramatically.

"Hello Hao, we are looking forward to your second Hollywood movie and can tell us if there are any roles that have been finalized."

"I thought you were going to ask that question, and I was thinking about how to answer you. You are not kind."

"Haozi, what you said, allow me to ask two questions."

"Those three?"

"Okay, then answer the second question first. Regarding the rumors about you during this time, do you have anything to say to the fans who like you?"

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