Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 823: 'target'

Chen Hao said that he paused for a moment, his mouth was slightly raised, the pain just now was thinking too much, and now the smile is thinking too much for himself, if not thinking too much, understanding the role, there is no later clown.

"I used to confine myself in a closed environment for a few days without contacting anyone. Some things uploaded on the Internet were not catching the wind. I used to put myself into a brief state of madness for this role. I was not a clown. The world is to see the three views of the clown, and then to interpret what the three views of the clown look like. I think how the clown walks is more visual in the picture. I also try to talk while sticking my tongue out. I once let I once thought that my cheeks were cut ... "

Chen Hao answered this question for more than ten minutes. He talked a lot, including the content mentioned in the previous speech, and enriched some of it. His understanding of the role of the clown has reached the extreme, and he played with him. His role is completely proportional, which also makes everyone present believe that he does not rely on the role to fully immerse himself in the world of clowns to play him, so, even more amazing.

Entering a character and fully immersing in the character is a way of performing. It is not promoted in the real top performance system. It hurts the actor too much. It is possible that a character destroys an actor. After the role, the actor never got a role.

Chen Hao's performance is already the highest level of performance. How old is he and how long does he learn to perform? Is there really a genius in this world?

In the past, he did not believe that he had such a level. Now, through this speech, he accepted the fact that Chen Hao performed at the highest level. He did not really realize it by himself. He would never say so much in a role.

Applause, more enthusiastic than before.

"Hao Zi, why are you not in the United States? I heard that you are about to give up before the awards season?"

"Who said that, shouldn't I have to participate in our own national opera grand ceremony?" Chen Hao hit a haha, and politely told the people on the scene. Don't tell me if you see it, I don't really know it anyway Speak out I won't go.

The last question is back to the new drama.

"Haozi, can you tell us about Fanghua?"

"I've seen Feng's first adaptation of the screenplay. I didn't have much ambition when I wrote this one, but in Feng's hands, it turned decay into magic. I really like the feeling of the script. Seriously, I can't wait. If you want to be in the group, if you let me say what "Fanghua" is about, you can summarize it in one sentence without spoiler. "

"We spend our time in the best of times, and they have washed their lead in the worst of times."

Leaving this last sentence, Chen Hao bowed and left, and he was pleased by the endless applause. They would not think that Chen Hao's last sentence was deliberately satire on some young people of the year. That is not his style. He is In a contrastive way, we are told that people in this good age are not cherished enough. In those times that are not good enough, some people want to cherish but have no chance to cherish them. Instead, they must be washed away by the times.

Wash it off.

He really dare to use these four words, depending on whether he talks about it or whether the final film has such lethality. If it can really fit these four words, then this should be a heavy one. The movie, but these four actresses and a selection of actresses are telling everyone that this is a youthful film.

Chen Hao successfully aroused everyone's curiosity. This speech was also reprinted by many media and also successfully occupied the headlines of the next day. "Fanghua" has not yet been filmed, the crew has not been established, and the script has not been adapted. It is already highly anticipated.

After Xiao Gangpao got the news, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, with a little bit of slyness in his smile: "The outside world is not deceiving me. Now I can use Haozi's word to save at least half of the publicity expenses."

Every day, after the news of Chen Hao appears, his number of fans will increase. In the eyes of many new fans, he is a more transparent idol. The origin of the anchor means that his past is no longer covered up. He Do not cover up, including the news that the hitting machine hit the room, the city under the night, and the speeding blockers and other people that are negatively affecting others, are clearly placed there, there is no cover at all, who wants to criticize his past, Please.

The national drama grand ceremony is also the voting awards party for TV series.

Modu TV New Year's Eve Party.

Two events on the schedule, the Hollywood awards season has just begun, Chen Hao nominated the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor in a Film Category, nominated Grammy's Best Song of the Year, and even in the awards season where stars gathered, even he The person did not show up there, the scenery is still undiminished, and he is still the hottest star.

For three consecutive days, Chen Hao took a small steel cannon to eat and drink. One day was at the foot of a snow-capped mountain forest in the wild. Chen Gang and Kang Yan played game, grilled in the wild, and had 'big nails'. Game, drink some pure Erguotou from the winery, and there is snow outside the window, let alone the taste.

Drinking is not the purpose, and eating is not the purpose. The small steel cannon is to give full play to the role of the original author Chen Hao, and ask him to modify the script and listen to his opinions.

Chen Hao is also in his favor. He has some ideas in his heart. Combined with the system version of Fanghua in his mind, he also wants to convey some of his own ideas.

But first of all, he doesn't think that Xiao Gangcan is a person who can fully listen to the opinions of others, so he arranges to talk while drinking and to talk about the script in a chat way, so that sharp opinions will not appear. The atmosphere is just gossiping. Use it when you think it is right. Use it when it's inappropriate. It can maintain the friendship between the two people to the greatest extent.

The remaining two days are at the home of the small steel cannon. When I return home, I wo n’t control the amount while drinking. It ’s one thing when I drink too much at home and fall asleep. Both sides agree on many of the script ’s ideas. , Chatting with ease, naturally drinking wine happy.

Director Feng was less than a few days' practice room for the actors ’training, which aroused the curiosity of Jiang Shuying and others. This enquiry made them even more imbalanced, not the imbalance of the status quo, but simply Chen Hao. They felt that the kid was purely infuriating them.

They are sweating here every day, this boy eats and drinks every day, and does not join the group. By comparison, it is strange to be comfortable. Then they asked Xiao Di to call and asked Chen Hao to their dance room where they practice every day. When Xiaodi was on the phone, in order to let Chen Hao come over, she spoiled her so that she was completely red-faced. When she was spoiled, Jiang Shuying and others were still there.

After blushing, Dili Reba is proud and with a little bit of high spirits. I know your inner thoughts. Such an excellent man is mine. Shouldn't I be proud?

Chen Hao knows that there are tigers in the mountains, and he is deliberate. He is intentional. The small steel cannons understand his method and support it. This crew did not suffer for two or three months. When it was filmed, it was not only Hard work may also delay the process of shooting. Now the four beauty of the crew are big names, they are role models, they practice for five hours a day, then the other actors have the power to practice eight hours to ten hours a day, if they practice every hour for hours, others practice For two or three hours, I didn't get serious.

And Chen Hao, the small steel cannon came out to hit everyone, he just didn't practice, and then he can still completely destroy all of you, and finally let you see that as a super popular star, he trains every day What's the intensity like, and you guys practice for a few hours a day, are there any qualifications to slack off?

This kind of arrangement and thought is ineffective when it is said. It can only be that he bears the accusation of being jealous of a few girls, and aggressively confronts their little Xiaojiao.

"Hi, come on, move everything in. Everyone is working hard. Come, I bought you fruit."

If there is a camera now that records Chen Hao's state of entering the practice room, and if he gives him a handbag, the picture will be perfect. Xianmei ~ ~ Let people distribute the freshest high-grade fruits by air to everyone. Nearly a hundred pounds of top cherries, the small watermelon just picked yesterday, the fresh and moist lychees, the golden mangoes that are the best time to taste, and a bunch of various fruits left Unlike the previous popular tastes, which are different in each category.

The four women gathered around, and Qianer snickered in the distance.

Baby pulled Chen Hao, Jiang Shuying and others pushed behind, pushing Chen Hao into a lounge, but imagined that there must be ‘fun’ waiting for him.

"Well, today my friend brought me a few sets of Chanel's new styles. Look at it, Qianer, didn't you say you like Chanel's perfume? I asked you to bring it, and everyone, you are welcome. Perfume lipstick, girls choose one. "

The rest of the actor did not leave, Chen Hao let them prepare some good men's skin care products. Anyone knows that he does not need to do this to everyone. The current status of these people in the industry is that he needs to be praised. beginning.

He did not leave anyone, and the value of the gift also brought him a good relationship with the actor. Everyone was a little closer to him. He was no longer a general crew, and the protagonist was in the group. Hold your breath.

"Sister, this bag is in line with your temperament, as well as a spring dress, you go back and put on my little brother Ming."

"Lao Jiang, don't say buddy is not interesting enough, high heels, lipstick, perfume series, handbags."

"Small winter melon, these are yours. Don't look at me. They are all selected by fashion masters according to your style. Right, and this female watch."

"My dear Dee, see what I have chosen for you, but I have chosen your own. This series of perfumes, you smell it, tastes amazing ..."

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