Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 821: 20 minutes, 6 million

The New Year's Eve party is also one of the characteristics of Huaxia. The concert of the super big platter is the face of the star, madly throwing money to attract attention, and then the sponsors get publicity during the party.

Sponsors get fame and get the benefits of fans buying.

TV stations get economic benefits, ratings and influence.

The celebrities get a quick sum of money, and the comfort they earn also increases exposure.

Fans can focus on seeing hundreds of celebrities to accompany themselves to celebrate the New Year in these two days.

All are winners, each with their own needs, so this New Year's Eve party is getting bigger and bigger, and it is not a problem for a party to gather seven or eight frontline cafes.

In the past, everyone was wondering whether the four heavenly kings would participate in it. Now what is considered is how many heavenly kings can be seen at a party.

In the time of a few songs, enough to earn hundreds of thousands of millions, is there any better money? Not enough, to earn less or not to make a face.

A New Year's Eve party, watched by hundreds of millions of people, is there a better publicity channel than this?

In recent years, several parties have formed a situation of mutual benefit. Everyone has come in accordance with the established rules, and they all have their own needs. Then hello, hello everyone.

The emergence of a Chen Hao completely subverted everyone's perception. It is not that the boy does not love money, it is not that the boy does not like the big propaganda environment, it is because the boy does not lack these things. When these things are available, he can get them in other fields as well, and don't have to rush over to grab them.

Earn money. He is a talented man who invests in movies, directors, or the hottest Internet celebrities. He can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in one live broadcast.

Popularity, he does not need any news hype, the company does not need the company to arrange a team to get news, what happens to him every month, can make a few headlines casually, every day there will be a large number of media squats waiting for his news .

When the major TV stations began to smash money madly, some people realized in advance that this was not a matter of money. This matter can no longer be solved with money. At present, the cost of the whole New Year's Eve Party is increasing year by year, and the appearance fees of the stars are getting higher and higher. Chen Hao is hot, but if he alone raises him to a standout Location, it wasn't him who was injured, but these TV stations and advertising sponsors, which meant that everyone's appearance fees had to go up and up. At the price that had been steadily rising, it had to be turned up and over again. This price But it can no longer be controlled. All major TV stations have realized the seriousness of the problem and have stopped quoting Chen Hao.

Twenty minutes, six million.

Staying at this number is a bit higher than others, and it has not been particularly outrageous, giving some others some growth, and the advertising sponsors are also willing to accept this money.

Chen Hao started to play relationship cards and emotional cards, found the company, found the big brothers who knew Chen Hao, found the brother of Tian, ​​and even found the group of Jing Dashao, so this group of people deeply felt that The effect of these programs is huge.

In their hearts, they never thought that one day, they would still have a good relationship because of Chen Hao. In their perception, they always felt that the little brother would always ask for his own affairs, and he was confident that he would earn money by cooperating with him. . Suddenly one day, someone found himself, hoping that he could matchmaking to Hao Zi to intercede, hoping that he could participate in the New Year's Eve party of XX TV station.

This makes the roads somewhat unacceptable and very puzzled. I feel that my values ​​are suddenly subverted, shouldn't it be reversed?

Chen Hao returned to Yanjing and entered a short rest. He would give himself time to rest. What time is suitable for rest? His criteria are simple. What I don't like to do is to find time for a break.

Regarding the New Year's Eve party, he planned to leave none, but seeing the current situation, either he will be offended and not offended, or he will sell a favor, not a small favor .

In the end, he sold this relationship to Zhuang Xueqing, Jing Tianlin's fiancee, a dignified woman with great wisdom, and a typical elite cultivated by the family. Not only can he be a virtuous help behind a man, he can also be in the system himself. Climbing high inside has its own status.

Human sentiment has been planned for a long time, but how to send is also a matter of knowledge. Brother Tian gave Chen Ha an idea, didn't he know Zhuang Xueqing's sister? Just ask her out to play. This one can see clearly but is obviously a step behavior, which can fully meet Zhuang Xueqing's high-minded attitude. Treat people like her, you little to satisfy her pride, each other Cooperation will be extremely smooth and uncomfortable.

With such a level of Zhuang Wenwen, Chen Hao promised the New Year's Eve Party of the Metropolis TV. Zhuang Xueqing had a concubine. Currently, he is the Deputy Director of the Metropolis TV. It can be considered a big deal to invite Chen Hao to participate. CV, we can see how high his popularity is now, which TV stations can invite him, double the direct advertising costs, and the direct ratings are guaranteed to increase by at least 20% over the same period last year.

Huaxia's first truly shining Grammy won the Grammy Awards, and seeing this momentum, this year's nomination, "Reappearing Yesterday" may even be the best song of the year in Grammy, MOUSE is Who, if you are in any corner of the world, ask anyone who has a little knowledge of music, you will not know who he is.

China ’s first actor to nominate an Oscar as an actor, the best supporting actor supporting actress, is not the accompaniment of accompany, this is only Chen Hao ’s first film in Hollywood, and what will be the future, no one will I know, but he is extremely optimistic about his future, and is also looking forward to what will be his second play in Hollywood? Should it be paid, or fame, or pursue a deep role? Wait and see, to judge the future path of this Chinese actor.


Long-lost campus, life here no longer belongs to Chen Hao, perhaps, never belonged to him.

Walking around the campus, with a smile on his face, the only thing he can do is to give them smiles when facing the brothers and sisters and schoolmates.

After returning to the long-lost campus, he did not come to feel the life of the student. That life is destined to enjoy it. This time, I will come back to this one. I will deal with my own student status. The original intention was for him to take a special performance class. As a specialized arts college, this principle is still feasible. It cannot be said that Chen Hao is only a sophomore this year, and he denies the fact that he can lecture. .

It was Chen Hao himself who rejected the proposal to lecture and changed his style—speech. There were fewer points of criticism from the outside world, and he would not pull hatred among his peers. To be honest, let him be in a group of heavens. The proud man said in front of them that he had lessons in self-confidence, that is, he felt uncomfortable at first glance, which should be the feeling of being uncomfortable on and off the stage.

From the teacher's lecture to the student, which turned into a successful yet unsuccessful speech, Chen Hao felt very comfortable after entering the campus, and the smile on his face was sincere rather than intentional.

"Your boy is not authentic." A WeChat came from the mobile phone, which was sent by Jiang Shuying. There was a photo of four of them wearing sweat suits sweating. After the news of "Fanghua" came out, four people They all formally entered the group, including Qian Er, who has been confirmed to play, followed by the actor selected by Xiao Gangpao, and began to conduct closed training. According to the request of Director Feng Da, I will take leave from you. Years before and after, you will follow three Monthly training.

If you want to be a real actor, if you really want to perform well in a good movie, you do n’t need others to force you to make some preparations. This thing is self-conscious. Do n’t look at the ease of the small steel cannon, everyone knows Regardless of whether it is halfway or the end of three months of training, if it fails, Director Feng will really make a substitution.

It is said that there is a large investment in this play. The director must directly build a real scene of the literary troupe, and also use a long lens to shoot the war play in the play. Both are insiders ~ ~ These two will be at least With 20 to 30 million or more investment, under this investment quota, this film can withstand the delay time of changing the angle before the start of filming.

Several people were very serious in the group training. In addition to asking for leave, they threw themselves directly to the training ground. They saw a lot of supporting dancers and even professional dancers with only a few plays. But when they can't see the familiar figure, they just send a message to vent their inner hatred, which is already light.

"No way, busy, no, let ’s talk. Besides, I did n’t do any serious dance in my drama, so I wo n’t sweat with you there, and slowly, girls, you are Yes, I will cheer for you. "

When a message was sent out, Chen Hao couldn't help pouting and laughing, how hard it was to shoot a movie, these four people should really feel it. Director Feng will use practice to completely let them cast off the star. Outerwear became a member of the Cultural Regiment of that era.

Jade is not cut, not a device.

These few pieces of jade, Director Feng Da, help you to polish them first. I am confident that they will surprise you.

Baby Yang Ying and Dili Reba, the image of these two people is completely inconceivable. They will be actors who work hard for the show without a bottom line.

Zhou Dongyu and Jiang Shuying, even if the former takes the film, there is still a role that everyone really remembers her, even if the hawthorn tree debuts, the latter is a woman who has a request for herself, now I will give you a On the stage, please ask yourself to see what role you can finally present to everyone.

Guide Feng, you are so ruthless.

All four people have joined the group. You have no idea of ​​roles. Who is He Xiaoping, who is Xiao Suizi, who is Lin Dingding, and who is Hao Shuwen. Are you trying to cry their rhythm?

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