Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 82: This can be fired 1

Time went back two hours, and Chen Hao smashed the house of Wang Dapeng's house. Wang Dapeng convened a large group of social friends with chop-knife-wood sticks. You Chen Hao is fierce again, that is a thing of the past, and now even if you No matter how fierce, you don't believe that you can repeat the scene from a few years ago, one person, destroy more than twenty of us.

The car whistled and turned into the village road from the block on the edge of the city. A taxi in the distance in the front stopped. One person got out of the car and threw his shoulder bag on the side of the road. Lived on the road of Wang Dapeng and his team of seven cars.

"You, you ..."

As soon as I opened the window and scolded, the driver of the first car was directly kicked off by the other party, and kicked into the trench next to the road.

Others don't know this, although Wang Dapeng hasn't seen him for a few years, after all, he has known each other since he has been in contact since childhood.

"Fuck, **** him, he is the helper of the old Chen family!"

Worrying a lot, Wang Dapeng shouted, first got out of the car, rushed to the other side with a pick, but the other side just lifted his foot gently, directly on his stomach, Wang Dapeng was like a prawn, He curled up on the ground, covering his stomach, and for a long time he eased from the state of pain and convulsion just now. He was greeted by all his companions who had been beaten into the trench. More than 20 people were lying in the trench and half were Without the courage to fight again, many of them covered somewhere on their body, or their arms, shoulders, waist, or legs, and the pain caused by the pain in their faces.

Looking at the back of each other's departure, Wang Dapeng was also anxious for a moment. Since this can't solve you, it is not possible for Wang Longfa to lose his house and collapse my house. Is there no place to reason?

I call the police?

没 It didn't take long for him to make the phone call and he regretted it.


"I agree to be private, and I will compensate for all losses."

Wang Dapeng originally thought that someone like Chen Hao would hold his neck up and say how he must do himself. As a result, when the police mediated, the other party was completely cooperative. I broke everything and paid for it. Civil Mediation.

The police turned to Wang Dapeng: "What do you say?"

When he saw Wang Dapeng hesitant, the police called him outside, and after a few words, he returned and agreed to be private.

It ’s very simple. Now, dozens of villagers outside there are already alarmed. You Wang Dapeng only knows what you have done and was cut by an ax in the hospital. Now you have said everything. Now it ’s not what you want. What you don't want to be private is something that the Chen family wants to be private. You first hire someone to hurt the Chen family.

Seeing Chen Hao's calm appearance, Wang Dapeng was even more embarrassed. He didn't mention anything about Chen Yuanping's injuries, nothing about the injured lying in the hospital, and nothing about his glass being broken. The more things that happened, the less he knew. He knew the style of the village.

You Wang Dapeng called the police. OK, then I will meet your request according to the official solution. You agree to the private, and I will compensate you for what you lost. You agree, and this matter is resolved here at the police station. But our family's affairs are not over yet. I don't plan to solve them here.

手续 The formalities are finished here, everything stops again, the police are called out of the room, and they return shortly after, with a weird look: "Chen Hao, you can't go now for the time being, the reporter wants to interview you."

Wang Dapeng's face changed drastically. What's going on? Why did he get involved with the reporter? What do you mean?

Chen Hao was very calm and nodded: "There is a question. Is the reporter coming? Will the final result change?"


Chen Hao said nothing, in the room next to him, he met two reporters from a well-known news program in the province.

At this time, at 10.40 am, more than four hours had passed since Chen Hao drove the room with a hook machine.

Before the machine was turned on, the female reporter smiled at Chen Hao: "You don't know yet, this matter has become the hottest news on the Internet within a few hours. All relevant videos have a lot of traffic, we must Come to the interview, I heard that it has been private, and our arrival may make you slightly accept the law and order punishment. "

The female reporter showed Chen Hao her mobile phone, which was full of news links about the internet celebrity smashing the house. It could reach the top of several major search engines in a short time. This incident had a great impact. The news media naturally Intervention should be given to the public for a relatively follow-up report.

She smiled, and signaled that Hao Chen was about to start an interview, and the machine turned on.

"Chen Hao, you are an internet celebrity. You have more than 6 million followers on Lele. Do you know what your behavior means today? Do you know how many people will see your actions? Are they affected? "

This questioning attitude seems to be tough, but it is standard. It is also a finishing touch for Chen Hao's behavior. You need to admit your mistakes. This will make things big and small, and it won't cause worse effects. Way, this is also something that public figures must bear.

"My father was smashed at home. I was impulsive and did not control my temper. I made impulsive things and I am willing to accept any form of punishment."

"I didn't think that much at the time. Whoever heard that his father was sitting at home and flying around in trouble is probably unable to sit still. If we hit it a little more, I don't know what the consequences will be."

"In the future, you will calm down and will not be impulsive. If you have trouble, find the corresponding department."

"Yes, I'm sitting at each other's house and asking the other person to come forward to solve the problem with me. No matter how many people they come, I'm just one person. I mean nothing but being a son of man. I must give my father and me an account. "

The interview lasted for more than ten minutes. Chen Hao also watched the corresponding news program, and most of them would be next to him. It would be good for him to put two or three sentences in the news, mainly because he acknowledged that the wrong words were the most important. As for the whole How the news events are described, they have to say.

From the recent communication with reporters, Chen Hao also got a message. His current attention has reached 6.5 million. News is news, and hot is hot. Whether it is positive news or slightly negative news, there are selling points. There was a huge amount of attention. I never expected that because of this kind of thing, I had a little fire on the Internet.

He guessed the beginning, but didn't guess the end, where was the little fire, and over time, it was the big fire.


"Lao Gao, you go to the Northeast to deal with this matter. I will contact you with some people. You can help round this up. The effect of the news will determine the final positioning of this matter. Do more in the news. article."

"I see, BOSS."

Yan Yanjing and Gao Hongbo booked the earliest flight to fly to the provincial airport of Chen Hao's hometown.

At the same time, a commercial vehicle was also speeding on the highway from Dalian to Meicheng. Brother Shi was driving. Four people, Keer, Ye Zi, Jiao Jiao, and Meibei were sitting in the car, each looking at their mobile phones and checking the news. Watch the latest developments in those small videos.

The worst part of the whole thing is that Chen Hao was sitting alone in the courtyard of the Wang family. At that time, someone recorded a small video and posted it on the Internet. Chen Hao had a look of spouse on the spot, at the official level. , The impact is very bad, as an Internet celebrity is also a public figure, it is easy to have a bad impact on young people; but in the private network, the majority of netizens feel that this is domineering, especially the video connection with the hook machine hit the house in front Together, this is the Northeast man, domineering.

On the Internet, one by one and one by one, even if you sometimes do something wrong, it is much more popular than the good old man who is always at ease. In reality, everyone may think that the person who hit the person is wrong ~ ~ It is worthy of sympathy. On the Internet, there are quite a few times when you look at it in reverse, you are beaten, you are bad, There are not many people who care about right and wrong stories.

Chen Hao ’s attention has increased by hundreds of thousands in just a few hours, and this speed is getting more and more intense, and the reprint of small videos on the Internet is also very high. By 2 pm, the official began to block such videos. Deleted and no longer allowed to upload and disseminate. Most of the fermentation time, delete the upload at this time, it can only play a role in responding to the above requirements, the impact has also been caused, the people who should know also know, the more you do not let pass, privately The more people follow, the more people send this small video to each other in private, curiosity kills the cat, you have to be generous on the Internet, maybe some people are not interested, once it is banned, On the contrary, it is even more popular, and more people are paying attention.

After understanding the matter, Ye Zi glanced at the two girlfriends: "Let's do something, he's right, we can't let him be wronged. Besides, there are three days left in the year."

Jiaojiao flipped through her mobile phone address book and said with regrets: "If it wasn't for the year, I'm afraid of delays. I really want to see what he will do in the future. My food, my dear, I like it."

Meimei knocked her head off without discount: "Flower idiot, hurry up and call you 舅舅, the deputy bureau of public security, don't let him suffer in it."

Wu Jiaojiao rolled her eyes: "It's up to you."

Ke Er also raised his head and said, "The executives of the guild have also set off. Tian Ge's side means that he still makes more articles in the news. A hot-blooded young man who has done something wrong for his father, this image is very popular on the Internet. "

Ye Ziqiu asked: "It's worth investing, and everything is done to maximize the benefits."

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