Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 818: Fanghua 4 beauty

Feng Xiaogang.

The big director Comrade Xiao Gangbao arrived, and the live broadcast room was a little bit more lively. The public screen next to it was like a speed-brushing machine. It was getting faster and faster, and gradually it became impossible to see everyone's typing, and the eyes couldn't keep up with the refresh speed. The meaning of the chat public screen has been lost.

Gift-giving has become the best way to find presence. In fact, Chen Hao himself also knows that the new main task is also secretly reminding him that you should live more lively, otherwise you cannot complete the live-streaming gift and live-streaming related income alone. A billion standards.

He likes live broadcasting, acting, and immersing himself in these two states of life. Now he has a reason not to be considered humane, which has strengthened him to spend more time in the process of enjoying life and enjoying life instead of Simply maintain the title of superstar Chen Hao.

When Director Feng Da arrived, Jiang Shuying quickly gave way, and Chen Hao was going to contact him.

"I usually watch live broadcasts. You still have the right to talk to Cameron. Lian Mai, you are even pleasing. Let me come up. It seems that many people want to listen to the sound and not look at the screen. "Director Feng Kamai still maintains his unique Feng's teasing style.

Chen Hao was also polite to him, even Mai Zhou Dongyu, this young and playful little guy, you can't even link her age to one year older than Chen Hao. In fact, laughing will bring a very kind of Comfortable, like Mu Chunfeng.

At the end of the year, the atmosphere of Lele is different from previous years. For the drama of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography", this year's annual competitions have been postponed indefinitely. It is said that it will be changed to the rule of limited live broadcast games. Control the daily broadcast time of the anchor. Only the votes obtained within the specified time every day will be counted.

The rules have not yet come out, and this year is not even better than the last, but one thing is clear to everyone. This year's tourists are very supportive. During this period, the entire platform has been highly active. In the forum, everyone can watch the live broadcast with peace of mind. This matter is highly respected and understands the purpose of Lele's annual utilitarianization, but it is very clear that they do not want the anchors to become a pile of walking dead because of the game.

This year is not a year. Everyone is talking about the movie. Because of the start of Datang, it also provided a considerable number of anchor live broadcasts. Outdoor anchors also have special locations for outdoor live broadcasts. Take filming as an intervention point to talk about the crew.

Some people support this method, some people oppose it. Today, Chen Hao followed suit. Everyone said that he followed suit, but the appearance of Jiang Shuying Zhou Dongyu's small steel cannon disappeared and those who said he followed it completely shut up. What is this style of others? It's not just about shooting.

Zhou Dongyu sold cute and made some expressions, greeted everyone, and gave the two protagonists space for dialogue.

Xiao Gang Cannon said with emotion: "Hao Zi, when are you going to publish?"

From the moment he came, when he asked these words, Chen Hao knew what he meant. Some things can be the feelings of buddies, some things can not be taken into account, but only in accordance with the rules, not to give you a bit of pressure, You'll put all your thoughts on that little thing in your heart, and ignore some points you should have noticed.

"Talking, almost the same year ago."

Xiao Gang Cannon spoke after a few seconds: "I have to work harder, otherwise the adaptation will not be good enough to be scolded by the fans in this live broadcast room. But you also have to come, the main characters, must be assembled and unified immediately Training. "

The anti-general, but I do not know that his behavior is extremely recognized by Chen Hao. In terms of actor filming, he recognizes the Hollywood model. I can offer you a pricey film. In contrast, you must give me a pricey price. Performance and the most precious time, a superstar-level actor takes a half-year to a year to give a play, which is normal in Hollywood. If you put it in Huaxia, everyone will certainly feel incredible, the actor himself No, I need heat, I need news, I need exposure, I can't make a show for half a year, and my news is not ...

In recent years, the trend has gradually coincided with what Chen Hao wanted, and more and more good actors have begun to follow such a trend. A movie actor entered the group for a few months, and during the period, all the actors were in the team, and only the right It only appeared when the movie was promoted. In contrast, the cost of film promotion is greatly increased, and the publicity will be spread so that the actors in it will get more attention. It is the film's feedback to the actors for several months.

"No problem. The company officially communicates. The schedule is not suitable. Your director re-selects the actors."

The small steel cannon also has a cell for entertaining the public: "You Haozi must not be able to fully enter the group. I have to evaluate it in advance. They all say that your dancing skills are unparalleled. Give us a jump and play freely. I want to see the era in your mind What does the cultural ensemble dance look like. "

Zhou Dongyu clapped his hands and applauded. Nearly all young people who can take the art test have some physical skills. Even if they can't dance, they can easily do some moves. As long as there is enough training, including themselves I'm too worried, especially Zhou Dongyu, who also trained professionally in gymnastics and dance class. No matter how many things are lost, they can't completely wipe out what he once owned.

Millions of people in the audience fully supported the decision of the small steel cannon. At five or five, Chen Hao is everyone ’s idol and also everyone ’s family. Bullying in good faith is the highest level of treatment in this live broadcast room. Make them feel that everyone is a family, not just the relationship between idols and fans.

In Chen Hao's mind, there is a version of "Fanghua" with a small steel cannon. Although there are a few points in the plot that he does not agree with, he has a strong sense of the picture of the professional group of the arts and crafts group created by the small steel cannon. He was extremely applauded. Whether it was everyone ’s rehearsal status or the last solo dance by He Xiaoping, it really made people applaud.

In such an era, it is not the old one in everyone's cognition. The strictness and solidness that wraps the body. There is a unique way to show the beauty in any era. In that era, the same is true for dance clothes and swimwear. More purely relying on a good figure to obliterate the role of clothing, giving people a stronger sense of picture.

After a little distraction, Chen Hao found a piece of Red Lady Army music on the computer, and then used Chinese classical dance with contemporary dance of that era, added ballet in the middle, and danced a piece that made people around 50 in the live studio very excited. dance.

There are millions of households in the Internet era. Smartphones break through the shackles of age. No matter how many people watch, the number of middle-aged people who are webcasters is increasing. Within five or five live broadcast rooms, tourists of that age have quite a lot. They are also representatives of rational-sex-consumption, and they are also representatives of capable consumer groups. As long as you hold the point where they were burned and released inside, they can become your fans.

After Chen Hao jumped, the sound of applause from the small steel cannons came out. After a few minutes, they began to brush gifts with strange IDs. Looking at their information, they were either blank in age or written on the real age, all of which were From the age of 50 onwards, they are the most authentic experiencers of that era. They were once regarded as the top entertainment and show in that era. At that time, the influence of the ballet "Red Army Girl" was still the most in their hearts. The sacred little place, for nothing else, just feels that I once felt that certain things cannot be surpassed.

"Successfully, I can't control your male No. 1 director, but then again, you have to be an assistant director and action director for me. I don't necessarily manage these girls, I have to rely on you."

Small steel cannons often play. They are players who can divert their attention. If you want to make jokes about who you want to tease, it will be extremely hard to start with. That is, his status, status, seniority and fame, and changing people to play like him, will offend people.

One dragged four, and Chen Hao didn't pass it down-Fei-Wen, he also mentioned these female stars deliberately, and there was a genuine girlfriend Di Lierba, which was replaced by others, at least one or two offended. It ’s ~ ~ The interest of the on-site tourists is here, as well as the candidates. I want to know who is typing crazy, and the fast-paced scrolling screen also shows the same rhythm as everyone expects.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess. All you need is to confirm it at the end. They also know Chen Hao. He does n’t say anything that is not commendable. There will be no scruples when he says it. This rhythm brings up, no matter when. It ’s not that fans are embarrassed by Chen Hao. Everyone just pinpointed your thoughts, told you what you were going to say, and created a news material for the media for you.

"Sister baby, Xiao Di, the remaining two are here. These are the first four, but it depends on whether their schedule allows it."

Three from the era, one from Huayi.

No, baby can be one of these people, not because she is currently an artist of Huayi, but from the debut of Chen Hao, the first mv was shot by her, and she has done several senior things since then. Now is the time for Chen Hao to give back.

"Descendants of the Sun" in return for Yang Mi's release of Xiaodi's contract. The heroine of a play made Yang Mi one of the hottest actresses in Asia. She only endorsed the advertising contract brought by this play. , It is enough for her to earn back the money that she might have made on Di.

Looking back, everyone who has helped Chen Hao will find a way to double his return at the right time. Just a few days ago, Lao Cai ’s wedding was not when he was the anchor, Lao Cai Haven't you kept your distance and become friends with him by relying on your big anchor status? Pushing forward, he hardly participated in the offline Internet celebrity activities, why did he go to participate in the opening of the Keer Consortium's sword brother's playground, not in the face of Keer.

The small steel cannon shattered the atmosphere created by Chen Haozheng's Eight Classics answering the question: "Don't change the topic, answer my question positively."

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