Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 814: Presence of intense vomiting

There are many people like Huang Kailun who have the same idea in this crew. They dare not show it. The senior Lele has given too much power to Chen Hao. He can wantonly interfere with the decision-making of the crew and the entire filming. A job, a beautiful job, no one wants to lose, it is nothing more than listening to Zhang San to listening to Li Si.

Rejecting the evening banquet, Chen Hao maintained a very respectful attitude towards Huang Kailun. He didn't just point his finger at it, but just came to shoot good material normally, and watched part of it overnight.

As the best weapon for vomiting and hypnosis, Chen Hao, who was going to stay up all night, watched for a while and was drowsy. He fell straight and fell asleep. He slept until eight o'clock in the morning the next day. The computer still playing the shooting material, directly raised the hand and pressed the close button.

The problem is big or small, and the more troublesome is that in the previous filming, at least more than half of the literary plays need to be re-shooting. Fortunately, Lin Xixin and Li Yifeng's plays have passed the level, with a large historical martial arts giant system It seems that their acting skills are above the horizontal line, and the shapes of the two are also very handsome. Now they are only shooting the first season and follow the progress. Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong have not yet grown up. Xu's misty Qingxiu and Kou's The domineering style has not been finalized, and there is enough time to polish.

What's wrong is that these influencers are these supporting actors.

He came, and the crew stopped shooting. The problem is generally recognized in everyone ’s mind, but everyone has their own calculations in how to deal with the problem. Now the person who can say it is here, let ’s make it. Offending people is still offending the company, is it a waste of time or money, a scapegoat or a force to turn the tide, we all just follow orders.

After nearly two months of shooting, there is a possibility of re-shooting the film. This pit is too big. Huang Kailun is no longer satisfied and cannot afford such a big pot. The entire crew stopped filming, the main staff met and waited for Chen Hao's final ruling. He said what to do, everyone would do it. His decision was successful in the end. We are all happy. If it is a failure, it is only him Able to afford it.

Meeting with Li Yifeng Lin Xin again, they are all old acquaintances, and Lin Xin Xin is the friendship of playing games on the Internet. There is a principal Wang in the middle. Lin Xin Xin is a good man, so that he can face Chen Hao. It ’s a little less competitive between young people, a little more is the first thing to look forward to; Li Yifeng ’s side is completely the opposite. You have a lot of power and you can say it ’s okay, do n’t discuss anything else. "At the beginning, this awkwardness actually existed. Nothing else, the same young actor, not convinced.

Old acquaintances also have two different states of meeting. Li Yifeng shook her hand with a smile, and said a word of shame; Lin Xinqiang's smile was much brighter, and anyone could see the distance and closeness. Huang Kailun was waiting for Chen Hao to come to the meeting and wait to see how he played. As a result, Chen Hao just came into the conference room. Later, Vice President Lang Kuanlang and two company directors appeared in the temporary conference room used by the crew.

This time, Huang Kailun is completely out of temper. He has been in this business for more than ten years, and there is still a reason to understand-this is not a reasoned world, there are some people and things that do not need to be reasoned, do you still Would it be better than someone's material life to go with an arrogant man born who can inherit billions of assets?

Chen Hao has the support of Lele Company. Lang Kuan not only brought people to give people a place, but this is also the person who is going to put two companies and continue to support him here.

Huang Kailun leaned back to make his sitting more comfortable. He did not have the slightest dissatisfaction to resist. In the future, only Chen Hao took the lead and looked at it. Whatever you say, you can do it. If you succeed, you will continue to have omnipotence. The halo, failed. The **** pot is also hit on your head. I am Huang Kailun. I will be a slapstick. The film failed. There will be no stain on my resume. Fortunately, if it succeeds, it will be my resume in a few years. Capital.

Picked up my dissatisfaction, faced Enron, and his aura changed. Lang Kuan was the first to feel it. The corner of his mouth smiled slightly. His eyes turned to Chen Hao. No one can be 100% sure if it is successful. Now the power to open the curtain and look at the outside world is all in your hands.

Chen Hao refused to let him go, and he did not ask Lang Kuan to speak. He knocked on the table with his fingers, and immediately opened the door to see the mountain. He dropped the bomb directly: "There are more than one-third and less than half of the literary plays and a small number of The martial arts needs to be re-shooting. Lin Xinxin and Li Yifeng will be compensated for the compensation and schedule adjustment. After that, the two parties will have contact. The contract execution will be fine. Both performed very well. I deeply regret this result. On behalf of Lele The crew of "The Great Tang Ssangyong Biography" first expressed their apology and apologized. "

Standing up, facing the two, bowing slightly to apologize, it is not important what this action looks like. What is important is the attitude. Regardless of how much resentment the two protagonists have, they can only nod at this moment. Saying two polite words is okay. The mood has passed, and there will be nothing left. The remaining specific terms are on the contract. Lele will not be penalized for the compensation.

There were also several guild executives present, and their faces were very bad.

This time, Lele started the anchor filming project in a large area. It connected with the guild of Lele platform and let the guild be responsible for its signing anchors. No matter you are the big anchor and the small anchor, what treatment you want to enjoy in the crew, the crew is not responsible. Lele is not responsible. Your guild will send someone to take charge of the arrangements.

Chen Hao, who sat down again, still opened the door straightforwardly: "The reason for the remake is not in the crew, and Director Huang's style is not wrong. The bad is the actor. Our anchor is not a professional actor at first, and he lacks the actor. The awe of professionalism makes the whole film look awkward. "

His words shocked Huang Kailun's spirit. He never expected that he would get such an evaluation, and he was ready for his own early responsibility.

He turned his head and stared at Chen Hao for a long time. Huang Kailun confirmed that he was not saying something ironic, and then he nodded heavily, followed by a sentence: "The style of the idol drama can not lose its backbone."

Lin Xinxin raised his eyebrows, Li Yifeng frowned inadvertently. They would not be proud to think that these words had nothing to do with them. There were no actors in the opponent's drama, and they felt awkward when they were filming. Dress up cool, complete the story-shooting of the running account, and say a small area of ​​explosive plots when speaking lines, passing by.

"I suggest that the next filming cannot be stopped and the rhythm can be slowed down. Director Huang will continue to shoot with the crew normally. I will organize anchors to study and invite old artists in the drama to give them a good class. "

What's the most awkward, what Chen Hao felt last night wasn't that he was cool and handsome without acting, but the conflict of pictures.

He did not believe that Li Yifeng and Lin Xinxin could not feel it, and Huang Kailun could not feel it. It was estimated that they could not handle the matter.

There are many elderly characters in the play. They are invited to play by some old actors in the country. They are old operas who have been immersed in this road for many years. Although they are unknown, one by one they can use the four words of life as life. The interpretation is incisive, and what they film and the state of the anchors are completely different.

In the next meeting, Chen Hao did not embarrass the anchor and did not call them all to the scene. Instead, he invited some old drama bones who are still in the crew. Don't watch the TV audiences can't call their names. In the industry, they are the actors most willing to use for all directors. They do n’t have that bad temper, their acting skills are good, their professionalism is high, and they do n’t need to worry about giving them the roles. When you need this scene, Just pull people up to start the show, and keep it above the horizontal line.

Chen Hao let people play two previously shot materials ~ ~ A group show of seven or eight people, with two main characters, and two old drama bones, the rest are online The anchor, has not yet dubbed, the picture has no sound, the professional people present need not say, just look at this picture to know that Chen Hao has found the problem, non-professional like Lang Kuan and others, watching this for more than a minute The material is just a feeling-awkward, very drama, you have no idea to know what this plot is.

The old drama bones performed deeply into the character's heart, and did not care about the exaggeration of expressions. It seemed ugly. They were concerned about the state of their performance.

Lin Xinhuan and Li Yifeng are naturally the most handsome in terms of styling, and the performance of the two is somewhat more or less, to maintain their handsome state. At the moment in the conference room, the two people saw their performance, and the problem was very clear. It was just influenced by the anchors. They were more focused on the handsomeness of their image and ignored the performance.

Those anchors are completely made of wood. You ca n’t say that they are beautiful vases. The vases are to be integrated into the current environment. They are standing there very well, one of the old drama bones. His drama is interactive with one of them. The old drama bones on the other side have rich expressions, irritable colors in his eyes, a slight tremor in his body, and full emotional expression. What about this?

Chen Hao thinks that if you find a professional person and make a little bit of it, this can become a funny video material.

There is already an atmosphere where we might be slain in the next second of life and death. Here, we are carrying our hands and costumes and showing a chic and elegant appearance of the Yushu. We also deliberately stopped the waist, so it looks like The figure is more slender, and the expression must be handsome. When the camera is pointed at me, the best features of the five senses are given to the audience ...

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