Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 809: Just to be handsome?

The anchor's special halo (intermediate) allows the anchor to have five million **** fans.

Chen Hao as a anchor fan, Jiucheng is in Huaxia, a figure of 5 million. It seems that compared to the tens of millions of Weibo fans, if you think about it, you will understand the 5 million horror. .

Five million **** fans are distributed all over the country, which means that in the same province or adjacent provinces, if there is any activity in Chen Hao, with one tenth of economic strength to support it, there will be at least one Ten thousand people can gather around him.

If it is a movie box office, any movie, Chen Hao ’s, released, and guaranteed 5 million **** fans will spend dozens of dollars to go to the cinema to watch, which means that any movie, as long as Chen Hao is not Friendship cameo, then there will be 200 to 300 million guaranteed box office.

In Changbai Mountain, it is remote and there are also hundreds of fans coming at him. After confirming his arrival, there are hundreds of fans who drove over from nearby cities. See him in reality.

This group of fans has given Chen Hao's official website a high level of activity on the Internet. Every day, in the forum, there will be news about Chen Hao, and there will be still posters about him. All the fans will It is operated as a 'home' and forms an interaction with Lele, creating a network home for Chen Hao.

In reality, at the entrance of the hotel, everyone gathered against the cold. On the Changbai Mountain in this winter season, although the resort blocked the mountain winds a lot, the temperature was more than 20 degrees below zero, and hundreds of people gathered outside. The scene was not only spectacular but also moving.

Chen Hao did not directly enter the hotel, stopped the car in front of the door, did not refuse the siege of security, got out of the car, and waved greetings with the people waiting for himself at the scene, screaming at the scene shocked the entire resort.

"Xiao Qiu, when you arrive, go and find Xiong Wazi, let them find Lao Cai's people, go to KFC, McDonald's, and all the places where you can buy hot drinks, buy more and send it to everyone. Also let The hotel people use a paper cup to pick up some hot water. "Before Chen Hao got out of the car, he ordered Qiu Yu.

It ’s not a gesture, but he really distresses those fans who like him. In such a cold day, a cup of hot drink, even if it is too late, the hot water provided by the hotel, holding paper cups in both hands, warm your hands first, drink slowly, warm Body.

"Do n’t crowd everyone, I wo n’t go in first. This is a scenic area and it is close to the top of the mountain. The number of people that can gather is limited. I ’m not in a hurry. It may be difficult to take a photo with you, but I ’ll take pictures here. Have a hot drink and let it go. I will be here until tomorrow afternoon. I hope we can meet in the resort town. I think there are not enough people in the hot springs and water parks. In the afternoon, we all Go skiing, I will go too. "

Standing on the steps of the hotel, Chen Hao promised everyone, and then stood there, allowing the fans below the steps to take pictures as much as possible. When the hot drinks continued to come, he personally distributed them to the people present in the hotel. Introduced two large insulation barrels, which contain brewed scented tea, which are provided to hotel users, and now they are also pushed out.

Xiong Wazi, Meng Mengqi, Xiao Yuyu, and the six sons of speech, Chen Hao's apprentices came to him, helped to prepare hot drinks, and handed them to Chen Hao, which he handed to the fans present one by one, regardless of How much is muddy water to touch fish, no matter how many are tourists watching lively, anyway, as long as you do not crowd, you can come over, do not stay, just take a photo of a close-up in a few seconds, take a hot drink, excited Come to Haozi, I like you so much, that's all right.

From the beginning, there were little girls crying excitedly at the scene. Several girls lined up to Chen Hao, choking Hao Zi in my mouth. I am your fan. I like you so much. I cried when I didn't take a good photo with my phone.

Thanks to this is a scenic area, thanks to its remoteness, thanks to the resort's ski season has not yet arrived, although there are people gathered in the town, the number is not more than a thousand people, the order is still under control.

The police officers nearby, the security of the resort, the professional security hired by Lele, as well as Lao Cai's apprentices and a host of field control managers, everyone maintained order at the scene. A few who wanted to be mischievous were directly affected by Chen Gang. I went out and dared to stab you. Then go to the nearest police room and talk.

As a fan, Chen Hao's words worked well for them. Under the security arrangements, the order on the scene can still be maintained within an acceptable range. Everyone wants to stay in front of Chen Hao for a few more seconds. Every fan who is about to line up will raise his mobile phone in advance, take a short video, and the center of the picture is Chen Hao. Here, no internet celebrity, no big anchor, there is no picture in front of him.

Lao Cai came, just like Meng Mengqi and others, can only do background for Chen Hao, where he is the only protagonist.

For more than an hour, it was fleeting. After sending more than a thousand copies, Chen Hao was able to enter the hotel to rest. Later, the fans were distressed. They spontaneously helped maintain the order on the scene. He was despised by people around him.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, according to time calculation, it is no longer a good time to go skiing. I thought that I had agreed to the fans and there were so many anchors coming to the ski resort of the resort to go skiing. Chen Hao also decided to play .

The resort here, as long as you stay, all have access to the ski resort, you can use some important ski equipment there for free. After an hour of hot drinks, Chen Hao came out of the door in the resort area behind the hotel. There were not so many people gathered around him. Some of them saw him and shouted enthusiastically. He pointed his finger at the resort town building. At the entrance of the ski resort, fans were very excited and followed him to the ski resort.

This time period, Lele need not be said. The short video area has been bombed. Most of the popular works are here, with the title of Lao Cai's marriage, most of which are titled Chen Hao. Fans will upload photos and short videos as soon as possible.

The anchor who broadcasted the live broadcast, there were more than 20 people, who were standing around and filming Chen Hao.

At this time, the benefits of Lele's restrictions on the broadcaster's live broadcast rights came out. Although everyone is not restricted to popular entertainment, everyone has a high degree of freedom, but that also makes the content and level of live broadcast uneven. Lele abandons popular entertainment that is supported by all fans and chooses to limit it in order to make Lele bigger. Short videos can be uploaded to any short video. This area is open to everyone and is dedicated to public entertainment. Have certain professional ability.

When Lele first started to implement this strategic policy, it did have a big rebound. It almost overturned its dominant position. Those who are used to I want to start a live broadcast will not be able to open it. The fact of live broadcasting is that Lele has straightened its bar and bet a lot, relying on time to rely on high-quality live content to let more viewers realize that their choices will be easier and they will see More good live content.

The majority of the audience supported, the minority objected, and gradually a few voices were overwhelmed. Lele's live broadcast gradually improved and became more professional. Today, when it began to connect with the reality entertainment circle, those voices of doubt and opposition were eliminated. There are also a lot of low-vulgar voices about the live content, and there are a lot of less quality voices about the anchor.

At the current big events in the webcast industry, viewers can more accurately choose the anchors they watch, without having to scour the sand in the big waves. These anchors are also more professional in outdoor broadcasts, and they will choose a relatively good angle to professional Equipment, to present a clearer and more stable picture to the audience, so that a live broadcast is not as unprofessional as a video call.

From Chen Hao's departure from the hotel to entering the ski resort more than a hundred meters away, there were several anchor broadcasts and he was filmed at a distance of tens of meters from different angles.

Wearing a pair of thin cotton ski pants ~ ~ The thermal underwear coat above was wearing a thick two-piece hoodie, the hoodie hat was worn, and the simple dress came into the snow, and the anchor was smart , Went to the service center in advance to squat, find a good live broadcast location, and wait for Chen Hao to rent a ski equipment when he can shoot him as soon as possible.

In the snow field, many anchors also got the news. From the snow field to the rest area, some removed the skateboards, and some simply took off the snow shoes at the service center. Those heavy snow shoes are not worn by ordinary people. Conveniently, Chen Hao is also a star to be chased for them, not the anchor of the same title everybody a year or two ago.

"Huh? Haozi didn't come?"

Several anchors at the service center squatted for nothing. Chen Hao entered the snow field and turned straight into the ski shop next to him. The voice six had originally wanted to start the live broadcast and was stopped by Chen Hao: "Do n’t bother, Let the anchors outside. "

It ’s a pity to miss the opportunity, but a few apprentices also understand Master ’s meaning. If you start the anchor yourself, if you can see Master at such a close distance, the tourists outside will be attracted instantly. No doubt, no matter what apprentice is open, It ’s extremely popular, but that ’s tantamount to telling the twenty or so anchors outside, we do n’t want to feed you.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Hao came out of the ski shop, gathered fans, anchors, and tourists, and even the people on the ski field, were surprised. It was not true, he just came to play handsome Right.

Snowboarding, snowboarding, and skiing must-have for neck and face. Instead of wearing a safety snow cap, wear the snow goggles outside the hoodie hat ...

He didn't come to ski?

Some people have such doubts, but more female fans don't care about them at all, they think that they are handsome, and they take photos from far away and send them to the Internet or their own circle of friends.

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