Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 803: Deliberately wrong

The host of this year's Golden Horse Awards is Cai Kangyong and Xiao. It is conceivable what style this year will be. Many people are prepared to be ridiculed and made difficult by the host.

In general, when you go to a large awards ceremony, there are a few unruly tricks. If the host from the mouth to the point of eye-catching, it must be a relatively small year, worried about the award-winning movie and The actor's influence or selling point is not enough, let the host fill the visual effect.

The eloquent host appeared on the stage. Relatively speaking, this year ’s awards ceremony has a lot more to focus on. People pay more attention to the film and the actors. The host is responsible for embarrassing them and getting from them. More unknown news.

Of course, for those regular host awards, you can think of the entire awards as insufficient.

At the beginning, this young man gave the picture of Chen Hao, not a special care. He is one of the live signs of this year's Golden Horse Awards. He has been shortlisted for many awards. Before, there were rumors of Xiao Yaoe, who ran once. The shooting of men was crowded and there was not much room to play. There was another attack in the middle, so that the picture of the duel everyone wanted to see did not appear.

At the Golden Horse Awards, he returned to his maiden's house. Xiaoke was rude. At the opening, he had a look to fight with others. Frequent pictures were also returned to Dili Reba, which caused the scene atmosphere to be very strange. Cai Kangyong only revealed the mystery. , Directly hit the infinite embarrassment directly on the small head: "Hey, if you are not married, I will definitely support you now, the children are not young, what else can you compare with others?"

Today's Xiaodi is a fresh and sweet evening dress with light colors, which matches her age and her positioning. Once under Yang Mi's studio, Yang Mi was good to her and spared no effort to push her, but she couldn't compare to her status as a girlfriend of Hao Chen in the era of reunion, and Chen Hao directly counted all her treatment as her. The stylist and makeup artist usually spends more time following Xiaodi than Chen Hao. As a newcomer to the movie, she was shortlisted for the Best Supporting Actress in the Golden Horse Awards, which is a milestone in her career.

In the past, beauty was her first magic weapon, idol dramas and various youth love scenes, or costume love scenes. These are her markets. For the first time, she played a role in a movie that gave up her beauty advantage in challenging situations. To be recognized, to her, sincerely is a moment worth remembering for life.

Today, she prepared for a long time, and carefully prepared for the red carpet. At this time, her identity as Chen Hao's girlfriend seemed slightly embarrassing. Yes, that would be taken care of, but she would be wiped out of herself. She feared that she would be marginalized.

Without walking along the red carpet with him, sitting together at the scene, can't say perfect, I can only say that this is the most suitable way to solve her inner worry. On the red carpet, she received the greatest attention and the best care, and gave her the most complete happiness between dreams and reality. At the scene, facing the host at this level, she would not be able to cope if she really did not sit next to her.

At this moment, Chen Hao tilted her head slightly and said a word in her ear. These movements were firmly recorded by the camera. How many people are sweet and sweet, not to mention the whole world, I do n’t know how many people are in the country. Waiting for the relationship between the two to change-why do you have a fat man who owns our Hao Zi, and why all his pets should be placed on you alone? How can you do this?

"Keep a confident smile."

Di Lierba listened to Chen Hao and showed a very charming smile. It seemed to be a small feedback. After being captured by the camera, audiences across the country and even in Southeast Asia could see it. Because of Chen Hao, this time the Golden Horse Awards Live broadcast rights are sold in several countries.

"If it's so sweet, don't send me invitations when you get married. I definitely won't go." Xiao deliberately took out the appearance of a sorrowful woman, only to make everyone laugh, this interspersed in the opening, host To give Chen Hao a picture is also equivalent to borrowing the interaction between Chen Hao and the stage to add points to the previous program to attract viewers.

There are common problems in the awards ceremony. Not many people pay attention to technical awards and small awards, and no one wants to listen to the winners on the stage. This makes the audience's perception of the awards ceremony partly stayed in the long two. Literally.

Increasing the card level of the awarding guests, the host is connected in a more funny and funny state, how to do it well, increasing the card level of the awarding guests is fixed, the skill of the host is adjustable, and it is also an award The key to whether the ceremony is exciting or not.

Chen Hao is not a spectator this year. Both "Certificate of Appreciation" and "Wolf Warrior 3" are competitive in technical awards. Even "Ignorance" has attracted the attention of this type of award for his film music. .

Regardless of whether or not the award was won, the names and people who came to power were all people he knew. The relationship is far and near. People who do n’t know this award are clapping their hands to congratulate them. But when the competitors of this award are even the winners are people they know and are familiar with, the attention sitting in the audience is different. Those who are familiar with him won the prize, and Chen Hao would say that if the distance is not suitable for him to embrace, he would stand up and didn't care if he grabbed the thumbs and congratulated them with thumbs up.

In the previous technical awards, three films occupied most of the country. It seems that several films compete. Everyone can have a chance, but when your eyes stay on Chen Hao, it feels completely different. "And" Wolf Warrior 3 ", he is just an actor, an investment is also a company behavior and a small share of all investment profits, but I do n’t know why, how do I feel that these two films, he looks like the owner?

This year's highlight lies in the competition of actor awards. It's fun and interesting. Many people look forward to it. It's not about how the result will be, but about the state of the scene when the audience is extremely interested.

As the moderators, Cai Kangyong and Xiao did not need to know the results of the awards, but they had already set up many live dialogues and interviews in advance, including communicating with the awarding guests in advance. This year ’s fun scene, I ’m sorry I did n’t play well.

The first actor awards came up, the guest of honor, Chen Hao and Xiao Gang Cannon. The lineup of the guest of honor is definitely worthy of the audience and live up to everyone's expectations.

Best Supporting Actress.

There is suspense in the award competition. The two awarding guests came to the stage, and everyone also found it interesting. The two old acquaintances together to present the award must be better than two unfamiliar people coming to the stage to be polite to each other.

Before Chen Hao took the stage, he had communicated with Director Feng Da. After coming up, people did not run directly to the awarding position in the center of the stage, but walked directly to the position where the host stood, giving a big hug to the scene. Many entertainers have cobbled.

Everyone is playing on the stage, and the stage always has to cooperate. If the utilitarian part of the awards ceremony is cut off, it is the annual meeting of rare entertainers in the year. It is rare for everyone to get together. Preventing everyone from having fun for themselves, and you are still struggling with the string in your head, you are definitely not a truly mature artist.

Xiao Gang Cannon took a stand while he was hugging, and he stood up. He talked first. He didn't need to go to the line with Chen Hao. That was boring. He also knew what he said was acceptable, so he was interested to say Chen Hao is also one of the few 'mates' that made him forget the rules and willingness to release him.

"Well, Haozi, you're not right. Hey, you only have the chance to present a prize and speak with a microphone. What's the matter, this is starting to please the host? Do you think they will let you go for a while?"

Chen Hao came over, made a bitter expression, shrugged: "Guide, let's take a look at the nomination list first?"

The audience is all happy, I know you Haozi feels good at the scene, are waiting for you to prepare a meal here, and get together with Director Feng Da, everyone also thinks that you will have a good confrontation, you come directly Looking at the nomination list?

After the fun, there was a small range of coaxing, and the small steel cannon was not to be outdone: "I know you have two actors nominated, don't you be so impatient?"

Chen Hao responded with a smile: "Guide, I'm a big red today ~ ~ Would you think about not offending me, but there are three crews behind me, aren't they?" A word, a raised tone, raised his chin towards the stage. The three crews accounted for almost one-third of all the nominations for the awards. The live lineup is undoubtedly the largest, which was supposed to be His greatest aid, however, made noises and stood against him.

The crew that Chen Hao stayed at will be good with everyone, and they know what his habits are. On similar occasions, everyone just needs to come back to him, even if he doesn't have the eagerness to turn things around, just just watch him eat. Are enough to make the audience very satisfied and enjoyable. In short, the result of such a game is that you do n’t lose both inside and outside, how can you win, and you can see the interesting scene, everyone is happy.

With a look of being hurt, Chen Hao said to the audience: "Your family doesn't support me. I am very disappointed. Sister Jin, Xiaodi, I really want to read from my mouth that the winner is one of you. Don't be happy, I may be kidding me intentionally. "

This sentence is not critical. At first, the lens was also aimed at Direzeba and Jin Yanling who were sitting next to each other. As a result, there was a quick response at the scene, that is, the client and several regular guests of various awards. They are better than the scene photographer. The response should be fast, and he was directly crazy, clapping to Chen Hao.

On the premise that the camera didn't respond, the small steel cannons on the side played the best role: "Hey, Haozi, you offend people, Hua Zai and Zeng Zhiwei, all are sitting in the audience."

Most people now understand that the camera also quickly locked Andy Lau and Zeng Zhiwei. This stalk uses the right to let Cai Kangyong and Xiaodu slap and laugh and applaud. Chen Hao, once again successfully took the initiative on the stage, will focus on The artillery fire on his body was successfully transferred.

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