Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 785: The Landscape Under the Wheel

What's the next movie in the Era of Gathering?

With Chen Hao's always cross-domain thinking mode, you can't guess whether it is a comedy or what kind of film, but once this film is out, it must be the strongest lineup of all the signing artists in the current era.

Chen Hao's thoughts are really unpredictable, but what he said is still more recognized, but he doesn't know what kind of film he will come up with. Chen Hao has some ideas in his heart and is not mature enough. He did not tell others that it was not a systematic production, but he himself thought of a subject based on the current trend of the film and television industry.

According to the "humanization" of the previous system, he even believed that his idea would be realized by the system when the next task was completed. The things he thought of, the system would match the most suitable film for himself.

This is the first time he has let go, but no one feels that he is letting go. Even Xiaodi, Jiang Shuying, Zhou Dongyu and others are looking forward to it. Xiaodi also specifically asked him what he was about. Theme movie.

"I have not decided yet."

Chen Hao's answer was just a powder punch, and Xiaodi didn't believe what he said, he felt that he was selling Guanzi and deliberately didn't say it.

The audience has expectations, but they are not in a hurry. Past experience tells them that it is good to wait silently, Hao Zi will definitely give us good works, and we will just walk into the cinema to watch it, and nothing else Need to think.

The movie is not standard, but it has brought a considerable degree of publicity to the era of happy gatherings. The 'miscellaneous army' in the circle is now a 'regular army'. Blocking is no longer possible. Everyone has to send congratulations in the future film and television circle. , The era of happy gatherings is no longer a nameless pawn, relying on nothing? Just because Chen Hao is in the era of joyful gatherings, because of its strong strength and funds, it can complete the production and distribution of films independently.

Brother Tian met with the company's senior executives. Now that the company is entering a period of rapid development, the company is not signing up for the big names, but it is trying to find ways to sign some old opera bones and some newly-known singers to enrich the company ’s basic strength, especially the former. Is the top priority of the second half of the plan.

At the same time, "Ignorance" officially entered the publicity period. It will land in three places on both sides of the strait in September. Only one wave of publicity photos will be issued. The main room is a small room shot from the angle of the interior lights. Chen Hao curled up and slept on the bed. Shop, Zeng Zhiwei slept in the bunk. The rest of the propaganda is relying on Chen Hao's personal influence, relying on the special subject matter, and relying on ultra-short time shooting.

The whole publicity strategy is no strategy. Chen Hao's meaning is very simple. This film is not going to the box office. It will be released in a small area. Look at word of mouth. After all, the content of the film is abusive, and it is nothing to some viewers watching popcorn movies Attraction is really a large-scale publicity. It is very likely that the effect will be reversed. When the time comes, it will be uncomfortable to smash your feet.

Let it be. It's not a good time, and don't do large-scale publicity. The company just needs to do basic publicity.

According to Chen Hao's meaning, the company's resources were still distributed to Dilireba, Jiang Shuying and Zhou Dongyu, and then let them take the company's signing anchors and slowly penetrate into the film and television circle. He himself disappeared again In the sight of the public, there is no information for joining the group, nor is it preparing for a personal concert, and there is no meaning to release a new album. People disappeared. At the beginning, everyone did not notice that there was no Chen Hao in the circle of ten days. News, everyone was curious about what he was doing?

At this time, Chen Hao started broadcasting. People were in the car and announced their show "Hua Xia on the Highway" to start the second season. This time, it was called "Landscape Under the Wheel." I will meet you soon through the online platform. Now that others have traveled abroad, they will continue to conquer the harsh environment and lead everyone to see different unique landscapes.


Haomen's fans exploded, and Haozi went on a self-driving tour. We are going too!

Most of the fans have some economic conditions and time. The first reaction is not how the show is, but to participate in it. When Chen Hao takes the live camera out of the car and sees that it is really abroad, the fans only Forced to die.

Even if you can go, when you arrive, no one else knows where to go. Chen Hao said in the live broadcast that this is a dangerous journey, will challenge many harsh environments, and will lead his team, in Some special unmanned areas are challenging to cross on foot, and the area is not as safe as in China. It ’s no use for everyone to come. You ca n’t find them at all. And recently, China will not approve self-driving tour clearance. If he is at home, he will broadcast live from time to time in a place where there is a signal. If everyone has to catch up, he just records the program and no longer broadcasts.

Haomen's fans are still more disciplined. When they are crazy, they are crazy, but everyone really agrees, and after agreeing to Chen Hao in the live broadcast, they will not do anything behind it.

The second son, Liu Dong, with management and some **** fans, also in the fan group and global fan meetings, constantly explained to everyone why this time Chen Hao acted this way, the fear is that everyone must find the past, they not only have a complete Teams and professional guides, as well as professional security forces, and professional armed equipment to the teeth, even the most top donkey team in China have no conditions to make a long-distance self-driving tour like him.

Some senior donkey friends and some senior players came out and conducted a professional analysis of Chen Hao's line. It is really not a line that anyone can go, it is very dangerous.

The program was launched on Lele's official website the day after Chen Hao lived.

In this wave, Chen Hao completed the task of promoting the Lele platform in one year. The TV station did not broadcast and the entire network did not broadcast. Lele is the exclusive authorized broadcast platform.

"The Landscape Under the Wheel."

"HELLO, everyone, I'm Haozi. I promised everyone last year that I want to do an outdoor live broadcast again. This time I set off again. Let me talk about it here first, not to invite fans to play together, but this time. It's special. We will cross a very dangerous road at home and abroad. The harsh environment is accompanied by danger. To be honest, I do n’t have 100% confidence ... ”

The show began with Chen Hao's confession first, followed by his introduction to this equipment. The super off-road RV is undoubtedly the biggest highlight.

"This time four cars came out, a heavy truck modified material car, two modified Raptor off-road vehicles, and one was my newest partner, Big Nails."

The shape of the big nail is very shocking. Chen Hao devoted more than ten minutes to introduce its function. The other three cars also took a few minutes. These seemingly boring links have been watched by millions of viewers. It's so addictive that people are playing tricks, and this professional equipment is no wonder that they dare to challenge such bad roads.

The heavy truck has also undergone some modifications. It does not carry a huge cargo box, but a childish box in front of the car. In order not to add the burden of long-distance crossing to the car, the box is equipped with a lot of equipment and supplies. , Including a dedicated fuel tank and power storage equipment, several sets of solar power storage panels on this cargo box can allow the power storage equipment in this car to store enough power to supply four cars for long-term consumption.

Oil, water, electricity, food. This heavy truck has undertaken such a task, allowing this team to travel for a long time even in the no-man's land, without the need for resupply. According to the equipment at the time of departure, no resupply for 20 days, this team has Survivability, as long as these materials are not wasted.

In the show, Chen Hao focused on the professional level of the team, which is also a supplement to the reason for hoping that everyone will not follow the live broadcast yesterday.

Two modified raptors, all with lids on the back, open the back to the back, and a mattress on the back. At least two to three people can live in a car at night. Similarly, there are temporary residences in the heavy truck. Conditions, coupled with the harsh conditions encountered by large nails, are enough to live for five or six people, which can ensure that this team can complete the residence of the entire convoy in the car without wild camping conditions.

Chen Hao, Kang Yan, Chen Gang, Qiu Yu.

A team of four people ~ ~ Two professional guides.

Four top private security.

The entire team, fourteen people, was equipped with some weapons that were allowed to be equipped, such as shotguns and metal crossbows. These two things can be formed in the hands of Kang Yan, Chen Gang, and four private security personnel. They are more powerful than local security company teams hired outside the country. This is a restrained self-protection method. In some accidents, with them, I dare not say that everyone will be protected for the first time, but at least the most valuable Chen Hao can confirm 100% protection.

As for Chen Hao's own strength, it is the last layer of protection. It is also the capital that he dares to play this long-distance self-driving tour. Of course, the danger is more from nature. Those natural forces that human beings cannot resist, really To be unfortunately caught up with them by one ten thousandth, no matter how strong personal strength is useless.

Isn't life looking for exciting journeys? Stimulating the expression of self-worth is often tempted.

In the program, of course, things about security will not be introduced. Chen Hao just led everyone to see the scenery all the way, to take everyone to experience the joy of wild survival.

In domestic programs, night camping is often the most interesting to the audience, especially the explanation provided by Chen Hao during the camping, how to choose a camping site, how to camp, and how to take some precautions in the wild. A lot of knowledge about camping in the wild, some things that have never been encountered in the city, have made the audience particularly enjoyable, and this team will never choose a modern way of living under the more primitive survival, There are ingredients in the car. Do n’t eat them, but use local ingredients. Drink and sing songs at the campfire at night, eat the deliciousness made by the original ingredients. The first day of the trip is a full 50-minute program. .

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