Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 763: Textbook performance

Due to the fiery popularity of "Come to the Name", more and more people began to interpret and interpret the film in depth, and more and more things were dug up. Among these analyses, a message came out to This movie has added a wave of popularity, allowing more people who resist commercial blockbusters to choose to enter the cinema.

The Department of Performing Arts of the School of Film has specially opened a few temporary courses. As a professional performance class, the several minutes of the monologue performance of Chen Hao in the "Certificate of Merit" is specially taught for analysis and discussion. All students in the performing department learn discuss.

There are good performances. As a professional college, it is normal for them to learn, but it is awkward to change to Chen Hao. This guy is still a student at school, or a lot of students present. Brother, this sudden change of identity has actually made many people resist their acceptance. Fortunately, the Film Academy did not invite Chen Hao to come back and talk to everyone about the performance experience, which would be even more embarrassing.

It's embarrassing at the film school, and embarrassing at the embarrassment at the drama school, Yanjing's magic capital, these two major star-making machine colleges that are as famous as your film school, facing Chen Hao this round is almost In the performance of killing all the young actors, the only thing that can be done is silence. Even if he criticizes Chen Hao and brings a master of art, there is no substantial effect, but he seems to have his own belly.

No matter what emotions are inside and how you want to deal with public relations, everyone has a relatively unified understanding of one thing. That is, the approval of Chen Hao's performance is thumbs up, and the external news reports have not been false. If this performance is put on a good starring role in a good movie, it is to take the rhythm of the film emperor.

What ordinary audiences see may be slightly visualized, but as professional elites in professional colleges, everyone takes this course to interpret more levels. What exactly did Chen Hao perform in these few minutes of performance?

In order to avoid the situation that I don't have so many ideas, the analysts hold high. The Film Academy specially included a confession about this performance by Chen Hao, the psychological state at that time, the self-analysis after the performance, all the things that I wanted to express and express are all in the confession, which also means, The extreme that everyone interprets is the extreme of what he performed. There will not be a hundred performance levels that everyone analyzes. The actual performer himself only wants to express eighty over-praising phenomena.

If there is a dean of the acting department of the Film Academy, there is an original confession in his office. This course seems to be a lot taller. The most important thing is to show Chen Hao's self-confidence. Without this self-confidence in the performance, this confession can easily make the honor negatively affected.

Lessons are full in the school's large classrooms.

If there are few people, everyone may be hampered by face, how can I go to see my student's performance and give me a lesson?

There are too many people, and this worry is gone. All the people who can come to the cinema have seen the movie, even more than once. There are many places in them that are worth learning and borrowing. This is the performance of Chen Hao. Among the most difficult to learn from, the most difficult one is a person, a close-up, no sound assistance, no picture assistance, all relying on acting skills, no physical action can be coordinated, at most head movements and facial features movements, the rest is only Look, relying on these, he performed a Ling Chi torture.

No one knows what the torture bearer looks like, nor does Chen Hao. He understands that everyone is only Jiang Wuyang. In such an era, he believes that he has killed his brother in the absence of faith and pursuit. In the state, what is the state to face torture without love.

Every emotion, every expression, these performances are top-level, and then they need to pass on the information to the audience through the performance. Any movie format must first serve the audience and let them watch it. Do n’t be jerky. It ’s hard to understand that even if you have a high acting skill, the audience thinks you are stupid and they have no interest in watching, then you have failed.

In the eyes of the film school teachers, what is truly commendable for this performance is that Chen Hao has taken care of both sides. He has a slightly outburst in the stage performance, which can capture the audience ’s attention and let the audience also This is the most powerful way to get interested in watching this show over and over again.

As soon as the internal courses of the Film Academy started, the outside media followed and covered the coverage. Now it's a bit of a mess, and it's all worthwhile. Everyone is eager to get the news that audiences like. Who is the most popular artist now? There is no doubt that Chen Hao, whether it is to raise him or be negative to him, will do. As long as it is his, he can get the attention of a large number of audiences.

The news from professional colleges has made the box office that is already tired, and it has a small rebound, surpassing "Mermaid" in one fell swoop.

Chen Hao's people also truly entered the gate of the movie industry. The idols of such acting skills, like the snowflakes, came one after another. Within a week of the company, more than thirty movie scripts and twenty TV script, all are male number one.

In addition to this, there are invitations found through various relationships, or invitations from various big coffees. There are not only male No. 1 and some male No. 2, but there is no doubt that it is a great director. Big productions, or big directors' award-winning literary films. In short, he is already the first choice of almost all film directors in choosing young actors. No matter if you want acting or box office appeal, no one seems to be able to. Stand with him.


"War Wolf 3" landed in the summer.

Another explosion of news followed, which not only continued Chen Hao's own enthusiasm for the news, but also let the movie use his enthusiasm to launch a wave of free publicity.

In May, it was the world of "Famous Titles". "Wolf Warrior 3" locked the arrival of the summer file at the end of June. It can be said that it was ten days in advance, in order to connect with Chen Hao's popularity without delaying the entire broadcast. Flight.

The mysterious "Wolf Warrior 3" has had no news since the filming. Everyone thought that it would seize the Spring Festival file. No news.

There is no news for the May Day period.

All of a sudden, there was no news for half a year, and everyone was surprised. The shooting of "Certificate of Appreciation" seemed to be later than that of "Wolf Warrior 3", and everyone won the box office of 3.5 billion yuan. What is the anticipated sequel?

After the release schedule was set, everyone took a breath and finally might see it. At the beginning of the propaganda offensive, as usual, the first version of the trailer should come out. Wu Jing also threw a sentence very frantically this time, which was hailed by all media as speculation. In fact? He was the same as Chen Kexin at the time. What I said was the truth.

"I know Haozi's role has no chance to nominate a leading actor. In the next year's supporting actress battle, Jiang Wuyang is not invincible and the most lonely, and there is a ZERO waiting for him."

Wu Jing is not a crazy person, nor does he have such an image. But after throwing this out, he still scared everyone. Is this guy crazy? Make it so big?

The left-handed and right-handed hype is nothing. Chen Hao ’s two roles played by himself are nothing. He is the director and the male No.1. When he said this, the amount of information would be too great. He is no. His own performance, to be honest, his performance has no chance with the award, but Chen Hao's performance can crush everything. If the villain can act as the male number one, he is willing to let Chen Hao's role to compete for the various awards of the actor. Male number one, your opponent is here.

Is it necessary to be so big just for propaganda?

Obviously, there is no need to play this big, there is only one possibility. Wu Jing is telling the truth, even if his words are not sincere, it must be true ~ ~ Is Chen Hao in a pure commercial blockbuster? There will also be a character that can compete with Jiang Wuyang?


Chen Hao ’s enthusiasm has been advancing all the way since last year, and this year is even going straight to the skies. Even popular young meat such as Lu Yi and Wu Yifan must retreat, and even popular young people like Li Yifeng Lin who renewed should play the role of awkwardness He did not play "The Great Tang Shuanglongzhuang", everyone is looking forward to, he is really a commercial blockbuster male or literary film male number one.

This expectation value has been transformed into a script, and directors from all walks of life are looking forward to a cooperation. Instead, they have to see how big the chemical reaction will be. The super-directors of commercial blockbusters are worse, and the directors of artistic films are secretly pondering. Whatever script is good enough, then what to shoot, it does n’t matter if you are more than literary, because as long as the script impresses Chen Hao, he is willing to act, then no matter how much investment this literary film has, a large number of people will come up, not to mention Chen Hao also comes with an investment aura. I heard that the background is deep, and each film will bring its own investment. This is equivalent to putting some insurance here. How to play, everyone is tempted. Maybe, this will be a big game. .

At the same time, to gather together in the era, we did not waste Chen Hao ’s news enthusiasm, and the things that started out were finally put on the stage. A hearty visual feast officially began to challenge the recent hot idol dramas in Asia. Star Dream.

"Descendants of the Sun", the official version of Yanjing Satellite TV ’s golden file is an hour each day, and the episode is broadcasted exclusively on the day of the week. The time is set for June 9th. Without directly entering the summer file, Yanjing Satellite TV took out The sky-high price has been granted exclusive broadcast rights. Now it is competing for the second round of the summer season. The first round of broadcasting is completed and it is just entering the summer season. These two rounds of competition are comparable to the first-round broadcast rights competition of the drama which is always hotly expected. .

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