Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 758: Your opponent's "Pig Teammate"

Park Jung-do has become the saddest clown. Now he promises to lose, not to promise or lose, the former may lose nothing, and the latter, it ’s a big deal to hide out, no one knows himself in another country, and lives normally. .

It ’s better than being chopped off by a few ribs.

Subconsciously, Park Jung-do has put himself in the position of a loser, and has already lost his courage before comparing.

Losing is not really a terrible thing. What is terrible is the appearance of Park Jung-Do. Then, under the testimony of multimedia, he also presented himself as a savior who will save the world. In less than a minute, he was brazen and brazen I did n’t give you a chance, and the people directly agreed to your challenge. All you can do is to say that this is a misunderstanding.

An event that did not get the desired effect, but also caused Chen Hao to enthusiastically circle a large number of fans, and also allowed his fans to gain an absolute advantage in the confrontation with the black fan, making it possible to promote in "Certificate of Appeal" The boycotts that occurred during the period were completely eliminated in the bud. Now even those who stand on the opposite side of Chen Hao are beginning to hate Park Zhengdao. You say that you are something, and at this time you risked you out. If you can do something, you can look at your bear. Not only is he a wreck, but even we have no chance to attack now.

The military hall of Park Jeong-do does not need to be smashed by others. Those people who are disappointed with him have already begun to throw eggs and tomatoes. On his side, he wants to stand and lose. Don't become a street mouse completely, and he wants to respond to Chen Hao, let's try it.

As a result, the media had just been found, and he was about to frame himself as a hero of sadness. Another news was broadcast on TV. During the promotion of "Certificate of Appreciation", a media reporter interviewed Chen Hao at the hotel. It was in the gymnasium that Chen Hao was exercising, and the reporter asked about the fact that Park Jung-do did not respond to the challenge.

Chen Hao laughed: "Even if there is no response, I, as a person, will never force others to die, and I don't think this happened."

During the interview, he did not stop exercising. At this time, in order to respond to Park Jung-do, he said all the politeness of the gentle and gentleman, but gave the most direct response in his movements. He did not even fist his bandages. So hard and hard hit the sandbag, the previous few media reporters did not take it seriously, they felt that it was normal training, but with the increasing strength, the sandbag weighing hundreds of pounds is like The blown balloon hit him with his fists and legs, flying around.


The sound is getting louder and louder. The punched sandbag is actually not the most scary, but when it comes back, its own weight plus inertia has formed a considerable impact. Chen Hao fisted his legs and fists. Pick it up, don't say how much power he has to bomb the sandbag, but how strong his bones and flesh are to greet the 'counter-attack' from the sandbag.

Next, I will not interview anymore. The camera is aimed at Chen Hao, zooming out, and seeing him like a protagonist in the comics. He constantly beats a sandbag of several hundred pounds as a balloon, but also loses the sandbag. After being fixed, you can continue to be returned after being hit by flying. This kind of picture also achieved Chen Hao's reputation and added a halo of Huaxia kungfu to him.

Facing the media, Park Jung-do swallowed again when he reached his mouth, and watched the picture on the TV dumbly. He knew the weight and hardness of the sandbag too, and he knew the impact of the return after swinging out at a large angle. How big, the opponent can show his strength so easily, how can he fight with him, even if he can hit him, will the lethality be greater than the lethality of the sandbag? If you hit yourself, you can't stand up anymore. You don't have the strongest ability to fight as a sandbag.

"Uh ..." Park Jung-do, er, for a long time, and finally knew that no matter whether it was lizi or face, he couldn't find it. What about love, what about the martial arts? With family and money, go away and fly high. It's enough to spend the second half of life in Australia.

On the same day, the military museum of Park Jung-do was smashed by his own disciples and people. The others took almost nothing and took the family on the plane. The first-class cabin was specially purchased for this purpose. Here, at least he can Eyes less glaring.


With such a 'giving head' opponent, Park Jung-do has directly established the advantage of Haomen fans, pushing the tower to the top, allowing Chen Hao ’s publicity in South Korea to be carried out smoothly, and also allowing the filming of "Certificate of Appeal" here. Normalization does not need to be influenced by those who oppose Chen Hao, and deliberately reduces his schedule.

In itself, the names of Chen Kexin, Jet Li, and Andy Lau are enough to attract a considerable number of viewers to enter the cinema. Then there are Chen Hao, so many things happen, too many people want to see this movie in the end What it looks like, we do n’t talk when it ’s good, and we ’re not polite when it ’s not good.

After the promotion, Chen Hao went to the hospital to see the fractured female fan. Her heart-warming behavior was widely recognized among Haomen fans, and her fan loyalty has also been greatly improved. There are idols like this, if we don't take him as our own family, we have the face to call ourselves fans.

Able to retreat from South Korea. In China, there are already a large number of people giving thumbs up at Chen Hao. This time, I really feel that when your enemy opponent has a pig teammate's cool feeling, you all No need to do anything, just wait for the other party to take the initiative to give you an advantage.

Everyone also knows that the root of all of this is that Chen Hao's own strength is strong enough. Ironworking also needs to be hard enough to be afraid of any enemy who comes to commit crimes. I can safely do it right.

Coming out of South Korea to the island nation, the situation here is actually similar to South Korea. Both love and hate Chinese stars. Some like it, some resist it, and most people do n’t want Chinese stars to have too much influence. Yes, it is commonly known as local protectionism, but with such a lesson learned from Park Jung-do, the island country is not stupid enough to pop up a guy to take the initiative to give people a head. Under the **** of fans, the entire promotion is still smooth, but After they left, there were some voices on the island nation ’s network that boycotted the film. As a result, the island nation ’s recognition of “Certificate of Approval” was relatively low, and the amount of films transmitted afterwards was very low. effect.

Chen Kexin also had no time to manage. He took the lead creator to conduct a round of publicity in Southeast Asia. Chen Hao did not follow all, and came back to shoot some additional shots of "Descendants of the Sun". The specific work in the short term was all Finished and formally entered a short rest.

"Come to the Movie" was released on May 1st, becoming the largest blockbuster in this period. Both Xiangjiang and Baodao in the Mainland received the largest number of blockbusters, attracted much attention, and was also the highest-rated movie.

The premiere was held in Xiangjiang. The entire premiere was like a small awards party. Many celebrities and celebrities joined the show, and the goodwill of the Chen Kexin couple was also shown to the maximum.

The entire film still retains a lot of mystery until now.

From the start of the filming, the entire crew was filmed in a closed mode. The entire shooting area was fenced without interviews from the media. Therefore, there is a vein of speculation about the adaptation of the plot, but how Chen Kexin directed the film and what does it have? No one knows the difference. The trailer can show only a limited number of things. In fact, everyone is very interested in the premiere tonight. You can take a good look at the director Chen Kexin who directed the blockbuster for the first time. Zhang's satisfactory answer, what kind of spark will there be between the collision of the two movie kings and a popular king?

The interviews and interactive sessions that night mainly focused on the actors, such as how Xu Jinglei's face was simply disregarding the image, such as how Jet Li was downcast and how ruthless, such as the performance of Liu Dehua's several painful dramas.

Chen Kexin highly appreciated the performances of the actors. Everyone would say a lot. When he came to Chen Hao, he did not hide it. Seeing that the premiere was about to start, he didn't hide it. ~ ~ Outspoken: "In the film, Hao Zi will dedicate a feast of performance to everyone, and he will have a close-up close-up, long-shot drama, very exciting."

Since the Golden Award, this topic has received a lot of speculation from everyone. Why does Chen Kexin have such a high evaluation?

Why are Jet Li and Andy Lau so respectful of Chen Hao's performance? It can be seen that it is not polite. What supporting role does a supporting role have to be so brilliant? Even if there is, how does Chen Kexin arrange it so that this wonderful won't grab the protagonist's limelight?

No amount of suspense finally came to an end.

Professional film critics, media reporters, senior audiences, colleagues, gathered together, in a large screening hall, at 8 pm Yanjing time, the world ’s unified premiere, and pre-sale tickets also met Chen Kexin ’s expectations early, Ninety-five percent of the tickets sold in the movie theaters that can enter the computer system for statistics throughout the country. The big theaters in big cities are all sold out.

At the premiere of Xiangjiang, at the premiere of Xiangjiang, the decades-old rules are followed. Is your movie good or not? After the show is over, the applause of these professionals in the venue is for you. The most intuitive evaluation of movies, and their appreciation tastes can basically represent the tastes of the majority of audiences.

No matter how great confidence, at this moment, from Chen Kexin to the actor to the staff behind the scenes, they have sweated their hands. The entire film has reached the position at this moment, and the total investment in the production and distribution of publicity has exceeded 300 million, which is not considered European and American Publicity expenses, if the box office does not exceed 1 billion, it is not considered to make money.

Chen Kexin's nervousness can only be adjusted by constant deep breathing, whether it is a mule or a horse, which will be revealed in two hours ...

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