Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 722: I don't want to be different

Woman heart, undersea needle.

After Chen Hao and Dili Reba publicly fell in love, except for an independent woman who could n’t be described by existing secular theories, such as Sunny, the three daughters who returned to Meicheng City were unavoidable, and the call was just a few words. Just hanging up, when interviewing Tiange, Qianer and Jiang Meiyan also kept a little distance, similar to Ke'er, but there was no contact at all during this time.

Why, everyone knows that for the first time today after this open love affair, it ’s light to throw your eyes away in the past. This has to say that everyone has always got along well, even if it does n’t develop into that kind of relationship, they should have each other. His emotions are still there. He is so old that he doesn't associate with each other, and his heart is even more uncomfortable.

As a man, of course, Chen Hao knew how to make a gesture at this time, and immediately gave up his position to signal to Miss Keer to sit over, and he gave him a cigarette in a dog-like manner.

But the child gave him a white look once again, but ignored the cigarette, but chose to sit down, the little bit between each other, and then temporarily disappeared, leaving the little thing between the man and the woman, it is simply unclear.

"Look, our brother Hao is really full of pictures. This is the place to go. Lele's short videos are popular and you have seized them as much as possible, saying that you have a few videos posted here."

Now Lele does not have the so-called Five Gods. Chen Hao is the only one, and the rest of the anchors depend on your income and popularity. After the first battle last year, Keer has developed very well this year and has hosted several offline At the party, the popularity was bullish. Among the anchors of Lele, she was considered a big sister. She was sitting here and talking like this, and there was nothing to jump over, everyone thought it was normal.

Everyone passed by with a smile. The house entered into a lively atmosphere. Old Cai Zhang Luo went to eat supper. He also said that Hao Ge, who made the most money last year, invited guests. Xiong Wazi pouted: "Boss Cai is not good. It's not your style to drink. "

Xiao Yuyu also coaxed along the side: "Yes, Boss Cai wouldn't be so stingy, take the wind for my master, and ask my master for a treat."

Old Cai Baoquan begged for mercy: "Okay, I served. Haozi's apprentice, sharp teeth and sharp mouth are standard. I treat guests, and there is a sea fishing downstairs."

Xiong Wazi shouted in unison with a light rain and rain, "Uncle is mighty!"

But the child applauded and laughed: "Lao Cai, Lao Cai, now you ca n’t do anything if Hao Zi sits up and does n’t talk. Look at this apprentice, then you look at your apprentice, or you want them to come over and shout a few times , I promise Hao Zi will treat you. "

Master's friends, shouting uncle is polite. There is no one who is older or younger. Apprentices of each other call the other uncle to show respect.

Chen Hao waved his hand: "Don't go, sleep for a while, and go to the scene early in the morning tomorrow, if necessary, still have to perform, otherwise boss X will find me trouble tomorrow." Take Lele's The boss was joking, but few anchors dared, and Chen Hao was one of the special cases of anchors.

As soon as he said this, everyone also said goodbye. There were only a few familiar people in the room in ten minutes. Lao Cai asked again to confirm that Chen Hao was not going to eat, and then scratched his head and went back to the room to play. Keer left with him. Before leaving, he took a meaningful look at Chen Hao and said nothing.

Xiong Wazi and Xiao Yuyu simply cleaned up the living room and saw the smoke cleared and closed the windows. They left with Voice Six and Monmond, let Master rest, and informed that there will be a buffet breakfast at the Chinese restaurant on the third floor tomorrow morning. The building is the fitness club.

After leaving Chen Hao alone in the room, I went back to the bedroom, took off my clothes and took a bath, and I was really tired. After so many days of filming "Certificate of Appreciation", my physical fatigue was still limited, and my mental stress was too great. After so long, I finally relaxed. When I got off the plane and saw the bed, I didn't have much sleepiness, but I didn't want to go to eat and play, I just wanted to go to bed early and rest.

As soon as his ears moved, the corners of Chen Hao's mouth rose slightly and did not move, still standing there facing the wall, his head was slightly lowered, and the shower head was directed at his head.

The door of the bathroom was opened, and Qian Ying stomped in, standing behind Chen Hao, and wrapped his hands around him, accurately grasping an existence. The surprise did not appear as expected, but the other side A look of enjoyment.

"How do you know it's me? I'm still ready to meet Ke'er's little-wave-hoof-child." Sunny voice came, and Chen Hao turned in the direction of her arm and carried her into her arms: "My The room, here, only you can come in without my consent. The elder sister Jingcheng beside you is a master. Haven't they evaluated Gangzi and Kangge with you? "

At this time, the sunny day was already in a state of bathing together. Before entering, it was already in a state of being alone, letting the bath water pass over its own skin, laughing: "One dragon and one tiger, the tiger goes down the mountain, the dragon dives into the abyss, You're lucky. "

This evaluation was accurate. Chen Gang was extroverted, Kang Yan was restrained, and Chen Hao was interested. He did n’t do it manually, but asked curiously, "Have you ever evaluated me?"

On a sunny day, stamped her feet, got to Chen Hao's ears, and slowly spit out a word: "Donkey!" In the little noise of the body tapping on the body.

With the fuse and the lead ignited, it naturally exploded.


Chen Hao reluctantly got up from the bed, looked at the sunny day that was deliberately showing off his eyes, and pointed at her, she really didn't know what to say.

Sixty forty.

Its daybreak.

It's that simple.

He woke up, stayed up all night, walked out of the room with his front feet, drilled out on his hind feet, and entered his room not far away. Chen Gang and Kang Yan, like robots, faithfully performed their duties, but never more In a word, in their position recognition, Chen Hao was right.

The hotel's restaurant is very empty. The anchor itself has the nature of a night owl. When you come to the magic city to participate in the annual festival, everyone has their own circle to socialize. Last night, they went out as a group to hang out. Like Lao Cai, they play cards. Even if they do not play anything, which young people are willing to get up early, they can't wait to sleep until noon.

Xiong Wazi and others did not expect Master to get up so early, and thought of coming over to accompany Master for breakfast. By the time they arrived, Chen Hao had already brought people to the scene of the annual ceremony.

He came so early for one purpose, to try out the sound effects here and the level of some of the staff at the scene. If it is high enough, he can perform on stage even if he has not prepared a program in advance.

This picture seems to have been acquainted. Not long ago, he also performed similarly at the New Year's Eve Party at Mango Terrace. This time, it was the same again. The difference is that this time he received a much larger treatment than at Mango Terrace. There, He is a popular artist and a popular little king. Here, he is a brother and a pillar. He wants to get more attention at the awards ceremony today and is counting on Chen Hao to bring more popularity.

He arrived early in the morning, less than half an hour, and all the official leaders and staff of the entire awards ceremony were in place. Even the director of the Lele Planning Department rushed over for the first time. Knowing that Chen Hao came so early to be able to completely disappear after participating in the evening performance, the next hour, the entire scene cooperated with Chen Hao alone to perform a special rehearsal according to his requirements. After 50 minutes of adjustment, Chen Hao spent ten minutes Time, sang three songs and the rehearsal was over.

Song-level singing skills.

This is an indisputable fact in the circle. There is only one person known as the **** of song in the Chinese music scene-Jacky Cheung. Jacky Cheung frankly admitted in public that Chen Hao's singing skills are impeccable. This praise, even in the most recognized Eason Chan, who was close to him, never heard him have similar reliance.

After this news was broadcast, it caused a great uproar. Afterwards, many media and musicians found Zhang Xueyou again, hoping that he could be more specific, and why Chen Hao gave such a high evaluation.

Jacky Cheung only said one sentence: "I'm not as good as him. His acquired efforts are supported by innate conditions. I have a good voice and I envy him."

I often evaluate a singer and say that he has a good innate condition and a little unfriendly feeling. It seems that as a singer, only innate conditions are good. No one would understand this sentence made by Jacky Cheung. It took Chen Hao more than two years to establish his identity as a superstar. You can criticize him and question other things. My voice is on the stage ~ ~ Every time I sing, it feels different, there will be some things to play on the spot, so that you have no chance to criticize him for fake singing.

Coming out of the awards ceremony, Chen Hao returned directly to the hotel where he lived, turned on the equipment, and started to warm up the Lele annual ceremony in the morning. Today, his live broadcast is also the most live broadcast by guests. He can talk to him and can have The familiar anchor who knocked on the door of his room, turned around in his live broadcast room as much as possible, this is also the only time Chen Hao asked the visitors of the live broadcast room to show the anchor to the show, pay attention to them, wait until they Be able to get notified when the live broadcast and then go over to support.

Ke'er came in and suddenly raised the attention of 300,000 fans. She also had to say that she had n’t moved around between five and five live broadcasts. Many fans of Haomen have paid attention to her, but even so, she appeared in the photo for a few minutes. The increase in the attention of more than 300,000 fans suddenly opened the crazy rhythm of everyone not eating at noon.

More crazy things, in the hallway outside Chen Hao ’s living room, a large number of anchors gathered. At this time, they are digging for ideas and looking for relationships. I look forward to being able to be taken into that room and being able to make a photo in five five live broadcast rooms. At this time, what kind of face is to go in once and show up for a few minutes, it is probably not worth the live broadcast effect of your hard work for several months, and it is likely to be less than the promotion effect of the half annual award. There are many anchors who broadcast live broadcasts, and the total follower's attention is less than 300,000, but it can go up to 300,000. What is the concept?

Chen Hao, who was broadcasting live, received a message from Lao Cai, and others were sitting in the room. After sending this message, Chen Hao was a little bit crying. This live broadcast, should I sit on the official channel to broadcast? ?

At this time, Lao Tsai also stunned a song: "We are different ..."

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