Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 711: Take her home

Big brothers want to brush gifts, so the picture is the best. It ’s the best to brush the gifts between five and five live broadcasts. Everyone has to admit that Chen Hao's current appeal on the Internet cannot be measured by the status of a regular anchor.

Lao Shen smashed 30 million at once, and the entire network's pictures were all of Chen Hao. Millions of people watched the live broadcast, and more than half of the entire platform's traffic came here. I wanted to have some pictures on the network. At this time Don't rush up, who will know who you are. Conversely, once you spend it here, you will get less attention than shooting a horse in the live broadcast of others.

Lao Shen took the lead, and the five-five started the rhythm of crazy gift-giving. The official staff came in to watch the fun, not one hundred and twenty-thousand. Sorry, on the five-five, you may not be able to afford a personal ticket. group. At least 88 large planes, it is too difficult to see you on the middle public screen.

You swipe the money, the effect is also very good. First of all, the public screen next to the typing is now in a broken state. It is not that it is not useful anymore. It is at this time that the fans of Haomen in the entire broadcast room controlled the rhythm of the public screen. .

"Thank you, Brother Shen, for the personal ticket!"

"Thank you for the big ticket from Meteor!"

"Thank you, Yaer, for your personal ticket!"

When you are presenting gifts here, there is definitely a presence in it. You can't tell if tens of thousands or tens of thousands of Haomen fans are thanking you for typing, but the big brothers who play online have a little vanity. This picture is like this If you ca n’t get on it, you will also be on top of it, not to mention that there is an increased fan attention from Haomen fans. As long as you give them the gift, you can get the attention of the fans and want to develop on the Internet. For people, this is a very affordable gift for gifts, a bit similar to the 30 million brushes of Lao Shen. The advertisement was done, and one was also supported by Chen Hao. Brother Renyi and Haomen fans may have a lot of money. Students, but for every bag of milk, they can still do it, the typical daily consumption can support the entire company's sales.

"Why do you make me feel this way?"

Chen Hao is not deliberately pretending to be a calf. The real thoughts in his heart really feel that the big brothers and fans are so popular. He doesn't know how to repay everyone. It seems that how much he has done is not enough to compare with what they have paid for himself. .

"Boss, we support you! Boss, come on!"

The fans answered and all the big brothers were in place. As the guild of OW, the outside world didn't know that the guild of the happy age was no longer drawn into Chen Hao. He still showed his stance and brushed up. Ten million.

When Haitian and Maple Leaf turned red, he lay down in the live broadcast room. Langzhong Haikamai said directly: "It's not to scare anyone. We two have prepared a lot. If you need to brush, throw it out in two or three hours. If you don't need to brush, this The money will also fall on Hao Zi. Does the official have a dark horse in the channel or is the top number of Lele company lying on the bottom? I'm not afraid that you know that if you get half of it, you might as well give it to Hao Zi, no, this Not all the money is given to Hao Zi, and we will take part of it at that time. We will go to Sanya to hold a party. Old rules, as long as Haomen senior fans, you can come and participate for free. At that time, we will have fun, me and you. It will be hard to say if Brother Tian and Maple Leaf will appear, but if our beautiful Yaer is present, I will definitely be there. "

"Get off!" Ya'er typed, changed his name, followed by a dash and typed off.

Chen Hao directly controlled Mike of Zhongzhonghai: "Hey, hey, this is my live broadcast room, is it possible for you to tune-in? You do n’t know that in our title group, you are already your goddess. Brother Haitian, if you don't want to be your public enemy, don't try to challenge us all to protect Yaer. "

But it ’s just a little joke. The message to everyone is clear. The joke lets everyone relax and face the year. Today Shen ’s brush is Lao Shen ’s. Our group of people are still behind. Accumulate votes, pass Haozi, and after the seven-day race, leave the rest to us. With us, you can enjoy this happy time with peace of mind. Your efforts will inevitably be exchanged for rewards and fights. You rush in front, you don't need to worry about the rear forage.

That night ’s live broadcast, 50 million personal votes, Chen Hao ’s best gold medal male artist group, all the anchors gave up the game directly, after he finished the live broadcast, they all started to explain their reasons for not chasing, if changed In the past, if there was a host who said that I didn't want you to spend money, I don't want to chase after you, rest assured.

Speaking of these words, they may not necessarily be recognized by the fans, and they will lose powder. The fans will feel that you are too frustrated. There is no future for a boss like you. Even the biggest competition like this year is afraid to fight hard and lose. Do n’t be afraid, it ’s because you do n’t even have the courage to fight, it ’s too shameful.

But this time, all the anchors who are in a group with him are proud of competing for the second and third, and the fans can understand, fight with the current Chen Hao, what do you use as the anchor to fight, and to gather in the times Earned a lot of money in "Charlotte's Trouble", and Haitian is also said to have made a matchmaking investment in "Why Sheng Xiaomo", and also made a lot of money. Now to a year, they can't get through without much brushing. The most terrible thing is that Chen Hao hasn't brushed it himself yet. The anchors of the Happy Times Guild haven't brushed each other. Several of Chen Hao's apprentices have earned Master who really wants to do some of them for a while.

With him?

It ’s even more horrible than the original electric dry. The original electric mother had at most one or two Shenhao support. You look at the big brother of Shenhao who is now in the live broadcast of Chen Hao. The other big brothers are pulled for a year or two. Look Looking at others, he has always been indispensable since he came to the Five Fives, and has strongly supported Chen Hao.

Now let alone fight against him, I can be proud of being able to go to a group, and I can show off one or two externally. I was killed together with Chen Hao in the past and I lost. I don't shame.


Early the next morning, Chen Hao killed Di Lierba ’s apartment in Yanjing, which scared the other person. Last night, she secretly watched his live broadcast and secretly brushed more than 20,000 yuan. Personal tickets for money. As an artist, she feels that it is easy to make money. However, she sees that she has more than 20,000 yuan without a splash, which is still very distressing. It can also be regarded as why the current anchor business is so popular. .

After watching the live broadcast, it was late in the middle of the night, everyone was so supportive. Chen Hao lived to a little more, and Dili Reba also nestled in bed to accompany a little more. This is early, only now, it is only seven o'clock.

"I want to see you earlier. I want to go back to my hometown at noon. I want to go home and broadcast live for two days before I go to the rehearsal of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Taiwan. I have let people install a live broadcast room in Yanjing that is the same as my home. In that time, I can bring you the best live content without having to toss back and forth. In the afternoon airplane, I want to stay with you for a while, it does n’t matter if you sleep, and I ’ll hold you for a while and make up. ”

Dili Reba wrinkled her nose and snorted, and she was actually very happy. The man's love words always made the girl feel affectionate-especially the men and women who are in love. The time together was particularly fast, and then I felt anxious to see each other in the next second. The two people passed through many stages directly. Entering each other's private apartment was no longer an obstacle to progress.

Women are those who please themselves.

Even if only staying together for one morning, Di Lieba still went into the bathroom, groomed, and when she came out, she saw Chen Hao, who had already made breakfast in the kitchen, and was very moved. The other side did not despise herself. I did n’t feel tired after I came in, but I wanted to make contact with each other, but I made breakfast. That ’s what has caused Di Lierba to be moved. If it was n’t for her thin face, she would probably go up and kiss her and give her a reward ~ www ~ She likes this relationship, she likes herself now, and likes her current survival status.

For breakfast, although it is only the simplest rice porridge and instant snacks in the refrigerator, although it is just a row of yellow pickles with pickles in the refrigerator, there is actually nothing to do. In fact, there is nothing on the table, but I eat It is extremely happy and full, and the process of eating will look at each other, smile, and completely immerse in this very comfortable state.

Brush the bowl together, cut the fruit together to make a salad, fill the coffee table with a variety of snacks, nest on the sofa, and watch a movie together.

Perhaps countless men think that this is too pediatric, too idol drama, what is it, the opportunity is so great, why not go further?

Everything is not natural, the taste is light, now is a good opportunity to make this glass of wine richer, and enjoy it comfortably, the speed is fast, the taste of this glass of wine is not authentic, so much better, Leaning on each other, watching a movie, eating a potato chip, you feed me a bite of potato chips, I will give you a piece of fruit, the best time in the morning, spend this in the best way, let it be more passionate than anything. Endless aftertaste.

It ’s almost time, and the second movie is finished. I look at each other with a lot of reluctance. I do n’t want to eat at lunch, and I do n’t want to do it. I think time will be wasted.

"Come back with me, take you to Erlong Lake for skiing, let you taste Northeast cuisine ..." Chen Hao didn't hold back his mouth, and immediately felt what he was talking about. Why should he let the other person go back with himself? Is it generous to say badly?

"We can stay together for two days and fly to Jiangsu and Zhejiang ..."

"it is good."

Di Lierba did not let Chen Hao's words finish, and covered his mouth with his hands. The man lay in his arms, and for a long time they did not speak. At this time, it was truly silent.

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