Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 617: Bob Dylan

It was a great day.

In Chen Hao's life dictionary, it is no exaggeration to define this day as great. He never thought that he could get such an honor, become a witness to history, and be a spokesperson for the music giant.

"If my life can come again, I must be more prepared to welcome the day again!"


Gao Xiaosong was embarrassed, and he felt that in his life last night, he had a regret that he could never make up for in his life.

From eating breakfast, he looked wrong at Chen Hao. It was an unabashed jealousy, not jealous of your talents, not your young and handsome, but jealous of your life track. Last night, you were able to I played guitar with Bob Dylan for more than half an hour and talked about music. The most annoying thing was that you didn't recognize the other person at the beginning. After you recognized the other person, you never even thought of making a phone call and calling me.

"Brother Gao, the show is over. I invite you to a big meal."


"Brother Gao, this is not good, or will I accompany you to the street for a while?"

"..." Gao Xiaosong held his arms and turned his head. At this time, he was like a child who was angry because he couldn't get sugar cubes. It was totally unreasonable: "Bob Dylan, that's Bob Dylan, you Asshole boy, I can't wait to kill you all at once. "

At this point, the machine has begun, and the daily shooting of the show has begun. Where is Gao Xiaosong alone? Regrets, from Song Ke to Song Dandan, etc. They are the same. They can not love music, and you can even be ignorant to know that Bob Dylan is Who, but when you search for his name on your mobile phone and see his profile, you will definitely worship.

He has influenced generations. The Beatles have regarded him as a guide for musicians. Jobs is his loyal fan. Yesterday, he appeared on the streets of Montena late at night. These days, the wind of last night It's a bit cold, most people are resting, preparing for the carnival tonight, who can think of chatting and chatting with a few street artists and meeting Bob Dylan.

The director of the mango station received the news early in the morning. Like all the top of the mango station, the first reaction was that he had missed the biggest news of the Chinese music scene in this century, but he turned around and wanted to understand, even if the program group at that time It ’s not possible to take pictures of people who are there. Maybe when you see a camera, Bob Dylan may not show up or maybe he ’s found by an assistant next to him. The moment that actually existed in history for more than half an hour.

Chen Hao always smiled. Although it was only more than half an hour last night, although there was not much communication with each other, he had already taken out all his abilities to obtain the qualification for dialogue in music in front of the old man. Without these belated integrations with system capabilities these days, if there is no soul dialogue with the music, maybe simply relying on the system capabilities to recruit a new one, there is no qualification to talk with Bob Dylan last night, more Don't say talk with music.

One step a day.

If you use learning to compare Chen Hao these days, then three days ago, Chen Hao had a mobile phone with powerful Internet access. Any question can be answered on the Internet.

In three days, the phone was first thrown away, the knowledge became part of my mind, and then a brief contact with Bob Dylan let the knowledge be integrated, no longer memorizing those standard answers, but instead In other words, you can find the second and third different solutions.

These three days are like a rebirth to Chen Hao. The physical and mental baptism has been too great, not only in terms of music, here opened a way for him to understand how to make himself truly possess the abilities given by those systems. What I want is not to memorize and copy those abilities into my own body. It doesn't make sense to do that. I have enough anchors to live in, and I don't need to add such pressure to myself.

What I do is to merge experience with my own thinking and turn rigid things into my own. As for the specific and in-depth professional knowledge, there is no need to copy, and I continue to use the anchor realistic Dan. An undergraduate who has taken an entrance exam on his own by studying, if he is given the opportunity to re-enter the college entrance examination, equipped with a mobile phone that no one can see, he can go to the Internet to search for answers at any time. Is it difficult for him?

Hard knowledge points, you can search for standard answers. Needs flexible reading comprehension and own ability.

The smile on his face is the one that Chen Hao thinks he laughed the most since he was sensible. He did n’t intentionally hide it in front of everyone, as if he got something good in front of everyone. No need to cover it. In this era, you dare to say yourself As a musician, that experience last night is enough to make him laugh for a few days and benefit for a lifetime.

Looking at Chen Hao's appearance, Gao Xiaosong couldn't take it anymore. He was very mad and got up and walked out: "No, I'm going to the street. I can't get angry when I see this guy."

Everyone shook his head and showed a kind smile. A man in his forties can only have such childish performance in his favorite field. In the past few days when we came to Montena, we all found out that in the most In the face of pure and open music, people have become pure, and there is no room for the little selfish thoughts in the bottom of my heart. Have fun and enjoy this journey. Maybe in this life, there are still many opportunities to travel around the world. Maybe the company around me is the beloved person to make the journey more comfortable, but like this return to the essence of collective life, there will be no more.

Early in the morning, you saw Xu Fan helping Xu Qing tie her hair.

In the evening, Zhou Dongyu will help Song Dandan to massage his shoulders.

These are all happening without the camera being turned on. If you are truly pure, you will find that everyone does not have any conflict of interest. In a group trip of less than 20 days, they will collect their own personality and temper and work together. Go play well, then you are completely enjoying these twenty days.

All these, they thank Chen Hao, thank this music lunatic, three days, they are all three days that completely changed Chen Hao's impression. Before, his ability related to him was only everyone's superficial cognition. I felt this was a reliable man. In the past three days, you saw a man who deserves his singer status. In an increasingly exaggerated era, more and more exaggerated showbiz and song circles, they looked at Chen Hao and really felt that the other party brought a Clear stream, cool and cool make everyone's heart very comfortable.

Looking at Gao Xiaosong's childish appearance hurried onto the street, a group of people laughed happily. Just now Chen Hao said that he had met Bob Dylan. It was always Gao Xiaosong who was asking, everyone's curiosity was not satisfied. , Such a legend in the music industry, everyone has a question of curiosity in his heart.

Yan Qingkong Xu Qing: "What kind of person is he?"

"An ordinary old man who is shameless, but when he picks up a musical instrument and prepares to sing, he is a god."

Chen Hao's answer is equivalent to answering everyone's inner question. Maybe someone does not like Bob Dylan's style and works, but when decades of music road has been burned down, he did not become a master from a singer It is that the master has cultivated himself into a god. Perhaps only this word can describe his current state, which is somewhat mysterious, but it is really impossible to define a position on the master for him.

When he said this, Chen Hao didn't think at all, he was completely the truest thought in his heart.

Since there are many people and the weather is warm, everyone eats breakfast in the back garden and can also be connected to the staff tents outside the garden. Where did the Viana family receive so many people? The program group felt that it caused a lot of people Troubled, communicating with the family outside the filming of the show will be given to Viana as a thank-you when she leaves.

Chen Hao said this in the direction of the sun rising in the distance. His eyes were blurred and filled with fascinating memories. He recalled the picture of last night. This picture was quickly broken. Although the sunlight was a bit dazzling, it made him slightly Squinting his eyes did not prevent him from seeing an old man, a late old man, an ordinary old man standing outside the fence.

Sensing Chen Hao's gaze, the old man took off his hat and sunglasses ~ ~ Chen Haoteng stood up. At this moment, he firmly believed that the other party had come for his own purpose. At this time, it was not an honor to think of it, nor was he excited Looking at a loss, with four eyes opposite, he didn't know what other people would look like, and he didn't feel that he had reached a level where he could talk to this old man, but it was felt from the other person's eyes that he admired himself And, he gave the other party the impression that he had forgotten his relationship last night, so he came.

There were two people around, standing outside the fence, the old man fainted a smile at Chen Hao, not the smile of the seniors to admire the younger generation, not the smile of the teacher to the later school, the smile of last night, not mixed with any identity just I encountered a happy smile playing guitar and singing together on the street.

Chen Hao is almost a subconscious act at this moment, without any subjective thinking. If there is, then the old man may turn around and leave, because he has seen so much in this life of worship, and he likes the feeling of last night. Pure and very comfortable.

Chen Hao picked up a guitar next to him and walked to the side of the fence. His hand stood on top of the wooden fence at the tip of the triangle, and people jumped out: "Together?"

"Well, together." Bob Dylan didn't know the young man on purpose, but discovered the other party two days ago. The sense of freedom and freedom in swimming in the ocean of music attracted him and looked at him secretly. For two days, I felt a vitality in the other side. This is a vitality that he would never have in his life, so he quietly left the room where he lived last night, appeared on the street corner, and got between Chen Hao and the street artist. .

Without a purpose, I felt that at that point in time, I should enjoy the music atmosphere around the young man's body, otherwise such a good opportunity was wasted.

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