Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 609: Brother is really not a show

Watch the night view, choose a hotel and have a big meal.

This first day's journey was perfect. For travel and photography alone, everyone was satisfied and consumption was under control. There is no problem with language communication. It is almost no difficulty to find an affordable local style restaurant, and if you have a car yourself, it is even more problem-free.

After they chose the hotel to carry their luggage up, the show crew started to install some fixed shooting equipment, and when they returned for dinner, everything was ready.

The tour guides who received comprehensive praises, when everyone started to wash and rest, holding mobile phones, talking on the balcony of the hotel, talking to the country to understand the process of film review.

Responsible for docking with Chen Hao, there have been major events that have always been Gao Hongbo. At the time, it was Chen Hao who he recommended. Now they are sitting on the same boat. Very special status inside.

"Why choose a summer file?" Gao Hongbo was puzzled. In fact, we could let some of them open. There is no need to be so anxious.

"The show with less flowers will be broadcast next month. I have to do a good job, which is equivalent to making a free publicity for" Charlotte Troubles ". The other show is almost the same, basically finalized, two-pronged, I In the summer, I will also hold my own personal concert in Yanjing. These are publicity. With the remaining money of the current crew, it will form the best publicity effect. "Chen Hao did not hide his ideas, and as an artist The most important thing is the exposure. Variety shows are still the best publicity platform despite being criticized.

Li Chen has been questioned in the past two years. First, he became a fan of his girlfriend, then he went on a crazy variety show. There are several resident guests. Do n’t talk about friendship. New works, but even so, who dares to say that he is not on the front line? Endless endorsements and commercial activities continue to appear in the eyes of the media.

The whole trip with less flowers is actually no difficulty for Chen Hao. He deeply likes himself and Chen Gang Kang Yan's Lele live broadcast. Outdoor Hao Zi takes you to see the world. That can challenge different scenery. Do more of what you love to do. The purpose of his participation is to keep himself active in the media's sight for a few months in the middle of the year, so that he can calm down and do something without worrying about being forgotten by the audience.

The shooting of "War Wolf 3" was finalized, and his role was finalized. Zhuo Yifan's role was not continued. In the third part, Wu Jing gave Chen Hao greater affirmation, and his affirmation was at the acting level. Investors don't care, as long as Chen Hao comes, his personal appeal is the box office.

Reverse number one.

Wu Jing made a request, hoping that Chen Hao could enter the group's large-scale shooting.

The implication is that you are popular, and I hope you take your heart to shoot my drama. Don't always ask for commercials or commercial endorsements. Do you retreat to my crew for one or two months? Is there a problem?

Chen Hao agreed. This time it was shot in the summer. Southeast Asia, pure jungle operations. Wu Jing has great ambitions. Many similar domestic film and television dramas have Southeast Asian backgrounds, which makes the audience a little fatigued. The battle on the topography and landscape here is not fresh. Wu Jing did the opposite, and did not choose unfamiliar people that are not familiar to you. In the field that is most familiar to you, I will shoot a real crazy movie for you.

A full sixty days for "Wolf Warrior 3", as a anchor, Chen Hao's mentality has not completely turned into an artist. He feels that if he has no news for two months, it is a terrible thing.

The variety shows and concerts are not so much to promote the film, but to say that the summer movie is also a sharp blade to maintain the popularity of Chen Hao.


Early in the morning the next morning, Chen Hao was the first to get up. He was used to arranging everything. For him, he went to a breakfast shop on the opposite side and had a good breakfast. Instead, he started running outside. Before leaving, I sent a message to the other six guests ’mobile phones> Hua Ge and Qiang sat in the car, filmed Chen Hao, and yawned with the little photographer beside them, apparently it was so early for the artist to get up and run It's hard to understand.

"You guys, go back and take a look at the material that was not played last year. In Africa, in such a tired environment, he promises to get up every morning to exercise, otherwise you think how the perfect figure in front of the camera came from?" He is proud. He is an old man, and he has long been mentally prepared to get up early to shoot this incident.

Chen Hao did not expect that he would meet fans abroad, not domestic students. When he came back to run, he went to the restaurant to order food. The two young girls recognized it, and he was surprised: "mouse! Mouse!" And Come around with a very surprised expression, look like a small fan girl.

For the first time abroad as a star, Chen Hao was pleasantly surprised, but it was more helpless to this title. Hao Zi, when he came here, he became a mouse. You ca n’t explain this kind of thing. They are willing to shout. ?

Just then, the music playing in the restaurant changed.

Familiar melody, familiar music.

"Rollingthedeep" happened to be played in the restaurant at this time, and the two girls didn't need to explain to others. Pointing at Chen Hao, shouting in Portuguese, he was the singer of the song, the oriental singer.

The excitement here has also attracted several international students passing by, including Chinese and Japanese and Korean. They looked more excited when they saw Chen Hao, and rushed in directly. If there was a comic screen intervention, all eyes were red hearts. The whole man, Hara, came out.

In pure Portuguese, Chen Hao said hello to everyone, there was no distance between the languages, and there was no distance between each other at all. I didn't know much about him, but he sang this song all over the world. Phenomenal songs that have never been sung once on a foreign stage, and everyone knows that everyone will sing a few words. Westerners ’personality will let them do many things very casually, and do n’t mind singing this with the music. Song.

Everyone sang a few words, and Chen Hao also sang a Portuguese song. It was the kind that the moon represents my heart. Everyone in the streets would sing two sentences. The restaurant was lively. It also made the members of the flower group who had received information to come over for breakfast together suddenly look silly. How did this restaurant that runs fast food breakfast become a sea of ​​singing and dancing.

In foreign countries, their popularity has basically returned to zero. Few people except foreign students have known them. None of them are known abroad. Chen Hao is different. He has created an atmosphere that is very close to us. Ask him to sign for his own things, and some simply let him sign on the clothes, and there were a lot of group photos. He posted it on Facebook. This handsome and tall Oriental boy may not know anyone, but he should note his work. Your Facebook circle of friends is guaranteed to explode because of this. The mysterious Oriental singer has finally appeared in Europe. Can he write the song that has created various records of popular songs in the past ten years? What kind of person is he? Is it possible for us to hear him interpret the song at the scene?

mv is hot, the song is hot, how can anyone succeed without suffering from jealousy, the same is true abroad, and some people say that this person ca n’t sing this song on the spot if he does n’t come out to perform. It will be several times more difficult to sing live, can he?

Brother Hua and Sister Qian took these pictures faithfully, and the next scene was a lot of fans who were honored as the winners of this year's best director award. Whoever planned this event could get this award. .

In such an environment, Chen Hao has been approached by some local gangsters. This is too ridiculous. According to the domestic audience's long-standing perception, the show team has long done things outside the camera. Everything is in In a small area, free-to-play performances, so-called accidents, are all plot designs, and not live broadcasts are recorded clips. Anything that is not conducive to broadcast can be cut off, and any event that wants to be a selling point can be advanced. Arranged, how can there be accidents in the program?

The fact is ~ ~ everything is fact.

A group of fans took pictures with their signatures. Four or five young people dressed up looked at them. First, a hip-hop fan deliberately bumped Chen Hao with his shoulder, and then several people gathered around him. Speaking some local language, I didn't know that it wasn't a good word without translating. A few people didn't do anything, just squeezed Chen Hao with his body and pressed him around him.

The members of the program group were notified and immediately gathered seven or eight photographers to rush over to protect Chen Hao.

The members of the Huashaotuan Group don't know what to do. The incident happened too suddenly. Some of them rushed forward, some Zhang Luo called the police, and some called the members of the program group around them. If they were beaten abroad, first Regardless of how the show is filmed, the compensation that Chen Hao's brokerage company may ask for is just an astronomical figure. Mango Terrace cannot promise it. The consequence is that this incident will spread all over the streets and lanes and become a very, very large piece of negative news.


Chen Hao raised his hands and pointed to the outside. The few people thought he was going to solve the problem and surrounded him. Everyone was no more than half a step away from him, staring, ruthlessly, from time to time with his head crooked. Chen Hao went to see him.

The female fans who condemned them all were also scared back by one of the throwing knives in their hands and dared not to care about this business.

The following scene, by many domestic fans and fans, was titled Shameless Show, which was madly transmitted to major videos. Among them, Wu Lei ’s fans retweeted the most. Wu Lei is unlucky. He is young and has no **** age. He should be rushed up when his companion encounters such a thing.

There is no ethical abduction, just that such stigma will have a very bad impact, and this impact will affect your career planning.

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