Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 584: Chen Dao

"I don't think everyone is interested in watching my acting talents today, okay, to satisfy you, what do you want to ask about the game, playing on the public screen, I see more appearances, and I will choose to answer, Chat with you. "

Three or four million people watched their live broadcast, and Chen Hao was used to it. Now in Lele, he is already a rider. The so-called Wushen really lifts up other people, and the most popular gift is the sunny day, which is even him now. The rear lights are not visible.

Whenever he starts the live broadcast, you can watch it. There are many big coffees in the VIP seat. Here you can sit on the VIP seat home page or the position of the contribution home page, that is the best way to get hot. And as anchors, if you can go to Chen Hao ’s Mai Xu, it is undoubtedly the face of Tianda. At that stop, you will have at least a dozen or 200,000 idle and boring tourists. Click on your information and watch Some of your previous video clips will follow you if you like them and will watch them when you start the live broadcast.

If, when Chen Hao broadcasts live, you also mention your name specifically, then you're fine. There are scenes that rarely appear on weekdays. Occasionally this time, fans of Haomen are very face-lifting and promote their boss. Yes, we must give everyone a sense of understanding, Hao Zi shouted a throat, at least 100,000 bases of attention increased, who can let him shout this throat, it is also very decent thing.

"I knew you would ask this question, why did you go to the middle of the first game?"

"This question doesn't seem to need an answer, isn't the answer obvious? Yes, it's the way you want it, it's that simple. I just ran to the devil, just to beat him, no other factor, that was not the most Is it stronger? I'll just stand up to you and save them excuses for losing the game. "

Almost everyone guessed the answer to this answer, but just felt that even if that was the case, Chen Hao would not admit it.

Why do n’t you admit it, that ’s why I ’m here. I just want to tell everyone that we are the King ’s Masters, and that ’s to make you lose your temper and accept failures honestly. Otherwise, you are not qualified to discuss and Justify, I won't give you an excuse at all.

After this wave was explained, Chen Hao was sitting there, holding a tea cup aside, and slowly drinking green tea with the leaves spreading by Shu. The action was slow, but the speed of gifts flying in his live broadcast room was not slow. With six answers, if you do n’t give too much gifts, you will feel shameless.

Many gift-gathering games are also used to them. They know that there are many big brothers in this live broadcast room. At that time, they didn't see it when they wanted to get a few hundred or thousands of pictures, but they knew that if they brushed a few hundred dollars or more Haozi must be able to see the gift. He always keeps writing thank-you letters every so often, only as a form of self-cultivation and a respect for all tourists and fans.

Long rolls of white paper, simple pen words that can be clearly seen, even if you have no conscience, you can't say that his words look good, but you can't say that it is ugly. People are like their characters, words are like theirs, every stroke is powerful.

No matter how busy, Chen Hao will complete this task. In Yanjing ’s studio and Meicheng ’s studio, the first phase or the first phase is either mounted on the wall or rolled up and stored. This is Chen Hao's hard rules for himself, even if he is busy, he must be worthy of every tourist who supports him, even if they can't see this thing, he has to do it himself. Each period, there will be a few minutes or ten. The minute video is specially uploaded to the website, and a title is specifically designed to be grateful. There is a timeline for each period of thank you letter. If you know that you have swiped a gift during that time, and you want to see your name Then, open this video, the lens is pushed from left to right, not slow or fast, to ensure that when you use the pause button, you can easily freeze the frame you want to freeze.

In such a way, someone imitates it, and someone adapts it. The number is not large. There is no way. There are several people in the live broadcast room. You ca n’t thank the gift brushes. You need such a way to specifically thank you. .

"How does it feel to win three to zero?"

"I feel that this question is a bit silly, do you still not know who I am? This result, I want to say that I had long expected it, except for my Haomen fans who believe me unconditionally before today, I guess the rest I will feel that I am bragging, but now I want to say this, you must be cheering, huh, huh, this is the feeling, what do I say, do n’t hide and do n’t build myself a so-called tall image, That doesn't make any sense. "

"What do you think of tomorrow's game?"

"It is good to play our own style. Our style may not be suitable for E. They have their own tactics. The key point is that they have confidence. We are no worse than anyone."

"Night of the Bird's Nest, what do I think?"

"Oh, I know I'm going to perform" Rollinginthedeep "before the game. It's the first week, the tenth week or the eleventh week, the singles chart week of the bulletin board? Is there a new song, I will be in Singing after the competition is the most authentic thought in my heart. At that time, all the friends who can come to the scene, I will be there and will lead you to sing together. "

When chatting live, the time passes the fastest, but how many anchors can support the live broadcast by chatting for a long time? Sometimes, the anchor who wants to be lazy has an idea deep in his heart, hoping that he can prepare a live broadcast without talking to the tourists. It is not that they are beginning to hate this business. Things, repetitive inert thinking, will make them want to avoid live broadcasts, and think that it is best to mix one.

Chen Hao is totally the opposite of this kind of people in this respect. It is not a question of high or low income. It is because he owns the system so that he does not need to worry about poor technology. Each live broadcast only takes about ten minutes to prepare. I can write a lot of live content on A4 paper, sometimes it is not necessary, and it needs to be deleted. It used to be a live broadcast every day. It is not the same. Now I ca n’t do it every day. After that, she deviated too much, and the tourists asked for too many things, and he would perform in a rhythm. For a two-hour or three-hour live broadcast, you will find that you have designed the live broadcast content, not even half of it.

After winning the game, the club is closed tonight and tomorrow. UZI and others also went to the hotel where Chen Hao lived to cheer him on. Five people sat together to broadcast live, and after talking for nearly two hours, the group also Relax, have played 'Eating Chicken', and with Chen Hao, live broadcasted the game for more than two hours, making many visitors feel a pass of Belden and the so-called game talent, smell, even though they are LOL professional players, But in this game of Jedi Survival, a little familiarity, all are masters.

At noon the next day, Chen Hao returned to Yanjing. The crew officially entered the start-up shooting phase from the preparatory stage. A simple internal ceremony, members of the crew began to enter the group in batches. In this crew, in addition to the guest stars Privilege allows the director to give you special time for shooting. All the remaining actors, including Chen Hao himself, Zhao Liying, Dili Reba, members of Happy Twist and Lele anchors, and a number of supporting actors are all ready to go. In order to advance the plot with scenes, first shoot a large group of scenes, and then shoot a group scene. After these two things that need to be coordinated with people in time and place are finished, Chen Hao began to shoot normally according to his ideas or the actor's schedule.

The game of E ended with five innings and played everything that could be played. According to everyone's consensus, they had a bit of luck and a little mental quality, otherwise they could perfectly realize a shocking event-Huaxia Derby .

Except for fans of E, this defeat did not make much waves in the LOL fan circle. The winner SSG lost to RNG twice in the group stage, and now has Xeon Haozi joined, against Bird's Nest Night Let ’s not even say that the players have an innate psychological advantage. Even the audience felt that they were invincible. The idea was to get tickets quickly and go to the scene to witness our victory.

At the suggestion of Chen Hao, the entire RNG team was sent to Yanjing on Monday, adapting to the air and temperature here, and avoiding to go to the boat to tow after the game. He did not want to lead a group of poor and tired teams Go to win the championship ~ ~ Every day, Chen Hao will practice with the team members at night. In fact, there is really nothing to practice. It is to practice small-scale cooperation and team battle cooperation. The rest everyone only needs to It is enough to obey the command during the game.

During the day, Chen Hao took the crew and started normal shooting. First, he filmed the wedding scene at a high-end resort hotel that Tiange helped to contact. With Chen Hao ’s current popularity and Zhao Liying Di Lireba and other people ’s popularity, including The director of Xiaogang Cannon joined as an important supporting role instead of a pure guest gimmick. This hotel provided everything for free, and also needed some sponsorship to get the opportunity to see the name of their resort hotel.

The startup is also at this hotel. Early in the morning, all the actors are putting on makeup here. Jing Tianlin and Zhuang Xueqing, Tian Ge, Tong Zhonghai, Hai Yu, Hai Hai, and some young people in their circle came here to join the show. The luxury car that Charlotte was riding in was also driven by Tian Ge.

As an actor, no one doubts Chen Hao's appeal. Even if it is a bad movie, with his current popularity, the appeal of tens of millions of box office is beyond doubt.

But as a director, until today, until this morning, everyone realized that we all should not trust him as a director and should not. Such a stable young man would not dare to have a little confidence and two brushes. Jing Tianlin and others play such a project in their hands?

If you mess it up, it ’s not a matter of money. It ’s tantamount to violating Jing Tianlin completely. Let this man who wants to make a clean and clear contribution in terms of “economic income”. If he wants to redesign a way, it is equivalent to Chen Hao became an enemy directly from his younger brother.

Early in the morning, Chen Hao took the walkie-talkie and wore a long black down jacket. For the first time, he was in the studio to perform the director's duties ...

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