Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 573: No need to draw bread to feed your hunger

Di Lierba came up with a family-like familiarity, gave Chen Hao a kick, and smiled and cursed, "Say who is a pig?"

After the noise, the embarrassment of waiting for the first time and the bad impression brought by waiting will disappear.

"Hello Miss Zhao."

"Hello there."

The guests were seated, and Haihai said I went to prepare to eat and left the scene.

Today, I met Zhao Liying and Dili Reba. It was an internal casting of the new drama. Whether these two are suitable or not, he himself needs to confirm it finally, and he has some communication with each other and is familiar with him. This time he may start filming anytime, anywhere. He can also be regarded as a director, to give the actors an accurate understanding. You need to start adjusting the schedule. Our drama is about to begin.

Dili Reba is an acquaintance, and he participated in running men together. During the recording, there was more private contact, er, there is no need to say a lot. Today is mainly Zhao Liying. This popular flower dan has been very hot in the past two years. Her resume is also very topical and very legendary.

The entertainment industry needs a clear stream. Zhao Liying is undoubtedly one of the better ones. She comes from a rural background and has no background. When she first debuted, she missed many roles because of her round face, so she did n’t need to audition. Show yourself, the other person will regret to say: "Sorry, we need a girl like that ..."

Without Guazi's face, it is impossible to play the protagonist. Who actually came out of this paradox? That time, Zhao Liying cried for the first time, and she felt unfair. Does all the female characters in film and television dramas need Guazi's face? ? Of course it's beautiful, but if everyone has developed visual fatigue, is that sunflower seed face beautiful?

She refused to accept it, so she worked harder. After all, success would favor hard-working and serious people. She succeeded. Nowadays, she has completely completed the book, bringing the price and the benefits and additional conditions for her to perform. Go to her.

This time is different from the past. If I go to meet her at this moment, even if she is big enough, she wants her to be suitable. All the benefits are enough to have a chance to sit down and talk. Fortunately, she was finalized last year, otherwise this year The price of moving her may be totally beyond imagination. Astronomical figures are certain.

"This is a complete script. I hope the two don't spread. You also know that comedy movies, once the script content and some innovative things leak out ..."

Both people who took the script nodded. Dili Reba is better. I have seen it before. I know that I play a vase. I have a basic understanding. I opened the complete script this time and I was not surprised. School flowers, there is also a space for performance, whether you want to add the finishing touch or add to the snake, everyone has their own inevitable choice.

Zhao Liying watched the script very seriously. She knew that the background of the investor in the play was very strong. She encountered a small but difficult trouble in Yanjing last year, and she was ready to take legal channels. With a hello, the matter was gone.

At that time, this relationship was with some of the previous ones, and the overall story and investment quota were also very good. I also took over this role. I have seen some script about the story before. Today is the first time I saw the most complete story content. I read it very carefully, including the way the food was ready to pass, and from time to time I opened the script to look at the corresponding places to find jokes.

When eating, there was Dili Reba, and then with the cooperation of Chen Hao, the dining table suddenly became lively from the strange guest of each other. Fatdi is absolutely eating, today is carefully prepared dishes, she is He was very welcome to show his true self, and hailed Haihai again and again: "When you come to Modu in the future, just come to your sister and take you to eat all over the country."

Everyone knows the reason of many friends and many roads, not to mention that a lady like a magic capital like Haihai, Dili Reba nodded while eating.

Chen Hao poured a basin of cold water: "Then you have to pay attention. Our Miss Hai is a man and a woman. Take care that she eats you."

Di Lierba subconsciously had a small gesture of self-protection. Hai Hai rolled his eyes and turned to sit next to Chen Hao, stood up directly, walked to him, sat on his lap, wrapped his arms around him. His neck caught up to his ears, and he spit out a hot air gently: "I always wanted to eat you, but unfortunately, I didn't give it a chance."

Wu Zhonghai covered his forehead. I didn't know what they looked like. I do n’t know how to know the two people are getting more and more noisy. Are they happy and have many friends, or should they worry about them? If it's really what happened.

Zhao Liying and Dili Reba are not newcomers. They have seen a lot of things inside and outside the circle. They do n’t feel anything about the status of the two, but they are a little curious, but it seems that he is not. Those who rely on women.

Chen Hao didn't hide, didn't hide or resist, but he didn't deliberately deepen the current state. Let Hai Hai sit on his lap, and I confided that I didn't take it seriously. Forget it, as an actor, everything larger than this size abounds, but it is just a gesture of hugging a little intimacy, and among friends who have played well on weekdays, this kind of action is nothing.

Chen Hao also moved his thighs to make the other person sit more comfortably, and then laughed: "Seeing that, this is a flutter, just me, with such a good fixation that I can hold it, and change to someone else It is estimated that when she met a peerless beauty like Miss Hai, she had already disarmed and surrendered. "

His performance is the best performance of the moment. It will warm up the relationship between Haihai and Hainan. It will also make her the way of making friends familiar with each other and not let the two female partners who are about to cooperate have a bad feeling. He's a disciple, and faintly has a clever perception of this guy.

I have eaten and made fun, desserts with fruit and lady's nourishing beauty soup, Haihai returned to normal, no longer teasing Chen Hao, nor deliberately teasing Di Lierba and Zhao Liying, but also put them when sitting down A sentence: "I don't care. I want to invest in this movie. You can invest as much as you need. I don't care what you make. From the release, those who can help me will help. "

She was so surprised that Fati and Zhao Liying were secretly surprised to see that they were not so familiar with each other, such as Chen Hao and the uncle who was very familiar with each other. Many things have been negotiated in advance, not like talking to this Miss Hai, since she is unfamiliar, why did she do this? She hasn't seen the script, so she believes that this film has investment value, and why she has such trust in Chen Hao. She will invest only in the production process and will not intervene. Later, she will begin to release and arrange theater promotions. She will help. .

Will this pie fall out?

Obviously not, why is this?

Wu Zhonghai smiled aside: "Okay, Haihai, I ’ll eat here today, and you will have a portion of it. Do n’t lift Hao Zi into a sedan, so both of our heroines will be a little embarrassed. Go back to I was thinking wildly, and then letting their agents or brokerage companies inquire about it, but it was not beautiful. "Instead, he explained to Fatty and Zhao Liying specifically:" Hao Zi wrote and directed the self-acting, except that the investment is positive except for the happy times. Except for the companies that have qualified for film investment production and distribution, the rest are personal investment. When the film is released, it will not be signed. To put it bluntly, we are a little young and have nothing to do. Find one. Making money Daoer, Hao Zi is our God of Wealth. We do n’t make money, but we all look at him. "

When he said that, the door was basically clear, even if the two did not understand, as long as he returned to the company's senior management, the other party would immediately understand what was going on. Who are these Zhonghai and Haihai? Do they need to make money by investing in a little-known movie?

A few made small.

That is necessarily a small investment and small cost. The entire investment process is transparent and clear, and making money is also transparent and clear. Let one or two of them ~ ~ make money through legal channels. Who can get them to design a road that makes people make money? Needless to say, everyone knows.

If you think about it here, the future of this movie can be imagined. It ’s hard to say how big it is, how hard it is to make money, but at least it will earn a favor and a promotion cycle that is no less than that of big production.

With one sing and one, the emergence of Lang Zhonghai and Haihai, and a meal time, revealed some things to the two heroines, so that they are not involved in the filming of the film, whether at the company level or at the personal level. The feeling of slackness is even greater than the usual participation in film and television dramas, and strive to make an indelible contribution to the success of this film. A disaster or a wealth.

After the performance of the two of them was finished, Chen Hao found that he didn't need to say anything. He was ready on the way to draw a big cake for the two actresses, and analyzed the highlights of the two characters in depth. Now He found it unnecessary.

"The role of Qiuya, the vase is a vase. Once it is performed, it will be worthy of being nominated for a supporting actress in a few scenes."

"Although the role of Ma Dongmei does not have big ups and downs, if it is played well, it will be a role that will be remembered by all moviegoers. It will be a role for the actor to establish a career node. No matter how many roles you have played, mention When you come to Zhao Liying, everyone will surely remember that you have played a role like Ma Dongmei. "

There are still many in-depth analysis to match these two sentences. As a result, all Chen Hao needs to do is to tell them two, when you can adjust the time, there is no requirement for appearance, fat and thin, and the rest is adjusted by the crew. Just fine.

It turns out that something can be so simple!

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