Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 558: NO.

"NO.1 Chen Hao officially joined RNG!"

Originally, in such a message, everyone should spray the ID name of this player so blunt, and NO.1, how crazy are you, dare to use this ID?

There was no original today. After this news was released, no one cares what the ID is. Everyone cares about this person. For foreign players, this is a completely unfamiliar name and a completely unfamiliar player. It has never been heard in the past. That said; for domestic players, this person is too familiar, and most of them are crazy without looking at the photos. Why did Lele ’s newly-popular Xiao Tianwang suddenly join the LOL professional team?

Seeing this means that when it is released during this period, it must be to join the team to participate in S7. Does that mean that the player with the most gimmick and selling point was born.

According to the information transmitted in the past few days, Chen Hao is a commanding player. If he joins RNG, he must have command on the field. The wild position is the best place to look at the overall situation. Is that right? Means that MLXG, which has been highly anticipated by everyone, has to give way to itself this time?

The RNG official then issued a second message, synchronizing Lele and the LOL official website. Chen Hao will serve as the captain of RNG and participate in the S7 competition as a substitute.

What the hell!

You have to be so crazy, don't hide at all, dare to play like this? The so-called captain is just a kind of honorable title, but in this way, it means that in the RNG team, this man has a considerable right to speak in front of other players.

"Can he do it?"

"It's crazy."

In such doubts, in a high-end Thai restaurant in Modu, nearly twenty people gathered in a large box and sat at two tables. Although Chen Hao suddenly joined, his age was Is the biggest, this is a game that pays attention to talent and energy, can let the team have no opposition voice and embarrassingly get along, first is the support of the big boss, and second is the strength.

Everyone is convinced by the strength of Chen Hao. The most convinced is his control and amazing consciousness of the whole picture. Every time the judgment is correct. At first, everyone did not believe it. It was too ridiculous. No matter how good your experience is, it's impossible to understand the opponent's intentions every time.

He just did it. In all the matches within six hours, Chen Hao did not make a single mistake. He even opened a solo round. He and MLXG were fighting against each other by upgrading in the wild. Killed three times to lose.

This is a game with no promotion at all. As long as the two sides brush up, there is almost no way for anyone to take it. It is too difficult to fight solo.

What Chen Hao showed is that this is impossible. He looks at the MLXG as if he had the full vision in his eyes. Here he quickly hit two mobs and went crazy to the opponent ’s wild area and hit red BUFF in MLXG. When he was injured, he went up to hit the opponent directly home and snatched the red BUFF. When MLXG wanted to go back to red, he encountered Chen Hao, who was squatting again.

Once killed, there is almost no way to play.

Chen Hao conquered everyone with his strength, and he directly told all his teammates with his ID name. Although Hua Xia said that Confucianism advocates the doctrine of the mean, what humility to maintain is certainly a good thing. It can be argued in the competitive sports arena That's the first. When I come, I will bring RNG to become the world champion. We have only one goal, that is, the world champion. No enemy is worthy of standing in front of us. Remember, it is not worthy.

This declaration is too domineering. It is a declaration that can only be issued by a lunatic. Everyone is not excited. After Chen Hao's next tone of flat tone is thrown out, everyone's emotions are mobilized.

"I make sure that you wo n’t be squatted in every position. Make sure that no team can play the" stealing "routine to succeed here. Make sure that any jungler or team in the world can squat. To me or to crash me. "

Do you believe it?

This is the first flash of thought.

If you do n’t believe it, then what he said is downright nonsense. If you believe, then we are world champions, and no enemy is worthy of our enemies. These three things he said are very important. As long as any one is achieved, then We are an invincible team.

RNG is the top team in the world. There is no doubt that they do not skimp on any team. Many times to the end is a little trick or a little personal understanding. And if there are three of them, make sure to put them there, let alone It is the current team, which is to bring together the five strongest players in the world to play LOL and give them three months to run in and cooperate. It is impossible to hit us. This is the confidence of top professional players.

They have thought about asking you why you can make sure that these promises are true, but in the environment where the team boss and the coach are in there, there is no need to ask. They want to know the answer to this question more than themselves. Really.

"Come on, do n’t think too much, it ’s time to drink and drink, and to eat and eat. I usually play with you. I do n’t have time for it. I ’m too busy. I have too much work to do. Pack them, I just hope that in the next game, you can give me a chance and let me also play-abuse-abuse-dishes, then I invite everyone to eat a big meal, now you think about the outside has become a pot of porridge, all feel We're crazy, and we're still sitting here eating a big meal, what mood, guys, let's get up, okay? Let our smiles become the nightmare of all teams around the world, okay? "

Chen Hao deliberately put on a very rogue look here. In the face of a group of young people like this, don't look at UZI's fame for so many years, but he is a real 97-year-old born in this industry. Veteran, in front of this group of people, it ’s almost meaningless if you put the facts and reasoning; you want one to overpower others and it is easy to cause them to resent and then rebound; you have to deal with their buddies, and it is easy to let They climbed down with you, no matter how big or small, and sometimes they will give up your order and believe their judgment when the game.

What is the image of a rogue?

When you are good to you, that is a good man who is a hoe, and when you are not good, you are said to be stabbed when you are stabbed. When you are in trouble with you, you really ca n’t take him and you have nothing to do with you. No need to be extreme. No one in this category is willing to offend easily. Since others are willing to get along with you, why not find yourself uncomfortable.

This is the mentality of these RNG people. The players are okay, and the MLXG is okay. The main thing is the coach. He is very clear that when Chen Hao comes on the field, in a sense, he will stand by the side.

On the top level, the boss suppresses.

Outside, fan suppression.

Internally, power is suppressed.

Mentally, the allure of the championship trophy lies there.

Taken together, this has made the line of fire team the core work force, which goes beyond the years of cooperation in the conventional cognition of everyone.

A group of people had eaten out and they were recognized by some fans in the parking lot. A large group of people surrounded them. Now the entire League of Legends industry has been stumped by two public information of RNG. The key is that there are a number of well-known The commentator and some well-known players shook their flags.

The commentators are highly respected and enthusiastic. In the video of last night, they added some post-explanations to praise the strength of Chen Hao's strongest passers-by.

A professional player is an analysis of strength. Some people do n’t believe that he is so strong. Others think that this is also a good thing. All the analysis is based on yesterday ’s online appointment. That is also the first time Chen Hao was exposed in front of the professional players. Sharp fangs.

When he was eating, he sent a message on his personal Weibo: "Don't study, brother is not a man you can study thoroughly, S7, see you last time!"

In one minute, there were more than 100,000 replies. There were also black fan scolds and unbelievers who criticized. At the same time, there are real LOL fans shouting a future-I hope you can really bring us a trophy of the world championship.

Everyone who knows Chen Hao believes that he is not the kind of big talker. Within a few hours, he reprinted this Weibo and gave him support. Baby and Chen He like to play games. Needless to say, including the principal Wang Xiao, who is more famous than some stars in the entertainment industry, also reposted this Weibo, but the provocative taste was very strong: "Come, make an appointment in the evening."

After walking out of the hotel and saying hello to the fans, Chen Hao saw that Haiyu was calling: "I'm going, Boss Wang, so cruel? Okay, then play three innings, where? Le Le, our captain is a brother Le Le, of course we must respect others, otherwise how can you let you see the true strength, right, boss Wang, I heard that you are very fierce in gift-giving, ha ha ha, okay, no problem."

Hanging up, Hai Yu pouted and received Chen Hao's curious look: "Wang-Si-Cong, it's better than one, in your live broadcast room, this big tyrant, we have to kill a wave, Lao Meng Old man, my strength is incomparable with him. Come on with the two of you. The three of us brush ourselves. He is also good-looking and doesn't care about the three-to-one. As long as we win, we need to let him bleeding well. He brushes as much as we brush, only as much as possible. "

Haihai took a sip: "This boy, every time he comes, the magic comes with an amulet, otherwise I ..."

Hai Yu smiled bitterly: "My sister, although money is not everything ~ ~, but people are really rich, so that everyone's face is not good enough, and in the end, you must be The person who is banned cannot accompany him, and he is not playing on a line. When he met, he greeted him so as not to offend us. "

Haihai kicked Hai Yu, and stared at Brother Tian and Zhongzhong Hai: "Tell me about you, if you don't work hard, make more money, let's kick him."

Chen Hao can be seen. The first-rich man is not terrible in the cognitive perspective of this group of people. When the wealth reaches a value, the gap between 10 billion and 35 billion is in the numbers. In terms of the actual energy that can be displayed, the simplest example is that the heir of the wealthy heir of that level, the head of the head of the wealthy, the son of the rich, is nothing great. I really had to do it, and eventually The result can only be taken away by the two sides to deal with low-key handling of trivial matters, this message is blocked, in the future, you still play with you, I play with me, the worst is to see as not see.

The three families in front of me are a lot worse in terms of wealth, but I really want to face to face with the principal Wang. Everyone raises a glass, they are all at the same height. The glass is really broken. At most, I have to pay some price. They all have heads and faces, and they also have their own huge network of relationships. They will never get into trouble because of this kind of thing. For example, Hai Yu Hai Hai knows in her heart that it wo n’t be heavier to be punished. Therefore, in my mind, Seeing is waiting, seeing is not seeing.

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