Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 553: Suppress

"If you like it, what's so kind, focus on her attention. When she's okay, she will broadcast live to support her more. Don't make people feel that my apprentice Haozi ca n’t get Master ’s support and no resources. same."

"We now have 1.8 million people in the live broadcast room. Some come and go. Now Xiong Zizi's attention from 20 million fans is also 1.8 million. Can the brothers in the live broadcast room create for me? A miracle, a wave of cruelty, let me let everyone on the Internet see your existence. "

With Chen Hao personally coming out to pay attention to Xiong Wazila, everyone saw that this was borrowing donkeys to talk about horses. Everyone ate meals on a platform. It ’s meaningless to name and name surnames. You suppress my apprentice. Then continue Come on, see if it's your fierce suppression, or if my Hao Zi pulls up more powerfully.

In a big wave, refresh Xiong Wazi's profile, you will see her followers ’followers are soaring at an incredible speed. In less than two minutes, they have jumped to 19 million, which is a little closer than you just noticed. At that time, it increased by 700,000 to 800,000. This data scared everyone in the audience not to believe it. It was her, and all the anchors who had played for many years, also thought it was too scary.

For a long time, most of the apprentices were Master Fan ’s fans. It ’s very common. Both sides have fans in common, but this is only two minutes. Chen Hao's popularity was not the highest live broadcast. It suddenly rose by 800,000, no, it is still rising, close to one million.

"Xiong Zizi, give you five minutes to perform two talents, draw a wave of attention, and after five minutes, change to Monmond."

Chen Hao leaned back, sitting slightly more comfortable in the chair, Xiong Wazi, who had changed from fear to surprise, had the same tearful sensation as the original Monmond, there was a master, not Take you every day, take care of you, and give you enough pictures, that is the best master. When you encounter something, he can measure the right or wrong of it, and then stand up for the first time, and give you a ruling that you feel is the most fair after the anger phase, and help you make the whole ruling effective.

Xiong Wazi ’s funny performances are very popular on the Internet, especially for men in their thirties. They have a lot of work pressure and need some lifestyle adjustments to relax, listen to funny songs, and feel the kind of bouncing of Xiong Wazi Jumping out of laughter and happiness can alleviate a day's work stress and life troubles. Coupled with the appearance of the year, a girl from Kawaii has grown in popularity after returning.

The introduction of this wave of Chen Hao, the average popularity of nearly two million people during the live broadcast, and the introduction of nearly ten minutes before and after, when Xiong Wazi's Lian Mai ended, it really created a miracle, and the average popularity was close to two million. In the live broadcast room, for more than ten minutes, Xiong Wazi was given 1.8 million followers.

Mengmeng had heard what Master said before, and ran back to the live broadcast room with Xiao Yuyu as soon as possible, so that the apprentices were also ready to log in to Lele ’s account and wait for Master ’s call.

After Lian Mai, Mengqi looked at this man who was not a few years older than himself, and suddenly there was a thing that he wanted to humiliate to sue him to be bullied.

"My apprentice, Monmond and Xiao Yuyu, everyone knows each other. Haomen's brothers and sisters help a little attention. I don't talk nonsense to affect everyone's experience of watching the live broadcast. Come, the two of you will give you a paragraph first. Society shakes. "

"Okay, Master."

With the master's presence, Monmond felt that his waist was straight, and with his apprentices, he came very hard to dance.

"Perform this way in the future, remember that you have to work hard every time you jump, don't have a mixed mind. Today you lose ten tourists, tomorrow you may lose twenty, work hard, and the two of you will be apprentices. Similarly, the studio does n’t charge their commissions. I ’ll give you two. The ratio ca n’t be high. If I let you know who is dissatisfied with this kind of thing, I will definitely clean up you. Also, you two are also responsible for their Let me pay the room and board to the studio, okay? "

"No problem, Master."

"It ’s just like that. Put it on the table, dance well, practice well, take your disciples, and you ’ll have a full day, so you do n’t have to fight with people. You can earn as much as you can. You earn more now, work There are so many field controls over the room. If there is a rhythm, go out and kick, and dare to name and say your anchor. You write it down and give it to Liu Dong to report. "

"I see, Master." Monmonde called a radiant look, it was like a fight between children, and the adult came out to support you, even the light from your eyes was bright.

"When you broadcast live, it ’s useless to follow the rhythm of others. You rely on society to win audiences by performing collective talents. You have to tear it up with others. How many tourists do you think will stay to see you? , Broadcast live, don't fight. "

"I see, Master."

"Okay, substitutions, the sixth son of the voice, come, Lian Mai, you open the live broadcast."

I talked with the voice six son for five minutes, and Chen Hao closed the broadcast. He motioned everyone to go to the voice six son's live broadcast room and listen to him give you an in-depth analysis of the current situation of the network and an in-depth analysis of the anchors of each channel.

Voice Six has told Chen Hao very early. Since being a gossip anchor, I am ready to be blocked from time to time. We will report to others, and they can also report to us. I will control the scale and let this stop Try to be in two days and three days a day, or try to get Type C violations as few as possible.

In the live room of the Sixth Voice, when he never came in one million people all at once, he was really busy.

He ’s busy and hesitant to mention it. The entire network knows what ’s going on. This Haozi is now confident. Unlike before, he has n’t heard anything outside the window. He just cares about the quality of his live broadcast room to retain fans and tourists. , Directly opened a live broadcast for the apprentices, and finally dumped the popularity of the live broadcast to a apprentice, you can do it, you are fierce, although you did not mention a certain anchor or someone in the live broadcast, find There is not a point where you violate the rules, but it is obvious to maintain the attitude of your apprentice. Do you think this is all right?

Not once.

But when Chen Hao, during the rest days, memorized the examination materials and researched the script of the movie, his time control was all his own.

There are a few that suppress Monmont and the words are not good, no problem, you start the live broadcast, okay, you start the broadcast for ten minutes to fifteen minutes, the heat of the live broadcast room has just gathered a little bit, ready to start the day of the live broadcast.

Haozi has started broadcasting!

At this time, Chen Hao started broadcasting, sometimes singing and shouting to everyone, sometimes chatting with everyone, sometimes playing live games, sometimes it was boring, and explained the ongoing League of Legends game, his The power of interpretation is officially decentralized. What is needed is his popularity, which can pull the popularity of the entire game and even a certain team up.

In short, as long as he starts the live broadcast, it will definitely suppress the people who broadcast at the same time, and there is a voice six son regardless of 37,21, it is a voice big wolf dog who catches and bites in front of everyone, everyone knows, Hao Zi broadcast live, It ’s aimed at someone. Immediately, there will be a wave of rhythm in the Haomen ’s past, just a wave, or else it ’s equal to increasing your popularity in the live broadcast room. After entering the wave, you will run: “Haozi started broadcasting, and today ’s program is particularly exciting. . "

People left and took away the tourists who had originally live broadcast. Many tourists who did n’t have any stance just like watching lively and optimistic live broadcasts are naturally willing to join in this lively. It is undeniable that Chen Hao ’s live broadcast is indeed attractive.

The original original singer of "rollingthedeep" on the US Bulletin Board's singles chart for three consecutive weeks ~ ~ At present, there is no other news in the circle, and there are many people who want to cooperate and want to invite songs. This concept of Hao Zi singing live, what is the concept, that is equal to your free concert, who does not watch.

A handsome guy with a sunny idol sits there and chats with you. The emotional topic can be a little dirty, letting you subvert the image and find a smile in his words and smile at heart, which is equivalent to saying that a big idol suddenly runs Going to a talk show, it is still a kind of talk show that can slightly stimulate your inner nerves, thinking that you can say that kind of taste from the other person ’s mouth, you will have a special sensation in the subconscious, It's like a star you like, and suddenly speaking some shy words in your ear, it's very exciting.

When it comes to game live broadcast, let alone, currently the hottest game, Chen Hao has played, the technology can not be said, the game is called a six, a lot of specialized game commentary and former professional players do live broadcast now, Come to meet him, get the moon near the water platform first, Lele game number one of the game live broadcast department, specifically contacted Hao Chen, miss Miss miss with him live broadcast, I hope he has time to say a live broadcast, as long as not after In the middle of the night and the morning, the time on the miss side is regulated with his side.

Just playing like this, the meaning of suppression is obvious. The whole network can see the suppression. The more clearly you can see, the more strange the mind is. The sympathizer for the weak is his sympathy for the weak. There are more people on the side of Chen Hao, more people who have no stand. On the Internet, evil-evil careful thoughts come out, and we are willing to watch Hao Ziyu's group of guys, who told them to stink shame before uniting to suppress Monmond, you can count on your own skills if you want to suppress one by one. Learn from our boss. It's like you, a group of monks. You know the pain of suppressing this time.

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