Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 540: Burn

On such an occasion, it is a pity that one of the top djs and live mcs on the Internet does not play the scene. Haihai asked Lu Zhonghai to invite Chen Hao to come, not only because of his fame, but also because he likes it. He, and more importantly, the scene needs a guy who can get accustomed to all kinds of gameplay and also get hot.

To be dare to play, Chen Hao is different from a normal artist. He started on the Internet. He has n’t seen any scenes and has accumulated experience on the stage. Now it ’s the so-called letting go of restraint to perfectly integrate the two.

At the scene, there were no reporters, and the family was behind closed doors. Even on today's occasion, no one in the venue took a mobile phone to take pictures. You can rest assured and have fun.

Chen Hao came to power. It is definitely difficult to hold the scene directly. He used the top technology to conquer the people on the scene. They are all old players. A dj controls well, and the rhythm point card is not allowed. Everyone can hear it. Really, no matter how strong your professional dj is, if you are in a scene, it is the most important thing to make most of the audience at the scene feel that your music and everything you present is very comfortable.

Chen Hao did it. The scene, which was close to ten minutes, began to heat up, and everyone's attention began to focus on him, no longer chatting.

In fact, he could have invited Haihai up first, so that the atmosphere could burst directly. The reason for not doing this was to tell the people on the scene that you should be a dj wearing a mask. I can make your emotions. , Lit?

I lit, and I will dedicate a show to everyone today.

The stage of the bar is not large, and it is slightly small for dancing. The large-scale movements are not suitable. The stage is three meters wide and two meters long. It is too difficult for Latin to play, that is, Chen Hao, whispered to Haihai: "Trust me?"

Before dancing, the other party's professional skirt changed into protective measures. Don't worry about the action being too embarrassing at the scene. At this moment, Chen Hao got a nod from the other party who was also full of adventurous spirit. He secretly said that "Dare" to play, this group of people, pampering and making them seem so lazy and not irritating to many things, only those "games" that can stimulate their adrenaline can make them feel excited.



Let everyone at this scene rise up desperately to see how big Chen Hao is playing.

At the forefront of the stage, Chen Hao signaled the waiter to clear the field within a circle and one meter around the stage, and then connected directly with a few simple actions. Then he began to play with Haihai and throw the action, treating the opponent as a ball. Rotate around your body and throw it into the air to roll.

Haihai was not a professional dancer. She was suddenly thrown up, and couldn't help screaming. When she was caught for the first time, the scream turned into a scream of excitement, and then she felt her The body began to be controlled by the opponent, and some very difficult rotations began against his body.

Although Haihai is not a professional, she only learns from a technical level. She has n’t had bad skills since she was a kid. The only difference is that she never uses this as a strange method. Therefore, there are few opportunities for performance on weekdays. It takes a little time to get used to it. The adventurous spirit made her play very hilarious, and various difficult shapes were also put out. With Chen Hao, the atmosphere at the scene exploded directly.

For three full minutes, the shouts from the stage followed the waves, and the sound of knocking wine bottles and glasses was getting louder. There were a few young people who took the small sprayer from the waiter overnight to render the atmosphere. At the beginning, he stepped on a chair, pointed the sprayer over the middle Chen Hao and Haihai performance area, and started spraying.

Three minutes, there is no need to mention how wonderful it is. In this world, you can carry a person on the body without falling on the ground, and from time to time you must be thrown into the air. The strength of this man is enough to make the girls at the scene crazy.

After the end, Haihai's feet did not land for three minutes. After the first landing, he wrapped his hands around Chen Hao's neck and put a kiss on his cheek, which caused the scene to scream again. Go up and pull off two buttons of Chen Hao's shirt. Almost half of the upper body is presented to the people on the scene. The looming men's majestic lines make many girls on the stage throw kisses on the stage.

Hai Hai directly hooked at two long-legged girls. Today in the bar, there are at least a dozen girls who are the 'vase' that Hai Hai puts in the bar. They like to die for life, and they like to play here. They Some even don't have bad economic conditions. What they want is this feeling. Pu is here to enjoy the midnight carnival. I really want to meet people who can see it. It is not unusual to spend a good night with you.

Playing is already an instinct for them.

Haihai's finger, two comprehensive scores of more than 80 percent of high-quality long legs mm, came on stage in a very sultry piece of music, and began to dance against Chen Hao.

Playing like playing, Chen Hao will always be like this. Facing such a temptation-confusion, he didn't hide, and didn't seem very immoral to move the manual feet, but began to respond to the two with a dancing posture. You guys Did n’t you hit me with dancing? See who we're talking to, and who can't carry it in the end.

Except for the occasional physical friction that can't be avoided, Chen Haowu is very stingy, but the whole person's movements, including his hands, are not overstepped, but these two are jumping and jumping, starting to post actively.

This is a bit beyond Chen Hao's bottom line. His eyes rolled, and his body took a half step back. He took out the picture of the man who was running at the beginning, squatted down, and held his arms around the two girls. On the outside of the thigh, pinched the two of them and then sat them on their shoulders. This action directly brought the two girls' emotions to their highest point. Chen Hao took them to enjoy the night of the three of them in the next second. Neither of them will refuse, it does not matter whether he is a star or not. These two are Haihai's friends, and their family history is not far away. Stars have seen a lot, so-called small fresh meats have also seen a lot. There are bad off-screen images, too much reality exaggerated on the screen, and without real materials, they really don't look down.

Chen Hao gave the back dj a look, and the other side realized that he took the microphone, and his arm was used as a stand, and he handed the microphone to Chen Hao: "Is it burning?"

"Ran !!" The emotions of the people below were brought into place.

"Then we will explode the audience !!!" Chen Hao live broadcasted daily, squealing his voice to show the wildest atmosphere of the scene. It's time to call Mai, but this is just changing the computer to everyone to the scene He has played so many concerts in his personal concerts. There is no obstacle between him and the live broadcast, and there is no need to adapt.

As the scene exploded, everyone began to twist their bodies on the dance floor. Chen Hao stood behind the dj stage and started to serve the scene. It was also equivalent to getting rid of the two girls. Although the other party was in the body and consciousness just now In front of a more wild scene, they don't mind playing enough before going to Haozi.

"Are you familiar with this song?" Night "!!!!!!"

An event that everyone thought was a come-to-drink and chat, under the guidance of Chen Hao, the environment here, the lights here, the gorgeous bartending here, the top audio here, the wild atmosphere here, all There is no waste, it is fully utilized, whether you are a young talent like Haizhong Haitian, or a wealthy girl like Hai Hai, or some insiders, even including Na Ying, are in their own cards. Position, stand up, follow the scene rhythm to make yourself slightly moved.

Everyone's heart has agitation factor, depending on when it is triggered ~ ~ After a song, it will be officially handed over to the original dj, quietly back down the stage, and talk to Na Ying Huihui left the scene. Before leaving, he sent a message to both Tiange and Huang Zhonghai, asking them to say hello to the host Haihai. After almost, he left.

Throughout the night, whatever Chen Hao was deeply impressed, what he appreciated most was not that he could ignite-ignite-detonate the atmosphere of the scene, but that he could stay awake and perfect when everyone's emotions started to get out of control. After the purpose of the host family, when everyone no longer needs people to lead to go to get up, leave quietly.

When Chen Hao came this night, he didn't think so much, but he didn't expect that he got more.

First of all, when I danced with Haihai in Latin dance, I thought whether this mv sword dance can have a feeling of combining things with other things. With some small details of western dance movements, use the Chinese dance sword to hit white plates, as long as the elements When you get there, you do n’t need to worry about whether you look good or not. After all, when you see the dance, you will be attracted by the crushed white plates to divert your attention.

One night, a considerable part of the energetic young people in the Yangtze River Delta region also met him Hao Zi, not the Hao Zi in the webcast room and the screen. He is a living person, and he has a good impression, at least not. When other people mentioned a star on other occasions, they crossed Erlang's legs, drank red wine, and flinched.

The last benefit is the choice of mv shooting location. She also linked to Haihai. She provided a large warehouse and also handed over a sentence: "Let them go to my warehouse to shoot. -They want to find him, and I have a place to take them to tell Haozi that he's on fire, and many sisters are following him ... "

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