Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 477: The cutest bear 2

Someone at this meal at home was destined to eat it. Qiu Yu held Chen Hao's office personal telephone. Almost no one could sit down and eat for five minutes. He constantly rang, constantly answered the phone outside, from time to time. There are also calls to ask Chen Hao's opinions.

"Brother, the filming of the crew in the United States went smoothly, and I will return to China in a few days."

"Brother, the show will be broadcast tonight."

At a meal, everyone chatted and drank, and drank nearly seven o'clock. However, regarding Chen Yu's fancy for Kang Yan, Chen Hao didn't interfere. Still, the second sister, you go after it boldly. If you want to win this man, You need to pay a lot, but once you win him, you will be the happiest woman in the world, there will only be you in this man's world, and because he follows your brother to the west, he can also give you Enough freedom, as for money?

This issue is not in the scope of consideration at all.

Maybe I wanted to open it. When Chen Yu, who was outgoing, told her mother to wash the dishes and bring the fruit plate, she put a big apple in the hand of Kang Yan. This time, the whole family saw it. The sensitive Kang Yan has long noticed that he has only been pretending to be stupid. He has not been here for a long time. He is very envious of the family and feels the warmth of the family. He realizes that he was not worthy of having love at all. , Always dodging.

Chen Yu's approach was bold and made him unavoidable.

"Hold it."

He never knew the embarrassing Kang Yan, and embarrassedly didn't know what to say. Inferiority made him afraid to try even if he wanted something, and he was afraid he couldn't give the other person what he wanted.

"Well-off, come, drink tea." Chen Yuanping began to resolve this embarrassment, but at the same time gave Kang Yan a greater embarrassment. Anyone in this environment will feel embarrassed. If it is a newcomer, it may be Turn around and leave, after a period of contact, although it is the work of bodyguards, but the feeling of the three brothers together, Chen Hao has never intentionally said that we are brother Kang Ge, you do not need to be restrained or something like that , Everything is made, whether it is eating, drinking, dressing, living, or traveling, Chen Hao has it, and does not need to be reminded, all are prepared to serve them, including Qiu Yu, Chen Hao eats three Five hundred business packages, then they must be too. If Chen Hao had a box lunch of twenty dollars, they would definitely be a box lunch of twenty dollars.

Chen Gang's original promise was fulfilled. He said, Master, you will be here to ensure that you will be comfortable and comfortable. If you are unhappy, you can go at any time, because you are comfortable and you ca n’t bear it. How to respond.

"Well, watch TV, there will be my show."

Chen Hao used the show to divert everyone's attention. Ma Defu took the cigarette, sat next to Kang Yan, and handed him a cigarette.

"Hurry up and smoke, my elder sister will be holding the child for a while, no one can smoke." Chen Yu placed an ashtray in front of Kang Yan, and sat directly on the other side of him, Chen Hao smiled secretly With a smile, Tiehan is most afraid of entanglement.

Interesting, it looks like this life will be interesting in the future.

He was in a good mood, and he lit a cigarette: "Dad, what is the land I said, otherwise, forget it, don't be in Lianquan Village, lest people chew the root of the tongue behind us, we won't take advantage of it. Do n’t let everyone say that your village director gives the son a convenient door. ”

Chen Yuanping stared: "Fart, who dares to say, I kicked him. Why, the village head's son can't do anything in this village? Besides, the broken place is not agricultural land, we have held a meeting, it is you Yes. "

Chen Hao nodded: "That line, I add 10% of the price, when we can justify it, and I will be in the village and hire at least 30 people."

Chen Yuanping smashed his mouth. Some words he endured and couldn't hold back. His son made him worry, and he had a sense of doing things. However, this large used car trading market has always been controlled by people in the country. Is there any problem if he does this?

"Son, you business ..."

"Dad, please rest assured, I'm anxious to cause trouble. This is the big man in Yanjing who gave me a backing. Whoever dares to make trouble, no matter how big the character, it must be the chicken that was killed."

"Well, you just have something in your mind, and no one is fine. No one in our village dares to cause trouble."

Previously, the three older brothers gave Chen Hao a “buying” business through some relationships in Zhuang Xueqing ’s family, which allowed him to have a foothold in Meicheng. The second-hand car trade did not expect foreign tourists to bring the car with him. It ’s a good deal. His brother gave him this business. From the parallel imports of Jinmen to the supply of used cars, there will be special arrangements to provide, how much throughput a Meicheng can have, and one or two people will be arranged from the big line above. It ’s enough to divide up some leftovers, which is enough for Chen Hao to fill the business. People are playing against the whole country. Your second-hand car trading market for Meicheng and its surroundings is really just a hair on the cow.

Looking for a place, of course, you are looking for a place to live. Of course, urban construction has made the former mountain village into a village near the ring road. It turned out that a village restaurant restaurant on the village road couldn't continue to operate, and even took a pond behind it. Chen Hao in the region was fancy and wanted to open this used car trading center.

The cities in the village are getting closer and closer, and now Lianquan Village is equivalent to a suburban village. The nearby villages and villages will not choose the original village hotel for red and white things. They stayed in the suburbs not too far. There are various restaurants there. The original area of ​​the hotel was quite large, and it would not be possible to run the business without tourists. After that, some people went to the village to talk about it, either the price was not negotiated, or the field inspection felt that the place did not have a large investment value.

For Chen Hao, this is a place he is familiar with. There are more than 20 villagers in the village road. After three or five hundred meters, he will reach his home, which is also the most densely populated area of ​​villagers. He will hire individuals in the future. All of them are people who know the roots of their neighbors. The most important thing is to create some value for their hometown. The location is quite satisfactory. It is not good or too bad. He does not choose the location for this business. As long as it is within the range of the main highway, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Brother-in-law, Gangzi, you will run this thing tomorrow. Let's support the whole frame first. Try not to make the call without calling Yanjing."

On the TV, the sound of the beginning of the show came. Chen Yu held a fan, opened the door, and rushed out the smoke that had not yet dissipated. She shouted that her mother and older sister were holding the baby. The show started. Although everyone is now accustomed to Chen Hao on TV, they will still be very excited. Whenever he sees him on TV, the family feels proud.

"Welcome everyone to the masked singer to guess, I'm the host Li Xiang."

At the beginning, the variety show recommended by Jing Bairan and Chen Hao was "Masked Singing Guess Guess". The first season after the revision was well received, but in the second season, many new models are very innovative. You will find the real essence, but it is slowly losing. Guessing the judges is not difficult to guess the singer. They forced to do some live effects for the effect of the show. The result is that it feels nondescript, especially in the third period. "Oh, I knocked over the palette", with the recognition of that sound, it's easy to guess that it was Xiao Gang Zhou Chuanxiong. As a result, Wu Qixian made it very sad, and let everyone leave more for each other. One issue.

In this show, any extra effects are actually superfluous. Guessing teams are responsible for guessing and sometimes for deliberate misleading. The level of misleading is high. Don't make the audience think that you are blindly guiding as a fool. The real effect of the show is to guess. The singing guests are here, no matter if you are professional or cross-border, your purpose is to give people as much enjoyment as possible in hearing, but also to make everyone unable to guess. Occasionally, the talent will be brought to everyone. Come to laugh, out of this purpose, this show seems a bit upside down.

Chen Hao came to this show just to feel that no matter what the effect of the show is, the characteristics of the show seem to be the most suitable for him to play. With his current popularity, he will not be unknown or even regarded as an amateur singer. I went to record once and recorded two episodes. The show is still good behind the scenes. I really did n’t meet everyone, I went into the room alone, I went into the lounge alone, and I did n’t touch anyone in the middle.

If you think about it, the four people who originally guessed the judging team are professionals in the industry. They have been mixing for many years. Everyone has a lot of friends and they are all professional. The whole circle is so big. They guess it is not difficult. Everyone also met behind the scenes, and it was even more fake to go to the stage to know the effect.

The program is halfway through ~ ~ The Chen family is waiting silently. Since having a family member of an artist such as Chen Hao, Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei who hardly watch the variety show, now they have also cultivated watching Interest, especially the program that Chen Hao participated in, is watched again and again. You let two people chat now and talk about less men, and can talk to you from the first season to the latest season. It is completely clear.

"Have me masked to sing‘ oops I knocked over the palette '! ”

"Have you masked and sing 'The Most Cute Bear II'!"

"Wow, is this Fan Weiqi here again?" Exclaimed, and saw another behemoth erected by the man in black appeared on the stage, similar to the big guy Fan Weiqi before.

"This is really Xiong Er." Wu Qixian smiled.

"He must be very tall, otherwise this doll wouldn't be so big? Should he hide his body like Fan Weiqi?" Da Zhangwei.

"Not necessarily, maybe he did it on purpose, just to confuse us." Tao Jingying.

"The chorus is officially starting!"

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