Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 418: Style here

This time, everyone was taken aback, Chen Hao turned his head, saw his father in a coat, and came angrily. m ..

"Why did you come to my house to block the door? What are you doing here? What are you doing here in Lianquan Village!"

The spirit was full of energy, and Chen Yuanping's roar spread very far. Before that, the villagers watched the lively. The Chen family was on the side of the village road, and there were paths leading to each house. He shouted and gave the opposite Startled, and then laughed wildly.

"Well, old man, you're kind of funny, why, my son is gone, I'm in my early life?"

Chen Yuanping walked to the door of his house: "Open the door, I see how they come in."

In the back, Chen Gang, the second son, and others looked at Chen Hao, including Wang Dapeng. Chen Hao in their knowledge was by no means a person who stepped back when something happened.

"A few of you, flipping out from behind, protect yourself, ask someone to block the village mouth, and then look for it, right here, is anyone here filming, caught, saying that death can not let people run out , Detain me. "After a few words, the doubts in everyone's hearts were resolved. I didn't expect so much. Is there such a routine?

Chen Gang was a bit uneasy. If he left, this family.

Chen Hao gave him a reassuring look: "Rest assured, just put your pockets and don't let people run away, I'm fine here, you seem to forget, this is Lianquan Village."

Yeah, Lianquan Village.

Chen Gang, Wang Dapeng and the second son showed a fierce light in their eyes. Yeah, this is Lianquan Village. It has always been strong and sturdy since a hundred years ago. The beard did not dare to run here. Time shifts, otherwise there is no current Lianquan Village. For many years, the village has not been bullied by others. If there are several elderly people in the village who come to the door of a military compound, there are some small villas that live there. The old man came out to greet him and sang the military song of a trench in the army.

When is an outsider dare to come to trouble in Lianquan Village?

The ridiculous voice and the steps to prepare to teach the figure of the elderly, just like the video on the computer suddenly pressed the pause button, all stood still.

In a short time, I saw motorcycles galloping on the village road. The cars were full of people, men and women, men in their forties and forties, men in their early twenties, all with shovel and pickaxe. , Sticks, and many people come directly from around, some homes are a hundred or two hundred meters away, and walking straight from the field may save half of the road. In this season of bud rice, you can see from the bud rice Dozens of men and women were drilled out of the ground, and there were hundreds of men and women on the village road. Everyone was carrying a guy. Look, the old man in his sixties is also fierce, isn't it scary?

Not to mention others, Chen Hao ’s grandfather has been over the ages, and he has left here for several years, but the one who grew up here from small to large belongs to the sturdy of Lianquan Village. Come out with a cane, Chen Hao's -milk-milk, that's not letting people, as Chen's daughter-in-law, married here for decades, already a person here, old, slightly legged, but also angry Go forward, the meaning is very obvious, hesitant, but also want to smash my house is hesitant, you dare to come in Xiaotuzi, old lady I will never let it.

"Neither of you is allowed to move. There is something tricky about this. Don't be fooled."

Liu Dong and others all depended on Chen Hao to eat. When they were in trouble, they could n’t hide. Chen Hao stopped them and signaled that all of them were going backwards. Outside, everyone might fight with their enemies. Quancun, no matter how many people you come to, this village can 'buy' you.

There are more than 300 households and more than 1,000 people in Lianquan Village. When encountering this kind of thing, the tradition passed down for hundreds of years is that when you are at home, everyone in the households must come out and unify outside. Today you helped others, and tomorrow you If there is something at home, others will help you.

The centuries-old tradition has long been ingrained and buried in the bones of all villagers in Lianquan Village. Now Chen Yuanping is the village head again and Chen Hao is the first star to go out in the village. Chen Yuanping took everyone to get rich. The welfare is very high. Everyone knows that Yuan Ping will be a village director and will not take up a penny of money. People are not short of money. During this time, he is studying. Hao Zi will pay for the village roads and expand the village roads. The road from home to house was cemented. The old Chen family had something to do, and everyone seemed more positive than usual.

Five or six hundred people are at home, men, women, and children are dispatched together, and the children stand far away. Even if they know that this kind of thing is not good for children, the old people in the village will also teach it. This is the 'root' in the village, no matter what generation It ’s a century-old tradition that ca n’t be broken. If you look at Chen Hao and Wang Dapeng before, it ’s an internal problem in the village. How do they do it or bring outsiders to do it? The villagers do n’t care, but if outsiders come to bully our villagers, it ’s really The point is that no matter who you are, we don't make any mistakes and offenses under the premise of-Law-Law.

First, more than 200 people surrounded these cars, and then people from each household came over one after the other, and even the two shops in the village near the main road also carried the motorcycle with a shovel. Now, the three generations of the grandparents and grandchildren of the old Zhou family at the back of the village drove over the antelope in the house. This is the tradition of Lianquan Village. Anyone who tries to break or not follow will become the public enemy of the entire village. .

Chen Yuanping took a step forward, stood at the gate, and watched a few cars a dozen crooked and mischievous: "Run to my house to rob and you must find the right place."


Chen Yuanping directly characterizes the other party's behavior. His words can scare a group of people who have lost their former momentum.

The lead Daikin chain still held his chest up, insisting on his perseverance: "Did you take this from the countryside to deal with me? Do you really think what these gangs can do? Frighten anyone."

Wang Dapeng gave his little brother a look before him. He listened to Chen Hao's words and didn't show up, but the people in the village didn't care about that. A few young men took the long shovel and rushed directly to us. ? Then we will show you one.

There is a sentence on the Internet that fits the style of Lianquan Village.

"Do something, try not to be noisy."

More than a dozen young men started, and the strong men in a group of villages around them were all holding guys. You dare to resist, and several people directly rushed at you.

A few shovel are shot with a **** surface, first pat down on a few knees, and then shouted: "Drop things down, give me kneels!"

Dozens of people are around you, and there are hundreds of people outside. This scene is matched with this group of people who dare to take action, and the momentum of hundreds of people is concentrated. The deterrence is huge, which can make these groups completely afraid of anything. Resistant, the leader also took out a card spring for the final resistance: "Who dares to come here, I will kill ..."

Before the words were finished, Chen Gang's figure rushed in, grabbed his wrist with one hand, and pressed hard in the opposite direction, click it, the snap spring fell to the ground, his wrist collapsed, Chen Gang turned his head and rushed Chen Hao nodded, signaled that the things he ordered were done, and the thing was just as he thought. The other side came in the village road two hundred meters away from the Chen family, and parked the car on the side of the road. There were two people. I touched it in one direction, one in the bud rice field and one on the mountain bag on the other side, all holding a fairly professional DV camera, and photographed here.

At this time, Wang Dapeng also caused the two women in the car who were holding mobile phones to record videos. The village had the sturdy woman, and apart from that, it was slap in the face. In Lianquan Village, many women Its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of men outside.

Wang Dapeng brought the mobile phone and the content inside also confirmed Chen Hao's conjecture. Even if these crooked and mischievous naughty are stupid, they should have heard the famous Chen Haocheng battle in Meicheng that year. Nian should have heard of the hook machine smashing the room, and I've heard of 'Candy' outside the door VS 20 ~ ~ It should be known that Haozi is not an ordinary person in all aspects of Meicheng. As long as he is not a fool, he will definitely not. The only possibility is that he comes with a purpose or someone stands behind him.

What is the purpose of asking yourself trouble and making yourself ugly? It's not for the fire on the Internet.

I really stepped on or hit myself. They took photos and videos and posted them on the Internet. They advertised themselves as how they got. Pack them. They stepped on the current Lele first person. This is very old on the Internet. It's common. Even if the Internet is hitting on this matter very hard, if you can step on it, you will undoubtedly get more.

If you get hit, it doesn't matter. You will change your perspective at once. You Haozi is bullying. Chen Hao analyzes that someone is relying on this. It is obvious that the probability of being beaten is very high. It is known that he and Chen Gang can pick dozens of them. These dozens of materials are really not enough. Chen Hao and Chen Gang took the shot, and the distant video was recorded, and it was a gem to get the hands of some capable people, which would bring a lot of trouble to Chen Hao and also make some people profit.

The second son took seven or eight young men in the village and arrested the driver of the outside car and the two people holding the DV.

At this time, Chen Hao took a step forward. Facing the group, he said lightly: "I don't ask who brought you here. Since you are here, you must think about the consequences. There are at least 500 people here. You can testify that you are holding a weapon and attacking my house. I, Chen Hao, will use all the energy to operate this matter. Please ask the best lawyers for robbery. You will have to pay the corresponding price. I will save you, I do n’t care about money, the people behind you may not care about money, but they, for you, do n’t care about money? ”

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