Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 329: Internet celebrities who are not popular in their hometown are not called Internet cele

"Excuse me, is Brother Hao performing here today?"

"You also watched Haozi's news, so did we, so it shouldn't be fake."

"Where is Haozi? Isn't Lele lost?"

"You're old-fashioned, Lele login requires mobile phone fingerprint authentication."

"Will he come again in this weather?"

"Will you see rain, it has been temporarily cancelled."

In a short period of time, more than a hundred people gathered, a small county town. For the residents of the city, the base of fun and like Chen Hao has been reduced by many times, and even the group who likes Chen Hao even playing, this There is also a possibility that the cell phone has not been watched for a period of time, and this has reduced the probability by countless times, and narrowed again.

Being able to call for more than a hundred people to reach the city square in Meicheng in half an hour, Chen Hao had to give himself a praise.

When I got off the car, I did n’t have to use an umbrella. In front of the occasional dripping raindrops, Chen Hao gave the fans the brightest smiling faces. When he appeared in front of the stage, he caused a small range of agitation. At this time, there was no way Taking into account the feelings of the singers on the stage, take care of the tourists, fans, and family members who arrived after getting the information.

"Ah, Haozi."

"Brother Hao, there really is a show today."

The more than one hundred people quickly surrounded Chen Hao and saw that he did not use an umbrella. Everyone also put away the umbrella. The crowded scene formed by more than one hundred people couldn't bear anybody holding an umbrella.

First came, immediately took out the mobile phone to Chen Hao's side, signaled that he wanted to take a photo, the people around him did not crowd up, but it did not prevent the mobile phone to take a small video to take a few photos, since the fun platform, I hope that I will be followed, I hope that I have a picture, it is a truth to pass the photo signature of my idol to the fans.

As long as he is by his side, whether it is one or two, Chen Hao poses for a photo with him, satisfying everyone ’s excitement when he sees the internet celebrity. He also told himself numerous times, Hao Zi, now thousands Don't feel like you are a star. You are still far away. You still have a long way to go.

He didn't call him, including Chen Gang, and took photos with everyone for more than ten minutes. It was found that the people gathered around him had exceeded 200. Chen Gang squeezed in and signaled that the time was almost up. He was about to perform on stage. Just now, the people in the propaganda department found him, and told him that the camera had locked Chen Hao several times, and took pictures of fans' enthusiasm and congestion, adding some topics to today's event.

City-level performances, especially in small cities, are much less attractive to ordinary people than road shows of small performing arts companies. There are no familiar celebrities. Everyone stops here to take a look. After a while, I did n’t find it interesting, so I lifted my legs and left, like some famous singer host at the city level. Actually, few people know them. Take the host of Meicheng TV as a personal character. There is more or less fame, but in the perception of most ordinary people, most do not know, a few will feel a little familiar, and very few know that this is our TV host.

There was a star, and there were one or two hundred people around on the rainy and rainy day. In addition, Chen Hao's activities saw more people before, and some people in the towns around Meicheng also rushed over, and he stood on the stage. At that time, Tiangong was also beautiful. There was no rain in this section. Three or four hundred people gathered around the stage on the square. Seeing the lively people also knew who was on the stage under the discussion of some people, and some recognized Chen. Hao, running man, Hua Shao, and the hit of big movies on the Internet. Some people who do n’t play on the internet and do n’t know if he is a webcaster or a celebrity, also use him as a star to the outside world. Alas, our Meicheng star, In reality, he is really tall.

In the eyes of many girls at the scene, they are so stylish.

In the eyes of many middle-aged people at the scene, this young man is really spirited, more like watching on TV.

The reaction of many young boys at the scene, cut! Skip your mouth and continue watching.

Chen Hao, who is standing on the stage, has already selected the songs she sang. For such a performance, don't feel that the audience can give you a lot of time. If you can't sing two or three sentences, don't expect them to stop and watch. You, naturally, should choose the song that is the most familiar and the best.

The life in full bloom is now one of the most familiar songs of the people of Meicheng, one of the city's propaganda songs.

Many singers listen to his songs very well, but ca n’t listen to them on the spot. After having the anchor Dandan, Chen Hao does n’t need a little time to perform, so he just broadcasts Chen Gang, eat one, and bring it to the audience. Feast, in this rainy weather, he used his voice to penetrate the gloomy sky, giving everyone another strength.

During this period of time, some fans came over one after another, and some people heard that the Internet celebrity star Hao Zi was performing, and they all ran over. These people paid attention to Lele and watched live broadcasts and videos, but they were all in their spare time. I do n’t charge for gifts and do n’t worry about what I have to watch every day. I have nothing to look at when I have nothing to do. I also know who ’s fame and who ’s a good show.

If it ’s nearby, and it ’s okay, you ’ll be willing to come and join in this lively scene. Take a look at the most enviable group of grassroots stars today. What Xidan girls and Internet celebrities in the past few years, you do n’t know them How do I make money? I only know that I started to participate in various activities frequently after I became popular. You do n’t have the exact amount for the specific amount, so I wo n’t be envious.

The current Internet celebrities are different. Live broadcasts make money, watch gifts, and gossip news is leaked every day. How much money did XX make today? How much money a 3,000 anchor earns a month, how much a 10,000 anchor earns a month, not only It is a gift between live broadcasts. These gossip news can also basically analyze how much extra income they have. In short, the vast power of gossip has made big anchors become the object of admiration for many young people, and they have all been jealous of this industry. There was a keen interest in joining this profession.

Chen Hao became famous in the first world war. Many gossip anchors of the first world war analyzed his income over 10 million yuan. He did not deny it some time ago. He did make a lot of money in the year. He was not inferior to everyone's guess. This is equivalent to helping. Lele made an advertisement to make more young people more interested in this industry. They are eager to succeed and eager to attract attention. Fortunately, after Lele unified the rivers and lakes, the threshold of anchors was raised, and the live broadcast of anchors was also More restrictions have been imposed, making the argument that the anchor is a paradise for low-quality people to make big money in the past, which is almost extinct.

The number of people under the stage gradually increased. The scene of four or five hundred people was completely different from the previous depression. Chen Hao was also struggling. This song was also full of atmosphere. People who did not understand music also knew what to distinguish. What's nice is not good.

Intense applause and shouts from the audience sounded, with Haomen's fans as the guide, and there were wonderful programs here, and other audiences would not applaud to give wonderful performances.

The host who was on-site at the scene came to the stage and was a host of the TV station. He was a little known locally.

"It's wonderful. I almost forgot to come on stage. Let us all once again applaud Haozi."

Where there are fans, there will be no lack of atmosphere. The host's voice of welcome welcomed another round of welcome wave for the scene. Many girls shouted are not enough to express their emotions and screamed. Finally Collectively shouted the exit number: "Haomen is always here, and accompany Hao to be old!"

For Chen Hao, it was moving, more responsibility, and a little bit shy. When he was so shouted, he felt that those who were not his fans would feel very strange. When he stood on the stage, he had So a little embarrassing, but more moved, it feels good to be recognized.

"Wow, Haomen's friends are really enthusiastic. Then we all know that Haozi is a celebrity on the Internet and a rising star in our Chinese music scene. Recently, in the shows of running men and young children, we often see His figure, do you think, what is the difference between him in reality and him in the camera? "The host tried to drive the atmosphere of the scene ~ ~ but I do not know that the atmosphere of the scene does not need him to drive, Just enter the bursting state.

"More handsome!"

"So handsome than the camera!"

"Haozi, I love you!"

Shouting and shouting, he ran away, and the scene directly from a hundred people just listened to the song, and occasionally applauded, more and more people walked away, until now four or five hundred people gathered, crowded forward, applause shouted The atmosphere created by the girls makes you feel that this is a concert, not a regular city show.

"Okay, we all know that this full-blooded life is a promotion song that Haozi sang for us to participate in the national civilized and sanitary city election for Meicheng. This song has been sung by many people in one place ..."

The host's words weren't finished yet, and the audience was inconsistent but shouted loudly: "Running man."

"Running brother!"

The host almost didn't need to say anything. The two questions of interviewing Chen Hao were almost constantly interrupted in such a voice, and the atmosphere at the scene was solidified and inflated in a state where the balloon was about to explode.

"There is another song that we are all familiar with, and it is also the theme song of a show ..."

In the end, the host spoke the last sentence, but it still did n’t need to finish, and he did n’t need to ask questions, and the audience had already shouted.

"Flowers and teenagers."


The crazy shout made Chen Hao smiled, walked a few steps forward to the stage, smiled at everyone, took the microphone to his mouth, this action was to speak, he did not think much, but just The moment he was about to speak, the originally boiling scene suddenly received more than 70% of the sound. Although there are still many people shouting, but the gap between the sounds, you will feel the sounds of the remaining people. It's too small, and the surroundings are much quieter all of a sudden.

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