Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 193: Control fate

Gao Hongbo got along well with many of the staff of the guild. He was an executive who later entered the studio. His idea of ​​wanting a little identity in his heart was very shallow. At that time, the idea was to integrate into the entire system as quickly as possible. He quickly established himself here.

I tied myself with Chen Hao and mixed a good relationship in the company. This is Gao Hongbo's workplace strategy.

Because of his good popularity, some employees secretly sent him photos and small videos of Guo Kailang's appearance, and he also gave flowers to Chen Hao by offering flowers to the Buddha.

It is really Feng Shui taking turns. The cruelty of the Internet is reflected in Guo Kai's body. Think about his scenery as the leader of the Soy Sauce Team at the Guild of the Times. At that time, everyone was willing to call Kaige. The Guild also had an intention to give He took a good position because he couldn't help himself, but also tried to compete for the best male gold medal artist, for a single award, Tian Ge is willing to give him a fight, it is not impossible to get a first place.

Everything is his own arrogance, and the model for pretending to be B is Guo Kai.

When the guild felt that it was a brother, a sister was a kind of indisputable, and felt that they had the right to speak, when the guild channel meeting, always always speak in the voice of all anchors, I do n’t know How many people scolded him in private, feeling that he was too capable of pretending to be a big tail wolf.

From peak to trough, it only takes a short period of time. During the year, less than five million canvassing votes were made. The shame has been lost to the uncle's family, and the matter of tearing up B with the local tyrants has even occurred. People felt that it was not a wise choice to give him a gift. Then, on the day of the awards ceremony, he ran to grab the lines of Dongge, making the very successful awards ceremony with a little flaw, which completely offended Dongge. Then the two sides started tearing, and it was so angry.

The year is over. Everyone wants to relax and take a good look at the live broadcast of the anchor. As a result, there is such a 2B. It ’s like a brother and even the Tianya Association behind him. The kidnappers followed the Guild to work with him, but it turned out to be self-defeating. Before the hotel attempted to expose a strong actress to a female anchor, it was completely ruined. It was unfortunate that before the ruined name, it was completely separated from the Guild.

Although Guo Kai did not perform well in the year, his monthly income was still more than 100,000. With the position of leader of the soy sauce group, he could pull a lot of small guilds into his live broadcast booth.

www 鬒 qiu 买 xiao 択 shuoo 子 r 飗 g Lele has already passed the stage of excessive flashy, whether it is advertising or micro-business, or some fake locals who have gifts for other purposes, everyone has been praised by everyone Get it out as fast as possible, mature and stable platforms without any loopholes, and leave no room for them to operate. Although this behavior makes the anchor's income less, correspondingly, the official will also give it elsewhere Some compensation for you. Guo Kaiyue earns 100,000 to 200,000 online. Some of the activities arranged for him by the government can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. With his popularity as a anchor, it is very good.

In a video, Guo Kai had a snot and cried with tears to review several executives such as Anan.

"I'm sorry for the guild, I'm sorry for the big brother. I really lost my head at that time and did that kind of thing. I didn't evade responsibility. It was my fault. Today I'm asking all big brothers to give me a chance. I just know that the income of being a broadcaster is really a lot. Without this income, no one will pay attention to me anymore, and I will really become an lonely person. No one will know me again in the future. In the face of a certain fan base, let me come back to live broadcast. I will definitely try my best to make a good live broadcast and contribute more to the guild. Do n’t let the big brother down or let anyone down. I am willing to automatically adjust the guild draw ratio to 20. %, Give more back to the guild. "

I saw two, but Chen Hao didn't want to see it. I knew why it was today, and everything is yours.

Sleeping on the screen of the phone, Chen Hao leaned back to make himself more comfortable. When he looked at Guo Kai, he had no sympathy or gloat. It is most suitable to use it as a mirror. However, you can stop seeing him if you see him The mistakes he made can also be seen through the deepest things as the anchor through his incident.

I don't want to control my destiny.

一旦 Once such an idea grows, it will irresistibly take root in Chen Hao's mind. Doesn't he not believe in Tiange, today is the big brother, what if something happens tomorrow? Chen Hao's over-trusting qualities are not possessed by Chen Hao. At this point, he thought of Dongge and his own affiliated guild.

Being a shareholder and partner of a large guild and becoming one of the bosses is a road, but there is a long way to go. It is difficult and difficult to achieve.

Maybe, being the boss of the guild is the real kingship, but only making the affiliated guild bigger. No one has succeeded yet. The reality is reality. Those potential anchors have long been attracted by the favorable conditions of the guild. The anchor will not go to your anchor affiliate to start the live broadcast. Chen Er, can it be a typical one, everyone else is handsome and beautiful, can I be here ...

www 野 qiu 缣 特 xiao 蹙 shuo 鳋 c 誩 om Thinking of this, he couldn't wait, and now there are so few opportunities to carry out a superficial confirmation of his inner thoughts.

"Second son, on the number, I will help you to contact the official, and formally apply for a personal live broadcast room." Back at home, taking off his coat the first thing, Chen Hao motioned to Chen Er to apply for a personal live broadcast room.

He has an idea, which is still immature, but he faintly touched a bit of direction. He tried it first, failed, and lost nothing.

Chen Er, whether it is the number of followers of fans or the click-through rate of video works, is actually very high. The only difference is the self-confidence that passed the assessment. He feels that being a anchor can be handsome but not ugly, right? I don't have any talents, I can't sing or dance, I will dress up an alien, and I will swallow a fist.

Chen Hao made a recommendation using his account number directly, and asked Gao Hongbo to take advantage of his former official staff. He contacted the staff of the assessment team to review Chen Er's application for the live video room.

With Chen Hao ’s new popularity king in the year, Chen Erkai ’s live broadcast popularity does not need to be worried, leaning on the back of the tree to enjoy the cool, the anchors who follow this road, most of the success is also the bottom of the live broadcast group, much more on their own Anchors who strive to obtain the qualification for live broadcast pay less, and the number of live broadcasts supported by their family members can only be that the air tower is not stable enough, and both sides have advantages and disadvantages.

Chen Er's assessment ended smoothly. It only lasted less than an hour. He had his own live video room. The ID number of the live room has reached ten digits. It's hard. It only depends on the number of followers you follow. Everyone enters your live room by following your followers.

"Complete daily tasks and reward DJ dance song adaptation ability. You can rely on the adaptation ability to make the corresponding shout Maimai song yourself."

"Post daily tasks, choose a live broadcast period, with an hour as the cycle, becoming the popular king of live broadcast during this period."

For the reward, Chen Hao can treat it normally now. Sitting here next to Chen Er, closing his eyes for a few seconds, the reception of the ability was declared complete. He felt a little difficult for the next daily tasks. This is a task that is simple, easy, and difficult. In a normal time period, the popular king of live broadcasting must choose to regret the old anchors, but if it is placed in the middle of the night or early morning?

Almost instantaneously, this idea was temporarily pressed by Chen Hao, so the performance was not promising. It is estimated that even if the task is completed, the system will not give any good rewards. Look at Chen Er's reward for receiving live broadcast permissions. Seemingly simple, but it is extremely powerful and practical. When used well, it can even be comparable to the rewards of mainline tasks.

www 瞮 爞 qiu 裋 仁 xiao 遗 shuo 駆 o 嫹 r 黡 g What time is the live broadcast? ~ Do a good live broadcast, arrange the program, and let Sunny Keer help himself to connect a wheat, a It is not impossible to achieve the popularity king in this hour. It is really impossible to complete the task. Any tricky behavior will feel very shameful.

At dinner, Chen Er and Chen Hao informed about the progress of the MV camera crew. Ma Zhong has already filmed the corresponding surroundings, and the venues for black-and-white color conversion have been found. One is in Houshan. The vast white snow is just right for the outside scene. The interior scene is the closed paper mill on the road to the city. The plant inside is still the old-fashioned large-frame plant. After the important equipment is sold, only the remaining equipment is left. The next abandoned and worn-out equipment was cleaned up very spaciously, and the windows around the blackout cloth were blocked, and there was no problem in interior shooting.

Chen Hao called Ma Zhong, and promised to shoot early in the morning. The best way to take pictures of snow in the morning. The sound of stepping on the snow is also different from the daytime, with a little crisp sound, it is a layer of snow on the surface. It is cold and frozen with a thin layer of ice attached to the snow flakes. When you step on it, the footprints are not likely to spread directly. The aerial shots will have better visual effects, and the series of footprints are very complete.

Shao Yong was not called to report that he had completed the shooting of the provincial city, and he did not try to go to Qi Jingyuan to sell it. It would be counterproductive and very stupid. Chen Hao had a business trip, had dinner, and rushed. I took a bath, took a rest for 20 minutes, changed my clothes, sat in front of the computer, and greeted an official program that must be 'Bloody Rain'. I gathered so many big anchors to play a blind date show. Such a proposition can make people think about it. Lian Pian, how ferocious all kinds of requirements will be at that time.

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