Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1409: First come a small goal

? Chen Hao would like to tell Li Bingbing that you seem to be a bit less.

"Limited Time Rescue 2", released in the summer season, is an old theme, because Chen Hao played the lonely hero as the protagonist. In the state of not having many highlights in the script, it still swept the box office of more than 800 million US dollars worldwide. .

Although this film can't do anything in Oscars, there is still the strength to nominate one or two technical awards. According to the composition assumed by Li Bingbing, next year's Oscars, Chen Hao will use four films to make Oscar Chen Haonian. .

Can it be done?

In fact, Chen Hao was in the layout very early. Don't look at a brake plan that was full of enthusiasm, but it also gave him more buffer space. In the middle, the lethality caused by the brake event, although not to reach the "three Such a powerful work efficiency of the "Sports" team has also improved. From the end of the Oscars to the present half a year, his team has completed a lot of auxiliary work, many of the location shooting have been completed, even the "little galaxy 2" little plum Many of the films have already been filmed. At that time, Chen Hao went to many places to shoot "Wu", and on the way was remotely directed to shoot another film crew.

Little Lizi ’s drama does not need to be directed. This is Chen Hao ’s knowledge. According to the script, you can find a modest deputy director to shoot. You are not afraid of the big scene. Worrying, he himself can take a good shot with a shooting team, and even better a good associate director.

At the same time, in order to better shoot some close-up scenes of "Three Body", and make up for the climate difference caused by time, Chen Hao also specially prepared a pure natural shooting venue, which directly pulled the crew to the northernmost region of the mainland. , Found a place where the temperature reached zero degrees, and set up a shooting site.

Even if it is a real scene shooting, he has to tell the outsiders that I can do everything I want to do. You think that the braking incident was delayed a lot, but I do n’t think so. When efficiency becomes the most important part of the crew, Are you afraid?

The actual shooting period of a movie is shortened to two or three months. I just ask you, my colleagues who are always shouting to stop me. Are you afraid? Fear?

He has more than one fantasy island Oscar next year, no, not only Oscar, his goal is even more crazy, you are avoiding strong opponents, then I Chen Hao will show you how big the real film market is Let ’s see if I will lose the box office due to a collision with my left hand and right hand.

Some people still know Chen Hao's arrangements. Except for the word lunatic, he really can't think of anything to describe him. Both Yin Tianyang and Tian Ge had persuaded Chen Hao, but they were quickly convinced by him. Crazy talents would find some similar people for long-term cooperation. The thought of playing this big would become the center of the topic for two or three months. They Both also felt very exciting, and each will enjoy the attention in China and the United States.

You fight with your left and right hands, this is already the meaning of the Seven Injury Boxing. Injury to the enemy is one thousand and 800 damage. Now you not only have to hit your right hand with your left hand, but also add a foot to come in.

The three movies that entered the market in the same large-scale period, even if they did not appear on the same day, this is equivalent to the most brutal ‘cannibalism’.

"Three Body", he is going to be released in early December. After all, the commercial atmosphere of this film is a bit less, it really needs Christmas time, it is easy to really lose some box office and attention.

"Wu" and "Galaxy 2", he is going to harden the Christmas schedule, the former one week earlier, the latter directly set Christmas.

The style of the absolute hardliners is to be rigid, and this is also a small goal he set for himself.

Earning a billion yuan has nothing to do with him, because he sits at home, and the various distributions will bring him a lot of revenue. Jackie Chan said that he still receives some money from time to time to shoot "The Rush Hour". . Chen Hao has more cattle than him. It is the share of the screenwriter and actor. There is also a special share. More importantly, he has a share of the share around the road. Sitting at home for a year, one hundred million falls from the sky. His words actually suit him better.

The goals he set for himself are also related to the ultimate mission of the system. Now that he wants to make Huaxia an Oriental Hollywood, it is worse in all aspects. What he can do is keep narrowing the gap from his own perspective, and there are so many more. Only with the hard work of excellent industry players, it is possible to do it.

Already the most famous superstar, how can you expand your influence?

The easiest way is to keep blasting the news and creating topics for large-scale discussions. The last and most difficult thing is to keep refreshing your achievements, so that the followers gradually can't even see their own taillights. A Chen Mr. Honorable name is not enough.

Now you guys think it's crazy for me to go to Oscars in four movies a year.

Now you guys think it's crazy for me to release three movies in a month.

Then wait a minute. In the future, I will let you see Mr. Chen, who is more crazy, let you see more crazy behavior.

Don't ask me if I have this ability. In the past, compared with Li Bingbing or Jackie Andy Lau, I was really too busy. Compared with those who suddenly became popular after being suddenly red, they were made a lot of money by various activities. Little fresh meat, I'm really too busy.

Now, I will take the initiative to 'overtime'.

Or you can give your schedule a little more intensive. Think of the group of Li Bingbing who only sleeps for four hours a day, wake up at three or four in the morning, and make up on the road. Whether it ’s an airplane or a car, I ’ll go to bed when I get a chance Jump into the water to film ...

When sitting down and drinking, listening to these people talking about their past, Chen Hao only had the words of shame, and he was embarrassed to make up for it, or if Jackie Chan suddenly came to say: "Hao Zi, you went to Hollywood It ’s hard, right? ”

In this sentence, Chen Hao estimates that this wine will not be able to drink. Can he say that he has gone leisurely? Can he say that his start is almost a divine disguise? Even accumulating enough starter pretends is enough to make these people around them think of collapse. Can he say that he is the first crazy character clown, the so-called hard work of shooting is just the hard work of figuring out the role?

Hard shooting?

Intensive work arrangements, tired?

Non-stop running field to participate in activities?

Travel intensive?

does not exist. It does n’t exist at all. In the past, Chen Hao also knew that his work-life ratio was very good. Even the busy shooting was only concentrated for a short period of time, and during this time, it was not that he was shooting around the clock. He has a special way to go into deep sleep, and his physical fitness has been continuously improved, which makes him never feel tired and want to sleep in bed.

Today, I heard Li Bingbing talk about her various efforts for filming. Until she sympathized with her, she would have to work hard to succeed. Chen Hao herself also insisted on broadcasting every day, exercising every day, and taking every opportunity seriously to achieve today's achievements. He just feels that if he now increases the density and intensity of his work to 80% of these ‘workers’, is it possible to have enough time to complete the set goals.

The answer is yes.

There is a professional team around me, which has always been somewhat useless in this regard. Other popular artists must be in various activities to arrange various trips in a state of collision. It needs constant coordination and constant adjustment. On Mr. Chen's body No, he did one thing, which was basically to do one thing at a time. After the work was finished, he started the next work. Even though there were some temporary activities and performances, he also had enough time to arrange it.

Once the work enters the intensive arrangement, he provides the approximate length of time to complete the work. Once calculated, it is still four months before the "Galactic 2" arrangement released at Christmas. It is enough.

With sufficient calculation arrangements, Chen Hao can sit on the crew steadily because the length of work provided by him brings a little buffer space. Now that he is more efficient, he is more confident and will directly discuss his plan with Li Bingbing Out, also gave her the most violent motivation, telling her that as long as she rushed up and said that you are not allowed to have a dream plan, just crying after the Golden Horse awards a movie, ready to be in case one day you stand in Dolby Theatre On the stage, if Dolby Theater happened to be holding an Oscar award that day, what would you be like?

Do you have expectations? If you have ~ ~ You can start sprinting now, get a nomination first, let audiences all over the world know who you are, and you wo n’t just run into a good film by chance as a meteor in the future. A film, but relying on their own strength to get the crown that all actresses pursued for life.

Li Bingbing's whole body is like fighting chicken blood, she was fighting for the filming. However, she has started to pay much attention to her age, but from this second on, any obstacles she may encounter in shooting have become insignificant in her eyes. .

Every second except filming, she even deprived herself of sleeping time to study the role of Ye Wenjie in "Three Body", so that the assistant found a lot of materials of that era for horizontal comparison. Before she felt a few games The role is alive after the big show is performed. Now she starts to pay attention to each play, and even regrets that some of the previous plays did not really make the best state, even if she did n’t shoot too much, in fact, she was looking for this The team came to help herself analyze which scenes could be re-shooting. If it was just a matter of remake costs, she would rather pay for it and make multiple scenes, she would be more confident.

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