Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1403: "Admission Ticket" for "1 Family"

The lifting platform has not reached the level with the stage, and it still has a height of tens of centimeters. It is still rising slowly. Under the stage effect of spray and dazzling lights, Chen Hao jumped up. It was also very fashionable and followed the music. The rhythm also jumped up.

In this way, there is no rehearsal on the site. It is impossible to sing. It is possible to show each dance. It is enough to complete the current performance. The little girls at the scene screamed out of control at all, compared with the various states of Haozi. They still like Hao Zi who is handsome and cool, or like Hao Zi who can take away the soul of a person with one eye.

The four handsome guys are on the stage. Even if the jumping limbs are not coordinated, they can warm up the scene and find the three of them. Not only is it a relationship, the word idol is not a derogatory term. It is actually a The middle amount cannot be killed with a single stick, nor can it be easily believed.

These three people still have a certain talent, otherwise they just rely on their faces to support themselves. Chen Hao doesn't need to give them a chance. Some are young people, batch by batch. When it comes to handsome, it is better than one. Can definitely carry younger.

Hi, I ’m in a good state, and I ’m not restricted on the stage. Four people showed a very good impromptu performance. At the beginning, everyone felt that it was rehearsed in advance. Looking at it, it was not the case. It ’s really a live improv performance. When you see this state, the audience ’s emotions are even more crazy. It ’s completely shouting regardless of the shouting. You have to know that there are some centrist fans who have doubts about which one they like. Even if she finally stood in Haomen's camp, it did not prevent her from liking other artists.

This is just the appetizer today. With the concert and the rounds of interaction, the whole scene is always in a state of hi. Chen Hao is still the style of the past, and it can never show a hundred points. In points, his concerts are less frequent, so every effort is made to interact with the guests. It is impossible to imitate it. You ca n’t take them to tour concerts with you. When you wait abroad, If you want to interact again, you still need on-site coping skills.

Finally, there were more than three minutes. Chen Hao danced with the guest area on the spot. Everyone was like a party. The entire guest area was the dance floor. Everyone jumped in place to form a very lively scene. I did n’t feel enough of the shooting shots. I could n’t lock a person. I just kept shooting up, down, left, right, and back. I did n’t dare to push the close-ups directly. The time was too short. I wanted to take as many photos as possible. Many people.

Such a big scene is definitely not persecution. It must be that everyone is playing hi, at least most of them are up and willing to play along with Chen Hao. With so much pavement before, everyone didn't find it so embarrassing to be so lively. It seemed that some people who could play did not feel enough. They all wanted to run to the stage, and they wanted to come directly to the stage with a version of the 'dance party'.

When it comes to dancing, it is better to say that it is an emotional display in addition to everyone ’s happiness. No one will ask how the scene will behave unexpectedly. Under the background of lights and music, you are still all around. At this time, just like in the night show, as long as your body moves with the rhythm of the music, it is good-looking, and it is a performance that suits the situation.

A concert can be like a big party. In the current recognition of the success of the concert, this is one of the criteria. Only when the atmosphere is in place, the audience feels that the price is worth the fare. If it is sung singly, even if it is sung for four or five hours, the entire scene is like a stagnant water, you must rely on the applause and waving light sticks under the command, then it is meaningless. Already.

After returning to the show five times in a row, Chen Hao ended the concert. In the background, the guests have gathered early to wait for him. The star is also a person, and the star is also chasing the star, like a selfie madman sending a brother. Chen Hao took a selfie photo, and then saw this photo on Weibo.

Tonight, it seems that a group photo is a status symbol and display, and it is also an admission ticket for me to enter some kind of circle.

The braking action has shown the victory. At this time, joining it has the lowest risk. After the victory, you can harvest the fruits of victory with Chen Hao and others. At the same time, because of entering the circle, you have a new title on your head-acting. Good and well-produced actor.

Who is the brake? Except for those who have been publicly displayed on the table, there seems to be only one way to discern-you are not standing in Chen Hao's circle, it proves that you may be a member of the braking group once.

The audience inside and outside the scene refused to disperse in Hung Hom for a long time. Chen Hao, who was going to wait for the show to leave, could only leave the road forcibly. All the guests got the treatment that they were almost overturned by fans in their cars. Thanks to the two rows of safety guards on both sides of the convoy to take the car away, otherwise the excited state of the fan rushing to the car window will have a sense of sight that you are suddenly in the last days, not that they are scary, it is such wildness It's also very exciting for artists, you are good enough to make fans so crazy, so this wild you must include it to your own acceptable range.

Some guests followed Chen Hao in a coach and looked down through the gaps in the curtains of the car. If possible, Chen Hao wanted to meet with you. I hope everyone can face separation in a normal state of mind. This time we are separated. A preview of the next meeting.

Think about it, from the top to the bottom, no one agrees with him to do so. The appearance of your kindness will likely cause the entire scene to get out of control. Once there is a little difference, the accident is a big event. Then you will not just do bad things with good intentions. Your personal image They may be implicated in it. In the past few years, Haomen's **** fans have helped maintain order, otherwise the public activities again and again will make the scene more chaotic. Only **** fans will get together to chat. We can't give those secret bugs any chance. We need to help the boss to take a hard look at the surrounding venues and not give outsiders any opportunity.


Coming out of Xiangjiang, it opened a show in Malaysia. The lively atmosphere, the effect of the concert and the extended influence did not lose the one in Xiangjiang.

A new song in a concert, twelve concerts lasted a month, took a circle around the earth, and finally returned to Yanjing, where the best one is used as the finale, the final scene There were more guests. Two old men, Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei, also appeared at the scene of their son's concert for the first time.

I didn't hide it deliberately. Many fans in my hometown knew who was the boss's parents. Early in the morning, Xiaodi took Qiao Xinmei to dress up and Qiu Yu also found a special stylist to take care of Chen Yuanping. Two People are really a little accustomed to it, but they are surprised when they see themselves in the mirror. Is this still you?

Last year, the two took a large set of wedding photos in Meicheng. At that time, they were gorgeously dressed, and they knew they were fake. They would not go back in life with such a big red color. Today is different. From top to bottom, if you return to Lianquan Village, Baozhun will scare everyone. This is still Chen Yuanping who is holding a broom to sweep the snow. It looks more like a university professor.

In the evening, Xiaodi accompanied the couple to sit in the last area of ​​the guest table, and was locked up by the large rocker on the scene. They did not advance to the feature, but anyone knows that at this moment, Xiaodi can be accompanied by him. Vaguely similar men and women to Mr. Chen, must be his parents.

Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei both have very young mindsets. In addition, their son is an artist, and they often pay attention to the entertainment industry. Generally speaking, their age can not be too much as a star. They are It's clear that talking about a star at home with a daughter or a young man in the village is also a good idea.

I have also had contact with some artists because of my son's relationship, but this is the first time I have contacted so many people as close as today. After entering, the two were accompanied by Xiao Di and they did n’t need to introduce each other. Who is chatting, the other party came to take the initiative to call an uncle and aunt, some people are even older than the two of them. It may not be able to open the mouth to call the uncle and aunt, but the respectful title of each sentence has never been less. .

"Hello uncle and aunt."

Zhou Dongyu has a face that is very pleasing to the elderly, especially when laughing, it is very clever. If it is not Xiao Di who is beside, both of them will misunderstand that this girl has the meaning of chasing her son ~ ~ The little flattering feeling in the enthusiasm of the shares cannot hide the true thoughts in the heart.

At first Chen Yuanping and Qiao Xinmei were still a little embarrassed, and they did n’t know if it was okay to laugh, or they should brace their faces, peeping at Xiaodi, and realized that the daughter-in-law did n’t have any unhappy expressions, so they were relieved and waited until they were seated at twenty After a few minutes, I'm not surprised. I also understand why Xiaodi is always a light-hearted man. The male artist and the director haven't said anything. In this moment, more than a dozen female stars came together. Greetings and greetings from the coldest, the enthusiasm of the two people also made them understand that there is only a small part of the reason for having a good affection for the son and Wuwu.

When you stand at a sufficient height, most of the people appearing in front of you will not be greeted with extraordinary enthusiasm. In this enthusiasm, the compliment you see does not have a low-minded feeling, just human nature, Everyone wants to be closer to the supreme person in everyone's eyes, which will add some glory to his body.

"Seeing that, I am a family with Mr. Chen, and our relationship is closer."

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