Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1374: Can't afford to lose

Let the annual ticket fly for a while.

This is not an original or new vocabulary. A long time ago, the anchor sometimes made a big move, so that the iron powder of the guilds and consortia and live broadcasts, concentrated on a certain period of time to brush the annual ticket, in such a way The momentum comes to gather popularity and let more people pay attention to themselves.

Someone said that Chen Hao has a large number of fans, and this force cannot be ignored. The reason why opponents don't care is that the power of online tourists can hardly be controlled and utilized. If they are enthusiastic, a wave can be used, which is to control their rhythmic work, and no one can do it for so many years.

The big rhythm of 8 million free tickets, ten minutes, even if only half of them are free tickets, then Chen Hao's personal influence is scary enough.

It took another ten minutes to pass, and the annual ticket flew for more than ten minutes. The large amount is still not large, with more than 5 million votes, which is 10 million votes ahead of the second place.

"Let ’s go to the live broadcast room and send some links, but you can broadcast the live broadcast as usual and let them chase it."

This wave is not pressure for Kerr. All commissions do not need to be returned. She can use it as a human repayment. I thought of brushing each other for Chen Er. As a result, Chen Hao did not let her shut down. Live.

In a series of six live broadcast rooms, a large-scale soy sauce group of 20 million people. Except for their own consortium, there are no swipers with a scale of more than 100,000, which is accumulated by everyone's free tickets and ten eight individual tickets. Get up.

Ten bucks and eight bucks are definitely not enough to talk about Chen Haokeng's own fans. Just think of everyone as having a fun, buying a drink or a cup of coffee, and watching the fun give a little money.

Finally, the footsteps in Xiong Wazi ’s live broadcast room, Chen Hao thanked everyone and said, "Everyone do n’t have to charge money. We have already done what we should do in the game. There is no need to fight for a dead net. It does not make any sense. It ’s time for me. I would like to ask you to support these six anchors. Do n’t vote for free tickets. If you are a local tyrant who is willing to pay for the annual ticket, I ’ll go here first. A few of them thank you. "

If you want to do it, you must start here with Ker. She has accumulated 50 million votes here. Except for the year in which Chen Hao participated, this is already the highest number of votes in the year. You can get a first in any year. Famous, ten million ahead of the second place.

As soon as Chen Hao was offline, as soon as 20 million were scattered among the live broadcast rooms, the other party chased after him, really gritting his teeth and holding his breath to chase.

No one's money is brought by the wind. Even if Lele secretly supports it, it will hurt when these millions of brushes go down. Now you let the anchor return in full, and the anchor will not do it. In order to bankrupt one year, If you owe a large amount of money, you will lose more than you pay. The anchor and the guild will just say one thing. I do n’t want to do anything in the background this month. I do n’t make a penny a year. I do n’t bear the rest. Let me bear too much I would rather not, this is already my bottom line.

The anchor is so understandable. Your fighting level is too high. I'm just a small person. I can be wiped out by pressing any finger. Just play. Don't take me. I'll be a mascot.

The guild is awkward, and Lele will not give you 100% crazy back door brushes. That will undoubtedly tell the world that this game has appeared as an "administrator" to break the balance in the game. You care about Chen Hao Anyway, people are playing in the rules. We want to use some coercive measures to press him. Your guild must be able to stand up and can afford it, so we can cooperate with you secretly, make a few trumpet, and brush up. One swipe.

That's a ten million lead?

The guild gritted its teeth and brushed more than 6 million votes. The anchor broadcasted more than 200,000 votes, and the rest was made up by Lele. The more than 6 million were white flowers, which was obviously not enough. Ten million ahead of you makes you chase, you do not lead back ten million, do you feel like you have a winning posture?

Do you want to brush it?


Gritted and continued.

Although Lele is now the largest company, many investors are willing to set up Lele Guilds, and there are also many large investments. Now, the assessment assets of several major guilds can be several hundred million yuan. In a year, they also have capital of 100 million. Of course, you do n’t have to take out so much money. Many of them are used repeatedly. In the end, all the money is made by tourists and local tyrants. Most of them were put into pockets by Lele. It ’s normal to make money without making money.

The guild gritted its teeth. The anchors supported by the guild in all previous years have already redeemed the commissions they received for the anchor. At this time, the guild only smashed it up and smashed it again. With more than 3 million, Lele secretly brushed less than 2 million, and led Ke Er more than 5 million.

In Keer's live broadcast room, the number of votes flew up again. The lead of more than 5 million has never really been achieved. The consortium and fans she has accumulated over the years have been desperate. All of my online entertainment expenses are still okay. I can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the Internet a year. Then I wo n’t spend it in the future. I invested in it once today.

Some good anchors also came to get tickets. Mr. Chen has done everything he can. Now is your guild?

Silent. During such a life-and-death battle, her guild chose to hang without concern.

During the live broadcast here, the family let their families mortgage their several stores, cooperate with their bank deposits, and directly buy out the contracts in the last year according to the previous anchor contract.

You are kind to me, don't blame me for being wrong.

With a contract and money, the entire process is directly notarized by Lele. Although it has not yet been signed, it has fully entered into force. From this second, Kerr does not need to bear the identity of the guild or continue to be drawn by the guild. , Lele will have a special staff to carry out commission statistics before the end of the contract time, to the next month will be normally issued to her previous guild.

The news came out six hours before the end of the annual competition. This kind of thing must be two diametrically opposite statements, while saying that the guild who had fought for several years in public was so ugly. In the incident, the image of the entire guild will be affected; on the one hand, it is said that the guild is innocent and righteous at this time, but the children are fighting to such an extent that you are indifferent, and instead of me, I will not continue to sign the contract.

The whole Lele mess turned into a pot of congee. Duan Chun and Lang Kuan were both opponents of Chen Hao. Although they were also dissatisfied with him disturbing the annual competition, they turned around and thought about it. In fact, he could understand that he was just Ke'er and his apprentice's live broadcast room brushed, but he didn't go to the live room of Qianer and the newcomer Yu Ze before.

Now that this is the case, it is no longer possible to distinguish between right and wrong. Instead, the winner and loser who was not too entangled before has become the key. Lele can't afford to lose 100%. In the perspective of Lele, Chen Hao lost, that is, his reputation is slightly damaged. It is a good thing for Lele as a whole, he stands too high, so high Lele must look up at him.

I ca n’t afford to lose even more now. I thought it would be Chen Hao who took his savvy team to brush it, but it did n’t mean to hurt his muscles. A wave of free tickets, a wave of lively rewards, just a few The guild was dragged into the quagmire, and the anchor's own consortium worked hard, even Lele, who secretly wanted to help the winner, was dragged into this pit, you can't brush it Right?

If you do n’t brush it, you will lose power.

Brush, really want to brush to the point where everyone knows the stuffing, that is not the victory and defeat stepping on the profit of Chen Hao, the entire Lele will be hit by a huge reputation, by this time, there is no huge advantage, Le The music aspect is also timid, and I dare not brush it. It is not a question of how much to brush, it is a problem of brushing the filling. Once the filling is exposed, the price to bear and pay is unimaginable.

How to do?

Will Chen Hao shoot again?

Some media from the outside world have begun to report on it. Some entertainment media attach great importance to it. They are all discerning people. Some people want to step on Chen Hao's position. This is clearly placed there.

Some fans of Haomen pointed directly at the new guilds of various guilds. All kinds of arguments and arguments were taken out. They questioned that these numbers were not the guilds of their affiliations. It was not specified who they were, but it was not clear. More suspicion.

Brother Tian was dispatched. Except for Keer, he had brushed up the friendship. The remaining five were two of his guild and three were apprentices of Chen Hao. He drove several guilds that everyone was familiar with. It ’s been several years to brush the ticket number. I can see the figures for several years. I started to brush at that station. How many tickets are swiped is not the purpose. The appearance of these numbers seems to be in the guess of the fans who support Zheng Haomen. A kind of dissatisfaction from the senior management of Le. You almost got it. Do you really want to break the net? Can you afford it?

Huanju Times officially announced a message that seems to have nothing to do with Lele ~ ~ but everyone with a good eye can see that this is clearly aimed at Lele.

We lose, and the big deal is to lose some more money and lose a little fame, which we can afford.

"The time of the happy gathering is about the last commercial investment of 300 million yuan. Chen Hao will personally produce it!"

In a movie, money came back.

Investing 300 million yuan, do you think Mr. Chen went to battle in person, how much money can this film make?

One year, I will brush up with you, so what?

Try to defeat before winning. I've thought about everything, and I'm still in battle. Do you think what will happen if you fail?

Tian Ge ’s move really scared Lele ’s shareholders. If it were n’t for now, it would be a long time to withdraw if the tiger rides hard, and the key is to withdraw now, and it is bound to pay a lot of price.

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