Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1367: Acacia in the Storm

? Xiangjiang.

Here, every 70s and 80s will have a unique picture memory. The Hong Kong films that used to accompany everyone's growth have made many of the streets and neighborhoods here become a sign.

The car was slowly driving in the city, and the driver was obviously instructed. Although the blocks here always appear congested, they deliberately bypass some familiar places.

Neither Chen Hao nor Xiao Di came to Xiangjiang for the first time, but every time they came, they would have different feelings. The changes here are fast and the changes here are not fast.

Morning and evening rush hour to see the pedestrians on the bustling street, the pace here is too fast.

In the morning tea time, sitting in the bustling street tea restaurant, slowly drinking a cup of milk tea, watching the pedestrians hurriedly through the window, a morning tea can be drunk for an hour or two, until the newspaper in your hand reads back and forth, the rhythm here can be very slow.

Prosperous metropolitan block, prosperous metropolis rhythm.

The old neighbourhood, which is slowly being eliminated by the times, is slowly becoming a forgotten corner.

In several old shops, Andy Lau personally took Chen Hao and Xiao Di to taste. It goes without saying that the surrounding crowds are increasing, and more than 20 security guards have a tendency to gradually resist. Andy Lau has to laugh. Say, "It's still your face."

Seeing a star in Xiangjiang is really not a big deal. There are film kings sitting at the tables next to you in several old shops. Don't be surprised. I saw Zeng Zhiwei in the street, Zhang Jiahui in the restaurant, Nicholas Tse in the western restaurant, and it was no accident that I ran into a star in the morning.

"Looks like ordering takeaways?" Chen Hao didn't pretend to be indifferent. Now he doesn't need to be polite. Some positions are already there, regardless of his age.

This time I went to Xiangjiang to help a few good friends make a new album to help him. He had selected and adapted his songs. Andy Lau made a phone call and asked him to take a two-day flight from his hometown to this place. Xiaodi also followed, and several old Xiangjiang singers were her idols. She also wanted to see the music rooms where the classic songs were recorded. In Xiangjiang, many old studios are still there today, and time is not there. Those 30 years will be taken away directly, and those songs that my brother and sister listened to when I was a kid were recorded here.

"Otherwise, you write a song for her too. When it's entertainment, you can sing something at some events or parties in the future." Andy Lau suggested.

Xiao Di immediately looked at Chen Hao with a careful look. He was not unhappy when he saw him, and whispered, "Just let me sing his song."

Someone once suggested that Tiandi agreed to let Xiaodi release the album, but Chen Hao gave it to him. Xiaodi is not unable to sing, but she must not be called a singer. Many pseudo-singers, it doesn't matter if she sings, but there is still a distance to major, singing some saliva songs is OK, a little difficult, and there is no way to maintain stability in live singing.

After this, Xiaodi will not mention it again, and no one else is allowed to mention it, but there will always be some large parties and the like, everyone will sing and dance, she can also sing some other people's songs, but as a matter of fact, Heavenly King, Heavenly King has so many popular songs that he didn't let him write a song for you, which is justified.

Chen Hao touched Di's head: "Since you like to sing, then sing, let's talk, what style do you like?"

"Really?" Xiao Di's eyes lit up and she couldn't believe it. She always felt that he was against singing.

"Just like it now."

"Love song, I want a love song that can sing with you."

When Xiao Di says that she wants a love song, it will really melt any iceberg. The most important thing in her heart is to sing a song with her lover, and to sing in front of the public only to the two of them. song.

"Okay." Chen Hao nodded.

In the two days in Xiangjiang, Xiaodi met a lot of musicians she likes, and she has seen them on various occasions before, but she did n’t have such a way of meeting to make her happy. In the recording studio, she watched those who were old and old. But people who can still move themselves with the sound of music are full of memories to kill, full of emotions.

But when she saw Chen Hao who was sitting outside as a temporary producer for these people, the power of recalling killing was gradually worse than his charm, and her eyes gradually shifted from the person who recorded the song to him, watching He sat outside listening to the sound inside, listening to those people singing their songs, and stopped.

In Xiao Di's mind, my man has given me a higher demand for the word worship. What should the mood be higher than worship?

Chen Hao actually came here to make a look. Everyone is selling his face, and using his songs, take a look. You can accept an adaptation like ours, and we can't accept it.

The adaptation rights of other people's songs are sold, and Chen Hao's are all given away. Some people who want to make big changes must respect him, and ask him to be a producer when they come over.

Chen Hao did not point his finger at the point. Whenever he spoke, he must make constructive suggestions, and he would let the other party clap his thighs. He did not say who he meant to guide from beginning to end. They are all experienced singers. In the recording studio, many times the request is a full recording. Some so-called singers record one sentence at a time, and they do n’t deserve to be singers in their eyes. I heard that there are still more exaggerated, one-half-sentence recordings, and then one word at a time. Extracted and edited into a song, is that still a singer?

For five or six people, it took only one afternoon to record it. Yes, it was originally intended to let him listen to it. As a result, I sang it a few times and saved it, saving time. After the end, this one said that I had a bottle of good wine, the other said that I had a box of cigars that had been kept for a long time. As the home base of the China Film and Television Promotion Association, Chen Hao's achievements in the music scene were doomed to these singers in Xiangjiang Treasure Island. Spend some energy and carry the banner of music.

"You can wait for dinner. Don't worry, I just wrote a song and everyone will help you take a look."

Everyone knows that he is going to give Xiaodi a song. I didn't expect it to be so fast. It was only one afternoon before he wrote it? Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, why are you obsessed with film and television, the world of music needs you to open up a new world.

"I'll sing it again, let's see how? A Cantonese song, for you, I hope you like it." Chen Hao sat in front of the keyboard, watching Xiao Di, in front of outsiders' love words, more lethal.

Xiaodi was more moved because he noticed his preferences, but she liked Cantonese songs better. Although she was n’t sure of the pronunciation, she was willing to practice the pronunciation for this song. She vowed secretly, regardless of the song. How difficult it is, I must find a better vocal teacher, even if there is no way to learn for a long time, but this song must learn to sing, can sing well, because this is the song he wrote to me.

Everyone came over and looked at a piece of paper he had taken out, notation music, and shaped lyrics.


Andy Lau pronounced the song's name: "Acacia in the Storm ..."

"Difficult to resolve all kinds of sorrows, know each other and love."

"The sea of ​​love has become vast, and I feel cold in the wind."

"Flying across the world, he will meet. Xiao Xiaofeng wailed in the torrential rain."

Many little girls think that their lovers are the most handsome and charming when they sing love songs. On the Internet, whether they are live or live singing some love song videos, the traffic is very high, except for those classic great songs Beyond that, these are the people who most like these shows.

Singing affectionately, put your own emotions into it, use the ability of the love song prince with the ability of the **** of singing, the most authentic Cantonese pronunciation, before the song is finished, the people next to them ca n’t help but close their eyes and follow the music The rhythm of the song followed the melody of the song, slowly shaking his head, his expression full of enjoyment.

This is a song full of the flavor of Xiangjiang.

The old-fashioned and old-fashioned word is no longer mentioned now. The songs are good. No matter at what time, they are all golden songs. You can't get more people's likes with trendy equipment and soundtracks, or with trendy singing methods and styles. That's waste too.

There are tears in Xiao Di's eyes. What is romance? She feels that those compliments on the Internet are weak, and she lives in romance, and her man completely wraps himself with his love, so that she can no longer feel the existence of others, and in her eyes Only him, just want to come forward, hug him tightly, and never give up.

Andy Lau and others have been mixing rivers and lakes for decades, but when I saw this song, I couldn't help but want to sing two words.

What is a love song? It does n’t need to be so popular at the moment, it just needs to have enough vitality. Five years later, there are still a lot of people in KTV singing. Twenty years later, on the stage of a party, one man, one woman, two women The singer will still resonate when singing this song, then this is a good love song.

In the eyes of Chen Hao, there is only Xiaodi, watching her, and playing the keyboard again ~ ~ With a simple and melodious melody, he speaks again, this time it is not a Cantonese singing, and I did not follow it Sheet music.

"Let my love accompany you forever."

"Did you feel that I was worried for you."

"I found out in relative sight, what is fate."

"Are you waiting, there is a lover."

This is not the song that he extracted from the lucky turntable, but in the current environment, when I thought of it, I played it directly, using the simplest and straightforward lyrics to use what I want to say at this moment, using The way the song is performed.

"We keep that love for each other, no matter what happens again!"

Xiaodi's tears were raining directly. She didn't want to bear it anymore. She felt that she had everything at this moment and the whole world. The word of happiness had been completely interpreted at this moment. In her life, maybe no more There is no need to pursue happiness, because it has been integrated into their own lives.

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