Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1364: My memories our memories

? Yanjing, the lost city.

At the corner, there is a three-story building that has just been completed and has a personal atmosphere. The overall appearance is full of strong personal style.

In front of the building, there is a small playground the size of a 100-meter-long runway. Four buses can be parked on each side of the road, leaving the middle gate directly to the building gate.

The entire building is still in the non-operating stage. A Mercedes-Benz business nanny car is coming over. Chen Hao, holding a Nobel medal and certificate, and Xiaodi, who are also in the same couple, stepped on the ground after getting off the car. A layer of snow that hadn't had time to clear up, crunched, and was quite childish.

"That's it. How about my design?" Chen Hao pointed at the unique appearance of the building with a bit of display.

Xiao Di nodded with a smile: "It's your style." There was a bit of ridicule in the discourse. Most of the time, art did not have a measurable standard. She responded to him with Chen Hao's words: "As long as Maverick is unique and can be accepted by the public to a certain extent, that is art. "

Designed by Chen Hao.

These four words are enough. A large number of people who follow his footsteps will regard the style of the building's facade as a favorite style, even if they don't understand it.

After teasing, Xiao Di pointed to a glass wall that was only one or two meters wide from the front diagonally all the way to the far end: "This one is really special. It is estimated that it will feel more from the inside than from the outside."

Chen Hao gave her a thumbs up: "Know me."

Although it is not listed, when you walk into the building, you will know what it is doing.

This is Chen Hao's Art and Life Exhibition Hall, an exhibition hall specially built for him by Huanju Times, Red Dot, and Lele. It will display all the honors and resumes from his debut, with trophies and special historical objects. Like the picture of his struggle, he marched to all the audience in the form of exhibition.

Some things in Meicheng Studio before, some trophies in the era of reunion, this time all moved here, and will continue to increase, you will feel that an artist who has not yet reached the age of thirty, the end of this life is Is it just this?

Upon entering the door, it was a hall full of Chen Hao's style, with both security equipment and a rest area. There are also many reception areas, but several consecutive carved reliefs are classic characters of Chen Hao, of different sizes. Looking at the moonlight, a person was a little scary.

Chen Hao and Xiaodi introduced the history of this thing. It was built in a short time. The three parties invested, the three parties contributed, and the three-bedroom design.

"Red Dot didn't want my things to be in the era of reunion. Both of them felt that Lele always advertised me, and they were very upset, so the three parties negotiated to build such an exhibition hall and hold the lost city. Tickets for the playground can be visited here once with the ticket stub. It is not open to the public and does not sell tickets. It will continue to draw some prizes in my name and give them to my fans as prizes. Tickets, you can come and visit at any time during the year, there is only one chance to visit. "

Along the designed corridor, I knew from the time of designing this exhibition hall. No matter how controlled, once a fan of Chen Hao came in, he would definitely be unwilling to go out immediately. There would be some congestion. Look at the design while walking. Going through his resume is the best way to solve this problem.

All of this is just a few years. In Chen Hao's memory, it is not too far away. Looking at these just feels sighing and kind. I still remember to just go back home and start broadcasting live. Every day ...

Xiao Di takes it seriously, she wants to know more about the men around her, even if she is together all day, she still doesn't know enough.

Seeing a little doubt on her face, Chen Hao, as the most expensive narrator in history, was both a solution to her confusion and a summary of her own life. Looking at the pictures taken and the familiar ones Things, he was willing to share everything at that time with the woman around him.

"To this day, I still miss the moment when I first came home. At that time, I had no money. I ran outside for a few years, and didn't mix anything. I worried my parents at home. You do n’t know. I just came home. At that time, the living conditions of our family were not good. Apart from the new house, let alone deposits, and owed outside money. I knew that when I first got the leaves, some of them sang and sang in me. What was your mood at the time of the reward? "

Xiaodi knows the three Ye Ziyi, and the sixth sense of the women she met has been extremely accurate. Some words she would not deliberately search for the answer, that does n’t make any sense. Now she is standing by the people around her, in her mind. Think back to what he was feeling back then.

"The three of them are very popular. Not only can they be used, they also drive my name, so that I can slowly raise my head to become a real anchor ..."

"In the beginning, as a newcomer, the guild took care of me. Lao Cai and Kerer were also good to me. I made a lot of money in the first month, and then I got more than a month after that. All the money was spent at home, especially the older sister. When she married the older brother, many people said that it was because of my mischief that caused trouble to the family. In the end, there was no money. It was the gift money sent by the older brother. Only then did I repay some of the debts and settled the things that caused me. At that time, Shiliba Village was talking about me, saying that I had dragged my elder sister out of nowhere, and a good girl married a sister-in-law. "

There is a photo of the live panorama of his rural room at home from the angle of the door.

Fire flame, cabinet, decorative background wallpaper, computer, computer desk.

Xiao Di grabbed Chen Hao's arm, and leaned against him tightly, no longer going to see for himself, but listening to his explanation, walking slowly under his traction.

"For the first time in the year, I used to be envious. I was jealous of the tyrants and heroes who madly gave gifts to support the anchor. Millions of millions of dollars went up. I did n’t dare to think. When the anchor returned the money, at the beginning, I really lost the support of Ye Zi and their couples, so that I was not eliminated early. "

Little Dill pulled Chen Hao's arm, obviously saying that I like to listen to this paragraph, you talk to me.

"The guild is not a stripping-cutting-level-layer. It must exist. It's the same as a real-life brokerage company. There is no threshold. It doesn't matter if you want to be a host, but there is not enough resources to support it. You want It's impossible to get up. You can see the gap in one year. Whether it is the resources that the guild can provide to you, or the resources applied by the official Lele, or the ability to brush tickets for you every year, it is not comparable to casual people. of……"

Little by little, the speaker does not need to conceive, because this is what he has experienced, such as several family treasures. Everyone is the same. Telling about the history you have experienced, even an unspeakable person will become talkative, there is too much to say.

Xiaodi listened quietly. From time to time, the two walked a few steps forward. All the pictures were the best memories of Chen Hao. When the anchor was there, it was actually very beautiful, including those nasty things. Now I think about it. It's also very interesting to get up and being chased by dozens of people at the door of the bar, and killed back with Chen Gang. Those past sturdy past may not be comparable to his performance today, but it is more flavorful today. .

It ’s not easy for someone who likes you to think about the past. It ’s either impatient, or you think you ’re bragging, and where will you always look at you with the eager look, when Chen Hao talks about participating in running men, he starts to produce Xiaodi With some unrealistic thoughts, she was emotional at the moment and offered to kiss her.

Standing in the hollowed-out area in the center of the entire exhibition hall, the sky was dark outside, and the lights in the room had not been turned on. The sight was slightly blocked, but they could not affect the mood of the two at the moment. Until all the lights clicked, Xiaodi took it With a little blushing face, the whole person was stuffed into the arms of the man around him.

Here, monitor it, wouldn't everything just be seen just now.

Chen Hao laughed, hugged Xiaodi, and continued shopping. Everything that followed was almost experienced by the two together. Instead, the memories of being the anchor were not interesting. People all miss those hard days after their success.

"Let's go home and see our parents."


The Nobel Prize medals and certificates are placed in their place. Two people who embrace each other want to enjoy their time together. Many of the previous things have not been fully explained in detail. Chen Hao also wants to To hear Xiaodi's story ~ ~ It is rare to have such a good mood.

The modified Big G4X4, plus that Mercedes-Benz business car, Chen Hao and Xiao Di drove the Big G. Some food and water were prepared on the car, and they drove to the highway directly from the side of the lost city. Chen Gang, Kang Yan, Qiu Yu and Xiaodi's assistant Ashun took a commercial vehicle and sent Xiaodi's one man and one woman to security. They drove another off-road vehicle, set off in Yanjing, and chased two cars on the highway.

The car is driving at a high speed. There are not many high-speed cars. The music is not loud, and the sound is not loud. It can be regarded as a supplement to adjust the speech.

In the car, the two continued the topic just now. The journey of more than ten hours was not a problem at all, and the mood was in place. It was wayward to drive home and people couldn't say anything. Besides, there were so many drivers behind the car. If you are tired, you can change the driver anytime, anywhere. The two of them will switch to the back of the business car to rest. No matter how late, you will be home tomorrow morning.

There is also a benefit to driving at night. You do n’t need to drive an RV to follow. There is no one at night for the high-speed server. There is security around. Both Chen Hao and Xiao Di can get off the car and go to the bathroom.

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