Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1348: There is always Diaomin

"Don't cry, see how many people shoot you, it won't be beautiful to cry again."

At the airport in Yu City, Xiao Di rushed into Chen Hao's arms regardless of how much media around him was watching.

The media guessed that it would be difficult to see Chen Hao at the airport if no one picked it up.

Xiao Di, who was in tears and pears, didn't care about that much. For the first time, he showed a completely tired face next to Chen Hao in front of people. He wiped the corners of his eyes with his clothes, and then leaned against him, leaving him to hold himself towards him. Go outside.

All around is a voice calling for their two names. In the era of smart phones, we no longer need more auxiliary tools. In the face of such a picture, they only need to lift their phones.

There is no one cell phone that can't solve the problem, if there is one, then use two cell phones.

Xiao Di's looks and personal image have never been boring. Today, the attitude of such a small woman suddenly makes the media and fans on the scene feel a bit unexpected.

Chen Hao also saw her like this for the first time. When the two were alone, they naturally inevitably faced each other with emotions. It is also normal to be cute and cute. Although she looks like a little woman, she is very strong in her bones. She was really scared today. She was afraid that the most worried thing would happen. It was only when she saw that the beloved one appeared unharmed, and then she really relaxed. The strength that she had worked hard alone in the past was scattered. Go, don't need that strong self in front of him.

"Okay, I'm fine, don't worry about it, everyone will fly back after the concert, it's very tired, it's not too early. Please go back to rest early, don't be too tired."

Treating fans, as an artist, should always have the same attitude.

This is a hard indicator. As long as you are engaged in this industry, you have absolutely no qualifications for any reason to go against the fans who have not done anything extraordinary.

The media and fans at the scene were also very cute, making fun of Xiao Di, anyway, she is the same today, no matter how other people make fun of it, just burying your head in the arms of a man next to you, it ’s boring. What's wrong?

After getting on the bus, I was able to hold it more comfortably. Xiao Di simply leaned on the whole person. At this time, there is no sound. There is no need to say something. The heartbeat that can be felt between each other already represents everything.

"Don't do such a dangerous thing in the future, I'm worried."

The beautiful red eyes filled with red bloodshots were waiting more nervous than the adventurers, and they didn't sleep well. Don't look at Xiao Hao ’s performance as normal when Chen Hao left. Wait until he leaves. After that, when I was left alone, that worry became more and more serious, and I didn't sleep well for several consecutive nights. Several news apps on my phone were open, and international news was afraid to see what went wrong in that area.

No washing, no food, very simple to sleep in the hotel and clothes, embracing each other, any interpretation and any appeasement did not actually feel the other side's breathing and heartbeat more secure, soon smaller Di fell asleep, but even at this time, she still kept half of her body resting on Chen Hao's sleeping position.

Chen Hao didn't dare to move, she felt as if she was going to wake up immediately with a little movement, she slept very lightly, and she was also very restless. What kept her at ease was the heartbeat and the touch from the body skin. .

That night, something changed inadvertently. They have increased confidence in the future and in the way they live along the entire second half of their lives.

"Let's go shopping!"

The next day, taking a bath and changing clothes to fill his hungry belly, Chen Hao asked Qiuyu to give up the ticket to Yanjing, but instead asked him to buy three BYD f0s outside, pick up the car directly, and wait at the place where he bought the car During the procedure, ask the staff to paste the window film on one of the cars and apply for the license on three cars.

After Chen Hao and Xiao Di took a break to eat and rest for a while, the car had been driven downstairs, and Chen Hao proposed to Xiao Di a living state that was difficult for them to achieve.


Can you shop? No matter which mall it is, it is estimated that it will be overcrowded in an instant?

Qiu Yu and Ashun bought a lot of small foods in the nearby supermarket, plus Chen Gang and Kang Yan, six people and three trolleys that can travel in crowded roads and narrow areas, giving Chen Hao and Xiao Di at least the old city Take a good look at the opportunity of the city scenery. They can't be regarded as serious shopping, they should be considered city shopping.

Even so, Chen Hao and Xiao Di were very satisfied. They drove the car, but the small interior space made them feel close to each other. From time to time, they would touch the shoulders between each other and sit more. The high-end big car, such a small car with limited movement, gave them more novelty, put enough food in the car, the air conditioner was turned on, and they started to wander in Yushi. The small car can also go to some old streets and alleys, and see some more unique scenery, encounter some special snacks or some fun places, although it can't go down, let others buy it for tasting, fun Nice scenery, even at a glance.

Although sitting in the car is actually very uncomfortable, but for two people who have the rare opportunity to have a small will-sex-to play, all problems are not a problem.

"Tomorrow we will go to the nearby scenic area and go directly to Chengdu in the afternoon."


Chen Hao ’s charity concert ended, but the far-reaching impact was to keep the media on him for a few days, until some less accurate gossip news appeared on the Internet. At first, everyone thought it was intentionally attracting others. After the eye-catching hype was confirmed by more and more people, the media once again assembled in the southwest.

"Chen Hao, after returning from the concert, in Yushi, he did not leave to return to Yanjing at all, but drove around in the area with Xiaodi."

A gas station staff member posted a post saying that Chen Hao and Xiao Di found themselves at the gas station.

Some passers-by took the strongest imitation show, and in a f0, two people who resemble Chen Hao and Xiao Di were found.

Someone photographed suspected assistant Mr. Chen Yu buying snacks on the streets of Chengdu.

A staff member at a gas station photographed Chen Hao and Xiao Di. They did drive an f0, but it was not a car, but a small fleet of three.

After these news got everyone's attention, the shopping tour of the two of them could only be forced to end, even if they were visiting the city or watching the scenery, they were just tasting. The two have been very satisfied. When you get enough Sometimes, you will lose something you should have at your fingertips.

I was content to be able to play this way for a few days.

The car was thrown directly at the hotel and handed it over to the company, and the company arranged for it to be given to the small anchor signing here, which is also a small benefit of the guild.

As soon as he arrived in Yanjing and was on his way home, he received a call from a deputy general manager of the company. After listening for a while, Qiuyu motioned to the other party to wait, and he turned to ask Chen Hao: "Boss, Thai That Mario and the owner and agent of his brokerage company are here, waiting for you in the company, hoping to meet you. "

"Isn't Brother at home?" Chen Hao raised his eyebrows. His tone was clearly passed to Qiuyu. In fact, Qiuyu was surprised when he answered the phone, and there was a anger in his heart. Why was there someone in the company? This group of people, how they publicly discredited the boss before, endlessly, because the two sides are public figures, there are means on the countertop, even if the tricks under the countertop are successful, it will inevitably lose the image of a chicken belly.

Who doesn't know what Mr. Chen's temper is, he will never compromise on the relationship that has not been eased. Will Smith was so, Megan Fox was so, Mario? Ignoring you after stepping on your foot to the end is the best blow to you.

Now that someone in the company asked the other party to stay, and they called this to see if they met each other. No wonder the boss would ask such a question. Is the company going to change?

After Qiuyu understood the meaning, he briefly said a few words and then hung up: "No time, I'm gone."

Hang up without giving the other party any chance to speak again. The seemingly impolite behavior is actually the most polite behavior, otherwise you ca n’t even bother to talk directly and hang up the phone, no matter what happens in the company Whatever happened, he positioned himself as the assistant next to the boss. There would be no place for self-doubt in terms of position, so the identity of the other vice president did not have any so-called pressure on him.

"Boss ..." Qiu Yu glanced at Chen Hao again. He didn't say the following words. He knew that the boss didn't like to let Tian Wangyu be annoyed by too many trivial matters. Maybe she had to mature because of her career However, since the two became a couple, what Chen Hao has done is to prop up this sky to give a girl a mature harbor that no longer needs to die. UC Reading

Qiu Yu no longer speaks, and has no words to go home. No matter how comfortable your life is when you go out for a period of time, you will finally have a feeling of exhaustion when you return home. Everything is worse than home, and the outside world is no better. Not so at this moment, the smell that belongs to his own home.

"Take a good two-day rest and go to the United States the day after tomorrow. The casting can enter the substantive stage. The filming of the second part of" Galaxy "can also be officially started. In addition, I told Universal that the shooting of" Limited Time Rescue 2 "is In San Francisco, my schedule is okay, both sides can handle it. In addition, if there is a good script, you can take it to me to see, there are particularly good, I will choose one or two roles to play, always closed the door It ’s not good, and occasionally opens the door. ”

For Chen Hao, this is a job of increasing intensity.

But for Xiao Di and Qiu Yu aside, they have seen more busy work arrangements. In comparison, even if Chen Hao added a little more work, he was far from being busy and busy. This great god, but with a small number of sprints, completed the heights and achievements that others ca n’t reach in a lifetime.

Set a small goal, such as 1 second Remember:

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