Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1338: Supermarket Hao

Xiaodi recently got a new job, specifically responsible for receiving Chen Hao's express mail and gift packages.

After the news came out, Chen Hao also thought it was ridiculous, but it was quite interesting to the cute little Ao Jiao of the women around her, and many times when I saw Xiao Di carefully disassembling the packaging, she couldn't help but go up and kiss her. Sip.

In fact, there are some things that don't need to be explicitly stated. Women are the sixth most accurate life form in the world. Don't look at Xiao Di not to say. There are some things she just doesn't want to say and doesn't want to destroy the delicate relationship between each other.

At present, such behavior is also a gesture. As the gesture of the hostess, I can allow the men in the family to go out for a meal occasionally, but I ca n’t let anyone run to our house to cook for him. This is the bottom line, so you all care Point, the media can unbridled to report all kinds of sex-smell what lace, but you have to know, I'm still, don't assume that I don't exist.

A few years ago, Chen Hao and Xiao Di basically didn't buy home furnishings and small daily necessities. Whether in Yanjing, Meicheng, or Xiao Di's hometown, they have dedicated fan gift warehouses. Every year, I receive a large number of gifts. Although most of them are not worth much money, but they are very caring and loving. Anyone who can dismantle and place them by hand will not take advantage of manpower. Like the large list of framed gifts that Chen Hao stored in Meicheng Studio at the beginning, the names on the contribution list will be written every week in the Lele backstage, and they will be uniformly framed. Now this habit is still retained, you go to Mei The city will see a storage area similar to glass sliding doors. There are hundreds of lists of gifts framed in frames, which can be taken out at any time, anywhere, and according to the date.

The same is true for the gifts sent by fans. There is no way to keep it for long-term preservation and permanent retention. Basically, it will be disassembled and distributed to the surrounding staff. It can be issued only a small part, and the rest will be specially arranged for work. The personnel were sent to various welfare homes and orphanages nearby, and the uniform name of all this charity act was Haomen fans.

Xiaodi is a foodie. He was not able to eat a fat physique. In addition, he has been working hard to keep fit all these years. Then he will have a more capital look when he eats. Every time he goes on the show, he will bring some snacks. The essence of food is vividly displayed.

On the show, the most common thing you see is to take her out to eat and share it with everyone. If there is a shot, you will thank the fans specifically for the camera. Her behavior makes fans who have rarely given food They started a new round of food delivery, a variety of specialty snacks were swarming, and then a small wave of benefits for the company and the staff around them.

Like doll dolls and some crafts, then there are more. There are gift storage rooms for two people and several places. Most of them are storing similar dolls, and they will be notified to the fans at regular intervals. The doll plush toys were not placed at home by the two, and they were taken out to the orphanage or remote mountain areas. Many of the books in the gift were also donated to the remote mountain areas by fans. school.

Over time, this has formed a new model. A large number of fans can distrust other donating organizations, but they trust Chen Hao. A bookmark will be placed among similar gifts. It is a small brother and sister to the staff. Thanks.

Of course, there are also some expensive things in the gift. The staff will count these things and hand them in as soon as possible, such as some bracelets and jade pendants, and some peace charms. There are also a lot of them. Fan base, do n’t mention him, that is, the number of gifts received by Xiao Di for one year cannot be counted. In the program, I have photographed Yan Jing ’s home and Meicheng ’s studio several times. Almost all the furnishings and small The objects are all sent by fans. As long as they can be used, they will also receive the fan ’s heart. Fans who are really given gifts on the show see that their gifts are used by idols. It feels very special.

It used to be domestic, but now abroad, this tradition has continued. Gifts from all over the world were mailed to Galaxy Headquarters. Did n’t you live in a hotel in Los Angeles without a stronghold? This time, we have a place to store our gifts?

There is a large warehouse, which is filled in a short period of two or three months. The left door is pulled in by one car and one car. The other party is good, and then the staff starts to disassemble from the right door. , Red Dot has no previous experience in this area, but it was still a happy time that two people were transferred from Yanjing to tell them how to get it.

Under normal circumstances, there is only one thing that they are not likely to give away, and that is some gifts made by the fans themselves, such as some wooden or ceramic, or origami stars, paper cranes, etc. Things can be stored for a long time without worrying about damage. Put them in the home, put them in the office, and display them in the warehouse.

Chen Hao has stated on many public occasions that if he wants to have a side business now, the ideal is to open a supermarket-type gift shop without buying goods, and there is a continuous supply of goods.

In the fan gifts of Europe and the United States, there are some things that Chinaxia does not pay much attention to, such as collectible cards or small collections, such as baseball cards, and similar stamps and ancient coins in China. Young people do n’t collect and do n’t give gifts as well. Children from developed countries in Europe and America will have some hobbies of their own since childhood. They hope that their idols can share their hobbies and share their favorite things with idols. Maybe when idols have the same hobby as themselves.

Chen Hao also liked to make some small collections when he was a kid, such as some pictures and some food cards. I never thought of anything. It is just a small habit. Nowadays, it is mostly a kind of feeling. It is also a small one. Fun, but he never posted any information to seek for anything, he believes that his collection journey will become extremely simple, and the fun will be lost accordingly.

In the past few days at the Galaxy Headquarters, we can see actors who are working hard. Everyone is working **** the role, and they are not afraid that others will see that they are fighting for Ye Wenjie's role. Some people think about it. Even if you ca n’t compete for this role, you can compete for other roles. The key is to come here to show an attitude to Mr. Chen and to all fans of the original novel. Am I the character in your mind? '.

Chen Hao and Xiao Di began to distribute delicious food to everyone every day. They were given by fans. By giving food, they also gave everyone a reassurance pill, and also gave these people a chance to contact him. To talk about the role, how to make the film, Chen Hao as the chief person in charge is his most important perception. With his influence, if he said that this person is Ye Wenjie in his mind, it would be very It greatly affects the judgment of the audience and even replaces what they think.

There have been shows in China where I am an actor. Everyone challenged some of the characters in the film and television dramas on the scene and restored the performances on the spot. Today's Galaxy Headquarters has some similar unlisted versions of "I Am an Actor" and "The Birth of an Actor". There is no audience review, but after the results are announced, the whole world will review them.

Who can get the final role of Ye Wenjie will undoubtedly become a well-known star around the world before the film starts, and it proves that she will be the winner of so many actors.

The actress came, and the actor was not idle. The "Three-Body" novel began to be carefully studied by everyone. Even in several professional colleges in China, some characters in the "Three-Body" were taken out for performance. In the assessment of the class, the students in the school are all studying the role. Maybe they wo n’t choose the stars but choose them in professional colleges. If they are prepared in advance, it may skyrocket.

In terms of the film school, the head of the department personally called Chen Hao, expressing that he was entrusted by the principal and the school leaders, hoping to leave one or two roles in the new play to the students in the school.

The appeal of the cake of "Three Body" is not exempt from even the film academy ~ ~ Chen Hao received a call and knew that there are many experts in the film academy who do not need to confirm the news. As a student of the Film Academy, a gimmick near the water tower is enough to allow the resources of the Film Academy in terms of student resources in the next few years to stabilize other professional colleges.

"Three Body" is lively here, and "Heroes of the Galaxy Heroes" is also lively. There are more Western characters obviously added in the second part. In terms of special effects, they are really well done. It is also clear that the image of the star creature should be better here. The leading island nations in Asia are also advancing in this respect, and the gap is not small.

The entire Galaxy Headquarters, part of the area is the start of follow-up construction in full swing, part of the area is the filming of the second part of "Heroes of the Galaxy Heroes", part of the area has a large number of Chinese actors are preparing to grab the role of "Three Body".

Several things have a very close relationship with Chen Hao. Everyone thinks he should be very busy. Only the person in the Galaxy headquarters knows that this person is going around with his hands on his back all day long, at most it is chatting, and the rest He did not see what he was doing at all. It was not until a major event that happened to Chen Hao broke out in mid-October that more people ignored the blockade of the Galaxy Headquarters and pointed the camera at Chen Hao in a situation that must break through the blockade. Only then did I know that for more than half a month, I was not so busy shooting and selecting as everyone thought, but on a vacation chatting and drinking every day.

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