Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1321: Not high profile for you

The headquarters of Huanju Times has now moved to the extremely prosperous and bustling Lost City Scenic Area. It used to be a wasteland. Today it can be described as the most prosperous place near the capital city. Everywhere, there are hundreds of tourist vehicles coming from the capital city every day. Various tourist vehicles have also been derived, and even taxis have a special carpooling business here.

There is a beautiful office building in Huanju Times here, and the exclusive four-story space is already a configuration of a large company. If it is not for the company's further development, it will not occupy the entire building. It is not impossible to build a Huanju Times building. strength.

In the Lost City Scenic Area, all buildings with more than five floors can only be built on the side of a dedicated commercial block, that is, the side of the Lost City Tourist Area. When building, it is also fully considered when filming and filming in the future. Except for the commercial block on this side, all the buildings are not higher than a certain height. In some shots that require a distant view, there is no need to worry about wearing out. Even the distant landscapes are real, even if some The small villa between the mountains and forests is for tourists to live in, and it is also placed on the side of the mountain. The front is still left for the artificial lake to form a landscape.

In the Lost City, all public facilities are specially designed in order to shoot without wearing clothes, both for the fresh look and feel arrangement for tourists, and for the smooth shooting of any crew when they come in.

Each pavilion is also a scenic area. Even if it is so hot today, it still only receives 2,000 people during the day and evening. This also caused tourists' dissatisfaction, and had a while, but finally let it go. When it comes to personality and temper, Chen Hao is definitely one of the best. Don't look at him when he gets along with people. His seriousness is notoriously famous. Someone once found Jing Tianlin and asked for a female No. 2 in "The Lost." Jing Tianlin even rejected Chen Hao without notice.

Such things as self-destructing the Great Wall will not be done by anyone who is smarter, let alone knowing the temperament of Chen Hao. He also has to destroy the very good cooperative relationship with each other. Jing Tianlin is not stupid and will not do it. That kind of thing, if you want a supporting role or the like, there is a certain acting, he's okay to open the mouth, it is the new female No. 2 directly, the sweetness of the year is not good.

Chen Hao persevered, and the rest of the lost city is now well-received. Many tourists waiting for it have also led to the development of the commercial area. The supervision system formulated from the lost city is definitely not polite, and it also makes this commercial block The price in the scenic area has always maintained the same level of consumption as the ordinary area of ​​Yanjing. In this regard, let countless tourists praise Chen Hao for the happy gathering. Here, ordinary express hotels range from more than 200 to more than 300. The price is also the price in the non-prosperous area of ​​Yanjing. Tourists staying at this price of the hotel here and waiting for tickets to the Lost City Scenic Area. No one will say that they can't accept it. Yes, or someone will advise you: "Brother, go home."

This office building is not a simple office building in Huanju Times. There is also a consumer area that is very popular with tourists.

There are cafes, tea rooms, and drinks areas on the first, first, second, and fifth floors of the building. You can directly see the first floor lobby. There are various restaurants on the third, fourth, and fifth floors. There are also special gyms here. You are here Consumers will have a great chance to see the stars. Although the era of happy gatherings is the largest media company in this building, there are no shortage of other film and television companies and brokerage companies, as well as several Lele Associations. Lele Yanjing Company is also operating and moving here. The probability of seeing stars and Internet celebrities here is not much smaller than that of the airport.

This also makes some tourists hang out inside and outside every day, and the media will send people to stay there all year round. There is also a rule here, no matter who you are, there is no power to make people around you fans not to take pictures, as long as it is not brought to your side You are about to come into contact with your body. As long as it does not affect your access, then it is normal for you to be photographed by others. Do n’t look like some people still use any machine to take pictures with mobile phones.

Dasha's downstairs is a small square with a parking lot behind. The square is not allowed to park in principle, but there are special traffic areas on both sides. Some cars can be temporarily accessed, and a few cars can be directly in It is temporarily parked here, and there is another extremely special case where the crew is filming the scene. The car can be used as the scene in the play. For example, this building is used as the main scene of the company in the play. Vehicles can be parked here.

Today, the square is lively. First, three large container trucks drove over, and then three cars enough to blast the streets in any city in the world appeared. Porsche 918, McLaren p1, Ferrari Lafar.

The silver-black Porsche 918 was so handsome.

The big red Ferrari Lafa absolutely show his face.

At first glance, the white McLaren p1 is a bit uncharacteristic, but when you are really close, you will find that its gas field is not weak. Buy one without white, but these three cars are placed together. White is rich and has a character.

Although the major brands now have more advanced sports cars, they are more or less conceptual. In the ordinary people's world, the three supercars of the supercar are these three models, three colors, and parked side by side in the small square. In the first place, it attracted the onlookers from the surrounding tourists. The security of the building surrounded the area and separated the cars from the people.

If the three magic cars attract everyone to stop and take photos, then the appearance of Chen Hao immediately required dozens of security to maintain order at the scene. His personal attraction is far more than the three magic cars.

Chen Gang saw the car, just opened the door and just a few glances. All three cars have been modified to be comfortable, and it can be said that they can be opened directly when they are in hand. This gift is not bad for Yin Tianyang It can also be said that the people behind Red Dot Company rewarded him in such a way, and it was a small apology not to bow their heads. After all, he had previously questioned whether it was correct for him to spend so much money on a movie.

Do it early, the reward feels a little heavier, really until the box office broke the record, then even three more cars, it is not as effective as it is now.

"Haozi, is this car yours?"

Someone in the onlookers shouted a voice, and at the same time it caused everyone to raise their ears to listen, is it his car? I saw that he had a lot of cars before, but they were not luxury cars, at most one or two million, that is, the off-road motorhome felt particularly luxurious. Now this suddenly adds up to a car worth tens of millions. feel? Everyone's curiosity is accompanied by the news that the media can blast the streets right away.

Chen Hao never thought about hiding, the red dot company in the car had completed the procedures, and these three cars did not use any good license plates to show domineering. If Chen Hao wants to drive, he can now go on the road. Some of the procedures are the same. The gift-giving is a little more thorough. This is Yin Tianyang's temper. Otherwise, the cigarettes and drinks that have been trained for more than ten years will not be directly sent out. The value is better than these three cars. Most of the magic cars.

"The Red Dot Company rewarded me. I have to thank the board." Chen Hao responded with a smile, attracting envy around him, and how many people dreamed of having one, not to mention these three magical vehicles, even if it is one or two million All the sports cars are enough to show off in Sanlitun, the younger sister and younger sister guarantee a bubble.

"Boss, put up a poss, we take two pictures!" Of course there are many fans at Haomen on the scene, and the title is always the best way for them to show themselves beside him.

"Would you like to take a lap?"


The center of this small square is a fountain. There are some open-air drinking bars around. Drink something here, watch the fountain listen to music, parasols on the head to block the sun, and look at the bustling commercial district.


Chen Hao drove the Porsche 918 first, and slowly walked around the small square, allowing crowds of crowds to take pictures of the open road. When more and more people were around this week, he was surrounded by Chen Gang and Kang Yan. Enter the building.

The three cars drove by people to the internal parking lot at the back. Those who drove did not dare to put them in the underground garage. Many people could not afford to paint this car just by spraying it.

Entering into the room, Chen Hao showed a slightly worried smile. After smiling, he asked the people next to him, "Is this smile a little pretend? Are you worried about receiving such a gift?"

Qiu Yu covered her mouth and grinned, and shook her head when he heard what he said, indicating that you think too much, and we can understand why you are worried.

Nowhere to put it, no time to open it.

"It's okay, the internal parking lot behind is building a garage along the fence ~ ~ A garage that can hold more than ten cars, and the remaining temporary parking spaces are also sufficient for temporary use. Half of these ten garages are reserved. It ’s for you. ”Brother Tian was originally talking about things in the office, and now the era of Huanju is preparing for a round of financing. Every day he has a lot of entertaining entertainment. Only after such a big thing happened downstairs did he come over.

Chen Hao left a set of car keys on his desk and tossed the rest to Tian Ge: "Brother, whoever wants to drive is OK to go out and play. Little Di and I drive less."

This guy, Tian Brother knows which group of people it refers to. You are like Lang Zhonghai Tang Feng and even himself. If you like it, buy one. "You" refers to Jing Tianlin's group of people. When driving other people ’s cars, they are still worried about being too public. If this car is Chen Hao, even if it ’s driving home, the old man in the family sees nothing but driving less.

Brother Tian nodded: "Three cars are not easy to buy. The gift of red dots is not worthless."

Chen Hao took the mobile phone and opened the Lele short video area. The continuous popular works above were all short videos shot downstairs.

Tian Ge smiled with ease: "This is not a high profile for you. How can it be a large private jet." To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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